
‘tis The Damn Season
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“I see you’re finally going back home this year for Christmas holiday, leader-nim.”


“Yep.” The leader keeps her answer short and direct since she’s currently busy giving her luggage a final check. Afraid she might forget something. 


“That’s good then.” Yena grinned.


“Eager to send me off I see, Choi Yena. You know it's just for temporary. You can't get rid of me this easy.” Eunbi faked a hurt expression and continue packing up her stuff with much force than needed to show her ‘anger’.


“That’s not it, unnie! You know I’ll miss you. I’m just happy that you finally get to see your family again.” Yena quickly explained. 


“I’m happy too, Yena-yah.” Eunbi said with a small smile on her face. 


“You’ve worked so hard for us, unnie. Now it’s your time to get some rest. I’m just kinda scared that if you return later than the rest of us, this dorm will be burned into ashes when you’re back.”


“That’s not gonna happen because there will be at least Chaeyeon or Chaewon that reliable and sane enough to stop YOU or Yujin from doing some stupid-crazy things that might endanger their lives and our dorm. Yuri is also a normal kid, but she just kinda weak when it comes to you so it's hard to expect her to be stern."


“Ah you meanie unnie! I’m not as dangerous as Ahn Yujin! And why only Yuri? I'm a normal kid too!"


“Yeah whatever.” Eunbi chuckled. “I got a plane to catch. I’ll see you in two weeks alright? Try your best to stay alive and out of trouble until then. Please.” Eunbi said and leaned in to give the younger girl a quick hug. 


“Yeah, thank you. I really can feel how much you love me, unnie.” Yena sarcastically said but still hugged her back, even tighter. 


Eunbi snickered and lazily waved at the younger, ready to take her leave. 


“Bye, kiddo.” 


“Bye, unnie! You too, stay alive there! Iz*one can’t go on without their leader. And please have a safe flight! Happy holiday! Send my regards to your family!” Yena still frantically waved at the leader even when the leader is already out of her sight. 




(Soekarno-Hatta International Airport @ Jakarta, Indonesia)


There are eye blinding flashes from more than 20 expensive SLR cameras that directed at her. Luckily the bodyguards already readily guiding and protecting her from the sides, creating a small circle with the star in the middle as they clear the way for Eunbi to walk on. 


Eunbi despite her tiredness for being inside the airplane for 7 hours straight, still professionally waved at the cameras and fans that waiting for her and smiled at them. 


She didn’t forget to bow her head too to show gratefulness and politeness. 


A pro idol indeed. 


Only after she successfully get inside the black van, Eunbi let her smile to fall off her face as she let out a tired sigh. 


The car started to move, leaving the fans and reporters behind. And soon enough hit the main road.


Eunbi took of her sunglasses and looked out of the window. Then a real-genuine smile this time, unlike the fake one she gave to the cameras earlier, appeared on her face. 


“I’m home.” She whispered out softly.




The car started to get on smaller road after exiting the high way. With many motorcycles around and some public transportations like bus and taxi. The hot weather makes Eunbi to take off her jacket. 


She knows the road and its surroundings of course. It feels familiar. It’s her hometown after all. And even though she hasn’t been visiting her hometown for the past 4 years won’t change that fact. She just feels surprised with many new tall buildings, houses and wider roads that weren’t there before. 


She knows her home is just around the corner. 


Her eyes suddenly went nostalgic and melancholic when she saw her school. The place that held so many precious memories. The place where she spent her teenager life with her teachers and friends. 


Her dear friends. 


Now she misses them even more. After contemplating for awhile, she takes out her phone. 




“Whoa, look who calls me. Aren’t you the famous Korean Idol, the leader from a group called Iz*one?”


“Oh shut up, Jang Wonyoung, you tall lamp post!” 


“Yah, I gave you a compliment but you diss me in return? And it’s not lamp pos for God’s sake! I’m a model.”


