
Strawberries and Cigarettes (on hold)
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Eunbi's POV


The team and I are taking a ten minute break due to the second segment finished earlier than usually, because the caller is quick witted. She has a very generic problem and she is mature enough to understand what I am saying to her well sometimes it is very refreshing to have a caller with that kind of attitude.


"Eunbi I have a question?" Yena is asking way too much and talking way to much this past few days and she seems to have a very good mood.


"What is it?"


"Why does it feel like you have something in your mind? Did you and Sakura have a big fight? It is the first time I've seen you like this." Oh do I look like that? Well something really is bothering my mind and it is very heart breaking to be honest. But that has nothing to do with Sakura.


"We didn't get into fight. It’s just that last Friday Chaeyeon which is Sakura's ex come to our house." I can't lie to them they will just bother me and Sakura and it might cause some mis understanding.


"What?" My three workmates said at the same time.


"What does she want doesn't she know that you are already married? My gosh why does the past always bother the present." Nako said with a little bit of a hint an anger in her voice.


"Why does Hitomi bothering you right now?"


"I am not the topic here Yena and she's not bothersome. Going back to you so is she bothering you?"


"No not really. She is facing a very big problem and the only place she can go that night is to Sakura. Don't worry she explained everything to us. Sakura doesn't want her to stay for the night but I just let her since it's two in the morning and she isn't in the right mind. She then left the next morning without saying anything." I told them the summary of the story.


"Then what's her problem that she is facing?" Chaewon looks invested in the story.


I shake my head. "That's not my story to tell. I am not in the right position to tell you that. If you are curious ask her that. Besides we are going on air already." I stand up and put down my food and proceed to my spot.


"And that's song is War with Heaven by Keshi and you are still listening to Fixing a Broken Heart." I played my intro to the program I looked at Chaewon to see if there's any caller and she's shaking her head. "So welcome back to all of you. It's bit gloomy and cold this past few days right? For some people it's a great way to spend that time at home with your love ones but for some it reminds them of the loneliness, the pain and the sorrow that they are experiencing or had experienced. But remember this those days will come into an end and the bright and happy days will come again and always look forward to it." I glanced at the Chaewon and signals me that they already have a caller waiting in line. "I think we have a caller now. Hello good evening to you."


A deep voice can be heard in the other side of the line. "Hello DJ Bi I am Myles."


"Oh hi Myles. What can I do for you for the night? Are you facing some problems? Or do you have a question that you want me to answer."


"I don't know if you can help with it I just want someone to listen to me." You can tell in his voice that there is something broken inside him. It's hurting him right now. It's only Monday don't tell me we will end it with a heavy story and.


"Alright we will listen to you can start now."


I heard him took a deep breath before he started to talk. "So me and my now ex-girlfriend has been together for seven years. All this time in this past seven years I always thought that everything is okay everything is fine. I'm happy and she's happy with our relationship. But that's what I've thought the other day she told me that she is pregnant. I'm happy about it because she's pregnant and I'm willing to marry her. But-" he started to cry. I think I know where this is going. Please don't be that.

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Amberleo #1
Chapter 9: Wow kinda sad to know this. BUT always waiting for your comeback. Be safe and healthy
reigngrey #2
Chapter 9: Thank you. Take your time. Be safe and healthy.
reigngrey #3
Chapter 6: Always enjoying your stories
reigngrey #4
Chapter 3: Ohhhh loking forward for the next chapter
reigngrey #5
Chapter 2: liking it. glad other members get their moments.

I can't wait for chaewon and mine to meet up
1761 streak #6
Chapter 1: thank you for sharing with us! i'm liking it so far!
1761 streak #7
oh a sequel!!! i'll keep my eyes peeled!
I'm excited for this