
Heavenly Sin

Yuqi Pov

Yuqi woke up at around five the next morning to make sure she had time to get together everything she would need while she was on earth. Her mission had come to her in a file before she went to bed the night before so she had checked over it thoroughly to make sure she knew exactly what to do and formed a plan to finish the mission quickly. It appears that she had to save a soul who was starting to succumb to the darkness and fall into sin. The human's lifeline was about to be cut short so all Yuqi had to do was make sure the girl would repent and pass on peacefully.

She was given an address that she would stay at as well as money to buy food for the time she would be there. The Archangels must have thought she would be there for a while but she was going to do her best to finish it quickly. Making sure she had not left anything behind Yuqi made her way to the gates of Heaven to be sent off by Miyeon. As she made her way there she started to feel the anxiety of being on her own in foreign territory, but she had to keep reminding herself that The Creator would not send her if it would intentionally endanger her. Right? They had learned a lot about humans and the human world but the things Minnie was saying yesterday... Surely it wasn't as bad as she said. She just wanted Yuqi to be extra careful and aware of her new surroundings.

Yuqi repeated this to herself to reassure her nervous feelings. When she finally reached the gate she looked to see if Miyeon was there but as expected the Higher angel was late as always.

"YUQI! I'm here!" Miyeon yelled as she ran towards the younger. Completely out of breath she hunched over in front of the younger while trying to compose herself and be able to breathe again.

"Why didn't you fly here?" Yuqi asked after giving Miyeon a chance to catch her breath.
Miyeon suddenly looked up at her with a regretful look, "I didn't even think of it..." Yuqi laughed at her unnie, she was used to Miyeon forgetting about the basics of living.

"Anyway, are you ready to leave?" Miyeon asked Yuqi with a smile.

"As ready as I could be!" Yuqi replied. She was so ready to complete her first mission.

"Alright, let's go."

They both spread their wings as they made their way out of the gates. Miyeon took the younger's hand and lead her to earth. As they flew the clouds on their way down to earth Yuqi held the biggest smile on her face, all those nervous feelings from earlier left as she started to make out the shapes of buildings and greenery the closer they got to the apartment she would stay at. When they landed on the roof of the apartment building Yuqi looked at her unnie with a small smile. She didn't want her to go but she knew the angel would have to return to her duties.

"Until we meet again," Miyeon said as she hugged her younger friend.

"Until then." She said in a soft voice as she buried her face into the elder's shoulder.

With one last squeeze, Miyeon let go of Yuqi and gave her one last smile before she turned and left the younger with the hope that the younger would return soon. But unknown to the two from afar three darker beings were watching the friends say goodbye.

Shuhua POV

"Hey, are you alright?" Shuhua heard Soojin speak up after seeing the sad expression Shuhua held while finally seeing her friends after so long.

"Yes, I didn't know Miyeon would be the one to send her down. They seem happy." Shuhua watched as the angel went to the edge of the roof and looked down at the city with a small smile.
Shuhua smiled when she saw Yuqi smiling, she knew how curious and excited Yuqi was about finally being able to go to earth someday. She felt content as she saw the puppy go into the building, she knew how hard Yuqi worked to get to where she is, it was always her dream to become an Archangel. When she found out about Shuhua climbing the ranks to become one she was so proud of the younger and always supported her with no disdain that she couldn't do it as quickly as the youngest in the group. Shuhua loved that about her friend, she was always supportive no matter what with no feelings of jealousy.

"When do you think the angel will start on her mission?" She heard Soyeon speak up after giving the younger a moment.

Shuhua laughed as she nodded her head in the direction where Yuqi had just left through the entrance of the building. She knew Yuqi would be eager to finish the mission to prove her worth to the Archangel council.

"Let's go, she will want to try and finish the mission within a few days," Shuhua spoke to the two behind her.

"That would be impossible especially with the darkness already starting to surround the girl she is trying to save." She heard Soojin scoff as she moved to take the younger's hand.

"You'd be surprised by how much light she can spread. She's always been the perfect angel, nothing had ever defeated her for as long as I've known her. I don't even know how I was sent to earth before her, her ranking was always higher than mine."

"Perhaps they wanted you here on purpose," Soyeon said almost as if she was talking to herself, "I mean they sent you to the location where Soojin and Ryujin were staying. There is no way they didn't know about it. I mean they were there for years and like me, The Creator also has information on where the demons generally stay when they've been there for long enough."
Shuhua suddenly stopped, "Are you saying he sent me there on purpose. Like a test?"

"I mean it's a possibility, but we'll discuss it more when we are done here. Let's finish this today. If we can get to the girl before Yuqi then we can fill her soul with the darkness that not even an angel can save." Soyeon said as she made the youngest continue.

"Why couldn't a lower demon complete this task again?" Shuhua asked the Devil.

"Because this soul is that of an angel who decided to reincarnate and only I have the power to bring true darkness to her soul so that not even the almighty Creator can save her," Soyeon answered.

This was one thing Shuhua never truly understood about Soyeon. The devil did not seem to care about any of the human souls that entered Hell unless they were once angels. Soojin once told her she thought it was because of the hatred she held for The Creator that Soyeon just wanted to prove that not all of his angels or creations were as perfect as he had tried to make them be. Shuhua was about to ask her more about the topic until she saw Yuqi stop and look at the target.

"Alright we do this now," she spoke before nodding to Soyeon and Soojin to approach the target while she made her way over to the building that Yuqi was currently studying her target from.

"Hey, it's been a while." She said only to see a look of shock fall on her.

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