“Okay fine, Miss Jang model. But what you gave me was not a compliment. That was a tease. And those two are different.”


“Whatever. So what is it Kwon?”


“Uh.. I just want to tell you.. that I’m home. As in home home.”




“Stop yelling, Jang! I still need my ear to function well for my future career.”


“Sorry sorry. Just, are you being serious right now? You’re home? As in Jakarta?”


“Yeah. In fact i’m about to arrived at home. I’m pretty near now. And I can already see your home.” Eunbi smiled. Their houses are only few blocks away. 


“Oh my God Kwon Eunbi! Why you didn’t tell us sooner?! We can come to the airport to pick you up or something.”


“Nah, that’s fine, Wonyo. I have my company prepared everything for me. Besides there are too many cameras and fans waiting. I’m afraid we can’t do much either in the airport.”


“Well, that’s true. But at least we can prepare a welcome home party for you! You’ve been away for too long! We need to make a big celebration!”


“What am I? A soldier?” Eunbi chuckled.


“Technically no, you’re an idol but with how hard for us to see you, yeah, it almost feel like having a friend who is a soldier that fighting in a war or something.”


Eunbi snorted. Jang Wonyoung hasn’t changed at all. Still a drama queen.


“Fine, I’m sorry for not giving a heads up. It’s kinda sudden too so..”


“Okay. So when we can meet you?”


“Uh.. I will stay here for two weeks. And I don’t really have plan aside from spending my time with my family and you guys. So anytime would be fine. But I’m kinda tired right now. The flight was quite long. So maybe if you guys have time, we can meet up tomorrow evening?”


“Okay! Tomorrow it is then! I’m also having a work today. So I can’t make it if it’s today. I will text the others and see if they have time.”


“Uh.. Wonyo-yah..”




“Is she here?”


“You mean Kwangbae?”




“Oh Kwon Eunbi.. I always wanted to ask you this. Did you two break up in not so good term? What happened really?”


“We didn’t even date, Wonyoung-ah.”


“Stop feeding me with that bull.”


“I’m not! I’m telling you the truth. We never dated.”


“Wow. Really?”


“Yes.” Eunbi unconsciously gulped. And she can feel the bitterness in . 


“And yet it’s already this complicated. You two must be crazy for not dating each other when everyone could see how much you two loved each other.”


“Wonyo-yah, can we please not talk about that now?” Eunbi tiredly sighed as she massaging her throbbing temple. 


“Right. Sorry, Eun. So yeah.. Kwangbae is here. She usually will fly to here and there for her business trip but lucky you? Or unlucky you? I don't know, you decide. She hasn’t been able to fly much lately due to the current situation. You know this crazy virus and all. But she’s still a very busy person as you might already know. Managing her family business on her own is indeed a pain in the sometimes. 


The last time I saw her, she looked so tired, I were so afraid she would collapsed. Me and Minju can’t help but to worrying her. So we tried our best to visit her from time to time. Kkura sometimes came to pay a visit too but you know her, she's also almost as busy as Hyewon. Flying back and forth to Korea and Japan twice in a week.


So yeah, we tried our best to visit her from time to time and checking up on her to make sure she’s still breathing and alive." Wonyoung joked at the last part, making Eunbi laughed a little.


“She’s so lucky to have you three around.”


“She’s lucky to have us, Eunbi-yah. By saying us, you included. I know you’ve keep asking about her to Minju.”


“H-how did you know?”


“You really think Minju, that clumsy Kim Minju, won’t accidentally slipped that truth out to me one day? She’s my girlfriend, ma’am. We literally talked and see each other everyday. It’s bound to happen.”


“A-ah. Right.”


“Rest assure, Eun. She didn’t know.”


“A-ah. I see.”


“Stop stuttering, Eun.” Wonyoung teased and laughed. “But It’s funny tho.” She added after her laugh died down. 




