Until You Came Along

          We were both embarrassed. It's been seven days since that little incident with Yeol happened, and we haven't talked about it. I have no idea what to think or do about this situation

Even though he was with me every day, protecting me, we normally talk and joke with each other, but even Jinyoung noticed that we were behaving strangely.

When the Park brothers first appeared in my life, I was much more attached to Jin. Of course, Yeol protected me even then, he was always right behind my back wherever I went, and at some points it annoyed the out of me so I might have strangled him in my brain, I found his constant questions annoying, the fact that he couldn't shut up, like ever.

I only realized later that I also have such an annoying side after it turned out that Jinyoung has a partner. Because I knew I would never have a chance with the older brother and because I was angry with him for not telling me that he was taken, I started hanging out with Chanyeol.

He always took me somewhere after school, he wanted to make sure that I and my baby were healthy. We went to the movies, studied together, did almost everything together, sometimes Chae and Jin joined us.

I am aware that all three Park siblings want the best for me, but among them only Yeol speaks to me and my little one most of the time, questioning things like; "How are you and your baby?" "Are you and your little one hungry?" I loved those moments.

But what made me really start to have more serious feelings for him was when I was with him and he was playing his guitar humming softly and then he said that he had written a song for me and he would like to sing it.

At first I thought it was a joke, so I laughed at him, but he continued to stare at me seriously, so I nodded with a frozen smile.

I was a little surprised at how good his voice is.

Some of the sounds came out wrong a couple of times but that made it perfect for me. The song was about how strong I am for dealing with such problems at such a young age and that my baby is the luckiest because I am her "mother".

At the very end, he put down his guitar and softly sang the chorus, then knelt down in front of me and planted a kiss on my stomach. I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry for at least two hours.

I fell in love with Chanyeol, but I was afraid to show it because he could only be my friend, I didn't want to push him away from me with my feelings.

But why did you kiss me last week?

I don't think he would be playing with someones feelings. Maybe he's thinking about these things too? Does he like me the way I want him to, but he's afraid to admit it? But if none of us dared to step up, then what will happen to us?

Sighing, I turned off the TV. Today is Saturday, dad went somewhere with Seojoon again, but for some reason none of the brothers texted me and I didn't understand why, although it wasn't like it was mandatory.

I ate about half an hour ago, but I'm hungry again. so I stood up from the sofa - or I wanted to stand up but I couldn't. A sharp pain shot into my waist, and my legs began to tremble.

This isn't the first time this has happened to me, the doctor said it's completely normal, especially if I sit all day and yesterday I almost did just that, and now it hurts a lot. I'm hungry and I need to pee, how am I even going to get up from here when there's no one here to help me?

With tears in my eyes, I tried to push myself up, I wanted to gain strength, but I only managed to fall to the ground, hitting my bottom. I immediately wrapped my right hand around my stomach, crying more and more. Everything hurts!

Reaching for my phone, I rang the first person who came to my mind, thank goodness he picked it up right away.

I didn't even let him say hi. "Channie," I sobbed in pain.

"Baek? Jesus, what's wrong, why are you crying?" he asked worriedly, I heard something in the background, I think he is getting dressed to rush to me, which makes even more tears fall from my eyes.

"I-I can't stand up. My back is aching and I fell to the ground,"  I stuttered, whimpering.

"Hold on, I'm going to be right there."

"Hurry please.. the back door is open," I muttered, my phone falls out of my hand, I put my palm on the ground and continued to suffer.

Even if Yeol come with a car, it takes twenty minutes to get here, so I tried to calm down, while my baby was kicking non-stop, which didn't fill me with happiness, but I think she was also scared by my fall. I started whispering to her that everything was going to be okay.

After focusing on my breathing and trying to call down, my head shot up as I heard Yeol calling my name.

"I'm here!"

"Baek," he instantly knelt down in front of me. "Did you hit something? Are you two fine? Should take you to the hospital?"

I shook my head. "Help me up, please, I really need to pee."  Chanyeol immediately reaches under my armpit, I wrapped my arms around his neck, while he grabbed my waist and we started to stand up together, and when we succeeded, we slowly walked towards the bathroom.

I blushed deeply as soon as we reached the toilet, because if he let's go of me now, I'll end up on the ground again.

“Yeol,” I whimpered.

