Midnight Summer Dream

Midnight Summer Dream


Winter and her friends find themselves in a roadside chicken kiosk outside their campus after the meeting in their club room. Jieun and the other seniors went their separate ways to prepare for their performance later. 


This particular kiosk is a favorite of their immediate circle because of its affordable price and tasty chicken dishes. Right now, Winter and her friends are making a beeline for chicken skewers. They are here for almost half an hour and Winter is already on her fifth serving of chicken skewers.

“You’re not hungry, are you?” Yizhuo asks.

“Leave her alone, Yizhuo,” Chaein says, putting an arm on Winter’s shoulder while eating her skewers as well. “You know how stressful dealing with the you-know-what is for Winter.” Winter snickers at the friendly banter. This is nothing new. When Winter attempts to think about current life, she wonders how the universe decided for her to meet this ragtag group of creatives – weirdos, as other people may call them. 


Winter takes a bite of chicken and looks at her friends. They’re all unique and different and yet, they are here – with her. She thinks she will forever be alienated because of her abilities but it feels like a comforting sigh when she met these six wonderful people. She remembers the first time they met each other. That one evening after presenting to the organization their interest to join. 


All seven of them met at an alleyway at the back of The Outsider to create a strategy to survive the initiation process. They were wary of her, at first, because of her status as a legacy. She almost pleaded for their consideration but she was surprised when she was included in their little pact: to protect each other and always be true. Although that was initially for the initiation process, the group lived the pact as they grew closer. Winter smiles. They were really different. And she wants to feel this warmth and acceptance forever. 


Winter looks around and sees spirits but none of them are aggressive. For a moment, Winter feels light and at rest, the fatigue slowly being lifted. “You’re quieter than usual, Cold Season.” Chaein comments, her arm still in Winter’s shoulders. She realized that her mind flew in those minutes that she was eating. She can now hear Keonhee murmur the spices used in his chicken skewer. Gone were the other customers.

“Sorry,” Winter answers. “I was just thinking how much I love this chicken skewer.” It’s true, She thinks. She happens to zone out because she was busy chewing. 


“You know what, mister,” She hears Dongmyeong say. “Let us buy the rest of your chicken skewers. We got enough money, anyway.”

“Are you gonna treat us, too?” A stranger asks from the other side of the kiosk. Dongmyeong looks offended. Winter and the girls looked at each other and laughed softly as to not trigger Dongmyeong further. “Excuse me? Do I even know you?” Dongmyeong says and the girls lost it. 

“Hey, hey,” Winter says as she tries to stop herself from laughing too much. “How come you guys have a lot of money?”

“We won this from the grind. You were supposed to be there, remember?” Ireh answers.

“We forwarded your share to your bank, Winter. But then again it won’t matter because you’re rich.” Yizhuo jokes. Winter playfully elbows her best friend's rib which made Yizhuo laugh.


The group is enjoying their chicken skewers when Winter notices Ireh tearing a piece of chicken and putting it on a nearby plant. Winter slowly nudges her friend in a silent query. “Oh, this?” Ireh inquires, getting Winter’s message. “I have a new part-time job,” Ireh starts. “I now work for this old woman who dabbles in the occult. She told me to give pieces of whatever food I am eating to my guardians.”

“Guardians?” Keonhee asks.

“Wait,” Yizhuo says. “You have another part-time job?” Ireh shrugs and smiles. “I like this old woman. She’s strange and creepy. But then again, I believe this will make me understand Winter’s predicament better.” Winter was touched by her answer. Chaein laughs. “That makes it Ireh’s fifth job.” She says. The Son twins whistled, impressed with what they were hearing. Winter sees Yizhuo giving Ireh a high-five.

“Are you not getting tired?” Winter asks. Ireh takes a bite of her chicken. “Nah, only for the summer, though.”

