
One-shot series (aespa Winter X Karina ver)
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“Does that mean I won’t be able to get my memories back?”

“It depends. You may or you may not. And if you do, your memories might come back to you either all at once or one by one”




“Yahhhh Kim Minjeong, where are you? It’s 11 at night, aren’t you supposed to head out early tomorrow?” 

“Is it 11 already? I didn’t look at the time, I’ll be home soon”

“You’re there again, aren’t you?”

“Emm, I am…” 


Minjeong rest her back on the bench after she ends the phone call. It’s only 11, still too early to go home. Just as she’s about to close her eyes, someone interrupts 

“Do you mind if I sit here?” The stranger asks, Minjeong quickly pulls herself to a sit and move towards the one end of the bench, giving the stranger a space to sit at the other end 

“Thank you” The stranger says

The conversation ends there for a while, till the stranger breaks it again.

“It’s nice isn’t it?” She asks with her eyes glued on the crescent moon 

“It definitely is but I like the night breeze better” 

“Sorry for interrupting your sleep just now”

“Don’t worry about that, glad that you did if not I might be sleeping here till the morning” Minjeong assures the other there’s nothing to feel sorry about “But anyway, what brings you here this late?”

“I- I don’t know” The stranger raises her shoulders a little “I just ended up here. What about you?”

“I’m missing someone, that’s why I’m here” 

“Why you didn’t go to her instead?”

“Because I’m still looking for her”


“Yu Jimin!”

“Yes, Aeri?”

“Yes Aeri? That’s it? I’ve called you more than 10 times and that’s it?”

“I’m sorry”

“Do you know how worried I am seeing you running out of the apartment like that? Where are you?”

“At a park”

“Which park?”

“The one that we saw the other day, with the colored water fountains”

“Why are you even there?”

“I don’t know, I just somehow ended up here”




“Jimin, Mr. Yu is on line 1” 

Getting the message from the intercom, Jimin picks up the call

“Yes, Dad?”

“Is your new photographer there yet?”

“Not yet, she should be here in 10 minutes”

“Okay. Be good to her. You don’t know how hard it is for me to get her to work with us for this project” 

“Alright Dad. No worries”

When the call ends, Jimin releases a deep sigh. She opposed her dad’s idea when he first suggested it. They have a few in-house photographers that can do the job but he still insisted on hiring someone else. But knowing her dad, this new photographer must really be good in her field, he’s not someone who’d randomly suggested people that he doesn’t know.

Nearing the end of the 10 minutes mark, Aeri knocks on the door.

“She’s here” 

“Let her in” Jimin nods and she tidies up herself a little, wanted to look more presentable 

“You can come in” Aeri hold the door for the new photographer and she closes it soon afterwards

“We meet again” 

Hearing that voice, Jimin lifts her face and she couldn’t believe the world can be this small. It’s the girl she met at the park last night. 

“I should properly introduced myself. I’m Kim Minjeong. Glad to have the opportunity to work with you, Ms. Jimin”




“She got closed to all staff pretty quick huh?” 

“Who?” Aeri takes a sip of her iced-americano “Ah, Minjeong?” 

And Jimin nods

“She’s friendly and fun to be around at. I think everyone is fond of her including your dad except you”

“She- she irked me sometimes”

“What about her that annoyed you?”

“All things about her annoyed me”

“You should be careful with what you say, Jimin” Aeri chuckles “I used to have a friend who said exactly like what you said just now and she ended up falling in love with the other person”

“Don’t you worry about me, I’d definitely not gonna be like that friend of yours”

“Well, if you say so” 




So what did Minjeong does that makes Jimin feel annoyed with her? 


“Are you looking for me, Jimin?”

“Jimin? I’ve told you not to address me like that”

“Well, Mr. Yu said that I can. He’s THE boss right?” Minjeong takes a sit opposite of Jimin at her office 

Jimin bites her lower lips, feeling irked. Minjeong rarely listen to her.

