
Strawberries and Cigarettes (on hold)
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Chaewon’s POV


I started a new life for some reasons that can’t be disclose right now. I leave the person that I need to support the most. At least my parents give me a chance to support her until we left. For the next six months I have following Minjoo to her work secretly waiting for her to finish her shift. Within that six months Io develop a smoking habit, I casually smoke before but when the time passes it become a bad habit. I regret it but I can’t stop it right now, this is the only thing that relaxes me.


The last night that I will have a chance to secretly look for Minjoo has come. I finally landed a job at a radio station as their new moderator. But and I didn’t miss that chance to have a look for Minjoo, it will be a long time before I can look back to her. Why am I hiding from her it’s because I don’t have the enough courage to face her after I leave her.


I hate the fact that I need to leave her without any support from anyone. But things are needed to be done and everything has a reason. When the time is right, I will never leave her alone again. Minjoo I will be by your side when everything is okay, I just need to do something important.



When they asked me to celebrate for my first day at a café, I know that they will be coming to the café where Minjoo is working, I know them they are always there. it is not the right time to see her and something is still going on in my life.


“I am really grateful for the war welcome but I need to go home already they need me at my home after work.” They look at me with a little bit of disappointment in their face, which make me feel guilty but still there are important things that are needed to be done. “I am really sorry about it. It is just that there is important thing that I need to do at home.”


I saw a small smile in their face signaling me that they understand my situation. “Okay we understand it you don’t need to worry about it maybe next time?” Yena assures me not to worry.


“Yes, next time maybe I will free up some time for that.” I bowed to them. “I’ll head first okay?”


“Okay take care Chaewon see you tomorrow.” DJ Bi bid a good bye to me and so is the other two.


As I am walking outside, I took out a my lighter and pack of cigarettes out of my bag and light one up. I must say it is a bit a tiring day for me I deserve a good smoke after that shift. I don’t know why but it feels like they are very fun to work with I think I will enjoy working there for a while I hope that I won’t be moving again because as of my first day working there, I am enjoying it.


A few days has passed of working in the radio satiation and I must say working their cab give you different kind of emotions. There are stories that will give you different highs and there are stories will give you the lowest of lows. Some stories that I can relate and some of the stories and situation that is my first time encountering it. It is giving me a new feeling; it feels like I am learning something new.


For tonight’s program DJ Bi’s wife will be sitting as their regular guest. I have heard some of their airing together and I must say they really have some chemistry between the two. Is it because they are couple that is why they have a good chemistry or is it they have the chemistry from the start and that made me curious?


“Hey Nako I have a question?” I asked the smallest lady on the room as we are fixing the booth for the couple.


“What is it?”


“Is the chemistry between Eunbi and Sakura has been there from the start even if they are not a couple.” Nako stopped and laughed a little bit.


“To answer your question yes they have the best chemistry from the start. But as far as I remember I

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Amberleo #1
Chapter 9: Wow kinda sad to know this. BUT always waiting for your comeback. Be safe and healthy
reigngrey #2
Chapter 9: Thank you. Take your time. Be safe and healthy.
reigngrey #3
Chapter 6: Always enjoying your stories
reigngrey #4
Chapter 3: Ohhhh loking forward for the next chapter
reigngrey #5
Chapter 2: liking it. glad other members get their moments.

I can't wait for chaewon and mine to meet up
1752 streak #6
Chapter 1: thank you for sharing with us! i'm liking it so far!
1752 streak #7
oh a sequel!!! i'll keep my eyes peeled!
I'm excited for this