I Got U
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Nam House


By the time Woohyun returned home, Sunggyu was already sleeping on the floor in Nicky’s room; he remembered the younger’s warning not to carry him without his permission, so he held back from doing it. All he could do is cover him well and make sure he has enough pillows before he left the room to meet his brother in the hall.


“Hyung, are you back from a nightshift or leaving?”

“Back”, Boohyun noticed his brother’s uneasy expression, “can you cook for me, Woohyun?”

“Sure, I’ll prepare the food until you rest and shower.”

“No, actually, let’s cook together.”



Boohyun and Woohyun ended up in the kitchen cooking together, “remember when we used to do this when we were young?”

“Hmm, good old days; where is Hyojung?”

“Out with her friends”, Boohyun stretched his arms, “it’s her friend’s birthday. What about Sunggyu?”

“sleeping” Woohyun didn’t feel like talking about Sunggyu; he already feels bad for how things turned. “Food is ready; let’s eat.”


The two brothers sat at the dining table to eat, Woohyun didn’t eat much at Sungyeol’s house, too, so he was hungry.

“Weren’t you out with Sunggyu at Sungyeol’s house?”


“You guys didn’t have dinner already?”

Woohyun remembered that Sunggyu didn’t eat as well, “Hyung, I’m ruining that kid’s life, am I?”

“Did you fight with Sunggyu again?”

“Yeah, I said things I shouldn’t have said.”

“Did you apologize?”

“Hmm, then said other bad things, and now he doesn’t want to look at my face. I don’t know what to do.”

“It’s simple; just figure out your feelings towards him.”

“He’s 18, Hyung; I feel like he wants to date someone his age, have fun, you know.”

“You’re doing it again.”

“Do what?”

“Deciding for him without talking about it”, Boohyun then asked, “Do you want him to leave when he graduates or is it you thinking that’s what he wants?”

“I don’t want to be selfish.”

“It’s okay to be selfish sometimes”, Boohyun patted his brother’s back. “I can tell you like him and a lot, but you’re not treating him nicely because you don’t want him to stay with you because he’s thankful, right?”


“You’re wrong, Woohyun. Life has already been harsh on him, don’t be the same towards him too.”


Boohyun’s words ringed in Woohyun’s mind as he cleaned the plates and saved the untouched food; before thinking about anything else, the younger’s health should come first. Woohyun hesitated at first but found himself back to his son’s room, crouching down next to Sunggyu.

Though he was warned a lot not to touch him, Woohyun’s hand found its way on Sunggyu’s hair, which awaken the sleepy boy, “Hey.”

“Hyung?” Sunggyu struggled to open his eyes. “Is it Nicky?” he sighed when he checked on the little boy, Nicky was sleeping soundly.

“Nicky is fine; come with me.”

“I’m sleepy”, Sunggyu dropped his head back on the pillow, “can we do this tomorrow?”

“Do what?”

“Fight, I got no energy.”

Woohyun smiled, “of course, you don’t have energy; you haven’t eaten anything all day.”

“I’m not hungry; let me sleep.”

“Are you going to walk to the kitchen by yourself, or I carry you?”


And that’s how sleepy Sunggyu ended up sitting on the kitchen table waiting for Woohyun to serve the food he kept earlier, “Hyung.”

“Hmm?” Woohyun placed the dishes in front of Sunggyu, “Eat first.”

“Do you really want me to move to Howon’s house?”

“Sunggyu, that’s not-”

“I’m sorry, please don’t kick me out.”

“I would never do that”, Woohyun placed the spoon in Sunggyu’s hand to start eating, “I didn’t marry you because I wanted to give you up.”

Sunggyu felt safe a little and smiled, “I never said I wanted to move to his house; we only talked about what Hyojung Nuna did.”

“You don’t like her, do you?” Woohyun smiled when Sunggyu nodded; he then caressed the younger’s hair, “I’m sorry; I should’ve listened to you first.”

“You mean that?”

“Hmm, now eat”, Woohyun was relieved to see Sunggyu finally eat, “About you cursing.”

