Hi Again

‘tis The Damn Season
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(Present Time)


Eunbi plopped down herself on her bed and exhaled loudly. 


“Finally bed.” She sighed. 


Today was indeed tiring for her. 


From the long flight she had, until the memory lane that she re-visited. Making her both physically and mentally exhausted.


As soon as she arrived at home, she was engulfed in a super tight hug by her parents. And lots of kisses from her mom. 


She then ate the foods that her mom already prepared for her. All of the foods are her favorite. Screw diet! She’ll worry about that after her holiday over. 


Then her parents let her to have her needed shower to refresh herself, before she finally able to lie on her comfy-warm bed. 


She hasn’t even unpacked her stuff but one of the ‘perks’ of being home again, with your parents around you is that they will babying you again no matter how old you are. 


Her mom told her to not worry about her stuff. Her mom will help her to unpack it and take care of everything for her. She should not lay a finger since Eunbi is her precious little princess. 


So Eunbi must not work when she’s at home. 


Eunbi almost succumbed to sleep when her phone suddenly dinged. 


Right, she hasn’t checked her phone at all today. The last time was hours ago when she just landed. Informing her members that she already landed safely in her hometown and informing Wonyoung about her arrival. 


She lazily unlocked her phone to check on the new message. 


[Pretty girls next to pretty girls]


What a silly name right? That was Princess Jang Wonyoung’s idea. When they were still in high school and they five of them become good friends, they decided to make a group chat. The group admin is Wonyoung so the name is also from her. And everyone is too lazy to ask her to change the group name with something else that more ‘civil’ or less cringeworthy. 


[Pretty girls next to pretty girls (5)]


Wonyoung : So! Girls! Attention please??

I have something big to announce! 


Sakura: THANK GOD! You finally will announce your wedding date! I’ll be the bridesmaid alright?! 🥺


Wonyoung: What?! No! No one is getting married. Yet.


Sakura : Aw :(


Minju : Ikr. Aw :(


Wonyoung : Baby! Please! >.<

We’ve talked about this. Just wait a bit more, okie?

But anw, please back to the main topic..


Please clear every schedule you guys have for tomorrow evening because we got a party to attend. Woohoo~~


Hyewon : Are you crazy? Party? In this kind of situation? 

Yah Kim Minju, I told you that your girl is not sane. Leave her while you still can.


Wonyoung : Stop being a bad influence to my girlfriend, Kang! (>.<“)

Listen, I’m being serious. 

The party is not really a party duh. It’s just us. 

Just come to my house, 7 PM sharp! Or you will not get the pizzas! 


Hyewon : Don’t you dare.. You have no right to starve me! This is my first and final warn. But seriously Jang, what’s the occasion?


Wonyoung: Hehe, wait for it!

Drumrolls please?


Sakura : ...


Hyewon : ...


Minju: Babe please. Just say it before people in this neighborhood hunt you down. You know both Kwangbae and Kkura are not really a patient person to begin with, and they can be really scary if they want. So spill! I’m doing this for your own good, babe.


Wonyoung : Psh fine. You guys are no fun. 




Kwon Eunbi is here!!! As in Jakarta. As in a three houses away from my house! She’s probably sleeping tho right now like a dead log since she said she was all worn out. 


But tomorrow evening! She said she wanted to see us tomorrow evening!


Kwon Eunbi : Hi guys! I’m not sleeping yet. Just almost. Hehe

Sorry and thanks, Wonyo for doing the talks on my behalf ;)


So yeah, I’m home. And I would love to see you guys soon. I mean if you guys have time :)






Sakura : EHHHH? YABAIII!! Eunbi chan!!! 


And so the group chat went kinda crazy after the news announced. 


But Eunbi realized something. 


How the notification showed four people already read it. Yet only three girls that keep making a fuss with her in the group chat. 


Hyewon.. she reads all the conversations. But she still said nothing. And it kinda worries Eunbi. 


So just to make sure, she typed down..


Eunbi : So, see you guys tomorrow?


Wonyoung : Yeah ofc! It’s my house anyway. So you surely will see me. 


Eunbi : Yeah yeah I know, Jang. I mean the others!! 


Minju : Keke, of course! Of course I’ll be there tomorrow. I miss you, Eunbi-yaaahh :*


Wonyoung : How about me, babe? You don’t miss me? :(


Minju: Babe, please.. 🤫


Wonyoung : O-okay. 


Sakura : Kekeke~ I’ll be there too. I already cancelled my meeting for tomorrow evening. My dear friends is way more important than that boring meeting anyway 😊


Wonyoung : Aww, Saku-chan 🥺🥺🥺


Minju : Sakura senpai 🥺🥺🥺


Eunbi : Sakura sensei 🥺🥺🥺


Sakura: Hehe. Wait, where is Kang chan? 

I won’t play LOL with you ever again if you have something else to do tomorrow and bail on us.


Hyewon : Here! Sorry I was busy with something. I’ll be there too tomorrow, don’t worry ;)


And Eunbi finally let out her breath that she has been unconsciously held. 


