Chapter 8: Cocoa

Hello, Bae
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Outside the window, droplets of raindrops begun to fall. The weather cold and calming for Irene, as she paid attention to each dropping sounds. Once again, she’s in a cafe with Amelia and co-star for the play, along with Jennie tagging along. She had concluded that’s its inevitable to not meet with Wendy when they’re about to act as rivals to lovers this upcoming theatrical play.


After the Saturday event, Irene’s father seemed to have taken a liking to her friends, telling her that she’s free to invite them anytime in their home. Emphasizing Wendy’s name in their father and daughter talk. Irene had also considered another detail that maybe Wendy’s not that bad of a person like she thought she’d be. After all, Wendy did help her out more than once.


“ that’s how the whole story goes,” Lia wrapped up each synopsis of the acts. “The writer is still tweaking some bits of the story after hearing that the two of you will be taking on the roles. They’ve got high expectations from the both of you.” Lia smiled and took a sip on her espresso coffee.


Irene wondered on who might this mysterious writer be to even change the script because of them. She tilted her head, hands soaking in the warmth of her hot chocolate. “Lia, can I ask who the writer is? And what made that writer want me and Wendy to be the main cast?”


Lia perked up, lips tugging to form a cheeky smile. “Interestingly, the writer itself predicted that you’d be asking such questions Irene. And they’ve told me that you’re close with them, and they’d reveal themselves afterwards.”


Irene’s eyebrows crossed together with confusion. No name or face popping up with someone she knew whose interest lies in creative writing that she’s close with.


Wendy bobbed her head, curiosity shimmering in her eyes. “Why wouldn’t they just reveal themselves during practice?”


“I... don’t know why. I’ve never really asked them the reason.” Lia held her chin up, thinking of any reasons why the writer decided to make her identity anonymous. Then she beamed them a blinding smile. “I ended up getting engrossed with their ideas that I just said yes on any conditions they’ve mentioned.”


“Amelia,” Jennie said sternly, yet softly. “You shouldn’t be that carefree. Now, tell us who this writer is and why they specifically wanted Wendy and Irene,” she softly demanded, voice coaxing for Amelia to spill the information.


Amelia zipped locked, throwing the invisible key on the air. “No can do, Jen. I’ve already pledged my loyalty.” She held up her hand on a pledging motion.


Jennie slumped back on her chair in defeat, no more bothering Amelia for information.


Their discussion ended with a few chitchats about school life and their aligned schedule for future practices. Jennie and Amelia heading out first as they’ve got their own schedule to follow.


Silence was met again. Just two pairs of chocolate eyes staring at each other. Irene breaking of the silence as she spoke with a hush, “So… I guess, we’ll meet each other during practice?”


“Why? Do you want to meet up even without practice?” Wendy obnoxiously replied with another question. Her eyes dancing with mischief, earning a scowl from Irene.


How was this girl so infuriating with the absence of other people?


Standing up, Irene was about to head out, forgetting an important part that she didn’t bring her umbrella along. Wendy seemed to notice her hesitation to push the glass door as she reached out for her own blue folded umbrella in her bag.


Wendy handed out her blue umbrella. “You can have mine,” she suggested with a warm smile.


“There’s no need, I’ll just text my sister to pick me up,” Irene politely declined, reaching out her phone from her pocket to text her sister. Her hands typing out a message for her sister.


Can you please come pick me up at Sweet Nothings? The downpour is heavy and I didn’t bring my umbrella.


Wendy’s face lit up with an idea, too bright for Irene’s eyes to handle. “How about I just drop you off? I’ve got my car parked up nearby. And aren’t we friends already?” Friends? Did Irene consider Wendy as a friend after their latest interactions? Perhaps. “Come on, Bae,” she insistently said, puppy dog eyes as she tilted her head.


Two beeps came before she opened to reply. Unnie, ure gettin old. Have u forgotten that Mom and Dad used the car for their out-of-town trip since their own car needed to be fixed.


Why don’t u walk and just wash up after??? Sweet Nothings near our place anyway.


Wendy waited for her response, head tilting and her right hand holding her umbrella. The smile never leaving on her lips.


Irene sighed. She guessed there’s no choice — either she declines, run like a mad man, get wet and get a fever or accept and get home dry. Pursing her lips, she bit the insides of her cheek. “I’ll pay for the gas.”


“There’s no need though. Isn’t your house nearby?” Wendy inquired, hands pushing the glass door for Irene to go out first.


Irene transfixed her eyes on Wendy. “I’ll pay for the gas,” she dismissed, taking a step outside.


The burst of chilly wind and downpour greeted Irene. Wendy immediately opening the umbrella to shade them from the shower. Both of them started walking amidst the rain, droplets of water hitting on Irene’s shoulder. The coldness of the weather stricken her as she shivered, lithe fingers suddenly wrapping her side with warmth. She turned her head, about to repel the trespassing hand, not able to do so as Wendy gave her a disarming smile, which caught her off guard.


“My car is park just right there,” Wendy supplied, eyes and head pointing at the crossing street.


Irene caught sight of Wendy’s own shoulder, rain drops dripping down on her white buttons-up. The drizzle making her see through what’s underneath it. It’s something like a black strap—


Irene coughed. “Put the umbrella in the middle. You’re getting wet.”


Wendy’s ears perked up, eyes glinting impishly at Irene. Squeezing her shoulder lightly, she grazed her lips on her earlobe. “I always am when I’m with you,” she whispered in her sultry voice, earning goosebumps from Irene’s nape.


Cheeks painted with blood and ear tips colored with red, Irene tried pushing Wendy aside. Only the warm hand was no longer wrapping her as Wendy reached out her pocket for her key fob, unlocking her car doors.


“M’lady,” Wendy chirped, opening up the car door for Irene with a faint bow of curtsy. Albeit, in an awkward manner with how she’s still holding an umbrella.


Irene thought here and there as she sat in the shotgun seat on how in the world did it happen again – accepting Wendy’s offer. If this was her a few months ago, she would’ve laughed out loud at the possibility of being in the same space with Wendy alone. Staring at the droplets of rain in the car window, Irene leaned in it, hands supporting her chin.


Wendy played a chill music, volume low enough to hear and very comforting with the rainy day. “Y’know, I wasn’t expecting you to know your way here,” she said, hands tapping on the beating of the music as she stirred the stirring wheel.

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Hola! I’d just like to think to all the support in this story. Hope you guys had a good read. I’m always enjoying your thoughts as you comment them down. Would it be possible to get a hundred with this chap? If so, next one is going to be fun ;)


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Chapter 11: pushing and pulling 😏
Chapter 11: Irene u falling hard for Wendy but what relationship Wendy and Jenny have still mysteries.
wensky #3
Chapter 11: >_<!!!!!
ShinHye24 1340 streak #4
Chapter 11: Thank for the chap!
167 streak #5
Chapter 11: This game they’re playing is risky 👀
1703 streak #6
Chapter 11: The constant pushing and pulling make me crazy
2078 streak #7
Wendy is hot
Riscark #8
Chapter 10: At this point, I feel like Wendy need to set her records straight (or gay), about her availability, cause her with Jennie situation ain't helping Irene's situation at all
ShinHye24 1340 streak #9
Chapter 10: I need that "something" that tell me its wenrene endgame cus this jendy thing is still so mysterious 🥺
ultchae #10
Chapter 10: I need them to clear up the jendy confusion stat 😭