“Are you even the same person whom I met at the park the other night?”

“Yeah but there’s always a two sides of a person”


And that other day Jimin went to the pantry to get some snacks. 

A fight almost occurred between them.

“I saw that first” 

“Well, I got it first” Minjeong opens the bag of the butter caramels chips and eat it. To make the situation worse, Minjeong even grabs the last bottle of iced-tea from the fridge 

“Whatever, I’m out from here” Jimin leaves the pantry before her blood pressure rises 


Not to mention her dad really favors Minjeong more than his own daughter 

“Dad, who are we waiting for?” Jimin asks as they both wait for the other person to arrive at the lobby “We’re gonna be late for lunch meeting dad” She keeps on looking at her watch

“We still have time, Jimin” Her dad assures her “Let’s wait for another minute”

“B-but dad…” Jimin couldn’t finished what she wanted to say when the person they are waiting for arrive

“Hah, there she is” Her dad fixes his gaze at the entrance 

It’s Minjeong whom her dad is waiting for.

“Sorry for being late, Mr. Yu!” Minjeong bows a little when she arrives 

“You aren’t late, so no worries. Shall we?” He starts to walk towards the car that’s waiting for them outside the lobby 

“Dad, she’s late. What do you mean that she aren’t?” Jimin is definitely not satisfied. If she’s at Minjeong’s place, her dad won’t stop nagging at her, worse, he might’ve just left without her 

“She’s not, Jimin. End of argument alright?” Mr. Yu shakes her head before he enters the car

“I’m not lateeeeee, Jimin. Your dad said so” Minjeong grins slyly as she gets into the car after Mr. Yu did.

There’s nothing Jimin can do except forming a fist, one that she has nowhere to land a punch at.


Those were just a few out of many.

From closing the elevator when she sees Jimin walking towards it

Not to mention how joyous Minjeong’s smile looks like when she did that. 

And that annoying waves and slip of the tongue she did.

Minjeong also loveeeee to bombard Jimin with questions after the meeting although she already knows what the answers are going to be.

One more thing.

Jimin doesn’t like it when Minjeong gives full attention to her whenever Jimin is presenting.

Her eyes never moved an inch.

And Minjeong only does that to her.

Her eyes immediately shifted to her notebook when others are at the front.

It’s suffocating.





Till that one day, things between them started to shift

“Where did I placed the pendrive?” Jimin begins to look for it on her desk, in between the files, under the mouse pad, inside the drawers. She scatters her belongings in her handbag just to see if she misplaced the pendrive inside it. She even looked for the pendrive under the sofa, yet she still couldn’t find it. 

“Jimin, meeting is in 20 minutes. We should go up now” Aeri appears at the door “What are you doing?” Jimin’s office is in a mess

“I’m looking for the pendrive that Minjeong gave me the other day. I need it for my presentation today” Jimin continues to look for it at the bookshelf “Do you have it with you?”

“Huh? No?”

“Is Minjeong at her desk?” 

Aeri looks over at Minjeong’s cube and shakes her head 

“I’ll try to reach her”


10 minutes left before the meeting started, Minjeong finally appears outside of Jimin’s office 

“Looking for this, Jimin?” She shows the pendrive in her hand while she catches her breath 

“Why do you have it with you?!” Jimin raises her voice for the very first time to Minjeong in front of the staffs there 

“Huh? I- I” Minjeong wants to explain but Jimin snatches the pendrive away and she leave the office in a hurry

“I’ll explain to her later” Aeri says to Minjeong who’s still dumbfounded with the whole situation “Jimin, wait!”


When the meeting is over, Jimin stays inside the room to calm herself down. Her presentation went well but she still feels unsatisfied probably because of what happened this morning. Aeri takes that chances to explain what exactly happened.

“Do you realize you’re in the wrong, Jimin?”

