Count On Me.

Stuck With U
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Hiah couldn't grasp a hold of Baekhyun even if he hadn't left the city for the whole of next week. She had tried calling his number, but he wouldn't pick up. She tried visiting his home, but he wasn't there. She even tried visiting his office of his clothing brand HIT - Hot in Town, but he would use his personal assistant to shoo her away with the excuse of meetings or factory visits.

But Hiah still couldn't blame him. It was actually her fault. It all happened because she was a goddamn coward. She didn't keep her promise of doing something about her bastard of a boss like Baekhyun was expecting and insisting her to do. Her boss had poured tons of work upon her shoulders the following Monday after that weekend. It was the quarterly reporting time in her office, so she knew even a small disturbance in between would cause a storm over the top management. She just thought maybe she could wait for the strenuous week to go by, and she'd be able to gather enough courage by then.

But her idea wasn't acceptable to Baekhyun. He wanted her to take action immediately. Instead of waiting for her to let him know when she was done reporting her boss, he himself came to visit her home that Monday night. And when she told him she couldn't do it and wouldn't be able to do it within this week, he got really mad at her. Byun Baekhyun wasn't someone to get mad at anyone easily, but once he did, it was feral. And it was Hiah's first time being the center of his wrath, so it was bound to make her suffer badly. 

"Hey, you look sad! Anything happened at home?" Hiah's coworker, Taeri, handed her a mug of coffee and sat down beside her in the common room for female workers. It was their small mutual break time during this extremely busy phase of the year, thus they got to finally talk about something else other than financial reports and numbers. Taeri was a kind girl, she was Hiah's senior in both age and designation, but she was very friendly to Hiah since her first day in this office. They were quite close, so they kind of knew each other's home affairs as well. 

"No! I'm fine. Things are quite calm at home as well." Hiah sipped her coffee and told the awaiting girl. To think of it, things were in fact too calm at home. Since today was Friday, her mother should've already been listing out new men to send her on a blind date with. But this week, her mother wasn't bothering her like usual. Was this really only calmness? Or was it calm before the storm? 

"If I didn't know you better I would've guessed that you've fought with your boyfriend and now you're wallowing over it!" Taeri pointed out and the other girl sighed. "Okay, so I'm guessing it's about your best friend then? What was his name again?" The older girl knew Baekhyun, but only through Hiah, as she didn't manage to meet him face to face during the times he had visited Hiah at their office. So, it was normal for her to not remember Baekhyun's name properly.

"Baekhyun." Hiah let out a bigger sigh after mentioning his name, she couldn't deny Taeri's claim though, her mood was indeed down due to Baekhyun.

"So...I'm right?" Taeri poked onto the girl's shoulder and asked. Hiah managed a nod, looking down at the mug of brown liquid she was holding onto. "So what's the issue? Is he dating someone else or what?" 

Hiah's head snapped up hearing that. Why would anyone think that Baekhyun dating someone else would affect her mood this way? "No! He's not! And even if he were dating anyone, I'd rather be happy for him?" She clearly stated without any doubt. "We just had a disagreement and now he's avoiding me, that's all." She lastly clarified her reasons so that the older girl wouldn't assume anything funny about her and Baekhyun.

"Ah, I see." Taeri nodded, understanding. However, her face again twisted in an anticipated smile which was already familiar to Hiah, she knew the older girl was going to talk about her and Baekhyun's relationship status again. "Since you both are single till now, why don't you just date each other? I mean, I'm not trying to force my advice onto you. I'm just telling you as a friend and as a woman, I feel you two would be good for each other. You two have known each other since you were little, you two understand each other, like to spend time with each other. And what I can see from your social media posts, he's quite an attractive man. I'm also sure he respects you a lot and takes care of you. What else a girl should be wanting from her life partner?" 



Taeri's words rang in Hiah's head for the rest of the day, she had somehow left that situation by telling the older girl that her and Baekhyun were more like siblings. So why was she suddenly unable to stop thinking about Baekhyun?  'Maybe I'm just missing his dorky too much!'  Her inner self contemplated and she immediately agreed upon it. 

When the clock hit around nine at night, Hiah was sorting out her desk as she was finally going to leave for today, a tiring Friday. Their hectic week ended today, they had successfully piled up the reports that were to be submitted to the higher ups. Even if her boss was an absolute with what he'd done in the past week, the man was definitely efficient in his performance as a leader. And that was what made Hiah even more afraid regarding whether she wanted to report him or not, because he had certainly become an eye candy of the top management with his working capabilities.

"Good work, Miss Kang." Hiah stopped breathing when she heard him from behind. She was the last one to leave the office room designated for her team, thus it undoubtedly left her and now her boss alone here. When did he leave his room and arrive here? How long had he been watching her when she was lost in her own world of tangled thoughts? 

"Thank you, Mr. Kim." She bit back her nervousness and replied to the awaiting male as formally as possible. 

"So, since we're done with the reports, how about we get back to some personal business?" He leaned into the nearest desk from the door, while Hiah was still in front of her desk which was situated at the right corner.