"Don't worry, I won't look," he chuckled, wiping away my tears. "Or would you like me to?"  he grinned, which made me laugh, then he turned his gaze away, still holding me tightly, regardless, it was mercilessly embarrassing to pee like that.

"Do you think you can go up the stairs?" he asked after a washed my hands.

"Mm, I don't think so.. MY GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I shouted when he picked me up in his arms. "YAH! You're crazy, PUT ME DOWN! I'm too heavy!" I panicked.

"Do you trust me?"

"Not if all three of us get hurt!"

"I would never let you two get hurt," he said seriously, which for some reason relaxed me, but I was still afraid when he started to go upstairs. "You see?" he whipped on a cocky smile as soon as we got up and carefully placed me on my bed. "Turn on your side, I'll massage you, Jinyoung showed me how to do it."

I reluctantly did what he said, he pulled up my t-shirt and started to press my waist with his fingers, which was incredibly good, my eyelids started to get heavy after only seconds, I was about to fall asleep, but my eyes popped open when Yeol laid down behind me, putting his hand on my belly.

"She is very active today," he caressed my skin. "Have you chosen a name yet?"

"Not yet," I scooted closer to him.

"Do you have any ideas?" he blew on my neck. I shook my head. "How about Dasom?"

"I like it, it has a nice meaning, but somehow I can't imagine my daughter with it."

"And Hana?"

"It's too close to Nana, and I want more children later, so why would I name her like that?" I sputtered.

"Then how about Areum? Since you are also beautiful, so will your little one be as well, a real little princess."  I blinked a few times, my face filled with blood. With difficult movements I turned around so I could look him in the eye.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?"

"Yes, and handsome," he answered confidently.

"Chanyeol, we haven't discussed the-" I couldn't finish because he pressed his lips to mine, but it didn't last long.

"I'm mad," he grumbled.


"I don't understand how they can hate you at school, because you're amazing. I mean... you completely enchanted me. I've never felt this way about anyone before, and maybe I'm a fool for falling in love with you so quickly. At the beginning I screwed up, then I saw how much you didn't want me to be close to you, so I kept trying until you finally opened up to me. I was happy, I still am.. And.. Hey, why are you crying?" he took my face in his palm, I wanted to hide because now I'm everything but beautiful.

"Because I love you too y-and I thought you didn't love me."

"Then don't cry honey."

"I'm not doing it on purpose! It's my hormones..." I bit my lip. "Yeol.." I changed my voice into a more seriously one, clearing my throat. "Does it bother you that I'm pregnant with someone else's child? That I'm going to have a baby at such a young age? How my skin is totally ruined? Could you really love me?"

"I could love you two," he my belly.

"Ahh, Yeol~" I snuggled into his chest. "So... what does that make us?"

"We are together."

“Seriously.. Thank you Chanyeol."

"No, I should be thanking you," he says, and we fall asleep in each others arm.

|| x ||

       I'm officially eight months pregnant with Areum because yes, that's tha name I choose for her. Chanyeol and I get along very well, of course we also have our healthy little arguments, which mostly break out because of me, but I can't help it.

My belly is huge, my waist hurts all the time, my ankles are swollen, my face has become chubbier, and even more stretch marks have appeared on my thighs, hips and stomach. I wanted to eat all the time, which resulted in me becoming fussy.

There were times when Yeol didn't speak and I started yelling at him out of nowhere. Poor him, he was very surprised, but with his sweet words and belly rubs he managed to calm me down.

Things finally cooled down at school, especially after they found out that Chan was not just my friend, but my boyfriend. Jin-ah finally gave up on revenge, she saw that she couldn't lure Yeol away from me, so at least I didn't have to worry about her.

The Parks received the news very well, Chaeyoung hugged me crying, then turned into a devil and threatened her twin that if he dares to hurt me, she will strangle him with her bare hands. Jinyoung congratulated him with a smile, patting his younger brother hard on the shoulder as he said "I thought you guys never get together. Don't screw it up bro, Baekhyun is a treasure."

Of course, the siblings father gave us the wisdom that we are still young and that we shouldn't make big promises to each other, or if we do, we should stick to what we agreed to, and he congratulated us in the end.

