Love language

One-shot series (aespa Winter X Karina ver)
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“Will you stop following me?”

“I’m not following you at all”

“Yes you are. You’ve been doing so for the past 10 minutes”

“Emm, maybe it’s because I’m going to the same place as you are?”




“You alright, Jimin?” Seulgi approach from behind with a few parcels to sort

“Huh? Oh, hi capt” Jimin scans the last parcel and move them to the storage area “I’m alright. Why?”

“Your face doesn’t say so” 

“Ahh, I still can’t get over what just happened on my way here, that’s all” That encounter was a first for her

“What happened?”

“Someone accused me of following her when I was on my way here. Was it even my fault that we’re using the same route??” 

“I can already imagine how your face looks like just then” Seulgi let out a laughter “Just brush it off, things like that happened” 

In the middle of their conversation, the bell rings 

“Speaks of the devil” Jimin says when her eyes land on the student who has just walked into the post office 

“Ahhhh, Minjeong…” 

“You know her???”

“You don’t?” 

Jimin shakes her head

“She’s our faculty student council president, Jimin. How can you not know her?” Seulgi asks, surprise, but only for a while when she realizes it’s Jimin she’s talking too “Right, I forgot that you don’t even care getting to know other people”

“Which department she’s from?”

“Biology” Seulgi answers as she place the storage box onto the cart “She’s dropping a parcel, can you help her? I’m going inside” And off she goes leaving Jimin with not choice at all


“You-” Minjeong stutters when she realizes the person she wrongly accused this morning is standing in front of her 

“Now you believe me?” Jimin takes the parcel and scans it “Give me your id”

“Here” Minjeong passes her student id “Sorry for this morning” 

“Not a big deal, I guess” Jimin gives Minjeong her id back. She then open the drawer at the side and takes out a lollipop “For you. Hope you’ll feel better”




“Are you going to eat that? Or should I?” Arin couldn’t take it anymore. Minjeong has been staring at the lollipop she’s holding for the last 20 minutes instead of revising for their test

“Huh? Oh, no, you can’t have it” Minjeong put the lollipop inside her bag 

“Who gave you that?” 

“Someone at the post office”

“Since when does the post office gives out candy?” Arin’s eyebrow raises “Did something happened?”

“Emm, something did happen. Something stupid” Minjeong bumps her face against her notebook “I accused her of following me when she’s actually going towards the post office which happened to be the same route I’m taking”

“You aren’t on your right mind when it happened?”

Minjeong nods, Arin knows her too well. And she knows Arin knows the reason why she’s not herself this morning.




“Practice session at 6 later, don’t be late girls!” Seulgi reminds her teammates before she leaves 

“Alright capt!” Everyone answers at the same time 

“Yow Jimin, wanna grab some breakfast with us?” Yeji asks on their way out of the gym

“I’ll passed. Have to go back to my apartment, forgot to bring my lab notebook”

“Alright then, see you in the evening!” 




Nearing the carpark, Jimin sees a scene of two people arguing. People surroundings stop moving and turn their attention to the scene. The presence of the police catches their attention. Well, it’s none of her problem so she continues walking but as if she’s tied with a string, she couldn’t take a step forward when she hears the same voice she heard the other morning. 

“I’ve told you hundreds of times before, I don’t want you in my life anymore!” Minjeong is on the verge of crying.

“You- you ungrateful daughter!” Her mom raises her hands, but before she could lands it at Minjeong, someone stops her. Minjeong who’s ready to receive the hit from her mother lifts her face when she sees a new shadow appears covering her from her mother. 

“Sir, aren’t you going to take this woman away?” 

“Let’s go. We’ve given you enough time” The police take Minjeong’s mom away towards the police car. When they leave, everyone does too except the two. 


“Why are you always here when I’m crying?”

“I’ll give you 30 seconds” Jimin continues to stand in front of Minjeong 

“You should just go” 

“20 seconds left”

“This- this is embarrassing” Minjeong continues to sob with her head low

“10 seconds”

“Thank you” 

When 30 seconds is over, Jimin gives her handkerchief to Minjeong and then she walks away without saying anything. 




“What is it about this time, Minjeong?” Arin takes a sit opposite of her in the student council room 

“Huh? Oh, hi Arin” Minjeong lift her face “Nothing” She says before she continues to read through the revised plan for their upcoming exhibition 

“About your mom?”


