let's forget about tomorrow and stay here as if the world was ours.

the stranger from jeju
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         Irene took a deep breath of fresh air as she came to a sudden halt to admire the breathtaking view of Jeju. She had heard that the island has stunning views of the sea, trees, and sky, but she had no idea it was this beautiful. No picture she found on the internet can do justice to what she is currently seeing; she can't believe how perfect Jeju is, how heavenly Jeju appears.


Jeju is exactly what Irene needs right now.


So, with the intention of focusing solely on the island, Irene vows to forget the things she left behind in the city for just two days.  


Irene was about to resume her walk to her accommodation when she felt a body collide with her. She heard another woman grunt, followed by the sound of a bunch of stuff falling. Irene was quick to apologize.


“I’m sorry!” Kneeling to help the girl pick up her belongings, Irene frantically apologized and bowed. “I didn’t see you there.”


“It’s okay.” She looked up and felt her mind blanking out upon seeing the gorgeous smile that the stranger had just flashed her. Irene swore she felt billions of butterflies fluttering inside her because of how the woman’s eyes formed exquisite crescents.


Oh, she’s definitely charmed.


“You’re a tourist, aren’t you?” They both stood to their full heights, and Irene noticed that she’s a few inches taller than her; she is dressed in a red plaid button-up shirt and simple black pants, with her hair tied in a bun and her bangs falling flawlessly just above her cat-like eyes.


Oh my god, she’s gorgeous.


“Yes, I am.” Irene answered after a few awkward seconds of staring. She faked a cough as she looked away, regaining her composure before returning her gaze to the woman. “I’m Irene.”


The stranger took Irene’s offered hand with an easy smile, “I’m Seulgi. I live around here.”


She nodded, not finding a reason to stay longer, she cleared to excuse herself and with a stiff smile, she said, “I should go now.”


Irene didn't realize she wanted Seulgi to stop her from leaving until she heard Seulgi call her, and her immediate reaction was to stop. Without second thoughts or hesitations, she stopped and turned back to where the stranger stood.


“Wanna grab coffee?” Seulgi offered with a kind and shy smile.


Irene was taught by her parents not to accept a stranger's offer, and she was taught not to trust a stranger, but there was something about Seulgi that drew Irene to her.


She, of course, said yes.


“Sure, Seulgi. I’d love that.”


The coffee shop they went to was apparently one of the most popular coffee shops in the area. Irene had a chance to look around when Seulgi went to order their drinks and she immediately loved the atmosphere that the shop exudes, it’s cozy, it’s relaxing, and it’s quiet.


“Here. Since you said you don’t like drinking coffee, I ordered you tea.” The tourist smiled gratefully at Seulgi as the woman proceeded to place the tray on their shared table. “I’m sorry if I invited you abruptly. I didn’t really know why I did that.”


“It’s fine.” Irene chuckled, placing her tea back on the table after taking a sip of it. “I might just take this chance to ask about the area to avoid getting lost.”


Irene observed Seulgi's brow raise as if she just had a great idea, she observed Seulgi's eyes show a glint of excitement, and Irene couldn't stop the unconsciously drawn smile on her face. She was quick to avoid Seulgi’s gaze when the taller woman raised her eyes to meet hers.


“I can show you around Jeju.” Her smile did not fade even when Irene’s shocked eyes met her excited ones.


“Oh, no, you don’t have to.” Irene declined despite how her head screamed at her to accept Seulgi’s offer. As much as she wants Seulgi to accompany her during her stay, she wouldn’t want to bother her. Plus, she’s still technically a stranger. “You might be busy.”


“Not really.” Seulgi softly said, sad eyes glancing at the stuff she was carrying around with her. “I just quit my job earlier.”


“Oh.” Irene nodded as she herself stared at the box that held Seulgi’s belongings, a frown unconsciously drawing itself on her lips.