The last one we told about us was my father and he wasn't thrilled. He thought it would have been better if we had waited a little longer, but I told him the truth, it is as simple as it sounds, Chanyeol and I love each other and even if we won't stay together forever, it doesn't mean we can't enjoy this relationship.

Dad apologized for his words, he's simply worried about me and doesn't want me to go through the same pain he went through, and we hugged each other tightly afterwards.

I was nervous, because my little one could arrive any day soon, so Yeol and I decided to go shopping, but what made the trip even more interesting that dad, and the other Parks and Jinyoung's boyfriend came with us, as if we were a big family.

Chanyeol and I stayed behind, holding hands, looking at which store to enter first, in front of us was Jinyoung walking with his hands in his pockets next to Jaebum, in front of them was Chaeyoung pushing her stroller, and in front of them were Seojoon and dad.

"Children!" Joon turned to us. "Let's go in there," he pointed towards the baby shop. My face brightened up and I started walking with a faster pace. I was waiting for this moment for so long! I really can't wait to buy those cute little onsies, little socks and to dress my little princess up and she's not even her yet..

I started throwing in clothes in all sizes, since I don't know how big my little one will be, but I should slow down a little..

Since in our house there is only two bedroom, my baby will of course share a room with me, although I would be very happy if she had her own room, because then I could arrange everything, but that is not possible.

I ran my finger on the wooden guard rail of the cot, which was all pink. I like it, but it's too expensive for dad to buy, even though it would go well with the blue and pink carrier and stroller I chose. Exhaling, I looked at the boring but cheap one.

"I'd like that," I pointed out.

"You sure?" Das asked, Seojoon suddenly stepped next to him and whispered something in his ear to which he nodded. "Me and Joon will take care of the rest," he took out his wallet. "You go, buy something to eat for yourselves," he handed over some money.

"Um.. okay?" I blinked in confusion.

"Let's go Baek," Yeol put his arm around my waist. "Areum must be hungry too, you've been walking a lot, you don't want your legs to hurt again, do you?" I nodded. "Then let's go!"

"Where shall we meet up when yall done?" I glanced back at out fathers.

"I think we'll be fast with this, they won't be able to deliver the furniture until later anyway, order us food too, and then we'll join you at the tables, I'll call you if we can't find you.

"Okay," I nodded and we left with the guys.


After the long day, I decided I didn't want to go over to the Parks for dinner, so I said goodbye to everyone, I gave Yeol a kiss goodnight and got into dad's car and we went home together.

"When will they deliver the stuff?" I rubbed my eyes sleepily as we got to our home.

"Early in the morning," he stepped in front of me, my hair. "Are you ready for this?"

"For what? Parenthood? I think so, I'm afraid, but I know you'll always be here for me, dad and you'll help me."

"You got that right kiddo," he caressed my stomach, which made me smile. "Your mother came over the other day," he muttered with glassy eyes.


"But it's not like she asked if you were okay, she wanted money. She found out from somewhere that I work at Park ENT." he started shaking his head. "I feel sorry for loving her even after she left me. Every day I asked myself where I messed up. Now I know. Nowhere. She only wanted the money but after she got pregnant, she panicked, I convinced her to keep it, but she was aware that a baby is not cheap... so she gave birth to you and left. I don't regret for a second that I made her keep you, because you are the most important person in my life, but I can't help it, the love for your mother I felt has turned into pure hatred."

"Sh, dad, it's okay," I hugged him. "I never blamed you, I never will. Mother is a pathetic worm, I can't understand why she left the most wonderful man in the world just because there was no money. But now you have Seojoon, who doesn't care about your financial situation."

"He made me fall for him hard.." he laughed sheepishly. "I love him."

"He loves you too," I grinned happily.

"Yeah, I know," he sighed. "Ahh, okay I won't waste your time, go to bed, you look tired."

"Uhm, I am" I stretched my arms out while yawning. "Good night dad," I waved to him.

"Good night kiddo."

|| x ||

Blinking flatly, I opened my eyes, reaching for my phone that beeped non-stop, I squinted at the screen trying to understand what Yeol wrote to me.

07:50 "Good morning babe ♥"

07:55 "Oh?~ are you still sleeping? T_T"

08:00 "Then I'll write later 😔"

10:13 "Are you up yet? >.>"

10:19 "So no 😭 I'll send you hearts until you wake up! ♥"

10:19 "♥"

10:19 "♥"

10:20 "♥"

10:20 "I'm up and you're stupid. Harass someone else at eight in the morning! What kind of person gets up this early? What do you want from me anyway😑?"