Arin slides her phone towards Minjeong with the clips on it

“You’re in the hot news today. Even better, that girl you’re with is Yu Jimin. That name rings a bell? Students in our faculty will definitely keep an eye on you two” Only played the clips for a few seconds, Minjeong bumps her face against the file once again “I’m dead meat. This, Jimin and I’m sure my dad will call me anytime now. And also the exhibition, erghh” She grunts “Why all of these at once, whyyyy”

“The exhibition? I thought everything is going according to plan?” Arin grabs the file away from Minjeong.

But before Minjeong could reply, as expected, her father gives her a call



“Hello dad…” Minjeong picks up the call 

“You know why I am calling you right?” 

“I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t agree to see mom yesterday”

“That’s one thing. Who’s this girl you’re with?” Mr. Kim’s secretary shows a photo posted at Minjeong university gossip account. The girl she is seen with has a reputation of her own “Are you two dating?”

“No dad, we aren’t dating”

“You aren’t?”

“No, I mean, yes, we’re dating”


“Why would you lie to your dad, Minjeong??” Arin couldn’t believe what she just heard 

“You know my dad, Arin. He doesn’t like it when I’m involved in things like this”

“More reason whyyy you shouldn’t lie” Arin shakes her head “Now you have to ask Jimin to date you for real. You know that your father has eyes on campus”

“I know, I’m thinking of a way. Jimin is from chemistry department, isn’t she? Which lab she’s in? Dr. T’s?” 

“Yeah, Dr. T’s lab. Same with Seulgi” 

“Okay, maybe I can asked a help from Seulgi later” Luckily Minjeong knows Seulgi since the latter represents the chemistry department in the student council

“Anyway, what’s up with the upcoming exhibition?” Arin continues where they left

“Dean wants us to open up another booth”

“Us? You mean us as in the student advisory board?”

“Yes, us”

“Don’t we have our hands full already?”

“Why don’t you try to say that to her?” 

“Welp, no thank you. Guess we have to call for a meeting within this week”




“Am I the only one who feel something is off with Jimin during the practice session?” Seulgi asks her other two teammates over at the side bench. Practice is over 10 minutes ago but they choose to stay for a few minutes more. And now, only Jimin is left on the ice rink

“You aren’t the only one who feels that way capt. This has got to be the first time Jimin couldn’t find the goal” Doyeon answers “Wonder what happened to her today”

“You guys didn’t know??” Yeji grabs her phone and shows the clip to the others “This happened after our morning practice session. Someone posted it on the hot news page” 

“Right, think now we all know why she behave that way” Seulgi says when the clip ends, and the other agrees “You guys go inside first, I’ll talk to her”


“Hey Jimin, shoot this” Seulgi passes the puck to Jimin telling the latter to shoot it towards the net. And as expected, Jimin fails to do so.

“Minjeong again?” Seulgi skates towards Jimin. The latter shakes her head as she shoot another puck trying to find the net.

“If it’s not her, I’m sure it’s not because of the clip that was posted on the website since you don’t really care about it. I’m guessing it’s the situation she’s in?” 

Jimin isn’t answering with words, but Seulgi gets her answer when Jimin breaks her stick for hitting the puck to hard. Seulgi passes her stick to Jimin before she picks up the broken one.

“I hate it when parents say things like that to their kids, as if it’s our fault they got into situations like that” Jimin finally utters her words. 

“That’s why you got yourself into that situation? You can’t bear it seeing her being treated like that?”

“Yeah, I’ve been in her situation before minus the crying part” Jimin releases a sigh “I don’t understand why one needs to cry over someone else” 

“Easy for someone like you who don’t cry anymore to say.” Seulgi hits Jimin’s helmet a little “Crying is a way to relieve someone from the pain they’re feeling” She then takes away the hockey stick from Jimin “Enough with practice, we have an early one tomorrow too. Clean up and head home, Jimin” 


Picking up all the pucks, Jimin couldn’t stop thinking about Minjeong. Not that she cares about the latter, it’s just that she reminded Jimin to the old her. One who others always take an advantage off, one who is being looked down by her parents a lot, one who’s blamed for all the wrong things that happened within the family, even after her parents divorced, remarried, she constantly find herself in the middle of those situations, even better, she now have step siblings whom got on her nerves almost every single time they met. Hence, she ran away and ended up staying with her grandparent from her father side who are more like her own parents. And since then, she doesn’t even care about others so much, especially her families. She doesn’t care what others think of her or the things that she does, even if someone is mad at her, she’ll just brush it off and if arguments happen because of a misunderstanding, she doesn’t even bother to resolve it. She knows how to smile but rarely, she gets mad sometimes but she doesn’t show it, one thing for sure, it has been years since she last cried. Or is she actually heartless after all?