She could swear she saw a nasty glint in his gaze as he visibly scanned her from head to toe. She didn't waste any time in gathering her purse and handphone. Good thing was that there were CCTV cameras surrounding the whole inner vicinity of the office, so she wasn't fully trapped here. She knew he wouldn't dare to do anything too risky like trying to physically approach her when they're inside the office. And he wouldn't be able to do anything when they'd be outside as well. So, all she needed to do, was to remain calm and leave the office as soon as possible. 

The way he kept gazing at her, his intentions weren't hidden at all. So, her mind was already blaring loud alarms, causing her instincts to react and immediately call someone - more specifically Baekhyun's number since his name would always come to her mind first whenever she'd be in any sort of trouble. But there wasn't much of a probability of him receiving her calls at this moment as he'd been avoiding her effortlessly. And she kind of didn't want to depend on him regarding this matter, she desperately hoped she alone would be able to handle it. "As far as I'm aware, my job description doesn't specify any personal bindings with my boss or any other coworker. So I'd take my leave now, Mr. Kim. Have a good night!" She confidently stated and willed herself to keep her head high when she'd walk past this disgusting male. 

The male immediately opened up a file - keeping up an act before the cameras that he was talking about work - and stood in the middle of the door, blocking her way even before she could reach it. It made Hiah's blood turn cold, making her strong exterior slightly crack. "Now now, what's the rush, Miss Kang? I was just trying to offer you a humble dinner, you know? Since there will be the promotion season in the upcoming month, I'd like to discuss your performance evaluation with you. I want to recommend you for a promotion, your work is impressive." He told her in a low voice, Hiah wondered whether he wanted her to be seduced by his annoying tone. 

"Oh that's kind of you, Sir. But I actually have some plans tonight-"

"Why are you playing so hard to get, Miss Kang? You didn't even reply to my texts last week. Are you shy or what?" The persistent male didn't seem to take her polite words into consideration as he kept revealing his dirty layers one by one. Did this arrogant male think just because she was a single woman with no trace of visible love life and most specifically she's nearing her thirties, all of these would make her desperate enough to go after her married boss? Or did he think she would be sold out to him with the promise of a promotion? Well, he was definitely wrong then.

"I didn't reply because they weren't related to work. I thought you had mistakenly sent me the pictures instead of your wife." Hiah mentioned his wife in a cold tone, hoping that he'd back off now. She had seen his wife in his social media accounts, that woman looked pretty decent and she seemed to love her husband a lot. Hiah wanted nothing but to slap this male right in the face for not even flinching at the mention of his wife. 

Her boss scoffed instead. "Don't talk about that old hag! She doesn't appeal to me anymore ever since she's given birth!" He talked as if he was speaking about someone disgusting. 

Anger boiled inside her head at that. How could this man be so ungrateful towards his wife who had carried his child for months and given birth to it after endless sufferings! "Listen, you piece of sh-" She was about to forget all the leftover etiquettes and give him some piece of mind when her phone vibrated, ceasing the flow of upcoming unfiltered words crowded in . She wanted to cry then and there out of relief. It was Baekhyun's call. "My boyfriend's calling, excuse me." She smugly told the male before hurriedly receiving the call. "Baek?"

The line was silent for the first two or three seconds, perhaps Baekhyun had registered the relief in her tone? Or it might be the desperation in her voice that he'd managed to hear? "You're still at your office, right? I'm waiting downstairs." The male spoke from the other line, his voice sounded heavy and almost cold. God, he was still upset at her. 

"What? Are you really waiting downstairs?" She asked her best friend and eyed her boss whose features turned annoyed hearing that. "Would you like to come over here? Actually my boss is here, so maybe I could introduce you two?" She insisted softly when she heard a hum from Baekhyun.

The line remained silent for a few long seconds before Baekhyun let out a 'Coming!'  and ended the call without any delay.

"Since when do you have a boyfriend, Miss Kang? I thought you were single?" Her boss wondered, looking absolutely pissed, as if Baekhyun's arrival had ruined whatever plan he had. 

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kim, but I don't think I owe you any explanation regarding my relationship status." Hiah let out a small scoff - feeling fully secured and confident now that she knew Baekhyun was there - and let the older male know boldly. 

"It's your loss. I wanted to give you promotion and so many things-"

"Oh really? It's good to hear that my fiancée is getting a promotion!" Baekhyun's loud voice interrupted the older male. 

Hiah's eyes widened at the title he'd just used. She should've texted him that she'd used the term 'boyfriend' not 'fiancé'. She just hoped the old dirtbag wouldn't be able to catch this detail. Before she could react to anything else, Baekhyun had already dodged her boss to enter the office room, and hugged her. His arms were tight around her, unlike their usual casual hugs; but it made her feel secure nonetheless. Lastly, he planted a visible and loud peck on her head - to show off the other male, of course. 

"Fiancée? But Miss Kang just mentioned that you're her boyfriend!" Her boss was quick enough to catch on the fact that she didn't want him to. 