Irene went to Jeju to take a break, to relax, to forget about the city, to find peace even for just two days. Two days and one night all to herself. It’s what she had in mind. She ran away from the city to spend time with herself.


So, why does she crave for this stranger’s company?


“So, want me to be your personal tour guide?” Irene’s eyes met Seulgi’s, and suddenly, the thought of her original plan was thrown out of the window.




Irene wanted to see more of Seulgi’s bright smile, she wanted to hear more of Seulgi’s laughter, she wanted to know more about this stranger. She’ll have to go back to the city tomorrow evening and face the problems that she escaped from. Thinking about the things she's left behind, Irene is certain that spending two days with a beautiful stranger wouldn't be so bad, at least not in comparison to what's waiting for her back home.


Maybe it’s okay to not think about the consequences. Maybe it’s okay to just live in the moment and make decisions she’s not sure are right. Maybe it's okay if she just lets herself go sometimes.


And she can see how Seulgi needed someone’s presence too. She can see that just like her, Seulgi’s running away from something. Maybe she wants to forget her problems as well, even if it's just for a while.


And Irene’s more than willing to help Seulgi forget.



After Irene dropped her few belongings in her rented accommodation, Seulgi brought her to the Iho Taewoo beach which was famous for their iconic red horse-shaped lighthouses. The tourists ran excitedly along the stone path that led to the lighthouse with Seulgi trailing behind her with an adoring smile on her face, taking her camera that hung around her neck to photograph the ecstatic Irene.


“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Seulgi asked Irene who was still staring at the lighthouse, her jaw dropped because of the breathtaking view of the sea behind it. The tourist smiled as she nodded to Seulgi. “Whenever I want to be alone, I like to hide here.”


Irene fully faces Seulgi who’s now staring at the horizon in front of them, her brown hair dancing with the wind and a mysterious smile on her lips. The island local abruptly raised her camera to her face to capture the view of the sea before averting her gaze to Irene's own pair. “It's one of my favorite places.”



The tourist noticed the passion burning in Seulgi’s eyes while she took photos of the sea. There was happiness and content in those same orbs as she continuously clicked on her camera; it’s like she’s taking pictures that held her feelings, that held her heart. But Irene also observed there was darkness behind those sparkling eyes, and something Irene knew bothered Seulgi. She recognizes that look, those sad gleaming eyes; it's too familiar, too personal. It's the same expression she sees every time she looks in the mirror.


She could only imagine the things that Seulgi keeps hidden.


“Come here.” Irene said, urging Seulgi to stand in front of the lighthouse before taking the camera from the taller girl's neck and stepping back. “Smile, Seulgi.”


“What?” Seulgi stood where Irene guided her, chuckling and watching Irene struggle with the camera; a few seconds passed before the shorter woman finally raised the camera to her face.


“Smile for me, Seulgi!” Irene said loudly behind the camera, grinning as Seulgi laughed, which she immediately captured. She was quick to check the image, her heart racing a little faster when she saw how perfect the image turned out.


“How was it?” Seulgi asked whilst sneaking a peek of the image, Irene immediately gave Seulgi the camera with a bright, proud smile on her face.


“Perfect.” The smile Seulgi flashed Irene became another reason for the tourist’s racing heart. With her face heating up and reddening, Irene turned to face the other side in an attempt to calm her own heart down.


Don’t tell me I have a crush on a stranger I just met an hour ago.


“Let’s go. It’s scorching hot out here.” Seulgi urged, tapping Irene’s shoulder to gain her attention. “You’re turning red, I don’t want you to get sunburned.”


Oh, how Irene wished she could say that Seulgi’s the reason why her face is heating up.


The tourist flashed Seulgi a shy smile before following her back to her car. Screaming internally to get a hold of herself, reminding herself that she’s just here to relax and enjoy Jeju, and certainly not to be smitten over an extremely attractive local.


“It’s still nine a.m, what do you want to do next?” Seulgi asked as she maneuvers her car out of the parking lot, the tourist watched the scenery shrink as Seulgi drove away from the beach, her heart swelling with contentment.