“How we ended up the way we are. You and me, are bestfriends from the start. Just like how Hyewon and Minju are. Then the four of us unexpectedly become friends in the high school. I fall for Minju, and you fall for her bestfriend. I got Minju’s heart, and you got her bestfriend’s. And you know what’s even funnier?”




“Kwangbae surely without doubt will kill me if she knows but screw that! I’m so tired to see you two playing this no fun hide and seek game."


“W-what? I don’t understand what you’re saying.”


“Here’s the funny truth, Eun. Just like how you sometimes asked Minju about Hyewon’s doing. She also did the same. Exactly the same.


She would call me from time to time, talking about some random stuff that will ended up with her asking about you. She will ask about your doing in Korea. She watched you in TV and youtube. She even downloaded V Live app and subscribed only to your group’s channel.


But she already warn me to never tell you any of this. But sorry Kang Hyewon, I have shut my mouth for too long. I can’t stand it any longer.


Look Eun, She might didn’t say anything to you, look all indifference, but the truth is, she always cares. She always look after you. In silence. From afar.”


“Well.. I-I don’t know what to say.” Eunbi clasped her trembling hands together, trying to stop them from shaking. 


“You don’t have to say anything, Eun. You just have to stop being so stubborn for once.”


“What do you mean, Wonyo-yah?”


“Please see her. And talk. Like an adult you two are now. Whatever issue you two have in the past, please solve it. Find a closure that you two obviously need.”




(Flashback to 10 years ago..)


Eunbi was 16 when she transferred to a new school to continue her study as a senior high schooler.


Her parents told her the new school is the best in town, so they wanted their daughter to study there. Another advantage about the school is how close it is from their home so it’s more convenient since the traffic jam can be avoided this way. 


Eunbi who is a kinda shy-introverted person, hated the idea to move to a new environment on her own so she dragged her childhood best friend to go there too with her. And Wonyoung who hated the idea to spend the last 3 years of her high school without her best friend successfully persuaded her parents to send her to Eunbi’s new school. And that’s how the two bestfriends finally attended the new school together. 


As a freshman, 10 grader, they need to join a leadership camp that called LDK in Bahasa Indonesia. LDK stands for Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan or literally meaning a training for basic leadership in English. 


The trainers will be consist of some teachers and student council members from 11 & 12 graders who will soon step down from their ‘chair’ and 10 graders will join the troops. 


Eunbi is actually quite confident with her leadership. She was also part of student council in her old school. And always be the class president. Unlike Wonyoung who is more a follower type who always follow her bestfriend around yet always has this princess-like aura that makes people adore her since she was a kid.


And with their extraordinary visuals, the two bestfriends always attract attention to wherever they go. Including now when they just moved to the new school. 


“Oh I’m sorry!” Eunbi stopped on her track and turned her body around when she heard a loud feminine shriek from behind her. 


Behind her, there’s another girl who’s repeatedly bowing her head to her best friend who seems to be in daze. 


From the proximity they shared, Eunbi judged the girl just accidentally bumped into her tall bestfriend. 


“Ah, aniyo gwaenchana, Minju-ssi.” Wounyoung said in her mother language as she waved her hand dismissively. 


“Oh? You’re Korean too? And h-how do you know my name?” The girl named Minju finally lifted up her head and meet Wonyoung’s gaze, replying the taller girl in the same language. 


Wonyoung pointed at Minju’s name tag on her left chest and Minju only make a soundless “ahh..” while shyly scratching her head. Maybe thinking why she has to ask the obvious. Wonyoung just chuckled at that, finding the new girl cute but she won’t voice that out loud and choose to answer the cute girl’s question instead. 


“Yes, I’m Jang Wonyoung. I just moved here with my best friend, Eunbi. Yeah, from her name I think you already can tell that she’s a Korean too. Uh, that’s her.” Wonyoung said with a charming smile, pointing at where Eunbi is. 


Eunbi gave Minju a small hand wave and smiled. “Hi.” She awkwardly squeaked. Eunbi is not as smooth and good as Wounyoung when it comes to socializing skill with new people. 


