For You, With You.

Stuck With U
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"Shall we take a selfie?" Baekhyun handed Hiah the mug of hot chocolate and asked. 

They had somehow reached the interval of the movie, so they decided to drink something as a form of taking a small break from it. And even if it wasn't winter, nor was it too cold of a night, Hiah still immediately said yes to Baekhyun's offer of some hot chocolate. 

The girl hummed in delight at the warm but sweet taste of the drink before looking back to the male who was now again sitting beside her, sipping his own warm drink. "Why not!" She shrugged while resuming the movie. She was in a way used to Baekhyun's silly obsession with taking selfies and of course, his love for recording videos whenever he'd be in the mood. It was a little surprising to her, that he even considered being polite enough to ask her beforehand instead of just randomly flashing the camera in her direction to catch her ugliest poses.

Baekhyun gave her a grin. He kept his mug on the coffee table and grabbed his handphone from there. His arm went to its previous position, holding her by the shoulder like he'd been holding her ever since they'd shared that sort of intimate moment - gosh, Hiah was being tortured by her own tummy butterflies ever since that had happened, her lips were still tingling as if she was being kissed by him again and again. "Smile!" He reached the same hand to poke onto her cheeks, bringing the girl out of her flustered thoughts. 

As she looked into the screen of Baekhyun's phone, she found the two of their features painted in a soft smile - not their usual cheeky or funny attempts at a smile, it was a smile that indicated something akin to peace and just simply happiness. They looked happy - almost like a happy couple? 

Baekhyun clicked a few selfies - he had a thing for not stopping just after one selfie. "Change of pose!" During the last few clicks, the male had turned to look at her as she continued with the same pose with the same soft smile plastered onto her face, and whined a little. 

"That's enough for now, Baek." Hiah tried to snatch his phone away, but the hot mug in her hand was limiting her movements. 

"Alright, alright!" Surprisingly, the male conceded without putting up much fight. She was surely liking the gentler version of her dorky best friend as a fiancé. "Let's see how they turned out!" He excitedly exclaimed and brought the phone between them so that both of them could see the pictures he'd just clicked. "You look cute in this!" He kept commenting while swiping. "Oh wow, this one is the best!" He stopped at a particular picture, in that both of them were somehow locking eyes with that previous smile still coating their lips. It was probably clicked when Baekhyun had looked towards her to talk to her. Even though it was somewhat a candid click, it looked pretty nice and more couple-ish. 

"Yeah, this one is the nicest." Hiah couldn't help but agree, staring at the picture again and again. For some stupid reasons, her chest also thumped at that moment. 

"Yeah, I didn't know you can look this good in pictures! Maybe it's the afterglow of our kiss, ehh?" He playfully told the girl with a mischievous smile on his mouth.

Hiah's warm face heated up even more at his sly words. She gave him a short glare with a slap on his arm, "What do you mean? Don't I have any good pictures?" 

Baekhyun winced at the attack but laughed anyway, "I didn't mean it like that, Dumbo! I meant that, you're already beautiful and have nice pictures as well, but maybe our kiss has turned you even more pretty?" He was flattering his lashes at her playfully at the last sentence, but there was a hint of seriousness in his tone before that. 

Hiah huffed, done with feeling embarrassed and now feeling plainly annoyed at her playful fiancé. "Sad that you'd have to kiss your ugly fiancée before clicking every picture from now on!" She jabbed at him, without even realizing what she had blurted out. And when she did, it was too late. The male sitting close to her was already letting out a sly smirk hearing her words. 

"I'd love to do that." He let out in a low voice - he was deliberately doing this to her, playing with her to make her go all beetroot, wasn't he? "I can do that even now, if you want to?" He inched his face closer and offered, letting his hot chocolaty breath fan on her burning face. 

Hiah held her breath to get herself together before she let him toy with her any more, "Shut up! Just watch the movie, or go to bed! Don't disturb me!" Snapping at him, she turned back to fix her focus on the TV screen. 

Baekhyun chuckled, ruffling her hair as he actually stopped his antics and let her do whatever she wanted. "Jokes apart, you're not ugly, I hope you know that, Hi." He calmly stated and then again went back to scroll through his photo gallery to rewatch the photos they'd taken a few minutes ago. "This one's really nice. Can I post it on Instagram?" He poked her arm to get her attention again, and when he didn't get it, he simply shoved his phone's screen on her face.

Hiah sighed. This guy, he really couldn't sit still without having her attention on him, could he? "Why are you even asking!" She rolled her eyes and went back to watch the TV and enjoy her sweet drink. 

"I'm just being a gentleman!" The male mumbled distractedly, already focused on uploading the picture. When he was done and satisfied with the outcome, he again held the girl in his arms, letting his head fall on her shoulder.

Hiah let out another softer sigh, melting a little at his clingy puppy antics. She reached her palm to poke on his cheek before giving him a soft caress there, "Tired?" She asked him softly, not having it in her to go any harder on him while he was being this cuddly. 

"Not too tired. Just bored. I think I've had enough of watching this movie." Baekhyun whined in his last sentence, causing the girl to let out a soft laughter.