“Why would you ask me? You’re here for a reason, Seulgi.” Irene teases the driving woman who merely chuckles at what she said, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel while thinking about possible places where she can bring Irene.


“Wait. How long are you staying?”


“Two days.” Irene answered. “I’m leaving tomorrow night.”


“Oh.” Irene can’t help but to hear the sudden drop in Seulgi’s tone, her smile faltering for a split second before she brought it back. She’s convinced that if she hadn't been paying attention to every detail of Seulgi, she would have missed the split second of disappointment that flashed in Seulgi's dark orbs.


“Yeah.” Irene just said, choosing to face the window to stare at the trees that lined the road.


“You’re from Seoul, right?” Irene hummed in response to Seulgi’s inquiry. “You’re here for a vacation?”


Irene pursed her lips into a thin line in contemplation, her eyes shaking as she searched for ways to answer Seulgi.


“Yup.” She answered, her tone too quick and limited, as if afraid that if she said more, she’d say something she’s not supposed to share to a stranger. Seulgi snorted at the way Irene’s tone did not carry a hint of certainty in them; she could definitely hear the lies that seeped through Irene’s words.


“You’re not really good at lying.” Glancing at the tourist with a soft smile that became the reason for Irene’s face to heat up once more, she added. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to ask.”


“How about you? Why did you quit your job?” Irene saw Seulgi do a double take, taken aback by Irene’s unexpected inquiry.


Silence engulfed the car. A few moments passed by before the local regained her composure, and Irene couldn't help but notice the way Seulgi’s expression changed, like something in her mind bothered her. But then the local breath out a chuckle and Irene immediately forgot the melancholic look that flashed in Seulgi’s face for a second, she felt the car slowing down to a stop before she saw Seulgi turn her head to face her.


“I wasn’t happy anymore.” Seulgi simply answered as she opened the door. “Let’s go grab breakfast. My treat.”


Irene watched Seulgi enter the small diner. She could almost see the emotional baggage Seulgi was carrying, and she could almost see the cracks Seulgi was covering.


Irene felt the same.


Because she, too, carries burdens and cracks that she keeps to herself.



“What’s your name?” Irene asked Seulgi who sat down across from her. The local's brow furrowed in response to the unexpected question, an amused chuckle escaping her lips.


“I already told you.”


“Yeah, but I don’t know your complete name.” Seulgi fixed her gaze on Irene, who was attempting to explain herself while trying to arrange the plates that contained their breakfast. “I mean, don't I need your name to be sure you're not going to hurt me in any way?”


“And what if I give you a fake name?” Seulgi smirked. “Also, do you honestly believe that if someone gave you their real name, they won't harm you?”


Irene’s lips formed a thin line, not really knowing how to answer Seulgi’s questions. The tourist slumped back in her seat, pouting and crossing her arms across her chest. “I mean…”


“It’s Kang Seulgi.” With a small teasing smirk on her lips, the woman reached into her pocket to retrieve her wallet.


“That’s your real name?” Irene asked in a tiny voice, sitting properly upon seeing Seulgi's handing her something. An identification card.


Kang Seulgi. Twenty-seven years old. February 10, 1994.




Something in the pit of Irene’s stomach stirred when she read that particular information, and with a giddy smile, she returned the card to its rightful owner, faking a cough and dropping the giddy smile on her face when she noticed Seulgi was staring at her the whole time.


“And yours?” Irene hummed questioningly upon hearing Seulgi’s words; she watched Seulgi chew and swallow her food before continuing her inquiry. “What’s your real name?”


“Irene Bae.” She answered, teasingly raising her brows as she notices that Seulgi appears to be waiting for something. “You want to see an I.D?”


“It seems fair, right?” Seulgi giggled but shook her head a few moments later. “It’s okay, I believe you.”


