chapter 2: life updates

since then, 'til now

A/N: FOR THE RECORD, that last scene is inspired by their old stories and i narrated it in a dramatic effect because its fiction thank you very kamsa; idk how college in s.k. works ok? so maybe this is wrong maybe this could happen i genuinely don’t care that much i just gave her the same school & dept as jo jungseok; also !!!! big bro kim heechul huhuhu enjoyy

Kyuhyun’s hands were shaking as he waited for the manager to finish whatever he had to do. To say that he’s very confused right now would be an understatement because he is very, very, very lost and more than confused. Befuddled? Bewildered? He wasn’t the best at words — he preferred math in school, after all — but he would very much appreciate words to describe what was going on because he is very, very confused.

“Kyuhyun-ah?” A voice breaks his thoughts and he looks up to see Heeyoung walking towards him with a folder in her arms. He guessed it was filled with music sheets she had to learn but he can’t be sure because they haven’t been in the same classes for two weeks now. 

They were placed in a different level for vocal lessons (more advanced, they heard, to suit their talents), but ended up with different teachers. Then they got placed in different dance lessons as well because Heeyoung was actually good at dancing, while Kyuhyun needed a one-on-one setup. He didn’t understand at first because he didn't think he was the worst at dancing, but the news he just got just made everything clear.

“What’s wrong?” Heeyoung stood in front of him and held his wrists to stop him from shaking them. “Are you okay?”

He didn’t know how to break it to her. Heeyoung had been so excited to hear they both got in around the same time and was looking forward to continuing working together. She would teach him what he learned in her lessons, and he would do the same. Sometimes, Heeyoung would help him practice the dance he had to do even if it’s not something she was required to learn. They hadn’t seen each other as often as they had in that first week, but they made it a habit to meet for lunch if their schedules could match up. Kyuhyun isn’t one to socialize a lot, but he can tell a good friend if he sees one, and Heeyoung has turned into one of his closest friends over the past two, almost three, months.

“I… I think I’m going to debut.”

“Already?” He nodded. “Kyuhyun-ah! That’s so great! I’m so happy for you!!” She jumped up and down, happily shaking his arms before pulling him into a hug. “This is amazing, I’m so happy for the both of us!”

Kyuhyun pulled away abruptly at her words. “Both of us? Are you debuting too?”

“No!” She answered a bit too enthusiastically, considering her next words. “I’m dropping out!”

There was a beat of silence as Kyuhyun processed her words and she just looked back at him with a happy smile, unknowing to the fact that she was adding to Kyuhyun’s confusion.

“Of school??”

“No! From here!” She opened the folder she was holding and showed him the papers which were not the music sheets that he thought it was. It was a letter stating how she was going to stop attending trainee schedules with the permission of her parents followed by a bunch of other papers that probably supported her decision.

Kyuhyun blinked at the paper before looking back at his friend. She was smiling too widely for him not to smile back, but he was really confused. Though, it’s not much of a surprise since Heeyoung always managed to break expectations.

“We’re happy about this?” Kyuhyun asked, just to make sure.

The grin on her face wiped off in an instant that Kyuhyun almost apologized. Heeyoung sighed at him. “Do I ing look like I’m crying?”

“I was just making sure!” He said in defense. “Why are you dropping out? I thought the teachers always told you that you would probably debut soon.” Heeyoung quickly turned into a favorite of the teachers because of how hard she worked and how well she actually did. ‘Born talented’, they would say. But Kyuhyun knows Heeyoung just has experience at getting along well with teachers since she was apparently consistently the class president in her high school. 

Her smile turned soft, the same proud expression she had first got the results of the monthly evaluation and got excellent scores. “I know what I want to do now.”

“Oh?” Kyuhyun smiled as well, knowing how it bothered her that she only did the auditions because she didn’t really know what else to do. Heeyoung talked about how happy she was that she was getting all these praises from the teachers, but how it felt wrong because she doesn’t really have the dream of being a singer the way that S.E.S. or Fin.K.L. were. “What are you going to do then?”

She opened the folder again and took a specific page to show him. “I got a scholarship! Honestly, I didn’t think I’d pass, I just always thought it would be fun but look! I got a scholarship in the Theatre department at Seoul National Institute!”

“Woah,” Kyuhyun took the paper from her and read it himself. “, this is amazing! When did you even have time to audition for this? You needed to audition, right?”

“Yes, yes, I did plus the other requirements.” She grinned and nodded excitedly, obviously still at a happy high with the news that they both got. “I did it out of nowhere a while back but I really didn’t expect this. Now, I get to do something I think I actually want to do and you get to debut, and we’re all happy!” She squealed again before pulling him into another hug, making him laugh.

“Cho Kyuhyun!” They pulled away and saw the manager run towards them. “Oh, Heeyoung-ah, you’re here too.”

“Jeonghun oppa!” Heeyoung greeted him. “I’m about to go. Are you going with Kyuhyun? Is he really going to debut?”

Yah.” Kyuhyun hit her lightly in the arm. “Why would I lie about that?”

