Until You Came Along

      I found it strange that the two brothers did not wait for me in front of the school.

Why aren't they here? After all, they are always here waiting here so they can protect me and my little one. Panic takes hold immediately, so I fished out my phone to see if I have received a message from either of them.

07:23 "Hi Baek! I'm sorry, but Jinyoung and I can't go to school this week, we're both sick. Take care of yourself, don't pay attention to those idiots, don't let their words hurt you, we know you're amazing ♥."

07:31 "Ooh~ get well soon ^^'. I'll do my best to stay safe. It's cute that you're worried about me :3"

I didn't even have to put my phone away, Yeol wrote back right away.

07:31 "Of course I'm worried! You're important to me."

07:31 "I mean for *us, stupid phone corrected me out."

A smile appears on my face.

07:32 "You are important to me too, and the phone didn't corrected me ;)"

I slipped the device back into my pocket and went inside with a pounding heart.

It feels just like when the Parks were not here yet, I have a lump in my throat, my legs trembled with every step.How- how do I protect myself from these bullies?

I automatically hugged my belly as I entered the building. The students were used to the two brothers being by my side, so now that they are not here, they were surprised, but grinned and started to say horrible things about me. If people I don't even know behave like this, how will my classmates react?

Excluding the hurtful words, I entered our classroom, my eyes fell on Nana, who was talking with Jackson, rather arguing.

"Jin-ah, you do know that you can get into more trouble for this? I have no idea why you hate Baekhyun so much, but I can't help you! I WON'T L ike it or not, he is pregnant with my child!"

"Come on, Jackie, everyone knows that-," She didn't finish her sentence because she noticed me, her face immediately turned red with anger. "Forget it then, get out of here, you are no use to me!"

"You're a monster Im Jin-ah!" he turned, started coming towards me, and I was surprised when he grabbed my hand and dragged me out into the corridor. What does he want from me? How far are we going behind the school?

I'm afraid.

"Relax, I don't want to hurt you."

"Then what do you want?"

"Is it really mine?" he points to my stomach. I nodded. "," he massaged his forehead nervously. "Listen, I'm sorry that.. you got into this situation because of me.. and also that.. I sent my friends after you I-," It was obvious that he didn't really know what to say to me, so I waited patiently. "Jin-ah is starting to go too far.. I don't want you to get hurt because of her, so.."

"Hey, it's okay," I put my hand on his shoulder when he started stuttering in panic. "I'm used to being hated by everyone," I backed off.

"Except for the Park brothers, they liked you from the beginning, they weren't blinded by lies."

"But you have it in you to apologize, unlike some other people. Anyway, what does Nana want to do?"

"He wants to scare you, she really wants Chanyeol to be hers," he shakes his head. "Where are they by the way?"

"They got sick."

"Oh, if you want to feel safe... you can hang out with me."

"How do I know it's not a trap?" I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

"Do you know Mark Tuan?"

"He's the other one who was rejected by the school," I answered with a grimace. I've seen that poor boy a couple of times, he's kind of a lone wolf, he's quiet and ignores everything. So far, no one has succeeded in making him cry, and they have been trying to do so ever since. "Why, what about him?"

"I've been going out with him for four weeks now, I got to know him and all the rumors I've heard about him are not true. It's the same with you. If I let them hurt you it's like I would let anyone hurt him."

"Ah, I see. Well, if you're serious, it would be nice to be around you," I nodded, to which he suddenly hugged me, which surprised me a little, but I returned it and we went back to the building together, while he asked about my baby, I even gave him an ultrasound picture, which he was very happy about.

It's really shocking that Jackson Wang, who six months ago said the child was not his, is now smiling and asking about her. It's a good thing that he was able to open his eyes and finally see through the walls of thick lies.

Mark must be a good influence on him. Jackson even told how they got together. He was bad at math and Mark was the best in his class, so the teacher asked them to study together after school.

At first it was awkward for them, Jackson wasn't interested, and Mark didn't try, after that everything came naturally, the Wang boy was enchanted by the fact that the Mark who had been mocked as "mute" until now became so talkative, smiling and telling jokes.

Honestly, it hurts a little that my personality couldn't sweep off his feet, I really, really liked Jackson, but then at that moment he just wanted my and to tell everyone he had me.

He told me in front of the class that I could go to him anytime I want to, to which I nodded.

My fear is gone, I don't care about anything anymore, not Nana, not the students, because the fact that my baby's father is interested in us makes me the happiest man in the world, and I know Jackson and I will never be a couple, but he can be my friend, no?

Sitting down in the hall, something struck me like lightning. I miss Yeol.. his.. everything.

His tall figure, with which I always feel safe, his smile, that contagious stupid..  attractive and hoarse laugh of his, his jokes that no sane person would laugh at, his kindness, politeness, his constant questions.

It would be so nice if he was sitting here next to me. oh, but hold up.. Until now, I was so focused on Jinyoung.. now.. I'm thinking of such things because he's already taken? But I miss him too, but in a different way.

Ugh, the Parks are confusing the Byuns!