“Here.” Irene slides a card onto the table, eyes visibly shaking while doing so. She’s not sure why she’s nervous but she felt like she’s being choked when Seulgi took the card and read the information written on it.


“Wow.” Irene’s eyes snapped back to look at Seulgi who had a small smile drawn on her face while staring at the plastic card. “This is unfair. You look really pretty in your I.D picture.”


Irene blushed immediately at the compliment which she had not expected from the latter. That was not what she expected Seulgi to say. “You look pretty in yours as well.”


“No, really, this is unfair. No one should look this attractive for an I.D photo.” Seulgi gave the card back to a blushing Irene who immediately tossed it inside her bag. Seulgi cleared , “So, you’re married?”


“Divorced.” Irene corrected without missing a beat, almost not letting Seulgi finish her question. “I still haven’t updated my I.Ds.”


This is what Irene expected Seulgi to point out. The glaring word of Married written on her I.D card. The tourist couldn't look at Seulgi who had gone silent after hearing what Irene had told her. Instead, she concentrated on her meal, pushing and twirling the pasta with her fork but not really taking a bite of it.


“Since when?” Irene gave Seulgi a sad smile before turning her gaze back on her food. “Since yesterday.”


Seulgi nodded, her expression unreadable. Irene felt as if the room was suddenly closing in on her, as if everything was suddenly suffocating her as she and Seulgi fell into an awkward silence. She can't help but close her eyes and take deep breaths to calm herself down, pushing the ugly thoughts to the back of her mind.


Seulgi abruptly stood up and left the table, leaving Irene to wonder what had happened, but before her thoughts could consume her, she saw Seulgi return with a small platter in her hand.


A slice of red velvet cake.


“Happy independence day? I guess?” Seulgi said uncertainly as she placed the cake in front of a puzzled Irene, awkwardly chuckling when Irene just stared at her questioningly. “No, please don’t look at me like that; I have no idea what I'm doing either.” Seulgi whined, causing Irene to finally laugh at the adorable sight of a flustered Seulgi.


“You’re so weird.” Irene laughed as she bit into the cake, humming in delight at the sweet taste of the dessert.


But Irene could see the shift in Seulgi’s gaze while she ate. She saw the smallest hints of sympathy and pity in them which she pretended not to notice. She saw the pain that flashed in them, the sadness, and the want to hug the tourist, and Irene didn't understand, but she was comforted by the way Seulgi looked at her for the rest of their breakfast.


Most importantly, Irene couldn't make sense of the glimmer of something else she saw in Seulgi's dark orbs.


Something else. Something she didn’t understand. Something Seulgi seemed to be pushing away but, still, it kept on showing itself in Seulgi’s gaze. It’s new, it’s warm, and it’s certainly the reason for Irene's rapidly beating heart.


“Here.” Irene leaned in close to Seulgi, her hand extended to offer Seulgi a bite of cake. Seulgi gave her a hesitant glance, but just as Irene smiled, the taller girl bit on the fork, humming contentedly in delight. The tourist then reached out to wipe the icing from the corner of Seulgi's lips, giggling as Seulgi's cat-like eyes widened slightly.


“Relax. You're making it appear as if I'm going to hurt you.” She laughs as she leans back in her chair to finish the rest of the cake.


Seulgi murmured something under her breath that Irene didn’t quite catch, she raised her brow questioningly, only to receive a smile from the local, who shakes her head and motions for Irene to enjoy her meal.


“Finish your meal. We still have lots to do today.” Irene just nodded at Seulgi’s statement.


She missed the way Seulgi gazed at her with eyes that screamed her growing infatuation for the tourist.



Seulgi and Irene had finished visiting the island's famous Jeju Loveland and the natural stone art museum by the time the sun set. Irene spent most of their time at Loveland, which was famous for its y and sculptures, laughing and teasing the flustered Seulgi. When Irene joked that she wanted to be photographed with one of the sculptures, Seulgi was quick to pull the mischievous Irene away.


