Her Secretary

Misana Clichés
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“Just fire her already Mina…she’s made so many mistakes.” Nayeon shakes her head disapprovingly, watching from inside the CEO’s office as Mina’s secretary tries to juggle an ipad, some file folders, and a cup of tea, that Nayeon assumes is for Mina.


“You’re overreacting..she’s…”


“Ah…no.no no....” A loud crash is heard and Mina hopes the tea missed the ipad at least.


“Sana, are you okay?” Jeongyeon, Nayeon’s secretary, was quick to check on the girl.


“It’s just the tea.” Sana smiles, feeling proud of having saved everything except for her sleeve, which was now soaked.


“Come here.” Mina quickly grabbed Sana’s wrist and dragged the girl into her private bathroom, “Does it hurt?” Mina asks softly, grabbing the girl’s blazer and setting it on the sink.


“It’s fine Ms. Myoui.” Sana says softly, her eyes looking at everything but at her boss who’s currently tending to her burn.


“It scalded a bit, but it doesn’t look too bad.” The CEO says while dabbing the area with burn cream, “You shouldn’t carry it all if you can’t handle it Ms. Minatozaki.” Mina looks up and catches Sana’s eyes, “or else you’ll crash and burn.”


“Kinda already did that though.” Sana jokes and Mina offers a small smile, “here.” The dark haired girl takes her own blazer off, draping it over her secretary’s shoulder, “Go home..and rest up.”


“But it’s only…”


“It’s fine Ms. Minatozaki. I think I can handle it.”


“Right..okay.” Sana nods, feeling relieved that she wasn’t fired.


After the girl gathers her things and leaves, Nayeon is back on her whole ‘get Mina a new secretary’ agenda.


“No Nayeon.” Mina says sternly before the bunny toothed girl could speak.


“But Mina-yahhh, she’s more trouble than help. I mean look it’s only 930am and you’ve already sent her home..the working hour started 30 minutes ago.” The girl points to her watch, “She’s clumsy and disorganised. Two traits you, my best friend who I know better than the back of my giant hand, loath. So why is it that this secretary of yours has somehow lasted 6 months?”


“She can be a bit clumsy and disorganised, but she has a great work ethic. And, she’s also quite intelligent. She does her job well enough.”


“Well enough, isn’t helping you though.”


“Look, Jeongyeonnie has a friend who…”


“Nayeon, I think I’m perfectly capable to decide if my own staff is incompetent or not. Afterall, I do run this company, do I not?” Mina’s tone was stern and serious, the tone that tells Nayeon that this conversation is over.


“Okay fine, but at least consider hiring a second one.” Nayeon sighs.


“I’ll think about it.” Mina’s stern facade breaks, “I know you care Nay, but Ms. Minatozaki is different..just..trust me okay?”


“Alright, but let me know about that second secretary okay?”




“I’m sorry to bother, but Ms. Im your meeting with the French investors starts in 10minutes.”


“Always so serious Jeongyeonnie, I told you to just call me Nayeon.” Nayeon shakes her head, getting up to finally leave Mina alone, “I’ll see you at lunch Minari~” Nayeon smiles while Jeongyeon bows politely at the CEO.


~ ~


“Seeing that you’re here at 10am, with a blazer that definitely doesn’t belong to you, I’m assuming you got sent home again?”


“Ugh don’t remind me.” Sana plops her head on the countertop, “I mean on the bright side, at least you didn’t get fired, Satang.”


“That doesn’t make me feel better Momoring.” Sana whines to her best friend.


“What’s gotten our sunshine so grumpy this morning.” Jihyo pops out from the back with a bag of coffee beans, “Wait a second..it’s Wednesday morning..why are you here?”


“Got sent home.” Momo answers quickly.


“Again?” Jihyo asks and the two nod, “Well I mean at least you didn’t get fired.”


“That’s what I said!” Momo exclaims.


“Who got fired?” Chaeyoung comes out with a pan of pastries.


“No one, she just got sent home early from school.” Momo teases.


“Shut it.” Sana reaches over and smacks the girl’s shoulders.


“I mean at least you didn’t get expelled.” Chaeyoung plays along and the three laugh while Sana rolls her eyes at her three friends.


“I hate it here.” She whines.


“And yet you still haven’t left.” Jihyo smirks.


“It’s..you…aish…” Sana pouts and the three coo at their adorable friend.


“Look Satang, just take it as a blessing that you haven’t gotten the boot yet. I heard that the CEO is strict.”


“Ms. Myoui?”




“Well I mean yeah, she has that strict vibe..but she’s also very caring..and sweet..” Sana places a hand over her arm that Mina bandaged earlier.


“Right well, why don’t you take this and help us out instead of loitering while daydreaming about your CEO.” Momo grabs an apron from under the counter.


“I am not daydreaming about her!” Sana gets up, grabbing the apron from Momo’s outstretched hand.


“She’s just so caring and Sweet.” Momo imitates the dreamy tone Sana had when she said those words.


“Yah!” Sana raises a fist.


“Okay enough you guys, we do have customers.” Jihyo points to the few customers in the cafe.


“She started it.” Sana whines, grabbing a pen and notepad.


~ ~ ~


“Good morning everyone!” Sana greets the development team who’s scheduled to present to Mina later in the afternoon.


“Good morning Sana.” Everyone choruses.


“Are you guys ready for later?”


“As ready as we’ll ever be when it comes to Ms. Myoui.” Eunha, the team manager, says nervously.


“It’ll be fine Eunha.” Sana assures the girl, “Fighting!” Sana cheers them on and the group nods with wide smiles. This is something everyone loved about Sana, whenever a team or individual had to present to Mina she would make it a point to cheer them on, which eases everyone’s nerves a bit.


“I’ll see you guys in the conference room later.” Sana smiles, before making her way to the staff kitchen to make Mina’s morning tea.


“Sana, good morning!” Jeongyeon greets seeing the girl carefully brewing tea, “Making tea for Ms. Myoui?”


“Mhm.” Sana nods, her eyes focused on the tea, “Here for Ms. Im’s coffee?”


“Yep she wants something strong…looks like Ms. Myoui texted her before work this morning.

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1199 streak #1
Chapter 52: Oh this 🥺 this hurt my feelings 😭 Mina that was one hell of a insane choice to make
1199 streak #2
Chapter 50: Well at least she has admitted to having already jumped off the bridge in love with Mina in this one haha
qwertyuiop1216 #3
Chapter 50: Pleaseeeeeeee do namo, btw hello again author-nim!
You are the best as usual.
I really want misana to work as well aaaaaaaaa <3
ShibaPenguin #4
Chapter 50: I love your work and ideas. It's so fun to read.

I haven't seen any namo fic either so I hope you make one or more too....maybe I did read but i don't remember now 🥹
Chapter 48: let’s keep rolling! i appreciate you💕
1199 streak #6
Chapter 46: A new story let's go!!!!!
210603 #7
Chapter 48: the story is so good. thanks for the updates♥️
Kiiarrah #8
Chapter 48: I like the story please go for the 4th.. Thanks
1199 streak #9
Chapter 44: I feel this is more of a bittersweet ending then a bad ending, thank you for the story 💚