I Got U
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“I’m sorry, Sunggyu, I didn’t mean it.”

“Hyung, can you leave, please!!!”

Hoya bowed, apologizing on his friend’s behalf, “Seonsaeng-nim, I’ll look after him.”

Dongwoo wanted to thank his boyfriend; only Hoya turned his face giving him his back, which means he’s mad too. Just when Woohyun was about to ask the doctor to ask him about Sunggyu, the said person joined them to update them on Sunggyu’s status after the x-rays.

“Sprained ankle.”


“Sunggyu, language”, Woohyun warned, Sunggyu has no filter.

“Seriously!! You’re going to lecture me after breaking my ankle!!!”

“I said I’m sorry! Learn to accept other apologies.”

“It’s not broken, Sunggyu; you have sprained ankle”, the doctor corrected.

“Same thing!!” Sunggyu crossed his arms, “great; now I’m going to fail gym class.”

“I’ll talk to Sungyeol.”

“So that I get bullied for connections again!!! No, thanks, I don’t need your help”, Sunggyu then asked the doctor, “how long will it take for it to heal?”

“If you took care of yourself and rested well, then not more than four weeks, otherwise it could take longer, probably months”, the doctor wrote on a paper. “I have prescribed painkillers; you can give him one tonight if he’s in pain.”

“Thank you, doctor.”

“No worries, he can go home; there is no need to stay here for the night.”

Woohyun bowed and thanked the doctor again; he then thanked his friend for driving them to the hospital, “thank you for coming with us.”

“It’s alright, Sunggyu is my student too”, Dongwoo then patted Sunggyu’s shoulder “get well soon.”

“Thank you, Seonsaeng-nim.”

So, he knows how to be polite with others!! “I’m going to finish the discharge papers and get your medicine. Do you want anything else?”

“I just want to go home.”

“I’m working on it.”

“Well, not fast enough!”


“Don’t yell at me!!!”

Deep breaths, Woohyun “I’m leaving; otherwise, I’ll say something you won’t like.”

“Omg, is that a threat!!”

“Hyun”, Dongwoo stopped Woohyun from saying a word, as if Woohyun is acting like a kid. “I’ll go with you; come on.”

“Hmm, Hoya, can you please?” Sunggyu looked away when Woohyun looked at him “though he doesn’t deserve it but keep an eye on him.”

“Yah! I’m not a kid!”


“Seonsaeng-nim, don’t worry” when the two teachers left, Hoya nudged his friend and teased, “So~~~, Hyung? Is that how you talk to each other behind our back.”

“If you’re going to be that way, then leave!”

“Ugh, I’m kidding”, Howon sat on the bed, “what happened?”


“Nothing? Your hair is wet, and your under this rob! What were you doing with Seonsaeng-nim?”

Yes, Sunggyu didn’t get the chance to change, “I slipped in the bathroom, don’t get too excited.”

“You said it’s Seonsaeng-nim’s fault; you think I’m dumb!”

“Fine, he walked onto me while I was changing.”

“More details?”

“I accidentally dropped the shampoo bottle; he thought it was me and walked in, end of the story.”

The sound Woohyun heard wasn’t Sunggyu falling or fainting; it was the shampoo bottle, and because he walked on the younger, out of a sudden, Sunggyu panicked and slipped on the wet floor.

Hoya chuckled, “damn, that’s hot; Seonsaeng-nim saw you !”

“Shut up! It’s embarrassing!” Sunggyu felt terrible for his friend; seeing Dongwoo Seonsaeng-nim meant they were on their date, “and I’m sorry for ruining your date, buddy.”

Hoya scoffs, “what date! That old man doesn’t know how to take the chance!”

“Wasn’t your dad at home?”

“No!!! A ing empty house!!!!”

“Omg, idiot just like his friend.”

“Hmm, and imagine, he had the audacity to lecture me on ual frustration forgetting that he started it when he gave me a in the morning!”

“Seonsaeng-nim did that!” Hoya nodded “wow, you’re going fast!”

“I know! And now he regrets it and wants to take it slower as if it could get slower than how it is now!”

“So, what you’re going to do?”

