Enchanted -4-

Misana Clichés
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Another day, another ‘I enjoy that as well princess.’ Sana sighs, leaning her arms on the balcony. It’s been 2 hours since the charity event began, but for Sana it feels more like 20. Sure she enjoys being at the museum and seeing all the cool things they have on display, but like always, the fake pleasantries are starting to annoy her.


“Wow, you look like you’re having a great time.” Sana hears her familiar voice.


“You’re here too?” Sana looks around, but again doesn’t catch sight of the girl, “Am I not supposed to be?” Mina questions back.


“I..well.it’s..” Sana stutters wondering if she offended the girl.


“Relax.” Mina chuckles, “You didn’t offend me or anything. I’m here for the same reason you are.”


“Which is?”


“What do you think?” Came Mina’s sarcastic reply.


“Socialise, make connections.”




“But hiding in the shadows isn’t a really good way of socialising.”


“They get an hour.”




“One hour to try and kiss before I lose my patience.”


“Then you leave?”

“Pretty much yeah.”


“I wish I could do that?”


“Why don’t you?”


“I..” Sana was tongue tied. Why doesn’t she just leave..no one will stop her or question it.


“Don’t tell me you’ve stayed until the very end at these things?”


“Unfortunately.” Sana pouts, rolling her eyes when she hears Mina’s soft chuckle.


“Stop laughing..it’s not that funny.”


“No, but it’s endearing.”


“Wha?” Sana feels her cheeks heat up.


“It’s endearing that you innocently stayed even though no one expects you to.”


“It’s because I..”


“You don’t have to explain yourself.” Mina interrupts.


“Right, I don’t especially to a stranger.” Sana says only half teasingly


“Stranger?” Mina dramatically gasps, “I thought we’d at least be friends by now.”


“I don’t even know your name.”


“But I know yours.”


“A lot of people know mine.”


“Same with me.”


“I dont. Can’t you just tell me your name?” Sana whines.


“Maybe next time. I gotta go. See you around, Princess.”


“Wait.” Sana tries to stop the girl but she knew that Mina was already gone, “Hmmm.” Sana smiles, noticing the branch on the giant tree next to the balcony swaying lightly.


~ ~ ~ ~


People enter the palace all the time and 99% of the time Sana recognizes those that come and go, but today she caught a glimpse of someone she never expected to be walking towards her father’s office.

“Mina?” Sana questions, hiding behind a wall watching as the girl along with an older gentleman walk with Hiroshi.




“I wasn’t staring..I mean what?” Sana turns around clutching her chest, “Kazune you scared me.” Sana pouts, while Kazune, her assistant, chuckles.


“Staring? Who were you staring at?” Kazune tries to peek her head around the corner but Sana drags her away, “Didn’t you say that I have an interview today in the garden? We should go now, don’t want to be late.”


“Ookay?” Kazune raises a brow towards the princess who’s cheeks were visibly red.




“One more question.” The reporter asks as the hour long interview starts to close, “Does the princess have an ideal type in mind?”


“Ideal type…” Sana mumbles.


Mina. The girl's beautiful face pops up in Sana’s mind.


“Hmm…someone I can find comfort in.” Sana nods, looking up at the wisteria tree, memories of her encounter with Mina here coming to the forefront of her mind.


“That’s both simple and complex.” The reporter nods with a soft smile, “I hope you find that person.”


“Me too.” Sana smiles, trying to ignore the image of Mina that keeps popping up in her head, “Thank you for your time.” She thanks the reporter who expresses his gratitude for allowing him to have a personal interview.


“Someone you can find comfort in huh.” Kazune teases.


“Don’t tease me Kazune.”


“Our princess is really growing up.”


“And now you’re getting all sentimental.”


“How can I not? In the 5 years I’ve worked here you’ve always been very strict on yourself. Trying your best to fill your role. When you said you wanted to attend school I was ecstatic and seeing how much more genuine your smile has been lately makes me happy. And your answer just now tells me that you’re slowly finding your own self, forgetting the title that comes with your name.” Kazune explains with a proud smile.


“Ahhh Kazune, that's not fair.” Sana whines, looking up in hopes of preventing the tears that threaten to fall, “I’m just being honest. You don’t have anything else today so you're free from work. I’ll be in my office if you need anything.”


“Thank you Kazune..really.”


“Of course.” Kazune leaves.


~ ~


“What are you doing out here all alone? Aren’t we supposed to be having lunch?”


“Okaa-san.” Sana smiles up at her mother, who gives her daughter a warm smile.