Sunggyu cursed himself when he remembered what he said at the coach’s house, Woohyun will not let it go for sure, “Hyung, about that- it’s your fault you won’t listen to me-”

“I’ll let it pass, but under one condition”, Sunggyu waited for Woohyun to list his conditions, “never sleep on the floor and sleep on the bed next to me.”

“I’ve been sleeping on the floor my entire life”, Woohyun hated himself when Sunggyu smile over this, as if it wasn’t a big deal “it’s not a big deal.”

“Not anymore; sleep in bed with me even if we fight about something.”

“You’re planning to continue fighting with me!”

“Hope not”, Woohyun and Sunggyu chuckled, “so, what do you say?”

“Araso, I’ll sleep on your bed.”

Woohyun frowned when Sunggyu stopped eating; he barely had two bites, “What are you doing?”

“I’m full.”

“Yah, finish that dish, wash it and go to bed.”

“I didn’t ask for this food; you made it; you eat it, and you do the dishes.”

“I pitted you; I didn’t want you to starve!”

“Well, it’s not good; you eat it!”

“Detention after school!”

“You can’t do that; we’re not in school!”

Woohyun crossed his arms to his chest and smiled, “but I’m your teacher and have the right.”

Sunggyu rose from the chair, pissed off, “Ugh, you’ll never change!!”

“Sit down!”

“Leave me alone!! Old man.”

Woohyun’s eyes widen at that; Sunggyu just walked away from him. “YAH, where do you think you’re going!”

“Bed, you told me to sleep on the bed, Ajusshi.”

“Ajusshi?! You little- come back here!!”





Sunggyu and Nicky held hands walking in the mall with Myungsoo; the latter called his friend for an emergency, and Sunggyu couldn’t leave without Nicky. Woohyun wasn’t home, and Mrs Nam was visiting family with her husband. So, leaving the little boy with Hyojung was a big no, no.


Nicky made the boys buy him ice cream to stay quiet for them to talk, “He is a cute boy.”

Sunggyu smiled, caressing the little boy’s hair as he ate the ice cream happily, “Hmm, but we’re not here to talk about Nicky, aren’t we?” Myungsoo lowered his head, “What is it? Did you fight with Sungjong?”


“He said you’re keeping him on ‘read’, why?”, Myungsoo sighed, “Why aren’t you answering him, Myung?”

“Sunggyu, I’m in love.”

Sunggyu smiled, “Don’t tell me you and Sungjong love the same person?”


“No? Omg, don’t tell me you love Sungjong???”

“No”, Sunggyu waited for his friend to say something, “I’m in love with our coach, Sungjong’s dad.”

“You’re ing kidding me, right?”

“No!! Why can’t I be with coach?”

“Myungsoo, are you crazy? He is our friend’s father!”

“You and Woohyun Seonsaeng-nim are married, Howon and Dongwoo Seonsaeng-nim are dating, why can’t I have my own love story?”

“You’re not actually calling what Woohyun Hyung and I have as marriage, are you!”

“You’re boring; you have no idea how lucky you are; Woohyun Seonsaeng-nim is hot. Have you ever tried to kiss him?”

“Y-Yah! What are you talking about!”

“I bet he is a good kisser. Even I kissed coach.”

“You- what!!”

“He didn’t kiss back; relax. Don’t tell anyone.”

“Don’t you care about Sungjong’s feelings?” Nicky stood on the chair to hug Sunggyu, “Nicky, are you tired?”


“Aigo~, go on sleep, sleep” Sunggyu patted the little boy’s back gently to put him to sleep.

“That’s why I’m telling you not to tell anyone.”

“You’ll break Sungjong’s heart.”

Myungsoo knew that his friend is right but didn’t want to listen, “Enough about me, does Woohyun Seonsaeng-nim at least know that you like him?”

Sunggyu covered Myungsoo’s mouth and whispered, “Not in front of Nicky.”

Myungsoo removed his friend’s hand, “You didn’t answer my question!”

