Mission of Disappointment

Heavenly Sin


Yuqi looked at the girls around her and thought about her mission. She sighed, she knew she had to complete it but she didn't know how to do it without causing conflict with her best friend and Shuhua's new friend, Lilith.

"I still have to complete my mission." She finally said. She sat up straight and said it with a serious tone, she wanted them to know she had to do this.

"Why? So you can set the girl up for a life of disappointment when she returns to heaven?" Lilith spoke with amusement in her voice and a smug look directed at the angel.

"What do you mean?" Yuqi was confused, the girl on the other end of the couch knew something she didn't, and she wanted to know what it was.

"Did your mission file tell you why this angel keeps reincarnating?" Lilith still seemed amused at the angel's confusion and frustration. Yuqi did not like it.

"What are you going on about?" Yuqi was seriously starting to get fed up with the devil.

Lilith sighed, "She's waiting for her lover. She thinks they have reincarnated but they have not."

"Okay, so what happened to her then? Chaeryoung never mentioned it." Yuqi knew the girl and never had she mentioned a special someone.

"Of course she wouldn't. It's because she knows the truth. She just doesn't want to admit it to herself."

"What's the truth then?" Yuqi asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. She did not enjoy where this conversation was heading.

"Her lover is a demon in Hell and the only way for them to be together again is if she joins her there."

Yuqi was in shock. She was right about not enjoying where the conversation was going, but this was crazy. Was she supposed to give up so the girl could be truly happy? Would the girl be happy? In Hell. Yuqi had to think about what she was going to do clearly. Perhaps she could ask the girl herself, but she wouldn't have any memory of it as a human anyway.


As Yuqi was thinking of what she would do, Shuhua was watching her she could tell her friend was in a predicament and did not know how to fully process it. Shuhua wanted to help her but it was not her place anymore she was no longer fighting for Yuqi's side. She was a part of Hell now and her head was clear of the authority so she knew what the right decision would be, but Yuqi would have to figure this one out on her own.


Soyeon was also watching the angel who seemed to have a whole war going on inside her head. She wore a slight smile directed towards the girl that continuously surprised her tonight. She was unusual and unlike any heavenly being, she had met before. She wished the girl had not been raised under the grasp of the restricting Archangels, as Soyeon knew the girl could be so much better with given freedom. She seemed so determined to be an Archangel. Why was that? The duties of an Archangel were not simple or easy by any means and it would mean a lot less time for the girl to live or think freely. There must be a reason the girl was so set on making it to the top.


Soojin was sitting quietly as well, watching the other girls whose attention was focused solely on this angel. She raised a brow when she caught the slight smile on Soyeon's face. Soojin had a feeling this whole situation was going to cause a bigger mess than it probably already has.


Yuqi figured it out. She knew what she had to do. She turned to the women sitting in her living room and blushed when she noticed all their attention was directed at her.

"I don't want to think about this right now it's been a long day and honestly I'm exhausted," She slouched in her position to prove her exhaustion, "Can we discuss this tomorrow? You guys can stay here there's a spare room, someone can take my room and I will stay on the couch. We can talk this through when we've all had some rest."


Shuhua smiled at the younger before nodding, she could tell the girl was tired and needed more time to think over all the events of the day, "Alright, well then Soojin and I can take the spare room. We'll see you in the morning." Shuhua took Soojin's hand before leading her into the spare room.


Soyeon was not as easily fooled though. She could tell the angel was exhausted, that was true, but she also had a glint behind her eyes, Soyeon knew it all too well. She wanted the angel to think she had been fooled though so she could follow her. She already had an idea of what Yuqi wanted to do. She was rather disappointed in the girl but brushed it off. She did not know her well enough to be making those judgments. The angel was wrapped up in the strict binds of what was expected of her. She did not truly understand freedom of choice just yet. Maybe Soyeon could change that.
Soyeon turned to Yuqi and gave her a fake smile before bidding her goodnight and making her way to the other room. When she entered she could see Yuqi had quickly set herself up before going to complete her mission. She saw a photo next to her bed with Shuhua and two other angels she did not recognize. She smiled at the sight of Shuhua dressed in all white with a smile plastered onto her face laughing at something someone must have said, the girl did not seem like she had changed at all after Falling. Soyeon lay on the bed and listened to see if her assumptions were right and when she heard the click of the entrance door open and close, she knew she was. She sat up with a sigh and followed after the angel.


Yuqi felt terrible for lying to the girls and the fact that she did it so well was still a surprise to her. She knew this may be selfish but she had to complete this mission. She just had to. She made her way out of the apartment as quietly as she could. She made her way onto the street with her wings hidden so she could disguise herself as being human. She knew from her file that Chaeryoung would be walking home by now from her shift at the restaurant she worked at. She made her way quickly through the crowds completely unaware of the woman following her.

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