When they entered the natural art stone museum, Irene noticed that she was more focused on Seulgi than on the stone art. She smiled to herself as she watched Seulgi's eyes light up as she studied the various stones that lined the area. The local informed her that this was not her first visit to the tourist attraction, but Irene understood Seulgi's enthusiasm when she told her that she loved everything about art. It just made Irene’s heart swell.


And despite the many arts around her, Irene chose to stare at Seulgi the whole time.


The two were now strolling along a quiet road near the beach, each holding a cup containing Irene's favorite food: spicy rice cakes which they bought from a street vendor they passed by. The tourist could feel Seulgi steal quick glances at her, and whenever Irene looked at her, the local simply looked away, continuing their conversation.


“But why Jeju though? There’s a lot of places you can escape to, why choose the humble island of Jeju?” Irene chuckled at the way Seulgi talked despite filled with spicy rice cakes. She was tempted to tell Seulgi to chew her food first, but the sight was too adorable, she didn’t want her to stop. She found herself taking a mental note about that little detail of Seulgi. She noticed herself doing that a lot today; taking mental notes about every little habit Seulgi seems to have, like the way her brows would furrow when she’s concentrating on something, and the way she would her lower lip when she’s zoning out. It’s adorable.


“I don’t know. Don’t people who want to relax always go to Jeju?” Irene shrugged. “This island just gives off that kind of feeling. It just feels like if you visit Jeju, you’ll definitely heal.”


“Is that so?”


“Yeah. I think I understand that feeling now too.” Irene grinned at Seulgi teasingly, bumping her shoulder with the taller girl who merely giggled.


“I quit my job this morning and was ready to go home and cry my eyes out. I had no idea I'd be spending my day with some random city girl.” Seulgi shook her head, awe and disbelief visible in her dark orbs and a hint of a smile carving itself on her lips.


Irene felt her breath getting caught in when Seulgi’s eyes suddenly met hers. Suddenly, she felt the butterflies inside her not only flutter, but go on a rampage. She had no choice but to look away, afraid that Seulgi would notice the reddening of her cheeks or hear the loud thumping of her heart. This is dangerous.


I just met her, for pete’s sake!


“I think I was healed as well.” Seulgi softly said, still not taking her eyes off Irene’s side profile. When Irene merely hummed in acknowledgement, the island local took the chance to hold her free hand and pull her towards the direction of the secluded beach.


“No one’s at the beach at this hour. Let’s go.” She excitedly said, and Irene struggled to keep up with Seulgi’s large strides, but she was more than willing to follow her. She realized she liked seeing Seulgi’s figure beside her, she liked seeing Seulgi’s excited grin, and she’s certain that Seulgi’s eye smile is one of her favorite sights to see in the world.


The two found themselves sitting in front of the sea, with Seulgi's jacket on top of Irene's shoulder to protect her from the cold breeze of the night. The action did nothing to help Irene push her silly crush on the local to the back of her mind. Irene, blushing and struggling to contain herself, pushed Seulgi by the shoulder, causing the latter to laugh, her eyes forming those crescent shapes that became the reason for the tourist’s heart to pound against her chest.


“Thank you for today, Seulgi.” Irene muttered, rubbing her arms as the harsh cold wind brushed against her skin. “I don't think I'd be able to enjoy Jeju without you.”


Noticing the way Irene shivered despite wearing a jacket, the taller woman scooted closer and wrapped an arm around Irene's petite frame, pulling Irene closer to her and causing her to lean against Seulgi's body.


The poor tourist’s heart was about to jump out of its cage.


“We’re near your rented place. Do you want to go there now?” Seulgi worriedly asked, hand gently pushing Irene’s head to lean it against her shoulder, causing for Irene’s breath to hitch at the simple action; the earlier chilly night had been replaced by sudden warmth and giddiness.


She can’t be falling for this island’s local, right? They've only known each other for a few hours, and Seulgi's a completely kind, charming, and attractive person, but this silly attraction isn't serious, right?