Jimin almost chocked on the drink

“Me? About what?”

“The situation with Minjeong this morning”

“About this pendrive?” She points towards the pendrive on the table and Aeri answers with a nods “I clearly told her to give me at least a week earlier and you see what happened”

“She actually did”

“Then explain to me why she has it with her this morning”

“Because you gave it back to her 2 days ago. You don’t remember?”

“I gave it back to her? Me?” Jimin still refuses to admit that she’s in the wrong this time around

“Emm, you asked her to add more photos, why do you think she’s out of the office for the whole 2 days?” Aeri shakes her head “You can blame her for coming in late this morning but it’s not entirely her fault that it happened”


Jimin looks for Minjeong at the office when she gets back from the meeting but one of her staff tells her that the latter went out after she left. Later that day Jimin found out that Minjeong is taking a few days off approved by her father. She even tried to reach Minjeong on her own but the phone is turned off.




“Glad to see you’re bringing your camera around again” 

Minjeong’s daydreaming is interrupted when Ryujin takes a sit in front of her at Ryujin’s cafe

“Guess I can’t leave it untouched for too long” Minjeong forms a faded smile 

“How’s work looking so far for you? Getting used to it?” 

“Ahhhh, as usual back to square 1. You know what I mean” 

“I know exactly what you mean” Ryujin nods with a sly smile “You’ll get through it. That’s why you are here, aren’t you?”

“Emm, I wanted to remember how it used to feel like” 


“What are you looking at?” Minjeong’s eyes shifted towards her love one that has just arrived 

“I was looking at the wind” 

“Looking at the wind?” Her lover asks looking a little confused 

“Why? It sounds weird?” Minjeong chuckles and the latter nods 

“Just because wind is something that we can’t see?” The latter nods again and answer with a hummed 

“Try to look outside and tell me what you see” Minjeong points towards the cafe’s crib. 

The latter’s eyes shifted from Minjeong to the outside, scanning the surrounding “I see trees, fallen leaves, people’s walking...” She pauses for a while and she suddenly smiles “Ahh, there’re birds on the tree’s branches too”

“Can you see the swaying trees, and the blowing leaves?” Minjeong asks. Getting the tiny nod from her lover, she continues “How about the people walking with long coats everywhere? And look at the birds, see how they tuck their bills into their feathers and they crouches low?”

The other nods again, seemingly understand what Minjeong is referring.

“You’re looking at the wind” Minjeong’s eyes sparkle the moment she says that “If only I can capture it”

“Why don’t you try?”

“It won’t be easy” She sigh knowing that she’s still lacking in a lot of things when it comes to photography 

“Sure it’s not easy but I know you can do it” 




“Are you alright, Miss?” 

Jimin shifts her eyes to her front, the cafe owner passes a handkerchief to her to wipe her tears 

“Thank you” 

“No problem and I’m sorry if I interrupted you just then” 

“Huh? No, you didn’t. I’m glad you called me out if not the other customers might gonna look at me weirdly” 

“Are you perhaps waiting for someone? It’s been an hour and you kept on looking outside”

“I’m not waiting for anyone. It’s just- I- I don’t know, this place, that scenery looks familiar to me” She forms a faded smile 


“Done daydreaming?” 

“Huh?” Jimin changes her view to the person in front of her “When did you arrive?”

“Emm, around 3 minutes ago?” The other person chuckles “I should’ve just keep my silence and see how long will it takes for you to realize that I’m already here” 

“Maybe you should try that next time” Jimin slips her tongue out before she takes a sip of her iced-lemon tea

“What were you looking at?” The other shifts her eyes to the view outside

“Just… The scenery, that’s it” Jimin joins in “The view is too pretty that I don’t think photos can do it justice” She pauses “I doubt I’d feel the same thing that I’m feeling right now looking at the view with my own eyes”

“Ahh, now my hand is itching” The other interrupts 


“Feels like you’re telling me to proof you wrong”


It’s not that she’s not waiting for anyone. 