“You know you can ask me if you need help, right?” Winter asks, concerned for her friend. She knows Ireh is strong and capable but she doesn’t want to see her stressed. She knows her friends have their part-time jobs and, as much as possible, she wants to help carry the burden. “Of course, Winter,” Ireh gives an assuring smile. “Besides, I developed a new addiction to gunplas.” Chaein snorted at this.

“You’re so full of , Ireh,” She says. “Just tell them you’re going on dates.” She laughs and turns to Yizhuo. “Ning, I saw her phone earlier and she’s exchanging sweet messages with someone.” Everyone laughs at the revelation including Winter. She looks at her friend to see whether or not she’s uncomfortable. In a blink of an eye, she sees small elementals jumping from Ireh’s shoulders towards the pot where her friend placed the portions of chicken skewers. Oh, Winter thinks. It seems Ireh has her guardians, after all.

“Hey, time check: it’s 6:00! Let’s go to The Outsider. For sure, the line’s going to be jampacked!” Dongju announces. 

“Wait, let me take a picture of the pink sky!” Keonhee announces. The Son twins thanked the kiosk owner for the chicken skewers while Yizhuo and Chaein sing LANY’s song as loud as they can. Good thing, they’re good singers. Winter thinks and shakes her head in amusement. 



Karina sits at an empty table in a small eatery. She’s content with the sounds coming from the television and the faint singing of LANY’s Pink Skies in the background. The restaurant is located right outside the campus gates and it is one of those budget-friendly, working-class establishments. The restaurant specializes in authentic Japanese cuisine and she first learned about it because of her best friend. The same person she is waiting for now. She listens to the song that the cook is listening to from his radio. A summer tune sang in Nihonggo. Karina smiles to herself. She can still hear noises from her immediate environment including the ladies singing a LANY song. 


Minutes later, she hears the door open and feels a hand on her shoulder. “So, it really is you, huh?” The woman says, her expression blank. Karina stands up from her seat and offers an apologetic smile. “Aeri,” she begins using her childhood nickname. “I’m back and I am sorry.”


If there is one thing Giselle Uchinaga cannot resist, it’s her best friend. Karina and Giselle have been friends since they were in grade school and she can attest that there is only one person who understands her deeply. And that person is Giselle. The Japanese girl hugged Karina tightly as if to prevent her from disappearing again.


The young women sat at the table and Giselle proceeded to order their favorites. It will take 5 minutes for their order to arrive and Karina knows Giselle will take this opportunity to scold her. She is ready. Whatever scolding she’ll receive, she deserves it. But nothing came. Giselle simply looked at her. “Are you okay now?” She asks. Karina shrugs. “You’re not sure?”

“Actually, I am more prepared to be scolded by you than to answer that question,” Karina answers honestly. She sighs and gathers her thoughts. Giselle patiently waits. She knows there is a lot to unpack. “I am sorry, Aeri,” Karina starts. “I know I shouldn’t have run away.” She says and leans on the chair.

“I was able to handle the family-related stress for two years. But…” Karina pauses, gathering her words and preventing tears from even forming. She drank a glass of water to compose herself. “She’s gone…” She quietly says. Giselle softened at the sight of her best friend. She holds Karina’s hand.

“Hey,” Giselle calls. “I’m here. I am always here. We all are. Yeji, Lia, the Shin cousins, Chaeryeong, and even your ex Renjun. We are all here for you. We love you, okay? Don’t ever run away from me again.” Karina smiles at this, grateful that her best friend will always have her back. She clears and tries to lighten the atmosphere.

“Renjun? Really?” Karina says with a little laugh. Giselle laughed out loud.

“Well,” Giselle counters. “He was concerned about you. It’s not like you to leave everything behind, after all.”

“Yeah,” Karina sighs. Giselle looks at her as if reading her mind. “You don’t owe anyone explanations, Min,” Giselle says, calling her by her childhood nickname. “You can tell me everything when it feels right.”

“Thank you, Aeri. Really. I thought I lost you, too.” Karina quietly admits. Giselle frowns. She never knew how loneliness ate her best friend up. She tapped Karina’s head, just like old times. “You’ll never lose me, silly.”