Oh, Irene wished that was the case.


Because she’s starting to get nervous. She's not the type to be attracted to random people, to have small crushes, or to feel giddy because of someone's kindness and simple actions. Irene is not the type to fall in love with a stranger. She’s an adult, she shouldn’t be developing small crushes in the first place. 


No. She is the type who prefers to get to know someone before deciding whether or not she likes them. She's the type to fall in love with someone after spending months or years with them. She believes that liking someone requires spending time with them and sharing moments with them.


Irene never believed in love at first sight, crushes, or liking someone despite knowing nothing about them. No, Irene thinks it's absurd.


But why is she having these strong feelings for Seulgi? A complete stranger. A person she just met.


“Don’t you have a boyfriend?” Irene quietly asked the island local who turned her head slightly to look at her. The tourist could hear the amused chuckle escape Seulgi’s lips before she felt her shake her head.


“I don’t have one.” The tourist drew her head back a little to check on Seulgi to make sure she wasn't lying.




“What do you mean why?” Seulgi breathed another laugh as Irene settled back on leaning on her shoulder.


“You just seem to be too pretty to be single.” Seulgi snorted beside her as the latter shrank even more due to embarrassment. Irene's voice was quiet and shy, almost inaudible as she spoke those words, clearly feeling awkward while asking such simple question to the latter.


“Says the woman who looks like she came out of a magazine.” Irene quickly pinched the local's thigh to stop her teasing, but it only made Seulgi laugh even louder than before.


They fell into a comfortable silence, just the two of them staring at the dark cold sea in front of them, snuggled against each other, both heads full of thoughts of what could happen tomorrow.


Will they be ready to face the things they ran away from by the end of tomorrow? Will they be able to let go of this fake reality that they created in a single day? Will this sense of familiarity and comfort come crashing down? Irene has no idea, and she is terrified of what could possibly happen.


 She’s scared that whatever she has with Seulgi right now would turn out to be just a temporary thing. Something she came up with out of desperation for someone's company. Something she made herself believe in order to distract herself from what was going on at home.


A crush. Something silly. Something ridiculous. Something that isn’t meant to be taken seriously.


But looking at Seulgi right now…


She wants it to be serious. She wants to risk something for this kind and attractive stranger from Jeju.


“It’s strange.” Seulgi murmured, eyes not leaving the ocean view.


“What is?”


“Us.” Irene’s head snapped to look at Seulgi who had a warm smile on her face. “No one could guess that we just met a few hours ago.”


“I was thinking the same thing.” Irene giggled, silently agreeing with what Seulgi just said, pushing herself closer to the taller girl when the wind suddenly grew stronger. “We’re literally cuddling while staring out at the sea. I mean, who does that with a stranger?”


“Just us.” Seulgi laughs.


“Right. Just us.”


Another beat of silence and Irene’s starting to rack her brain to think of ways how she could make Seulgi stay. The night’s ending and she’s afraid that if she lets Seulgi leave now, she won’t be seeing the girl tomorrow. They didn’t have a deal after all. Seulgi just told her that she could be her tour guide for the day but not exactly for her whole trip—


“Would you find it weird if I told you that I don’t want to leave yet?” Irene's comically wide eyes met Seulgi's worried gaze, trembling nervously as she awaited Irene's response. The tourist only looks at her for a few seconds, opening to speak only to close it when no words come out.


Seeing the shorter girl’s hesitance, she released a dry laugh. “I’m sorry. Yeah, that’s definitely weir—”


“No. It’s not.” Irene choked out, frantically pushing herself off Seulgi’s shoulder so she could look at her properly. Seulgi stared at the tourist, puzzled, and Irene only smiled and shrugged as she continued her words. “I don't think it's weird.”


“Really?” By now, Irene could see the relief that flashed in Seulgi’s eyes. She’s certain that the younger girl’s running away from something. Like extending her time with Irene would mean that she won’t be facing the things she’s escaping from and Irene’s well aware that running away from issues and problems would change nothing but just like her, maybe Seulgi just wants to be selfish for a while.