"Alright. Then do you have anything else in mind?" Hiah let him choose what they should do next since she wasn't good at making plans or anything like this.

"I don't want to do anything else." The male, still in his snuggly puppy mode, rubbed his nose on her shoulder, tickling her neck with his permed hair in the process. "I want to go to bed." 

"Oh you want to sleep already?" Scooting away from his soft touches, the girl looked up at his face to discern his features. Between the two of them, Baekhyun would always be the last person to be willing to sleep off the night first. So, it was bound to be surprising for her when he was the one who mentioned bed first.

Baekhyun shook his head, a small roll of his eyes didn't let her forget that he could be sassy in any situation, "Going to bed doesn't always mean that we have to go to sleep!" 

"Then what else can we do-" Hiah stopped midway when the wheels of her brain ran and ended up landing her on a tummy tickling conclusion. He wasn't indicating some funny adult business, was he? Holy , she wasn't even completely physically ready - had she known beforehand she would've spent an extra hour in the washroom to shave every nook and cranny of her body.  'And what about your mental preparation?' Oh God, the way she instantly thought about being physically prepared, did that mean she was already mentally prepared for it? Would she be labeled as a ert if she was ready to be physically intimate with her fiancé of two days who was also her best friend for years without any hesitation? Was this even normal?

"Woah, woah, you call me a ert and here you are being one! I didn't mean it that way!" Baekhyun funnily crossed his arms over his chest and defended himself. He must've definitely noticed her red gaping face and concluded what she was thinking inwardly - perks of marrying someone who knew to read you inside out without much effort. 

Hiah couldn't afford sitting there anymore. "N-No, I'm not a ert!" She huffed and got up, secretly trying to fan her face and cool the hell out of it because it was goddamned embarrassing! She didn't even notice that in her panicked state, she did end up storming towards the only bedroom - his bedroom. And her panic gears raged even more when she heard his obvious footsteps coming towards her. Hastily rushing towards his closet, she fished out pajama pants which looked like hers from the pile of clothes, and she blindly snatched a random t-shirt and a fresh towel before dashing towards the washroom. She only let out a breath of relief when she was securely locked inside his washroom.

"Crazy woman!" Her heart jumped like a stupid frog when she heard her fiancé chuckle to himself and mutter to himself almost with an endearing tone.







It was nearing midnight, and Hiah was still wide awake, unable to sleep even if she wanted to fall asleep badly. 

"Can't sleep?" 

Hiah had just moved a little to get a more comfortable position in hopes of finding the right position for the sleep to finally occur. Baekhyun's soft but gruff voice made her frozen like a deer caught in headlights, since she had been pretending to be asleep from the moment he had come out of the washroom after taking a shower and joined her in the bed. It's not like she was avoiding him or something, she was just embarrassed to face him or talk to him while they'd be on his bed after whatever had happened back in the living room. 

Sighing to herself, and knowing that if she now continued to pretend to be sleeping when she was obviously not, it'd be even more embarrassing, she finally untucked her head from the duvet and turned back to face Baekhyun.

She found him in his wide awake self, a soft smile plastered on his lips, and his eyes shone with something akin to adoration the moment they met hers. Her heart skipped a few beats at that. "You know that you're sometimes too cute?" Reaching his fingers to pinch her hot cheek, he murmured. 

"You're also cute!" The abashed girl retorted back as if his words weren't a compliment.  

"I know I'm cute. Thanks!" Baekhyun's grin turned wider and in a way cheeky, his fingers lingered on her face after he was done pinching her skin there. 

Hiah slapped his arm away so that he wouldn't be touching her and giving her tingles inside her stupid tummy, "Your new pillow is hard! That's why I'm unable to fall asleep." She made up a sorry excuse to get over her embarrassing act.

"Ahh, I see!" The male scratched his head, staring at her while he had his thinking face on. Then he again grinned when it seemed like he had reached a solution. "I think I have another pillow for you, it'd be better, I promise!" 

"Really? Where is it?" Hiah faked excitement and asked. In all honesty, the pillow she was using currently, it was just fine - maybe even better than her own pillow back at her home since it's newer and bigger. But she had to keep up her act for the sake of her embarrassed .

"Come here." It was all he said before offering her his open palm. The girl cluelessly accepted his hand, she let out a small gasp of startle when she was pulled and gently manhandled into laying atop of her best friend turned fiancé, having her head nestled onto his sturdy but surprisingly comfortable chest. "Here's your new pillow. World's first human pillow~" The male chuckled at his own joke and held the girl securely to his chest. 

"As if! I bet there are thousands of human pillows out there!" Hiah muffled from his chest. She was in a way glad that her face was pressed onto his chest due to their current position, or else he'd definitely noticed how her face was in flames. 

"Okay, fine. Not the world's first human pillow. Your first and only human pillow. Happy?" Baekhyun amended his statement.

Hiah inhaled, his words doing things to her, and his sweet scent was not helping her either - he smelled like cherries, sweet. Was his body fragrance always this sweet and weirdly addictive? Or was it something new? She didn't know. But all she knew at this moment was that she liked it. "Hmm. Happy!" She murmured distractedly, not minding to continue their small banter. "You're surprisingly good at this." The girl complimented him as he was now softly combing her hair with his slender fingers, lulling her to a peaceful slumber while humming a random soft tune under his breath. 