Minjeong contemplates a lot before she finally made her decision to head downstairs to chemistry department and walks towards Dr. T’s lab near the end of the hallway. Even after she arrives in front of the lab, she keeps on going back and forth, hesitating. She thinks, and thinks, and more thinking, for about 10 minutes or so till Doyeon, one of Jimin’s lab mates, comes out of the lab. 

“Looking for someone?” Doyeon asks and when she realizes it’s Minjeong she’s asking to “Ahh, Jimin? I’ll get her” Doyeon goes back inside and brings Jimin out with her before she leave.


“Yes? Anything?” Jimin doesn’t even bother to say hi or hello. Just the way she is, straight to the point or nothing.

“Are you free to talk?” Minjeong asks

“Not really but I do have a 10 minutes waiting time right now”

“10 minutes is fine with me” 

“Okay, let’s talk outside then” 




“What is it that you want to say to me?” Jimin asks when they are outside “Just straight to the point, I prefer it that way” She continues after seeing the hesitation on Minjeong’s face 

“Would- would you be my girlfriend?”


“I mean, pretend to be one”

“Me? You? As in us?” Jimin is a bit dumbfounded, never once someone approached her like this. Well, her personality does make her a bit unapproachable. 

“Yes, us” Minjeong nods, biting the corner of her lower lips 

“This has something to do with the situation you’re in last time?” 

“Emm, kinda”

“Then, it’s a no from me. I don’t like to get involved with other’s problem, especially when family is included in it”

“Can- can you hear me out first?”

“No, I can’t, Minjeong” Jimin looks at her watch “My time is almost up. I’ll head inside first then” She says before she quickly leave Minjeong alone outside


“That’s not how you should approach her, Minjeong” Someone says when Jimin is inside. Minjeong turns around to see Seulgi walking towards her.

“Hi Seulgi” Minjeong forms a smile “You heard all of it?”

“Not all, just a bit” Seulgi returns the smile “Jimin must be surprised when you asked her that. No one ever approached her that way” 

“I- I don’t even know what I was thinking. And to think that she might agreed with it, what the heck is wrong with me” Minjeong covers her face with her palms 

“Your dad is really something huh?” 


“Arin told me about it”

“Ahh, I forgot you two are together” Minjeong cups her cheeks “What do I do nowwwww, Seulgi” 

“I’ll see if I can come up with something. Jimin also needs to break off the wall she built”




“Yu Jimin! I need your help!” Seulgi barges into the research lab in a hurry 

“Are you being chased by someone?” Jimin takes off the oven mitts and her goggles “What do you need?”

“Can- can you take over my place at the board meeting today?” Seulgi catches her breath before she continues “They suddenly called for an emergency meeting and I have an important meeting with YS company for my co-op next spring at the same time” 

“When is the meeting?”

“In an hour and I need to leave any minute from now” 

“Okay, I’ll do it but what’s the meeting about?” 

“Regarding the exhibition next month, they want us to open up a booth as well”

“Have any idea in mind?”

“I do. Can you suggest them the thing we always do during chem retreat? If other departments couldn’t think of any”

“Yeah, no problem”

“You sure you’re fine being in the same room with Minjeong?” 

“Anything that I should be worried about?”

“No- nothing, it’s just, about the incidents and also her asking you out” Seulgi wants to see how Jimin reacted, but as usual, the wall she build for years aren’t easy to be broken “Right, it’s Yu Jimin I’m talking to. You will surely be fine then”




“Alright, is everyone here?” Minjeong takes a look around the table “Right, Seulgi isn’t here yet” She realizes the president of Chemistry club isn’t in the room 

“Oh, wait she just texted me” Arin opens the text she gets from her girlfriend “She won’t be able to make it and someone else will replace her”

“Who?” Minjeong asks

And at the same time, the door opens 

“Yu Jimin” Arin points towards the person who just walks in

“What is she doing here?” Minjeong pulls Arin’s head down 

“Seulgi couldn’t make it”

“Can’t she send someone else?”