Speaking of!  Dad and Seojoon... Although dad doesn't say much, it's clear on his face that he's happy, even his skin is much smoother, and I know what that means, although it's none of my business... those two have already slept with each other, it's so obvious..

I still can't ask my own parent if he has had with his boyfriend. Not like he has to be anything to be ashamed of, as long as he is happy and comfortable with Joon, I will support him with all my power I hold.

I raised my head in surprise when I heard someone sit down next to me and I was shocked as soon as I saw that it was Chanyeol, he was looking at me, he was wearing cute bear mask and he was grinning because his eyes were also smiling.

"What are you doing here?" I blinked in confusion.

"I was too worried," he shrugged, even in his voice I could hear that he was sick.

"You're stupid, Yeol. You should rest at home!" I should add that I'm happy that he's here, even when he's sick like this.

"Ugh, but Jinyoung is also home and he was so boring going on and about his boyfriend!"

"Aha~ and Chaeyoung and her son?"

"They are at the company with father."

"So you came here so maybe you can get me sick too?"

"No, 'cause I'm wearing a mask," he pointed to the fabric covering half his face.

"It's very cute." Unfortunately, our conversation had to end because the teacher was shouting and didn't seem in a good mood at all, so everyone was paying attention to the things he had to say.

Not like I did.. I just couldn't pay attention, Chanyeol's soft coughing, sniffling made me worry about him more, even though it's just a cold, I know how much this nasty disease can drain a person, and he looks tired, but he is still taking notes.

My first impression of him (actually the second, but I hardly looked at him at the first time I saw him) I found him to be an idiot, even his smile annoyed me, but now.. maybe his mask covers half his face, I can still imagine the way he smiles at me with those-. .. I really lost my mind.

As soon as the bell rang, Nana immediately got up from her chair without waiting for the teacher to finish the lesson properly.

"What's wrong with that girl?" he packed his notebook.

"Jackson doesn't want to work under her, I have no idea why she's so obsessed," I rolled my eyes. "But if she were to hurt me somehow, I would go to the police, I don't want to live in fear, with complete stress, which is not good for my little one."

Yeol nodded in agreement, while we stood up to go out into the corridor.

"By the way," I hugged him, "I was talking to Jackson, wait, don't you dare speak, let me finish," I stopped him, because I saw it in his eyes that he was about to get mad. "He didn't hurt me or anything. He apologized and in my book everyone deserves a second chance."

"So... you want to start a family with him?" he frowned, his voice sounding sour.

"Hell no," I shook my head. "However, I would be happy if my daughter had her father there, and Jackson is in love with someone else, I'm over him, I'm not asking him for support, just want him to accept the fact that he has a child."

"Does that mean he'll be with us from now on?"

"If he wants, then yes, don't sulk," I poked his side. "Although I don't think he'll start ganging with us in the near future," I nodded towards the Wang boy who was talking to Mark with a smile, ignoring the fact that many students were squinting at them. "Do you know who he is?"

"Yes, Jinyoung's classmate, he told me, they also behaved badly with him, so they became friends."

"Huh, so Jin is so nice to everyone." Yes, I'm still a little bit grumpy about him not telling me about his boyfriend.

"That's his nature, except when it comes to me, of course I know he loves me!"

"Sure he does," I patted his shoulder and we continued to entertain each other.

|| x ||

I looked at the stretch marks on my hips, stomach and thighs with pursed lips. Dad told me that mom also suffered from these pregnancy stretch marks, she always complained about them, saying that they ruined her perfectly smooth skin.

They bother me too, but what can I do about it? These stretch marks belong to me now, they didn't make me any less, so I hope that if I find someone, that person won't be disgusted by my body because of the stripes. I'm like tiger..

I pulled up my pants, grabbed a t-shirt and headed for the bathroom. Entering the door, I saw my father standing in front of the mirror.

"What are you doing?"

"Son!" he turned towards me with a red face. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Since now?" I squinted, glancing down at his hand where he was clutching my eyeliner. "Dad," I started laughing. "Are you trying to make yourself look y? It would explain the clothes you are wearing. Where are you going?"

"Nowhere! I always see this on you and thought I'd try it. But I'm too old for that," he puts down eyeliner.

I moved closer to him.

"Dad, it's a bit excessive that I always wear it, I'm not wearing it now. And um, when you came to pick me up from school, you weren't wearing this at all," I touched the dark blue silk tie that he got from 'someone', it seems too expensive. "I'll ask you one more time. Where are you going?"

"To a date.. with Seojoon.." As he said that a grin appeared on my face. "Yah, what are you so happy about?"

"Nothing," I shrugged, grabbing the eyeliner. "Sit down, so I can't do your eyes."

"I already said I'm too old for makeup."

"Old my ," I sneered. "Anyone who looks at you would say you're twenty-five rather than nearly forty. Now put your down!"  I commanded, pressing down on his shoulders and carefully starting to do his eyes "Anyway, what's going on between you and your boss?" 

"I like him, I guess, I have no idea. It's been twenty years since I felt this way so it scares me a little."