Hoya smirked, “give him a taste of his own medicine.”



On the other side, Woohyun and Dongwoo were finishing things up to go home; tomorrow is a school night, they don’t want the boys to stay up all night.

“What were you doing at Lee house?”

“Relax, it’s not what you’re thinking.”

“Hope not; Mr Lee car wasn’t parked, which mean the house was empty.”

“I’m giving Howon private lessons, it’s his dad request, and I accepted.”

“Careful man, I don’t trust that man.”

“Why would you say that?”

“It’s his vibes; make sure you don’t get caught with his son.”

Dongwoo sighed, remembering their argument, “the thing is Howon is mad at me because of that.”

Woohyun chuckled, “what did you expect? Empty house, only the two of you; I mean, I expected things happening there.”

Dongwoo gasped dramatically, “and you call yourself a teacher!”

“I’m no better than you; I’m practically married to Sunggyu, sleeps with him on the same bed yet can’t do anything.”

“These kids don’t know the struggles we go through!”


“He thinks I’m cruel! I’m only looking after him; I don’t want to cause trouble for him.”

“Dongwoo, he is not going to be affected; it’s you who’s going to lose his job if ever caught; keep that in mind.”

As the two were talking, Mr Lee popped out of nowhere, “hello, gentlemen.”

“Mr Lee!”

“Oh, don’t be surprised Dongwoo Seonsaeng-nim, my son called me to pick him up, he doesn’t want to trouble you”, he then directed his words to Woohyun, “and when I heard that Sunggyu is at the hospital, I got worried.”

“I could’ve driven them back; Howon shouldn’t trouble you, Mr Lee”, Dongwoo knew that Hoya did that on purpose; he is making a statement.

“Aigo~~, it’s no trouble; I’ll drive them all back. Shall we go check on Sunggyu now?”

Woohyun wanted to hold on to his friend and ask him not to leave, but it wouldn’t make sense. So Dongwoo ended up going alone; he didn’t even get the chance to see Hoya and explain himself.


“Uncle!” even Sunggyu was surprised to see the elder; when did Hoya call his dad.

“I sent dad a text to pick us up; thank you for coming, dad.”

“No worries, son. And how are you, Sunggyu?”

Sunggyu looked at Woohyun when Mr Lee held his hand; he knows it’s not going to end well tonight because of this, “I’m fine, thank you for coming, Hoya shouldn’t have bothered you at this; late hour.”

“Aigo~~, I’m glad he called me.”

Unable to bear the over sweetness from Mr Lee, “Sunggyu, I’ll get you something to wear; I don’t want you to catch a cold.”


When Woohyun left the room, Mr Lee smiled “where are your clothes?”

“Long story, the short story I didn’t get to change when this happened.”

“I see, Hoya son, please get Sunggyu a wheelchair.”

“Yes, dad.”

“No need”, Woohyun walked in with fresh new scrubs. “I’ll carry him to the car. Can we have a moment, please? Sunggyu needs to change.”

“Sure, I’ll bring the car close to the door; let’s go, son.”

Mr Lee and Hoya left the room for Sunggyu to change comfortably; of course, Woohyun stayed to help though Sunggyu preferred Hoya’s help.

“So, you know how to be nice to others but not to me!” Woohyun took off his jacket and put it on Sunggyu; it was a cold night.

“I’m at the hospital and in pain, and you still want to lecture!”

“You have a sprained ankle, don’t exaggerate; you’re young, you’ll heal fast.”

Woohyun was about to carry the younger, but Sunggyu didn’t feel like it “get me a wheelchair.”

“I can carry you.”

“And I don’t want you to touch me!”

“Why are you acting like a kid!!”

“Fine, I’ll walk”, Sunggyu groaned from pain when his foot touched the hospital floor, “, it hurts.”

“If you think by doing that, you’ll draw attention, then you’re wrong! It’s annoying!”

Woohyun carried Sunggyu to the car without asking, not caring that the younger probably cursing him internally.




Woohyun’s house


The ride home wasn’t much, Woohyun stayed silent the entire time and only smiled and nodded to Mr Lee small talks. Sunggyu and Hoya were busy with each other and their phones; they even called Sungjong and Myungsoo to update them.


