the stranger from jeju

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Irene went to Jeju to take a break, to relax, to forget about the city, to find peace even for just two days. Two days and one night all to herself. It’s what she had in mind. But the plan to spend the trip all by herself was thrown out of the window when she met the ever so kind and charming stranger, Seulgi. 


Irene went to Jeju to take a break, to relax, to forget about the city, to find peace even for just two days. Two days and one night all to herself. It’s what she had in mind. She ran away from the city to spend time with herself.


Because maybe, for once, she thinks it’s okay to not think about the consequences. Maybe it’s okay to just live in the moment and make decisions she’s not sure are right. Maybe it's okay if she just lets herself go sometimes.

And she can see how Seulgi needed someone’s presence too. She can see that just like her, Seulgi’s running away from something. Maybe she wants to forget her problems as well, even if it's just for a while.

And Irene’s more than willing to help Seulgi forget.




i wanted to use my brain for something and came up with this one shot. also, this is my way of thanking the people who have given me something so special during the queendom era. to yana, oy, danielle, and karen, thank you <3


and pls do not trust a stranger so easily, even if they're as pretty as seulgi.



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Jensoo4everlove #1
Chapter 1: I want a sequel just to be sure 😭 Thier future is full of uncertainties 🥺 Did Irene's parents understands her and let her go to Jeju back? Or was Seulgi able to convince her parents too!!??
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 1: I want a sequel just to be sure 😭 Thier future is full of uncertainties 🥺 Did Irene's parents understands her and let her go to Jeju back? Or did Seulgi was able to convince her parents too!!??
533 streak #3
Chapter 1: Beautiful 😍
Chapter 1: Sequel maybe…? We hope. Or not? We wish? 🤪 Anyways you write so beautifully talaga Jey, from your socmed aus to ffs 👏
Chapter 1: Oh gosh 😭😭 I need to know what happened to them after that 🤏🤏 BUT YAAAA THIS IS SOOOO FLUFFYYY
Chapter 1: SEULRENE'S Sequel!
Well written Author-nim
Gegeseulv #7
Chapter 1: This piece is perfectly written. I admire how words emit beautiful scenery. Hope we could get a sequel😩💗
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 1: Very nicely written. I love a good dialogue and even more so when the banter is done so freely. I love the story and the pace. That yearning tho. Sealed the deal. Thank you
Chapter 1: This is so nice! thank you for this.
19 streak #10