“Yup.” Irene nods, standing properly and pulling Seulgi with her. “You can stay with me tonight.”


“W—Wait.” Seulgi pulled Irene to a stop when the tourist started dragging her towards her accommodation. “A—Are you sure you’re comfortable with having a literal stranger stay with you?”


 Flashing Seulgi her million-dollar smile with her own eyes sparkling with delight and mischief, Irene noticed Seulgi's cheeks turning red. “Seulgi… are you blushing?”


“H—huh?” The older woman was quick to laugh when the local slapped a hand to her cheeks, obviously flustered and nervous.


“Just kidding.” Irene pulled Seulgi's hand and continued dragging her towards the direction of her rented room, dismissing the adorable sight of a blushing Seulgi and deciding that she didn't want Seulgi to be embarrassed. “And, no, Seulgi, you're no longer a stranger. I think it's fine if you stay the night.”


“Unless…” She then paused and turned slightly, sending Seulgi a teasing grin, laughing as Seulgi's face continued to flush. “Unless, of course, you're uncomfortable staying with me.”


“No. Not at all.” Seulgi responded quickly and firmly, shaking her head for emphasis.


“Then that settles it. You’ll be spending the night with me.”



“So, what’s your story?” Irene tossed Seulgi a can of beer before settling on the floor next to the island local, their backs against the foot of the sofa. As she waited for Seulgi's response, the tourist opened her own can of beer.


“What story?” Seulgi feigns, taking a sip of her drink, “I don’t have a story to tell.”


This made Irene scoff, rolling her eyes as she turned her body to fully face Seulgi who’s anticipating Irene’s response. “Liar.”


“I know a pathetic loser when I see one.” Irene adds with a grin on her face, teasing but not in a way to insult the island local who merely laughed with a shake of her head as she said, “It takes one to know one, right?” Irene burst into a laugh as she nodded her head repeatedly.


“Tell me about yours first—”


“I asked you first, Kang Seulgi.”


“Well, Irene Bae, I am asking you now.” There’s an uncontrollable smile drawing on Irene’s lips, realizing how sweet and gentle her name sounded when it came out from Seulgi’s lips. 

Little by little, the tourist loses her ability to control herself in front of the attractive stranger, and the way Seulgi stares at her as if she had hung the stars and the moon in the sky certainly did not help Irene fight the growing infatuation she has for Seulgi..


“Will you tell me your story if I tell you mine?” Seulgi immediately nodded, a soft smile on her face, and said, "Yes."


“Okay.” Folding her legs beneath her and leaning her back on the couch, unsure where to begin with the cluttered story of her recent days and years, Irene couldn't help but release a dry chuckle.


She made the mistake of glancing at Seulgi and seeing the way she was looking at her with so much anticipation, as if what Irene’s about to tell her is the most interesting thing she’ll ever hear. She knows she’s doomed when every little thing Seulgi does makes her heart flutter in ways she has never felt before.


She’s very aware of that.


“I, uhm, I was born into a wealthy family.” Irene starts, pausing to take a big gulp of her beer to gain the courage to actually begin talking about her life, which she was trying to escape in the first place. “My father owns this company that I don't care about; I have absolutely no interest in it.”


 “What company?” Seulgi asked, raising her can to her lips to take a drink.


“Bae Enterprises—Watch it!!” Irene leapt from her seat, laughing, when Seulgi choked on her drink, nearly spitting the beverage out because of Irene's revelation. Seulgi wiped her lips, apologizing, but her eyes still widening in astonishment.


“You own what?”


“Bae Enterprises…”


“That’s a globally known company, Irene! You didn’t tell me you were a millionaire?!” Irene burst into fits of laughter at the surprise in Seulgi’s tone. “Oh my god, an unemployed, broke idiot like me is hanging out with a literal millionaire.”