Woohyun’s room

Mrs Nam knocked on the door before joining them with a chicken soup; Sunggyu didn’t have dinner and is on medication now; he needs to eat.

“Thank you, auntie; you’re the best.”

Woohyun smiled when his mother hugged Sunggyu; his parents always liked him “aigo~~, don’t say that you’re as dear as Woohyun and Nicky. Are you in pain?”

“A little, Hyung gave me painkillers. I’ll be fine.”

“Then I’ll let you eat and rest, Woohyun dear, please take care of him.”

“I will, mom.”

The minute the elder walked out of the room, Sunggyu put back the spoon. “I can’t eat.”

“You’re eating, and that’s final!” Woohyun joined him on the bed and held the spoon instead “we’ve talked about this, no more starving yourself, okay?”

“What if I still don’t want to eat?”

“Then I’ll feed you!”


As if Sunggyu wanted someone to pamper him, feed him and look after him, though he was full fast, he finished it all. Woohyun helped the younger wash his mouth and helped Sunggyu change into his clothes instead of the hospital scrubs.

“Thank you.”

Woohyun smiled, placing a pillow under Sunggyu’s foot to elevate it “so, you know how to be nice to me.”

“Can’t you just take the thank you without comments!”

“No, because you happen to be nice to everyone but me!”

“You’re wrong; I’m not nice to others”, Sunggyu looked down; Woohyun only nodded; he’s done arguing with him “fine, you’re right, I’m sorry.”

The elder slipped under the cover too; it’s been a long day “why can’t you accept my help?”

“I’m not used to people be nice to me; that’s why I’m not nice to others.”

“You're nice to Mr Lee!!”

“Because he’s nice to me”, Sunggyu then mumbled the following, “unlike you.”

“Ungrateful brat! I carried you, and I just fed you” Sunggyu chuckled; the elder is funny when he acts dramatic “hey~, your sister was nice too.”

“But she lied.”

“Her lie doesn’t affect you, Sunggyu; it was between her and me.”

“At the end of the day, Nuna chose you, Hyung.”

“That’s not true; she always talked about you.”

“Living with uncle was hell.”

“I know, it was my fault; I’m sorry, Sunggyu.”

“Are there more lies, or that’s it?”

Keep it cool, Woohyun gently caressed the young

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694 streak #1
Chapter 20: can’t believe i finished rereading this in one go 😅
Chapter 20: It is the end of another beautiful story of yours.. As always I loved reading this story too. As you have said, this was light and I absolutely had fun reading this. Thankyou for writing this story. ❤️
Simran20 #3
Chapter 20: As always you give us many life lessons in a fic. That's an end to amazing fic of yours, I really loved it..the emotional struggles were really relatable glad that they found the happiness they deserve. Thankyou so much for an amazing fic author nim❤️❤️❤️❤️
Simran20 #4
Chapter 19: Atlast the adults are acting like adults. Hyojung has decieved all her friends for the past 18 years telling she was the victim. Hope everyone pays her back nicely.
Every one of them matured nicely since they all talk it out with each other soon and trying to solve it.
Thankyou so much for the update author was such a long wait but nevertheless beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 19: It's been sooooo long....
I enjoyed the chapter. Thanks.
fanfics_trash #6
Chapter 19: thanks for update
i waited so long😁
Chapter 19: Thank you for updating💛
Chapter 19: Damn.. All hyojung's and sunggyu's lives were a lie. Hyojung chose to lie while Gyu was trapped inside her lie.
I think the best decision Hyun took was to move out from the house. That will give them the space and the trust they need. When you move out you become independent and you make mistakes but that mistakes will shape your life. In my honest opinion, I think that newly married couple should start by living alone with just them. That way they will learn to understand themselves more.
So everything is starting to get sorted out. Cuz next one is the last chapter. That means another wonderful story of yours comes to an end. Hope you will start writing another one soon.
Thanks for the update. Loved reading this as always
Simran20 #9
Chapter 18: Waiting for your update author nim😍😍
Chapter 18: Update please😢