“So,” Karina says. “Will you fill me up with what happened during my six-month absence?” Giselle smiled at this. Just in time that their food arrives.


The clock strikes 7 and Winter and her friends are right outside of The Outsider. True enough, the line is already jam-packed. “I thought this was an invite-only event?” She asks.

“Yeah, but Peniel-oppa invited a lot of people.” Yizhuo answers. “Apparently, if you have invited a lot of people for some sort of open house, it’s good for business.” Winter scans the ground for a familiar face. Other than acquaintances and old classmates, all Winter sees are harmless ghosts that are disturbed by the sudden influx of people in the area.


The Outsider is located near the commercial district of the university town. It is the first pub in the area that caters specifically to musicians and artists. Peniel Shin, the owner, is a friend of Winter’s cousin Yongsun through the Music Society. His homey establishment is the perfect mix of fun and relaxation. Located in front of it is Mr. Wang’s, owned by Jackson Wang, also an alumnus of the university. Mr. Wang’s is the polar opposite of The Outsider. It brings the urban culture of nightlife and partying to a slow, rural place.


Winter has a particular dislike for Mr. Wang’s primarily because of all the douchebags that hang out there but also because of the ghosts of students who died of drug overdose or drunk driving. All the rich kids hang out at Mr. Wang’s and they cause nothing but trouble. Winter looks at the line ahead of them. It may take them a while to get inside. 


Fortunately, a kid from the Music Society calls Yizhuo and signals for them to enter. Winter and her friends learn that Peniel reserved one of the longest tables for their organization. The seven of them sat and chatted and one by one, their tables become extra animated as the rest of the organization arrives.

“Hi, Winter-unnie!” Swan, the actual youngest member greets. Winter smiles warmly and hugs the younger (but taller) girl. “Hey, Swannie, ready to beat Yizhuo to the karaoke?” She asks. Everyone laughs. “Always!” Swan enthusiastically replies. 


“What’s up, earthlings?!” A boy arrives making the area noisier. Yeo Hwanwoong is the organization’s life-of-the-party. Winter particularly likes it when Hwanwoong and Go Eun are together. It’s sure to be chaotic. As if on cue, Jieun, Go Eun, and Eunsong arrives from backstage. 

“Hey, guys,” Jieun greets. “We’re just in time for dinner.”

“Go Eun should pay for dinner,” Hwanwoong comments.


Go Eun moves to where Hwanwoong was sitting to pepper him with small punches. Everyone at their table is laughing and talking. It’s a merry time. 

“Hey, what’s all this chaos?” A baritone voice appeared from the back. Winter flinches. It’s Geonhak, the organization's president, and her older cousin. With him, as usual, is their other cousin Youngjo. The two look dapper despite wearing casual clothing. People from the neighboring table are stealing glances. Winter is aware of the effect her cousins have on all genders. 

“Winter, how are you?” Youngjo asks, ruffling her hair and planting a kiss on her head. She smiles. She wonders if the two of them know already. Judging by Geonhak’s disposition, Winter assumes that Jieun hasn’t told him yet. The two men positioned themselves near Hwanwoong and the newly-arrived Gunmin beside Jieun. A moment later, Ryujin arrives with Yeji, and once again, the table is filled with greetings, pleasantries, and jokes. 

“So,” Winter hears Jieun talking to Yeji. “Does mommy know you’re here at a pub?” Winter sees Yeji roll her eyes at her half-sister. “Does mommy know YOU’RE here?” Yeji states back. Jieun laughs and says “touche.”


The anxiety that Winter feels dies down as she sees Ryujin and Yeji sit down in front of her. It’s fascinating how, although Yeji is not a part of the organization, she is welcomed and treated as such because of Ryujin and Jieun. Winter suddenly feels chills, but unlike the last time, this one is calm and tingly – a little bit similar to the feeling of being giddy and excited. The sensation becomes stronger and Winter starts to smell something sweet – like the flowers of Ilang-Ilang. 

