Chapter 5: Ginger

Hello, Bae
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Sweats dripping down, Irene inhaled and exhaled heavily, eyes transfixed to the ten-point target. Her hand gripping the bow tightly, the other one pulling the string apart with an arrow. Straightening her posture with another breath of air, she released her arrow, a swoosh sound of it piercing through the target.


Irene’s eyes were disappointed as it didn’t hit her goal. She shook her head with dissatisfaction. A seven pointer. What a disgrace.


Their coach tapped her right shoulder. “Your hands are a bit shaky, Irene. Just relax and try to visualize your target to hit the bullseye.” She gave Irene a smile, her hand handing out another arrow.


“Okay, coach.” Irene breathed heavily, shaking off her nerves. Her mind imagining a real competition on roll and her aim to get the ten pointers. She stretched her arms again, gripping her bow tightly, pulling her aim and released the arrow.


A nine pointer.


Irene sighed heavily, still disappointed at her score points.


“Irene, you’re doing great. Be proud of your improvement.” Her coach gave her shoulders a squeeze. “Go home and rest for now since everyone’s gone home already. Even your coach needs to rest to get her beauty sleep.” Her coach chuckled at her attempt to joke. Irene nodded in agreement, a small smile appearing on her face.


“Just practice with your girlfriend the next time, yeah? She’s the ace of our team after all and your one of the best, so I’m giving you both a special treat to use the facility on your free hours.” She reached out on her pocket and got the duplicate key, giving it to Irene. “Just don’t do anything besides archery practice, a ‘right?” She winked at Irene.


“Coach Denver, thank you so much for the key to the archery club, but I think I’ll just be the one using this facility.” Denver looked at her with confusion, her eyebrows crossing together.


Irene merely sighed. Because how come another three weeks passed by, a total of a month after the party’s hot topic, and people still thought she’s with Wendy. Were they all visionless that they couldn’t see Wendy’s flirtatious acts everywhere? She even saw her hanging out with a pretty ginger haired girl in the music club as she passed by before going to practice. Wendy skipped the archery practice that they’re both members of. To dally with that ginger, yet no one’s starting a rumor with that girl.


How infuriating.


“I don’t know where you’ve heard about me having my own girlfriend, but I don’t have one. I have my studies as my top priority and archery’s second on my list,” she explained tiredly with the endless assumption with her nonexistent relationship Wendy. May it be platonic or romantic, they’re not part in any of it. The only relationship they had, was being school mates and a member of the archery club.


Denver scratched her head, a look of disbelief in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Irene. I really thought you guys are dating.”


Irene sighed again. How many times had she sighed this day? And it’s because Wendy’s involved in this matter again. “You shouldn’t trust those circulating rumors, coach.”


Denver slightly tilted her head. “What rumors are you talking about?”


Was Irene’s coach really not aware of the spreading video clip and pictures of her with Wendy’s mouth glued on each other on that party? Irene’s cheeks flushed at the memory again. A memory that’s been hunting her for a month. And a memory that she wanted to bury from her mind’s deepest core. Yet, it always crawled back to awaken her each time someone’s mouth runs out with the past party events.


“Ummm... the video clip and pictures with me and um, my rumored girlfriend, Wendy.” Denver looked at Irene amusedly, left eyebrow quirking upwards.


“I’ve got to admit that you guys were really getting into it in that clip, but no, that’s not the reason why I thought you guys were dating.” Denver chuckled and shook her head. “It’s because Wendy’s eyes have been trailing with your movements more often than usual.”


How was Irene supposed to respond with her coach’s last statement? With that, her coach seemed to noticed as she shooed Irene to freshen up and lock the doors afterwards, giving her advice before the final farewell.


Denver squeezed both her shoulders. “Just practice with Wendy, yeah? Girlfriend or not, ask Wendy for some pointers. Practice with the best player to improve.”


Irene looked up at her five-eight-footer coach, whose lips formed into a playful smile. Were club advisors this easy-going? Irene’s betting a no to that question. Their coach seemed to be an only exception as she lastly told Irene to keep the key and still practice with Wendy since she’s the best player in the state.


Going to the bathroom and turning on the shower, Irene took a bath ritually after taking a quick rest after practice. As the droplets of water trickled down her body, it clouded her mind with her coach’s discussion.


Irene couldn’t refute to the fact that yes, Wendy’s probably one of the best players all over the world. With consideration that she’s fighting as an Asterias, not an Ozlon’s anymore, she’d have to ask some pointers to their best archer if she wanted to be in her best form. She had seen Wendy during their rivalry competition, and she’s been around to see her play during practice. And she’s not one to deny an unmistakable fact that’s very much presented at her. Not to mention that Aster University’s varsity players always got a spot during the finals in the consecutive years. And Wendy’s been a part of the top contenders.


Finishing her last minute to wipe her body dry, she dressed up hastily with thoughts on what actions to take. Surely her pride should be set aside when a competition was at stake. Begrudgingly taking her time for admiration to her rival, she set her foot to lock the archery club, and was met with a glint of familiar caramel-colored eyes.


Right in front of Irene was no other than the girl who’s made intrusion to her mind, sneaking in it without her permission.


“So, your finally done, Bae?” Wendy leaned on

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Hola! I’d just like to think to all the support in this story. Hope you guys had a good read. I’m always enjoying your thoughts as you comment them down. Would it be possible to get a hundred with this chap? If so, next one is going to be fun ;)


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Chapter 11: pushing and pulling 😏
Chapter 11: Irene u falling hard for Wendy but what relationship Wendy and Jenny have still mysteries.
wensky #3
Chapter 11: >_<!!!!!
ShinHye24 1340 streak #4
Chapter 11: Thank for the chap!
167 streak #5
Chapter 11: This game they’re playing is risky 👀
1703 streak #6
Chapter 11: The constant pushing and pulling make me crazy
2078 streak #7
Wendy is hot
Riscark #8
Chapter 10: At this point, I feel like Wendy need to set her records straight (or gay), about her availability, cause her with Jennie situation ain't helping Irene's situation at all
ShinHye24 1340 streak #9
Chapter 10: I need that "something" that tell me its wenrene endgame cus this jendy thing is still so mysterious 🥺
ultchae #10
Chapter 10: I need them to clear up the jendy confusion stat 😭