10:21 "You're so cruel to me, I'm going to cry!"

10:21 "You can start. Leave me alone."

10:21 "Baeeek, come on~ I love you 🥺"

10:22 "I'm reporting you for harassment😩."

10:22 "So you don't love me anymore?😭"

10:23 "I do, I'm just teasing you teddy bear ♥"

10:23 "You always do this..."

10:24 "Yet you keep falling for it. But really, what do you want?"

10:25 "I was just hoping that you'd come over today and sleep here too, in fact, we r on a break anyway, spend the week here, please~🥺"

10:25 "I'll decide later, okay?"

10:27 "Okay ♥"

I rolled my eyes with a huge grin. We certainly are one of the most annoying couple out there, we're terrible, but what could we do, that's how fresh love is.

I pushed myself up with a difficulty, since my belly was so big, it was very hard to stand up. Areum showed me she's up too with gentle kicks, I smiled and patted my belly.

"Good morning to you too princess," I giggled as I looked up and my breath stopped.

In the corner where I made a place for Areum, there was the pink cot that II liked so much yesterday, with a small pink wardrobe next to it, in which I can put her clothes in and some heart balloons floated in the air. Ahh~ I'm going to cry. This is so beautiful!

"DAD!"  I ran - carefully - down the stairs, seeing him as he was just cooking in the kitchen.

"Is there something wrong?"

I rushed over to him and hugged him tightly. "I love you!"

"I love you too but actually, Seojoon's eagle eye saw that you liked pink one."

"Then I love him too. What are you making?" I let him go, letting him finish the food.

"Some rice, meat and some side dishes. Would you like eggs?"

"No, this will be fine," I put my down on the chair. "Dad, would it be okay if I spent the week at the Park residence?"

"Why would it be a problem?" he put the 'light' food on the table.

"Well, I've never been with them for more than two days."

"You can spend your week there kiddo."

"What will you do?" I started to stuff myself with food as soon as he sat down.

"I'm staying at home, Seojoon threw me some paperwork about a book company he want's to involve with his, so I better do it or he'll strangle me."

"You mean in bed, right?" I grinned.

"What?" he frowned.

"Pfha, nothing dad.."

After eating, I immediately went to pack some of my stuff for a week, of which there really isn't much, since I could hardly find anything for my body, I grew too fast in the last two months, and I didn't have time to properly shop for myself.

When I finished packing, I wrote to Yeol that he better hurry, because I'm impatient, which he knows very well, he's experienced it more than once.

You can't get bored in the Park house, they have an outdoor and indoor pool, a sauna, their own fitness room, a game room full of various things, a pool table, a bowling alley, those old machines with 2D games, and their own library, oh and they also have a cinema room.

But my favorite place is where there are expensive machines loaded with modern games and since Chae and JinYoung were here, we sat down in front of the machines to play something together, while Seojoon took care of his daughter's son.

It was a good feeling to relax, in the afternoon we even took a dip in the pool, completely exhausting me. I have to admit, I get tired too quickly and if I could I would be lazy all day, so it was not at all surprising that after taking a bath I almost fell into Yeol's bed, I didn't even wait for him to finish, I fell asleep.

It has happened to me many times that I woke up in the middle of the night because I really wanted something, and this is exactly what happened right now. Since I know exactly what kind of snacks they have, I won't go down unnecessarily because they don't have what I want.

I poked Chanyeol's side a few times until he got up whimpering.

"Mhm, what's wrong Byun Baekhyun?" "He called me by my full name, it's a bad sign, I shouldn't bother him at this time of the day but I'm having cravings!

"Would you please go to a store that is open at this time to get me chili chocolate?"  I kept poking him, not letting him go back to sleep.

"What time is it?"

"Two in the morning."

"Ugh, I'm definitely not going anywhere," he pulled the blanket over himself.

“But Yeollie~! My daughter is hungry," I whined in a higher voice.

"Exactly, your daughter, not mine." The air froze between them. I slipped out of bed without a word. "Ba-Baek!" he suddenly sat up. "Oh god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, I'm just tired! I-"

"No need to explain," I pulled up my pants up. "You're right. Sorry for waking you up."