“Seulgi, shut up.” Rolling her eyes in dry humor, Irene dismissed Seulgi’s statement. “It’s my parents’ money.”


“That’s exactly what rich people would say.” They both laughed at Seulgi’s remark. Irene normally hates being labeled as a child of a millionaire; it made her feel like she doesn’t have her own identity, just a child of a wealthy family, a puppet of her own parents. It suffocated her. People would approach her because of her parents' wealth. Her so-called friends, relatives, suitors, and ex-husband’s family all wanted the money, not Irene. Never Irene.


But Seulgi… She made it seem like a joke.


She did not subject her to the pressures of being born into a wealthy family. She didn't make her feel as if that's all Irene is, as if it's not what makes Irene who she is.


With Seulgi, she’s just Irene.


No money, no title, no pressure.


Just Irene.


Irene loved that because that’s what all she wanted to be. To be just a normal girl.


“Wait, I’m guessing, your parents forced you to marry some rich guy.” Seulgi held up a hand to stop Irene from talking, eyes sparkling with anticipation, and when Irene nodded to confirm her suspicions, the tourist watched Seulgi’s jaw drop, stunned and refusing to believe the information she was just given. “Holy ...”


“I know right.” Irene smirked and shook her head as she drank from her beer can. “You have no idea what some crazy wealthy families are capable of.”


\“I thought arranged marriages only exist in dramas.” Seulgi muttered soullessly as her brain refused to believe that what she had seen on soap operas could actually happen in real life. Irene raised a hand and gently slapped Seulgi's cheek, taking matters into her own hands to wake Seulgi up from her trance. However, Irene immediately felt a riot of butterflies in her stomach when the island local's eyes met hers.


 Irene’s really starting to get scared.


 These butterflies never felt so alive before.


 “Can I continue my story now?” When Seulgi nodded like a child, Irene leaned her head on top of her open palm. “My parents told me that if I don’t marry by the time I reach the age of twenty-eight they'll have to marry me to their business partner's son. You can guess what happened, right?” Seulgi wordlessly nodded again. “I really tried to find someone who I actually love and who loves me for who I am, not for the money or the fame.”


 “You didn't find anyone.” Irene shook her head bitterly in response to Seulgi's words.


 “I didn’t find anyone.” Irene repeated sadly. “They were all after my parents’ money. It was infuriating.”


 Irene continued her story when Seulgi didn't say anything and just stared at her with unreadable eyes. “So, when I turned twenty-eight and had no one to truly love, I gave in to my parents' wishes.”


“When was this?”


“Last year.” Irene scoffed a laugh at the memory of a defeated version of herself, submitting to her parents' demands, scared and di

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Jensoo4everlove #1
Chapter 1: I want a sequel just to be sure 😭 Thier future is full of uncertainties 🥺 Did Irene's parents understands her and let her go to Jeju back? Or was Seulgi able to convince her parents too!!??
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 1: I want a sequel just to be sure 😭 Thier future is full of uncertainties 🥺 Did Irene's parents understands her and let her go to Jeju back? Or did Seulgi was able to convince her parents too!!??
433 streak #3
Chapter 1: Beautiful 😍
Chapter 1: Sequel maybe…? We hope. Or not? We wish? 🤪 Anyways you write so beautifully talaga Jey, from your socmed aus to ffs 👏
Chapter 1: Oh gosh 😭😭 I need to know what happened to them after that 🤏🤏 BUT YAAAA THIS IS SOOOO FLUFFYYY
Chapter 1: SEULRENE'S Sequel!
Well written Author-nim
Gegeseulv #7
Chapter 1: This piece is perfectly written. I admire how words emit beautiful scenery. Hope we could get a sequel😩💗
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 1: Very nicely written. I love a good dialogue and even more so when the banter is done so freely. I love the story and the pace. That yearning tho. Sealed the deal. Thank you
Chapter 1: This is so nice! thank you for this.
73 streak #10