The manager laughed at their teasing before putting a hand on Kyuhyun’s shoulder. “Yes, and, speaking of that, we have to go now.”

“Oh…” Heeyoung turned to Kyuhyun and he suddenly realized they wouldn’t see each other as much as they did now. Actually, they would no longer see each other unless they put in the time, but time is always of the essence when you’re beginning to achieve your dreams.

Heeyoung, always so perceptive, sent him a teasing grin. “You have fun, okay? I’m going to keep texting you to keep you humble when you become a star, so you better keep in touch.”

Kyuhyun felt a weight lift off his chest. Not a lot, just a bit. There’d been a lot of cases of people losing contact when they debuted. He wouldn’t be that surprised if they end up the same way, though he hoped they wouldn't. “I will.”

And with that, they both went their separate ways.



“Ryeowook-ah!” A voice echoed through the dorm when the door opened. “I bring food from omma!” 

Kyuhyun slowly removed his headphones as thought of why the voice sounded so familiar. His eyes widened as he stared at the girl that entered the dorm with a bunch of bags that obviously contained a lot of food. Shindong and Donghae immediately stood up from the couch to carry it for her.

“This is a lot,” Donghae commented, “I don’t think we even have enough space to fit it all.”

Yah, Heeyoung-ah, tell us the truth. Did your omma really prepare all of this or were you worried again that we didn’t have food to eat?” Shindong teased as they started taking out the containers.

“She probably cooked over half of it.” Heechul commented as he walked out of one of the rooms. “She has this annoying habit of being over concerned all the time.” He ruffled her hair as he passed by her to look into one of the bags.

“Yeah, a habit I had to develop because omma always left me in charge since you just couldn’t be mature enough.” Heeyoung snapped back at him as she fixed her hair, to which he just stuck his tongue out in response. “See? That’s what I meant.”

Kyuhyun stood up and walked towards them as if in a daze. Is this real? Heeyoung is here and just joking around with all these hyungs that he had just met 2 days ago when he was told he would debut? Did she just roll her eyes at Kim Heechul

“What is going on here?” The question slipped out of his mouth before he could even try to make it sound better.

“Oh, right!” Shindong, the friendliest of them all, gestured to Kyuhyun. “Heeyoung-ah, we have a new member. His name is—”

“Kyuhyun-ah!” Heeyoung shouted as she rushed over to him and gave him a hug. “Why are you here?! I missed you so much! I mean it’s just been a few days, but, woah, I didn’t expect to see you here!”

“You two know each other?”

“Yes, yes, my best friend while I was a trainee for the past three months.” She answered quickly with a wave of her hand, her attention focused on Kyuhyun that she didn’t notice the glare and the dark aura that was coming off of Kim Heechul. “So, this is how you’re going to debut? Through Super Junior?”

“Yes,” Kyuhyun subconsciously took a step back as Heechul walked towards them. “Yes, that’s what they said. The dance I was learning is for the debut, apparently.”

“Oh, so—”

Heechul stepped in front of Heeyoung, gently grabbing her arm and blocking her view of Kyuhyun. “How do you know him?”

“What a ing idiot.” Heeyoung shoved Heechul aside with one strong push. “I just answered that a while ago. We were both trainees at the same time. Do you not listen?” She shook her head, once again unaffected by the glare Heechul was sending her, before turning back to Kyuhyun with a smile. “Sorry, ignore him. This is why omma loves me more.”

“No, she doesn’t.”

“Yes, she does. She loves unnie the most, I’m second, and oppa is third and last place. We’ve talked about this many times.”

“‘Omma’? ‘Oppa’?” Kyuhyun repeated as he looked back and forth between the two and started to put the pieces together. “Are you two siblings?”

Heeyoung shot him a confused look. “Yes. I told you I had a brother.”

“I didn’t know what your brother’s name was!”

“I didn’t tell you? That’s so weird I thought I did.” She tilted her head. “Sometimes the teachers would mention Heechul oppa when talking to me plus it’s so obvious. KIM HEEchul and KIM HEEyoung.”

“I thought it was a coincidence!”

“Why would your teachers mention me?” Heechul asked as he flicked his sister’s forehead before walking back to finish checking the food their omma had sent.

“Ow! What is wrong with you?” She hit his arm as he passed by. “Teachers always have a habit of mentioning older siblings to the younger ones. I went through that with Heejin unnie’s teachers since we went to the same school. It’s nothing new and you’re not special.” This time, she stuck her tongue out at her brother, and Kyuhyun couldn’t help but be amused at the situation.

“I don’t think that’s a way to be talking to your oppa, Heeyoung-ah.” Another voice joined in. Hangeng walked toward them with a smile, patting the girl’s shoulder in greeting. “He was so proud you got a scholarship and kept telling me about it.”

Heeyoung gasped dramatically before turning to her brother with a wide grin. “Oppa! You do love me!” She ran to him as he tried to escape, but he failed and became trapped in a hug that Heeyoung doesn’t seem to be letting go of any time soon. “I knew it! You’re so proud of me and you love me so much! Mwah!” She pressed a kiss to his cheek, which prompted him to groan in disgust as he wiped his cheek with a tissue and threw the entire tissue box at Hangeng who laughed as he went to grab himself a cup of water. 