Baekhyun stared at Hiah with a secret 'yikes' expression for muttering the wrong word. He abruptly let out a laughter and cradled Hiah into his arms so that she'd be pressed onto his side. "Ah did I just ruin the surprise? You know, I was about to propose to her for marriage after our dinner date tonight. And I'm fully confident that I'd receive a yes as an answer. So why not call her my fiancée from this very moment?" He managed to make up a story.

Hiah almost choked at his words even though she knew he was just saying those for the sake of saying. "Oh really?" She pretended to be surprised, as she giggled and softly slapped his chest. 

"Yes, Sweetheart. But unfortunately, something urgent came up at your home. So let's just go there for now?" Baekhyun smiled sweetly at her, making her cheeks go warm at the use of endearment even though it was all fake. Could she blame herself? In her almost thirty years old life, she'd never been in a serious romantic relationship, so she wasn't used to being referred with sweet endearments. Thus, it was bound to make her face heat up when she was the one being addressed like that.

"Alright. Let's go." Somehow managing her facial expressions, she nodded and gestured to him to lead the way.

Before leaving the room, Baekhyun stopped as he stretched his hand towards her silently glaring boss for a handshake, "Byun Baekhyun, Kang Hiah's would be husband. I have a black belt in Hapkido." He introduced himself - with some extra information.

The boss reluctantly accepted Baekhyun's hand, "Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Junho." The older guy winced when it seemed like Baekhyun had pressed his fingers with more force than needed to seal a formal handshake. 

"Nice to meet you too." 





"Baek? Are you still upset? Hey! Talk to me! Don't be like this!" Hiah continued to whine and show him her puppy eyes to coax the male into talking to her. He had left Hiah's hand the moment they were inside the elevator, and he had stomped his way out of the office without even looking back. Now, he was driving the car with a big lock into his mouth, not even giving her a small answer. "Drop me off right now if you're going to act like a deaf!!" Lastly, having her patience cut short after trying for almost a whole week to reach out to him and coax him, she demanded albeit seriously.

Hearing her, the male stepped onto the brake, stopping the car near a scheduled space so that they wouldn't be disturbing other vehicles moving about on the road. "Get out, then." Her best friend gritted. 

Hiah didn't know whether it was the aftermath of facing her boss in that way back in the office, or it was the relief of having Baekhyun with her at that time, or it was the fact that he had told her to get out of his car this easily, whatever it was, she ended up having her eyes blurred with upcoming tears. She knew she was being bratty by being the demanding one when she had been at fault for their disagreement, yet it hurt. She wasn't used to Baekhyun treating her like this - if it was the Baekhyun from when they first met, she wouldn't have batted an eyelash at his actions, but the fact was that he wasn't the old Baekhyun anymore, he was her best friend now. Thus it just hurt her without any rational reason. "Sorry." She had the urge to apologize for being such a nuis

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31 streak #1
I really missed our cute couple 🤗🤩😍
Chapter 6: I love this story!! Baekhyun and Hiah are too cute! Can’t wait to see how their relationship develops!
Chapter 6: I love this! These 2 are so cute. I wonder how long Baekhyun has liked her?
and their friends? icing on the cake🤣
31 streak #4
Chapter 6: Really really missed them so much... and their relationship development was so cute and lovely.. hope to read more about them..
Chapter 6: I really miss this story
it gives a totally different vibe, you experiencing the whole zoo in your stomach or something even better which i believe i can't describe well since english in not my first language..any way the point is, this is so special and amazing! Looking forward to see where the fate will take these cuties into :)
Grats on the promo
Chapter 6: I miss this storyy
keyseopie #8
Chapter 6: Rereading this again cause I misses them 🥹🥹 btw, is baekhyun gonna buy a ring for her tho?
31 streak #9
Chapter 6: My whole expressions while reading: 😊🙂☺️🙃🙈😅😆😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☺️☺️☺️☺️🤭🤭🤭😌😌😌😌😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😀😃😄😄😄😄😄😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🥺🥺🥺🥺😍🤩🤗😘😘😘
Cried cause couldn't stop laughing, smiling (my cheeky and tummy hurts now😄🙈🙂😍), cooing at the cutest and lovely couple's sweet conversations and moments with each other.. they are the sweetest and too cute.. glad that they were finally getting on next level.. omg... so their friends were the real culprit who accidentally did the greatest work ..hehe... aww.. lucky people to have such good friends.. loved the way their relationship is developing... hiah is really cute and hilarious.. morning incident was too hilarious.. poor baekhyun..hahaha... the couple and their little cute activities really stole my heart.. and become one of my favorite couple 👫.. so happy for them.. loved the way baekhyun supported her ..that's so sweet of him.. the last part made me emotional though.. aaahhhhhh I'm just in love with them.. thank you authornim for updating and writing such an awesome and sweetest chapter. ❤️🤗🤩😍 this chapter was really so refreshing for me after a stressful day. 🧚‍♀️👏👍🤗❤️😘
SummerLuv #10
Chapter 6: Hahahaah their friends are so annoying yet fun. Way to a chaotic morning 😂 & I think Baekhyun might have been interested in Hiah since forever, given his actions and words since the engagement. I hope Hiah would fall for him or realize her feelings for him soon!!