“You didn’t answer my question.” Empress MInatozaki Yuki replies with a lifted brow.


“I didn’t even realise the time..I was just a bit lost in thought.”


“Oh? And why is that?”


“I..I don’t know.” Sana sighs, shoulders slumping, “Is it normal for me to wonder about someone else?”


“Wonder how?”


“Wonder how their day went, if they’ve eaten, what kind of music they like…stuff like that..”


“Is this someone from your school?” The empress asks, itching to know who her little girl is crushing on.


“Yes.” Sana answers honestly, “And we’re not close or anything. In fact she..”


“Wait, she?” The empress raises a brow at this, “It’s not a man?”


“It’s not.” Sana tilts her head, “Is that a problem?”


“No, of course not. We will support you in all your decisions as long as it does not hurt you.” Yuki smiles softly at her daughter who seemed more mature all of a sudden, “Now continue about this girl you seem to have a crush on.”


“Wait..what?!” Sana stands, looking at her mother like she grew a second head, “Crush? Me? On on on on on..” Sana stutters, “That can’t…I mean, I don’t even know what it means to..I mean.”


“Calm down dear.” Yuki stands up, holding her daughter by her shoulder, chuckling lightly.


“That can’t be right Okaa-san, I’m just..intrigued. She’s different from anyone else.”


“Oh..I see. So you’re just curious about her.” Yuki nods her head, finding her daughter too adorable for her own good.


Hmmm whoever this person is..she must be something else for my little Sana to be this enchanted by her.


“Yep exactly. I just want to be friends.” Sana nods, “And that must be why I’m curious about her..and think about her a lot..cause she’s…”


Mina. Sana smiles, keeping that thought to herself.


“Okay.” Yuki nods at her daughter, “Now that you figured that out.” Her mother’s sarcasm was totally missed by the princess, “Are you ready to join your father and I for lunch? His meeting should be over now.”


At her mother’s words, Sana remembers what she saw earlier before the interview, “Who did Oto-san have a meeting with today?”


“Hmm? Why are you suddenly curious?”


“I just..thought I saw someone familiar..”


“Oh who?”


“No one..it must have been my imagination.” Sana shakes her head, knowing how quick witted her mother is.


~ ~ ~ ~


“What’s this about a birthday party?” Momo corners Sana in the library.


“It’s exactly as you say, I’m having a birthday party.” Sana replies, eyes scanning the shelves.


“But your bir..” Sana quickly cups Momo’s lips, “It can’t be the same now can it?”


“I mean yes, but why halloween?”


“Because.” Sana shrugs, “Aha found it!” She beams, grabbing the book on the shelf.


“Cooking for beginners?” Momo raises a brow at this, “Why would you need to learn how to cook?”


“Cause I want to learn it’s part of the experience. Learning to be self sufficient..”


“Okay, but please..try not to burn yourself or your very expensive kitchen down.” Momo teases.


“Hey!” Sana raises her voice causing the other students to look at her and for one of the librarians to shush her.


“This is still a library, Hirai Sana-san.”


“Right..sorry.” Sana apologises, “And don’t worry, how hard can it be?”


“You do know that’s what happens before something disastrous happens right?”


“Eyy..don’t worry too much..it’ll be fine..”


“Then that means I should definitely worry.” Momo teases, sticking her tongue out playfully at the princess. “Wait..” she suddenly thinks of something, “You’re not planning on cooking for your birthday right?”


“Of course not. I will get that catered.

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1199 streak #1
Chapter 52: Oh this 🥺 this hurt my feelings 😭 Mina that was one hell of a insane choice to make
1199 streak #2
Chapter 50: Well at least she has admitted to having already jumped off the bridge in love with Mina in this one haha
qwertyuiop1216 #3
Chapter 50: Pleaseeeeeeee do namo, btw hello again author-nim!
You are the best as usual.
I really want misana to work as well aaaaaaaaa <3
ShibaPenguin #4
Chapter 50: I love your work and ideas. It's so fun to read.

I haven't seen any namo fic either so I hope you make one or more too....maybe I did read but i don't remember now 🥹
Chapter 48: let’s keep rolling! i appreciate you💕
1199 streak #6
Chapter 46: A new story let's go!!!!!
210603 #7
Chapter 48: the story is so good. thanks for the updates♥️
Kiiarrah #8
Chapter 48: I like the story please go for the 4th.. Thanks
1199 streak #9
Chapter 44: I feel this is more of a bittersweet ending then a bad ending, thank you for the story 💚