"Tell me something I'm not good at!" Even in this serene moment, her fiancé couldn't stop being playful, so he joked. 

"Don't get me started, Byun Baekhyun. I have a whole list!" Hiah broke the peaceful silence and declared, prepping her chin on his chest so that she could look in his eyes and state confidently. His face was so close, the proximity would've been burning her if not for her being fully determined to wipe off his playful . 

Baekhyun raised a brow at her, "Really now? Okay, go on. You have my permission." He challenged back after rolling his eyes to the fullest, his fingers stopped brushing her hair and just rested on her shoulder, holding her.

Hiah propped herself up a little bit more, resting her one elbow on the bed while another on his chest to show him the count of her fingers while she'd be listing out the long list. "Okay, first of all, your cooking -"

"Hey! I can cook edible food! Do not insult my cooking skills, Missy!" The male interrupted her even before she could start. A big protesting pout took place on his ridiculously handsome face, making him appear too adorable.

"Shut up and don't interrupt!" The girl resisted the urge to do something about their close proximity and him being too cute to handle, and warned the male before starting again, "So, I was saying, your cooking . You don't make your bed immediately after waking up. You keep the dirty dishes for the next day. You take more time while getting ready than a guy should. You're not good at flirting-"

"Hey! How's that a bad thing? You should be relieved that I haven't been flirting around with other girls!" Despite her previous warning, the ever so impatient best friend slash fiancé of hers had interrupted her for the second time, earning an instant glare from her. "And for your information, I'm good at flirting. I just don't do it with anyone." He even claimed quite proudly.


"Yeah, that's why you've remained dryly single until you're forced to marry your best friend!" Hiah joked - though the look Baekhyun gave her made her lose her smile. The playful gleam dissipated from his eyes, being replaced with a small but too serious to be ignored frown. What? Did she go overboard with her words? Was he offended? Did she rub a sore part? 

Before Hiah could get tangled into some deep and perhaps depressing thoughts about the idea and reasons behind their arranged marriage, her world turned upside down without any prior warning, literally. Within seconds, she found herself on his pillow while the male was somehow hovering over her, his eyes shooting a small glare at her direction, his lips turned into a downward curve - making him look sort of angry but attractive as well. At this moment, her vision was filled with Byun Baekhyun and Byun Baekhyun only. "Tell you what, Kang Hiah. Flirting…. is for kids. Real men believe in directly showing their intentions through their actions." 

His deep voice captivated her like adhesive, his eyes were closer and she could se

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41 streak #1
I really missed our cute couple 🤗🤩😍
Chapter 6: I love this story!! Baekhyun and Hiah are too cute! Can’t wait to see how their relationship develops!
Chapter 6: I love this! These 2 are so cute. I wonder how long Baekhyun has liked her?
and their friends? icing on the cake🤣
41 streak #4
Chapter 6: Really really missed them so much... and their relationship development was so cute and lovely.. hope to read more about them..
Chapter 6: I really miss this story
it gives a totally different vibe, you experiencing the whole zoo in your stomach or something even better which i believe i can't describe well since english in not my first language..any way the point is, this is so special and amazing! Looking forward to see where the fate will take these cuties into :)
Grats on the promo
Chapter 6: I miss this storyy
keyseopie #8
Chapter 6: Rereading this again cause I misses them 🥹🥹 btw, is baekhyun gonna buy a ring for her tho?
41 streak #9
Chapter 6: My whole expressions while reading: 😊🙂☺️🙃🙈😅😆😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☺️☺️☺️☺️🤭🤭🤭😌😌😌😌😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😀😃😄😄😄😄😄😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🥺🥺🥺🥺😍🤩🤗😘😘😘
Cried cause couldn't stop laughing, smiling (my cheeky and tummy hurts now😄🙈🙂😍), cooing at the cutest and lovely couple's sweet conversations and moments with each other.. they are the sweetest and too cute.. glad that they were finally getting on next level.. omg... so their friends were the real culprit who accidentally did the greatest work ..hehe... aww.. lucky people to have such good friends.. loved the way their relationship is developing... hiah is really cute and hilarious.. morning incident was too hilarious.. poor baekhyun..hahaha... the couple and their little cute activities really stole my heart.. and become one of my favorite couple 👫.. so happy for them.. loved the way baekhyun supported her ..that's so sweet of him.. the last part made me emotional though.. aaahhhhhh I'm just in love with them.. thank you authornim for updating and writing such an awesome and sweetest chapter. ❤️🤗🤩😍 this chapter was really so refreshing for me after a stressful day. 🧚‍♀️👏👍🤗❤️😘
SummerLuv #10
Chapter 6: Hahahaah their friends are so annoying yet fun. Way to a chaotic morning 😂 & I think Baekhyun might have been interested in Hiah since forever, given his actions and words since the engagement. I hope Hiah would fall for him or realize her feelings for him soon!!