"What happened between you two?"  I wiped off the part I messed up.

"Uh.. well," he blushed even more.

"You don't have to be embarrassed," I chuckled, backing away, nodding, showing him I'm done and he can take a look. "Did you sleep with him?"

"Maybe..." he whispered.

"That's a yes then" I bit my lip. "Was he good?"

"Son! How can you-," his words stop for a moment. "Ah, I'm late, thanks for doing my eyes. Take care~!” He plants a quick kiss on my forehead and hurries off.

I went back to my room with a huge smile, where I immediately texted Yeol, taking my phone with me.

17:09 "Hi teddybear boy. Dad went on a date with your father, wanna come over? I'm lonely >.>"

17:11 "Lmfao, I'm crying. 😂 Dad asked my brother for ten minutes ago, he said he wouldn't have time to go to the store to buy it tf he is so weird.. Now I understand why he needs it lol. Anyway, I can come over. Shall I sleep there too😏? Those two will deffo not coming home."

17:12 "Why are you such a ert😩? I am one too tho 😎. Alright, sleep here, the whole floor will be yours teddy ♥"

17:12 "Rude! >.<" and don't call me a teddy, it's been a week since I was sick!"

17:13 "Ooooo~ would you prefer puppy? I mean you gonna sleep on the floor😚"

17:13 "I hate you"

17:15 "I'll be there at forty."

17:20 "Then don't answer..."

17:20 "I'm waiting for you, bear♥"

17:35 "I love you"
!Error, the message was not sent. Try again!

AISH! It's a good thing the app didn't send it.

What was I even thinking? Am I out of my mind?!


Ridiculous. Yes, we have become very close in the last few weeks, for example I spent every weekend at the Park house or he came over and slept here.

He played his guitar and piano for me many times, he also started learning to play the drums not long ago, sometimes he hands over the guitar while he was trying to teach me.

Luckily for me, his favorite movie category is action, so we watched everything together, and he always played with my hair or my belly, which was very nice. How could I be in love? Even if I am, I can't tell him because I don't want to lose him, he's too important to me.

The doorbell rang, so I hurried down the stairs and ran to the door, which I opened with grin

"You're a minute late. What is your objection sir?" I raised my hand.

"My lord, I had to help an old lady cross the road."

"You expect me to believe your little story? That you get out of the car in the middle of the road to help a stranger?! Sir, you are fired!" I pointed behind Yeol.

"Forgive me Mr. Byun. It will never happen again!" he knelt down in front of me and I couldn't take it anymore, I laughed.

"You're incredible, you should try acting" I helped him up, walking into the living room where I had already prepared the sandwiches and cold drinks.

"Youv should too, the way you were just staring into my soul, damn," he said, patting the seat next to him so I sat down. "What are we watching today?"

"Well, since we've watched all the action movies, some of them three times, should we see something else?" I leaned on him.

"Hm.. a movie about a pregnant man came out half a year ago. Let's watch that!"

"Sure," I shrugged, handing him the remote control to find the movie, and while he was searching for it, I reached over to the low table and grabbed a sandwich, which I immediately started munching on. Yeol hugged me, reached under my t-shirt and started caressing my stomach, which left a tingling sensation so I snuggled closer.

The beginning of the film was very boring, the protagonist was a doctor, he worked well but his salary was bad, he could barely keep himself afloat, although his friends offered him help many times, he always refused.

It started to be heartbreaking after he got pregnant by a guy who left him right after, his friends disappeared, he was left all alone, he tried so hard but it was far from enough.. At the end of the movie he miscarried so he really had nothing left.

By then I was crying an ocean and hugging my belly. What surprised me was that the story was written based on true events, and the man to whom this happened now lives happily with his husband and two children.

"Ahw, but I'm glad it didn't really end badly," I sniffed, wiping away my tears. "Just the thought that I could have lost my little one... But you," I look at Yeol, who is also trying to get rid of his tears. "You appeared, you understood me, you saved me. Thank you Chanyeol..."

"Jinyoung was the main help though," he scratched the back of his head. "But I'm glad you think I helped too," he put his palm on my face and got a little bit closer.

I closed my eyes, letting his lips meet mine. It didn't last long, an innocent little kiss, but it was still enough for him to grab my heart and steal it.

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Chapter 6: I'm glad things worked out for them. I hope the same goes for the dads
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 6: Nice ending to the Chanbaek part - Areum is the perfect name!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 5: I like how there relationship is progressing - you have a good grasp of inner monologue, especially how quickly you're mind can go back and forth between thoughts - friends with baby daddy is always a good thing if you're not together 🐻
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 4: Yeah - a little girl!! Parks and Byuns just more and more involved!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 3: Did you reorganize this story? I like mpreg stories a lot!
springmiya #6
Chapter 7: ^_^
Chapter 7: Oh this was a surprise
springmiya #8
Chapter 6: loved the chapter
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 6: Nice dream and promise!!
Chapter 6: Lol Baek really isn't on Chanyeol. I get it though. I would be put out with him too tbh