"Baek.. " he also wanted to stand up so I stopped him.

"Not now, okay?"  I pressed a kiss on his lips, showing him that I'm not angry at him at alll. "Sleep." I walked down to the huge living room where, to my surprise, Seojoon was doing something on his laptop, his glasses were on his nose.

"Ah, BaekHyun, why aren't you sleeping?" he looked at me.

"I woke up," I sat down next to him.

"I see something is bothering you, do you want to talk about it?"

"It's just.. Yeol said something I already knew," I played with the bottom of my t-shirt.

"He said the baby wasn't his, right?" I didn't answer, but nodded. "My son can be quite an idiot sometimes," he laughed softly.

"I noticed.. I still love him though, but he could have been less raw with it."

"As I already told you, you are both very young, but you had to grow up first because of your pregnancy, I don't think Chanyeol is ready to grow up, you're the first one he fell in love with, it's natural that he's a little hurt because the baby isn't his, regardless of this, he can still love you and your baby even if she's not his. You just have to let him get used to you two."

I remained silent again, because he is right, we are too sensitive and if we continue like this, our relationship will end up in the trash, which I don't want at all.

"What are you planning with my father?" I diverted the topic.

"We are too old for this to be a short relationship. I got a huge wound when my wife died in an accident, I thought I would never be in love, then Wooseok appeared and I became a better person because of him. I want to stay by his side."

"Would you ever marry him?"

"Would he say yes?" he asked back.

"I have no idea," I shrugged. "I would support it though," I smiled at him. "I'd better go back to Yeol, thanks for talking to me, it was nice."

"It's like if you were my son, you can come to me if you have any problems."

"Okay," I nodded.

As soon as I opened the door to Chanyeol's room, I immediately felt two arms around my body. Chan buried his head in my neck, his shoulders shaking. He was crying.

"Please forgive me! I was terribly stupid, I didn't want to hurt you!"

"You didn't hurt me, babo," I caressed his back. "Perhaps from a biological point of view, Areum is not yours, but regardless, you still love her. It's okay Yeollie, stop whining."

"I love you very much," he pressed a tearful kiss on my lips, then suddenly got down on his knees, pulled up my shirt and started talking. "Hi, princess... I hope you're not mad at me either, I can be silly sometimes," he my skin. "Your 'mom' is the most wonderful person, just as you will be. We're really looking forward to seeing you, and when you're old enough I'll officially ask you if I can be your dad. I promise I will raise you as my own and that you will be the center of my heart.. l mean.. you already are," he kissed my navel, as if he had sealed all his words with it.

I pulled him close and kissed him deeply, whispering on his lips; "Thanks you."

Until you showed up, my life was lying on the ground in pieces, but you, Park Chanyeol, helped me pick myself up. I hope you will always remain a part of my life, maybe as my husband, my boyfriend or just my friend, I will always love you.

The End

Okay, so, the main story ends here. Originally when I wrote this story I knew it was going to be short but sweet, I also had an idea bout writing special chapters of how their fathers started dating, so after a year this story was published on my page, I sat down and wrote those special chaprers. Even tho Chanyeol and Baekhyun's story is done here (or is it, wink-wonk) Seojoon and Wooseok's is still kind of a mistery, so I decided to translate those plus six chapters as well. (those chaps will come lates this week if I have time to translate them)
About Chanbaek tho, there is no more chapters that is from their perspective as of right now, but maybe someday I write more special chapters for them as well.

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Chapter 6: I'm glad things worked out for them. I hope the same goes for the dads
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 6: Nice ending to the Chanbaek part - Areum is the perfect name!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 5: I like how there relationship is progressing - you have a good grasp of inner monologue, especially how quickly you're mind can go back and forth between thoughts - friends with baby daddy is always a good thing if you're not together 🐻
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 4: Yeah - a little girl!! Parks and Byuns just more and more involved!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 3: Did you reorganize this story? I like mpreg stories a lot!
springmiya #6
Chapter 7: ^_^
Chapter 7: Oh this was a surprise
springmiya #8
Chapter 6: loved the chapter
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 6: Nice dream and promise!!
Chapter 6: Lol Baek really isn't on Chanyeol. I get it though. I would be put out with him too tbh