“He loves Nuna; I can never be her.”

Not only Woohyun had a secret crush on Sunggyu, but the younger also had a crush on his teacher but never dared to take a step because Woohyun constantly mistreats him.

“Test him.”


“Put him into tests, see if he responses to you.”

“I’m not going to kiss him, Myungsoo.”

“Told you you’re boring.”

“I’m going home.”

“Wait, sit again; I’m kidding”, Myungsoo pulled Sunggyu to sit back. “Is he sleeping?”

“Hmm, he’s tired.”

“You look tired, isn’t taking care of 3 years old and studying hard?”

Sunggyu shook his head and smiled, hugging Nicky tighter, “I love this boy; my day isn’t complete without him.”

“We can babysit with you and study together, okay?”

“Thanks, Myung.”

“Is everything okay between you and Seonsaeng-nim now?” Sunggyu was about to deny it, but Myungsoo cuts him off “we all knew you guys were fighting yesterday; it was written all over your face.”

“Hmm, I guess we’re fine.”

“Do you want to tell me what happened?”

“Promise not to tell anyone, not even your mom!”


Myungsoo felt bad hearing what happened; Sunggyu doesn’t deserve this treatment from their teacher; why is he harsh on him!! Maybe Sunggyu is right; perhaps Woohyun doesn’t like him.

“He then told me I could move to Howon’s house if I wanted.”

“Do you want to leave his house?”

“And leave Nicky alone? Never.”

“What about Seonsaeng-nim?”

“If he’s willing to give me up to strangers, then he doesn’t care. Does that fulfil your test?”

“No, maybe Seonsaeng-nim is scared, maybe he thinks that you don’t like him or hate him, you are rude, to be honest.”

“I thought I'm your friend!! Your little piece of .”

“See”, Myungsoo pinched his friend’s cheek, “very rude.”

“I hate you”, Sunggyu stood up again, “I’m going home.”

“Don’t you want to eat something first?”

“It’s family lunch day; I have to go.”

“Do you need a ride? Dad will be here soon.”

“I’m taking the bus; bye, bye.”



Outside Nam House


When Sunggyu arrived home, Mr Lee was watering the garden; the elder spotted the younger carrying Nicky, so he called him “Sunggyu.”

Sunggyu walked

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703 streak #1
Chapter 20: can’t believe i finished rereading this in one go 😅
Chapter 20: It is the end of another beautiful story of yours.. As always I loved reading this story too. As you have said, this was light and I absolutely had fun reading this. Thankyou for writing this story. ❤️
Simran20 #3
Chapter 20: As always you give us many life lessons in a fic. That's an end to amazing fic of yours, I really loved it..the emotional struggles were really relatable glad that they found the happiness they deserve. Thankyou so much for an amazing fic author nim❤️❤️❤️❤️
Simran20 #4
Chapter 19: Atlast the adults are acting like adults. Hyojung has decieved all her friends for the past 18 years telling she was the victim. Hope everyone pays her back nicely.
Every one of them matured nicely since they all talk it out with each other soon and trying to solve it.
Thankyou so much for the update author was such a long wait but nevertheless beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 19: It's been sooooo long....
I enjoyed the chapter. Thanks.
fanfics_trash #6
Chapter 19: thanks for update
i waited so long😁
Chapter 19: Thank you for updating💛
Chapter 19: Damn.. All hyojung's and sunggyu's lives were a lie. Hyojung chose to lie while Gyu was trapped inside her lie.
I think the best decision Hyun took was to move out from the house. That will give them the space and the trust they need. When you move out you become independent and you make mistakes but that mistakes will shape your life. In my honest opinion, I think that newly married couple should start by living alone with just them. That way they will learn to understand themselves more.
So everything is starting to get sorted out. Cuz next one is the last chapter. That means another wonderful story of yours comes to an end. Hope you will start writing another one soon.
Thanks for the update. Loved reading this as always
Simran20 #9
Chapter 18: Waiting for your update author nim😍😍
Chapter 18: Update please😢