“Uhh, Jimin is the chem club vice pres?” Arin pulls the two back up realizing everyone’s eyes are on them “Now that everyone is here, let’s start” She elbows Minjeong a bit giving a signal for the latter to start their meeting.


“Anyone has any idea what we should do?” Minjeong asks after she brief them from the meeting she had with the Dean


“Physics department already has 4 exhibitions, and I can’t think of any to add on top of that” 

“Alright, Luda?”

“Not from math team also, Minjeong. It’s going to take us a week to set up our exhibition at the atrium” Luda says on behalf of the mathematical science department 

“Okay, bio team also has 5 booth of our own. What about chem club? Jimin?”

“Emm, we do have one” Jimin taps her fingers against the table “Liquid nitrogen ice cream” 

“Liquid nitrogen what?”

“Ice cream”

All eyes shoot at Jimin

“Whattt, you guys never had it before?” Jimin looks surprised “We always have that for chemistry department events” 

“Is it safe?” 

“Well, so far, everyone in my department is still breathing?” She jokes and only Arin laughs at it “I’ll take the lead and settle the liquid nitrogen purchasing”

“Alright, since no one else has any idea what to do guess we have to do that then” Minjeong makes her decision “If you need anything for the booth, just inform Arin about it” Minjeong writes it down in her notebook  “I guess that’s it for today’s meeting. Thanks for coming you guys”


After the meeting ended, everyone left except Minjeong, Arin and Jimin. 

The other two are discussing about the things that need to be bought and the set-up for their liquid nitrogen ice cream booth while Minjeong sit at the other end facing her laptop. But having Jimin there, she couldn’t even focus on her task. Keep on thinking about the other day, and how embarrassing it was. She’s lost in her own thoughts when Arin throws a crumple paper to her, and when their eyes meet, Arin’s finger points towards Jimin who’s almost at the door.

“Jimin, wait” Minjeong leave her sit and walks towards Jimin

“Yes? Anything?”

“No-nothing. Just wanted to say sorry about the other day” Minjeong lowers her head

“Nothing for you to feel sorry about, it’s not a big deal to me” Jimin wears her bagpack “I’ll head out first, Seulgi will update you if anything”




“Yu Jimin!!” Doyeon shouts her name from the first floor gaining attention from students in the area. Jimin who’s studying at the atrium looks up and mouth “what” to Doyeon before she continues her revision

“Jimin Jimin Jiminnnnnnn” Doyeon runs towards Jimin in a hurry 

“What is it? Our lab blew up or something?”

“No. You need to go outside now” Doyeon closes Jimin’s notebook 

“And why should I?”

“Someone needs you at Eisen circle”

“Someone who?”

“Minjeong. Seulgi is there but she said it’s better if you come as well”




“So, where’s your girlfriend? Thought you have one?” 

“It’s none of your business Jake” 

“You’re my little sister, of course it’s my business. We need to make sure she won’t bring any trouble to the company” 

“Don’t you think you’re the one who’s doing it right now?” Minjeong argues back

“Oh wait, are you just pretending to have one, Minjeong?” 

Minjeong’s expression almost changes 

“Damn this isn’t going to be pretty if dad finds out” He continues to threaten her

“Can you just leave me alone??”

“Ahaaaa I guess I’m right. Great, expect a call from dad soon then”

He forms a snobbish smirks

“See ya” He gets ready to enter his car

“Looking for me?” Jimin steps in at the final moment, and places herself in front of Minjeong 

“Oh? You’re real? Or is this a part of your plan, Minjeong?” 

“You’re looking for me and I’m here. So you can leave now, campus police is almost here” Jimin’s eyes avert to the police car nearing the area 

“You don’t have to go that far” Jake fakes a smile “I’m leaving anyways!”