“I actually hate you.”

“I love you too, oppa.”

Kyuhyun watched in delight as the scariest hyung in the dorm (for him at least) attempted to escape several times but failed. The others also remained in the kitchen just laughing at the two in a way that they would probably never do to Heechul if Heeyoung wasn’t there.

“Why is it loud in here?” The sound of the door opening was followed by footsteps of several people entering the dorms. The rest of the members of Super Junior entered after a schedule with their manager leading them. “Ah, Heeyoung is here.”

“I brought food from omma!” She replied as she waved at the other members. “And Heechul oppa loves me!” The newcomers laughed at her squeezing Heechul tight one more time before mercifully letting him go with a failed attempt at another kiss.

“So annoying.” Heechul got revenge by lightly shoving his sister aside, but her bright smile didn’t waver.

Leeteuk leaned on the kitchen counter. “Heeyoung-ah, did you really get a scholarship? At SNI?”

“Yes, I did! It’s so amazing because I got the results in time for me to drop out from being a trainee at the same time Kyuhyun debuted because I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have been as fun if he left.” She told them, gesturing to Kyuhyun as she opened the freezer and grabbed a popsicle stick without permission. No one really minded, seeing as no one protested when she opened it up.

“Oh, right! You two were trainees together! And you’re the same age?” Sangwoo, one of the older managers of Super Junior, asked.

“Yup!” Heeyoung took a tiny bite of the popsicle, unfazed by the cold. “It’s so cool that he’s going to end up debuting in your group because now I can just be a fan of one group since you’re all together and not separated. And you’ve got him on your team now, so you earned yourself another vocal legend. Trust me on that.”

Heeyoung busied herself with the popsicle for a second that she almost didn’t notice the awkward tension in the air until Kyuhyun cleared his throat. 

“I’m going to, umm, go and finish my game.” He mumbled before leaving everyone in the kitchen and rushing to the computer to put back his headphones.

“Wow, good job, everyone.” Sangwoo commented, the sarcasm laid on thick.

Heeyoung furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at their expressions. “Why… Why are you all awkward with Kyuhyun?” 

The manager sighed again when no one spoke up. “They’re on guard. Feel like they might get kicked out at any time.”

“Because Kyuhyun came in?”

“Yes, Heeyoung-ah.” Her brother answered bluntly. “That’s how this rotational project group was supposed to work. So, sorry if we can’t all be nice and welcoming to your friend.”

“That’s bull.” The members didn’t look that surprised at her cursing. They probably expected it. “He’s not the one making the decisions. Kyuhyun just wanted to sing as well, and he’s ing good at it. So, why are you all turning him into an outcast?”

“Okay, you feel threatened? You feel scared? You feel angry? Fine.” She continued, shaking her head at the oppas surrounding her as she picked up her bag and prepared to leave. “Feel what you want. But don’t take it out on someone who didn’t do anything wrong. That is so ing childish.”

She turned to the manager and pretended she didn’t see him fighting a smile. “Oppa, I’ll go home now. I don’t like the energy here.”

Sangwoo stood up at her words. “I’ll go with you to the ground floor.”

Heeyoung paused in the hallway. “Kyuhyun-ah! I’m gonna go home now!” She shouted at the general direction he disappeared into and waited until she got a faint ‘goodbye’ shouted back in response.

She smiled at the manager who held the door open for her, already feeling slightly better. “Let’s go.

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kyu would do his best not to invite heeyoung to frankenstein bc he hates jacques but she'd be going at least 5x purely for that character whether kyuhyun likes it or not & shes so v proud of him & would also try her best to post something about jacqueskyu for the fans bc kyuhyun isnt doing so


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Chapter 19: kyuyoung wedding next after wookie and ari HAHAHA
Chapter 18: this hits different now that we got ot15 suju and then ryeowook and ari are married....kyuyoung marriage next
Chapter 20: i-i scrolled down i dont want to read yet i refuse to alsksksks i feel like im gonna cry

but honestly i rlly like your works a lot (esp the still ongoing teukchul one in your twt) but this idk its so special I dont know what to say 😭😭😭 I'll sound lame but rlly...keep up the good work 😍😍
Chapter 19: no it's ending how will i live how will i breathe 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 12: so hi i'm i reread this fic, esp this chapter... T_T i think i'm the only one that bothers to comment here every now and then and tbh this became my fave suju fanfic now i just want to shower you and this fic with lots of love~
Chapter 13: rereading this story and kyuhyun's confirmation is really the funniest thing in this chapter i swear 😂😂😂
Chapter 17: ONE EPILOGUE CHAPTER LEFT??? 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 17: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 their phone call convo 😭😭😭😭

Chapter 16: YOU UPDATED IN MY BIRTHDAY (not that it matters) BUT OMG WHY DIDN'T I CHECK ON THIS UNTIL NOW ALSKSLSKDKSK THIS IS SO CUTE (eunhyuk whining abt being demoted to third place over heeyoung's ranking lololol)