It’s just that she isn’t sure who’s the person she’s waiting for.




“Aeri, why am I partnered up with her?” Jimin shows the handout with the name list for their company retreat 

“I thought that’s what you want?” 

“When did I say that?”

“Emm, where should I start?” Aeri crosses her arm with her fingers rubbing her chin, pretending to think “Nevermind, it’s going to take me hours to list them out. Just used this chances to talk to her, you’ve been whining to me ever since she avoided you because of that incident”


Minjeong has stopped pestering Jimin ever since she got scolded because of the pendrive.  

She purposely left the last bag of butter caramel chips in the pantry yet the chips remained untouched.

Minjeong didn’t called Jimin by her name anymore.

No more random pranks whenever she arrives or about to leave the office.

Good morning is long gone, what even a goodbye.

Not only that, she even avoided Jimin as much as she can.

Once, Minjeong was only a step away from entering the elevator but she pulled back when she realized Jimin is inside it.

Out of all of that, there are two things that Jimin missed the most. 

Her smile. 

Her laughter.

The trip is gonna be awkward.

Really awkward.




“Aeri! You told me you’re sitting with me on the plane, why is she right next to me?” Jimin whispers to Aeri back at the economy section where everyone is at except the two

“Errr, I’m supposed to but I suddenly have something to discuss with Jess, so we exchanged places…” Aeri raises her shoulders before she lightly pushes Jimin back to her seat at the business class “It won’t be long, just for 2 hours. 2 hours alright” 

Jimin isn’t liking it at all. 

2 hours are too long for her.

It’s not that she’s uncomfortable having Minjeong right next to her.

It’s just that she doesn’t want Minjeong to see that one side of her.

Her behavior that only Aeri knows about.


When the plane starts to ride along the path before the takeoff, Jimin shuts her eyes and she holds the arm rest tightly, her breath is getting harder for her to control.

But right before the plane takeoff, the coldness she feels is suddenly gone.

Her right hand is no longer holding the arm rest.

It’s Minjeong’s hand she’s holding too.

“Aeri told me about it” Minjeong says nonchalantly with her eyes shut


“It’s your 5th time on the plane. Still afraid?” 

Jimin nods as she tightened her grips on her lover’s hand 

“Everything will be fine, we’ll arrive there on time” Her lover assured before the latter softly kiss the top of Jimin’s hand “Remember the first time we rode on the plane together? How red my hand became after a 5 hours flight?” They both chuckles as they remember the moment “I couldn’t feel my hand for an hour after we landed” 

“You love to over exaggerates things like this when it comes to teasing me” Jimin pinches her lover’s waist lightly 

“Your fault for being so cute when I teased you” Her lover pinches her cheek in return “Go ahead and sleep, I’ll wake you up when we arrived”

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285 streak #1
Chapter 3: So good 🤧🥰
285 streak #2
Chapter 2: 🥹🥹🥹
285 streak #3
Chapter 1: cutie chapter 🥰
30 streak #4
Chapter 4: So far, I love all the chapters… they’re all soft and sweet and not in cringey way… I’m hoping to see more updates in the future authornim…
blanketlove 93 streak #5
Chapter 1: omg.... its so good... jimin ks the sweetest person ever to minjeong 🥺
Chapter 4: Welcome back, author!!!! kyaaaaaaa.... i'm so happy to see you again here hehe...

I love their journey towards each other's feelings. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story, author ^^
Chapter 4: This is the first time I've read your stories and I just have to tell you, they're beautiful; the way you express their personalities, the stories behind them and how they develop their love it's just perfect. Thank u for sharing this with us; and you can come back whenever you want to, cuz as far as I can read, everytime you do, you bring magic with you.
Chapter 2: wow the emotions are on the mark
Author-nim... how are you?
odeill23 #10
Chapter 2: wow this one was so good