The two stay there even after everyone has left. Jimin turns around to check on Minjeong who’s been quiet ever since she arrived at the scene, probably holding in her tears. And just as she expected, Minjeong finally let out her tears. Knowing words won’t heal, Jimin takes a few steps forward reducing the gaps between them and she slowly pulls Minjeong towards her till the latter’s face rest against her shoulder. That’s the furthest Jimin know what to do, her hands are keep inside her pockets and she keeps on standing still, letting Minjeong’s tears wet her hoodie. Only when her eyes meet with Seulgi who’s standing a bit further from them with Doyeon, the latter gesture Jimin to caress Minjeong’s back a bit.

Jimin hesitates for a moment, but seeing the latter couldn’t stop crying, she follows Seulgi’s suggestion. 

A careful pat that started with one hand, eventually turn into an embrace. 

A warm one.




“What’s that in your hand, Jimin?” Seulgi takes off her lab coat and hangs it

“My schedule” Jimin continues to stare at the piece of paper she’s holding

“Your schedule? Don’t you have it in your head already?”

“I do. This isn’t for me”

“For who then?” Seulgi walks towards Jimin “Ahh, Minjeong?”

“Emm” Jimin nods “Should I? or shouldn’t I?” 

“Are you asking me or are you talking to yourself?”

“I don’t know, both?” Jimin takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself 

“You already take the first step yesterday, I can’t think of any reason why you shouldn’t”

“It’s a forced one, mind you. Doyeon drags me there, what am I supposed to do? Watched her getting humiliated by her brother?”

“Doyeon did drag you there but she didn’t push you towards them. We gave you choices, either to watch, to leave or to go towards her and you chose the latter” Seulgi grabs her bag “So I suggest you to keep on going forward and see where will it brings you” She gives a little squeeze on Jimin’s shoulder before she exits the lab




“Jimin?” Minjeong is surprised to see Jimin waiting for her outside of the lecture hall

“I’m here to give you this” Jimin passes her printed schedule to Minjeong 

“What is this?”

“My schedules and my number is there too. I’m pretty sure your brother and your dad will keep their eyes on us from time to time, so if you want me to go anywhere with you, I’ll be able to do so if I’m free at that time. My schedule rarely changes” Jimin explains, kinda awkwardly “I’m not good in this so I’m just going to be straightforward with you, the reason why I agreed is because I’ve been in your place before and I hated it when it happened to me. With that being said, I’ll try my best to do whatever you need me to do, I’ll be there whenever you need me, and if I can’t do it or if I’m uncomfortable with it, I’ll also let you know”

“I’m sorry for dragging you into this” Minjeong lowers her head, couldn’t bring herself to look at Jimin

“This is a choice that I made, and you didn’t drag me into this, so you should stop saying sorry to me regarding this” 

“Emm, okay…” Minjeong lifts her face 

“Where are you heading after this?” Jimin changes the topic

“My pottery class starts in 30 minutes” 

“At Carlson’s building?”

Minjeong response with a nod

“I’m going that way too” Jimin pulls up her coat zipper 

“You’ve class there as well?”

“Nope, my shift at Beanz starts in 30 minutes. Shall we?” 




“What is thissss?” Arin suddenly snatch away the paper Minjeong is staring at

“Ohhhh, Jimin’s schedule? Wow” 

“Give it back to me” Minjeong tries to take the paper back

“Her phone number is here toooo, have you texted her?” 

“I haven’t even saved it”

“Whaatttt? Here, save it now” Arin returns the paper back to Minjeong.

Knowing Arin won’t leave till she did, Minjeong enters Jimin’s phone number and saved it in her contact list.

“Happy now?” She shows it to Arin as a proof 

“Text her goodnight or something”

“What? Noooo, no way” Minjeong keep her phone inside her pocket before Arin could take it “That’d be sooo awkward, Arin. More than we both already are”

“More reason why you should text her. You two need to be less awkward to be real though” Arin says before she goes into her bedroom.

Minjeong sit on the sofa in the living room for a while, hesitating whether she should send a message to Jimin so the latter could save her number. She stares at her phone long when Arin suddenly texted her.

“Stop staring at her number and send her a text before you go to sleep. Seulgi said Jimin isn’t asleep yet”

Eventually, Minjeong did send a text to Jimin.

Just a simple one.

“Hi Jimin, Minjeong’s here. Goodnight”

And then she locks her phone and goes straight to bed. Not waiting for any reply because she doubt Jimin will reply her.


Much to her surprise, Jimin did.

The next morning.

A short but meaningful one.