“Do you smell that?” Winter asks Yizhuo and sniffs.

“Smell what? All I can smell is coffee.” Yizhuo answers. Winter looks at her friend incredulously. The food arrives and suddenly, Winter feels hungry and forgets the scent. 


Everyone was chatting and eating when Jieun cleared signaling that she is about to talk business. “It’s a good thing that everyone is here today,” she starts. “We have things to discuss regarding Winter’s new ghost problem.” Jieun declares and Winter sees Geonhak’s head snap up from eating.

“Ghost? What is it this time, Minjeong?” He asks.

“Cool it, you’re making her nervous.” Go Eun says.

“I’m just concerned for her,” 

“Yeah, oppa, but you sound like a disappointed dad.” Yuki, another member, answers that made everyone laugh including Geonhak. Yizhuo, Keonhee, and Chaein took the opportunity to give everyone a rundown on what happened earlier including the details.


“Wow, Winter, what does it feel to have a spokesperson?” Gunmin jokes. Ryujin and Yeji are looking at her with concern. “You will have no difficulty talking to Karina,” Ryujin announces. “She’s our friend.” 

“Really? I didn’t know you have friends in high places, Ryu, especially since you’re such a nerd,” Ireh jokes. Ryujin pouts when Yeji laughs at the jab. Suddenly, Winter smells the sweet scent again. She asks Yizhuo once more about the scent but her best friend insists that there is no such thing as a sweet, flowery scent in the air.


The tingly sensation is also back. Winter searches if there is a ghost nearby but there is none. The door of the pub opens and the person who came in gave Winter the biggest plot twist of her day. Two beautiful, sharp eyes and a mole on the lower lip. Looks like her midnight summer dream is coming to life down to the very last detail. 


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shiro11 #1
Chapter 17: I'm so invested in this 🥺🥺🥺 and I saw this story is from last year, and only updated just this day. I really hope you'll continue writing the story. 🙏🙏🙏 I'm excited what will happen next and I think, that ghost girl is really a bad news.
Chapter 17: This is so much potential 🤯🤯
cleofierayne 26 streak #3
Chapter 17: Woww I read this in one sitting!! This is so much interesting and mysterious I can't get enough 🥺😭 Glad I read this.

Those 5 rules is so sus. Winter already thought that she's not really the target, its Wonyoung. It feels like she was lured to something more than what she agreed upon. If we search Lori's meaning, there's too much hahahaha and surprisingly its associated with death too.

And yieee picnic date hahaahah so exciteddd for thatt ahhh and their convos hihihi
Chapter 17: The way Minjeong is insisting this is not a date, lol. It totally is, stop denying it. I wonder how Jimin is going to react to all of the ghost stuff if and when Minjeong tells her. I hope it'll be a good outcome.
Chapter 16: I found this fic today and wow, the plot of this story is incredibly interesting and i adore the relationships btwn all the characters! i really enjoy your writing, it’s been a while since i’ve been this invested in a fic!
jetimylove #6
Chapter 16: Hey I have some ideas for you
Louise1507 #7
Chapter 16: incredibly interesting, I like, there are so many mysteries it and keep reading, keep it up author-nim
Chapter 16: Ahh, a date? Or at least I think it is. A picnic under the stars sounds pretty romantic to me. I really love seeing Winter and Karina interact with each other! And the way Aeri and Yizhou bet on them being friends by the end of the summer too. That was just too funny! I think they're going to be way more than just that.
Chapter 15: Huh, that letter and box seems too suspicious to just be a gift for Karina. Like she herself said, Wonyoung's family was only really tolerant of their relationship, and not exactly supportive. This thought too, "Wonyoung is good with secrets." So it seems that even during their relationship, Wonyoung kept a lot of things hidden from Karina. It makes me think that this box might be connected to Wonyoung's ghost in some way. She's always causing trouble for Winter, so maybe this is a way to stop Karina from moving on as well. I don't know, it's just a random thought.