Hyewon : And Eunbi?


And Eunbi never type so fast in her life like this ever. 


Eunbi : Yes?


Hyewon : Welcome back home :)


Eunbi : Yeah, thank you. I’m glad i’m home :)


That night, Eunbi had a very hard time to sleep. She didn’t know anymore what to feel because she both feared and anticipated tomorrow. She kinda torn in between wishing for tomorrow to never come or for it to come faster.


Well.. Maybe she preferred the latter.




(The next day)


5.30 PM


*ding dong*


Wonyoung excitedly check her CCTV camera and saw a familiar figure despite being totally covered, hidden in oversized baby blue hoodie and black mask. 


Wonyoung softly scoffed at that as she makes her way toward the front door to open it for her guest. 


“You’re too early, miss Idol. And you dress too much like an idol.” Wonyoung said with a teasing smirk on her face and her long arms wide open.


Eunbi playfully pushed her away but Wonyoung resisted and instead wrapped her arms around Eunbi’s body, giving her a tight bear hug. It’s kinda funny because the taller girl is clinging onto the shorter one who’s obviously having a hard time to keep their balance so they won’t fall. 


“Yah yah yah! We’re gonna fall.” Eunbi scolded, but her hands securely wrapping around Wonyoung’s waist, trying to keep her giant friend safe. 


“Don’t care. I just want to hug youuuu. I missed you so much, Kwon Eunbi!”


“Alright alright. Thank you. I missed you too. Now let go before you suffocate me to death.” Eunbi said while patting Wonyoung’s back. 


The two gave each other a proper hug before Wonyoung dragged Eunbi further inside the house. 


Eunbi walked in and realized how her bestfriend’s home is still look the same. Nothing changed. Or at least no drastic change is made. It gives her warm nostalgic feelings. 


She then greeted Wonyoung’s parents and talked with them. Catching up with each other’s lives, just like the old time when she came to Wonyoung’s house after school hour.


The two then get inside Wonyoung room where they chat even more as they’re laying on Wonyoung’s soft king-sized bed. 


Wonyoung took lots of selfie with Eunbi and send those photos to their group chat. 


“Yah! The miss Idol is already here!

She came too early because she’s just too excited to see me.” Wonyoung typed down.


And Eunbi just replied with an emoticon. 






6.30 PM


The house bell is ringing again. 


Wonyoung and Eubi opened to the door to greet the guest. 


And the guest immediately engulfed in a tight hug and rained with kisses from the tall house owner. 


“Baby!” Wonyoung happily jumped on her girlfriend. 


“Minguri!” Eunbi who stood beside Wonyoung greeted her best friend with a smile. 


Minju gave Wonyoung a quick peck on her cheek before wiggled herself free from her girlfriend’s embrace just so she can tackle Eunbi into a tight hug. 


“Gosh Eunbi! I missed you so much!” Minju said as she tightened the hug.


“I missed you too, pretty frog.” Eunbi chuckled and hugged her friend back just as tight. 


Wonyoung who has FOMO also quickly joined the group hug. 


7 PM, just on time, for Miss Miyawaki to come. She just opened the front door when suddenly she felt herself get jerked forward with such force, and soon engulfed in a group hug.


They giggled at each other’s antic but no one loosening their hold on each other.


“Eh? Where’s Kang chan?” Sakura asked as she realized one member is still missing. 


“She said she still has some works to finish. But she’ll come here asap.” Minju informed. 


“Psh. That workaholic.” Wonyoung sighed. 


“Aigoo. Let me try to call her.” Sakura fished out her phone and dialed Hyewon’s number. 


She put the call on speakerphone so the other girls can also hear.


And after three waiting rings, Hyewon’s voice can be heard.


“Moshi moshi?” Hyewon playfully greeted. 


Eunbi quietly listen to the conversation, trying to breathe normally and calming her rapid heartbeat because suddenly she feels nervous. Heck, Hyewon is not even physically presence yet! And she already acted like this.


“Hewon-ah! Where are you? Maan, you’re late. And as your fellow professional business woman, I got to say I feel disappointed at you for not being able to be on time. You gotta improve your time management.” Sakura playfully nagged. 


“Aigoo I’m sorry, Kkora-yah. I swear I tried to finish my job as soon as I can but there are just too many. But anyway before you yell at me, I’m on my way now. Just get stuck in this hellish Jakarta traffic on Friday night. The GPS says I will be there like in 30 mins. But you know GPS often lie so..”


“Ehhh?? That long?”


“Yeah. I initially planned to go home first so I can take a quick back and change my clothes. I’m still in my work attire y’know. But seeing this traffic, I think I should just take my bath at Wonyoung’s house and borrow her clothes to save time.”


“Yah! Who said I will let you waste my house’s water and lend you my precious clothes?!” Wonyoung shouted from the side. 


“Aigoo, well hi to you too, Princess Jang. You have no option here. Unless you want me to make you wait for anot

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Chapter 2: aaawww .. more?
Chapter 2: Hnng..
Chapter 2: this makes me feel so soft and fluffy inside ☺️