“Emm, hi. Good morning”

That’s how they officially started.




“Lia, who’s that girl Jimin is talking to?” Yuna has been eyeing on the two ever since that girl walks into Beanz cafe.

“Who?” Lia averts her eyes from her laptop towards the counter “Oh, Jimin’s girlfriend” 

“Jimin’s what?” Yuna asks in disbelief 

“You hear me, her girlfriend”

“Jimin has a girlfriend??” 

“Emm, yeah?” 

“No way. How- Yeah, no way” Yuna refuses to believe it

“Just because she rejected you last time doesn’t mean she can’t get herself a girlfriend” Lia hits Yuna where it hurts. It’s been a few months since that day happened but it still hurts. 

“She clearly told me she isn’t interested to fall in love”

“Welp, people changed Yuna. Guess she found someone that changed her”


“I- I have something to tell you” Yuna finally utters her words after they both arrived at the Zen park behind the library. She walks Jimin a bit further away from others not wanting others to hear what she’s about to say

“What is it?” 

“I- I like you” Yuna confessed 

“Emm, okay” Jimin reply, not what Yuna expected to hear

“That’s- that’s it?” Yuna is hoping for a more definite answer “What does that mean?”

“I don’t feel the same way as you do” 

“Will you give me a chance at least?”

“Sorry, Yuna” Jimin shakes her head “I’m not interested to fall in love with anyone”

“Hmm… But can I continue to like you?”

“Suits yourself. It’s your feeling not mine”




“Go and find a seat. I’ll bring your food and drink when they’re ready” Jimin says to Minjeong who stop by the Beanz during her shift

“Woahhh, who is she?” Wendy, her coworker starts to tease after Minjeong leave “It is very unlike you to offer something like that”

“My girlfriend” Jimin answers nonchalantly as she prepares Minjeong’s strawberry smoothie 

“Your- your what?”

“Ain’t gonna repeat myself twice”

“Since when? Wow, Yu Jimin has a girlfriend. Is the world turning upside down?” 

“Since 2 weeks ago, and the world isn’t going to end just because I suddenly have a girlfriend, Wendy” Jimin turns the blender on and she packs Minjeong’s food while at it.

“Thought that you hate being in a relationship?” 

“Well, I thought so too? But maybe I really don’t” Jimin answers though she doesn’t really means it. When she’s done with Minjeong’s order, Jimin takes off her apron, grabs her belonging and she clocked out before she carries the food tray to Minjeong who’s sitting at the corner next to the glass window.

“Your order, Minjeong” She places the tray on the table

“Your shift is over?” Minjeong asks seeing Jimin without her apron

“Yeah, you came right on time” Jimin pulls the chair opposite of Minjeong and she places her bag on the floor 

“I didn’t order this, Jimin” Minjeong says referring to the pasta bake that is on the tray

“I know. I ordered it for you” Jimin takes her iced-lemon tea “I realized you rarely eat proper meals for lunch, that’s why” She says, after going out on a lunch date for a few times, she notices Minjeong only ate snacks, bread or sweets confections for lunch. 

“What about your lunch? Aren’t you getting any?”

“Not hungry yet” 

“Have this instead” Minjeong passes her salted egg croissant to Jimin “I don’t like eating alone”

“Okay” Unli

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285 streak #1
Chapter 3: So good 🤧🥰
285 streak #2
Chapter 2: 🥹🥹🥹
285 streak #3
Chapter 1: cutie chapter 🥰
30 streak #4
Chapter 4: So far, I love all the chapters… they’re all soft and sweet and not in cringey way… I’m hoping to see more updates in the future authornim…
blanketlove 93 streak #5
Chapter 1: omg.... its so good... jimin ks the sweetest person ever to minjeong 🥺
Chapter 4: Welcome back, author!!!! kyaaaaaaa.... i'm so happy to see you again here hehe...

I love their journey towards each other's feelings. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story, author ^^
Chapter 4: This is the first time I've read your stories and I just have to tell you, they're beautiful; the way you express their personalities, the stories behind them and how they develop their love it's just perfect. Thank u for sharing this with us; and you can come back whenever you want to, cuz as far as I can read, everytime you do, you bring magic with you.
Chapter 2: wow the emotions are on the mark
Author-nim... how are you?
odeill23 #10
Chapter 2: wow this one was so good