Minju’s smile gets wider as she returned the gesture with a way more excessive hand wave. 


“Oh hi! Wah! More Korean! Assa!” Minju excitedly jumped around like a frog, with a happy smile on her pretty face.


Now that Eunbi looked closer, Minju is so pretty. Like Eunbi herself is not bad and has a brag-able visual, growing up with a best friend who also has an unusual beauty, but Minju seems to be in a whole different level of beauty. And Eunbi always has a good eye for pretty girls. 


Wonyoung chuckled seeing the excited pretty frog in front of her. Before they can talk much, the bell rings. Indicating that their first class is about to start soon.

Just like the other students, the trio quickly moved their feet toward their designated class.

And turned out the three of them are in the same class, 10-A.


Eunbi and Wonyoung took a seat beside each other by default, sharing a table together. 


And the pretty girl named Minju took a seat in front of theirs, beside a girl who has her face hidden since she’s currently sleeping with her face down, and using her hands as pillow. 


Minju gently shook the sleeping girl’s shoulder to wake her up.


“Hyewon-ah, wakey wakey.” Minju said but unfortunately the sleeping girl is still unmoved from her position. 


“Yah Kang Hyewon! Please wake up! You can’t get your punishment from teacher this fast! And how many times should I told you to not staying too late for playing games?!” Minju frustratedly said, shaking her friend even harder, and adding some light punches as well. 


“Alright, mom alright! I’m awake now. Stop breaking my bones!” Hyewon finally lifted her head and do some light stretches to lessen the soreness and stiffness of her body, especially her arms that almost went numb.


Eunbi just quietly chuckled watching the scene unfold in front of her. Since Minju and her friend’s table is right in front of hers and Wonyoung, there’s no way she didn’t see and hear the commotions. 


Wonyoung seems to be a spectator too since she also smiled in amusement.


They can’t see this Hyewon’s girl face yet. They can only see her back view. But the two bestfriends already find Hyewon interesting. 


Called it fate or anything you want. The first class is Social class and the teacher asked them to make a group of four. And to make it less hassles for everyone to move their seat and everything, the two tables that located across each other will be in one group. 


And that means, Wonyoung and Eunbi will be in the same group with Minju and Hyewon. 


And that’s when Hyewon turned her chair around so she can face her groupmates behind her. 


Eunbi can’t help but to let out an amused scoff. What’s with this school? The last time she checked, it’s a private school with international curriculum standard. English is their main-intermediate language here since many of the teachers and students are not Indonesian. It’s an international school for foreign students. That’s that. 


But after seeing Hyewon’s face, Eunbi thought she might probably get the wrong information. 


Maybe this school is actually for idols or soon to be idol, just like SOPA or Hanlim in South Korea. 


First Minju, now Hyewon. Earlier Eunbi’s eyes also spotted a girl at the corner of the class who obviously has an above standard beauty for commoners as well. With her sharp eyes, Eunbi read the girl’s name tag. ‘Miyawaki Sakura’. Obviously a Japanese from her name. 


The three of them, four if Wonyoung wants to join as well, can debut as a girlband already, Eunbi mused. 


Talking about being an idol, that’s actually Eunbi’s dream since she was a kid. She wanted to debut as an idol in her homeland in South Korea. But she has no confidence to pursue that dream. 


Now back to present time, Minju smiled when she sees a familiar face behind her. 


“Oh hi again, Wonyoung-ah. We’re in the same group huh?” Minju excitedly said. 


“Hi, Minju. Yeah we are. What a coincidence eh? By the way we haven’t properly introduce ourselves. So let’s do it now.” Wonyoung suggested. 


“Start from me. I’m Jang Wonyoung. A Korean who was born in Korea but just stay there for 3 years and moved to Indonesia when I’m still a baby due to my father’s job. And the girl beside me here is my best friend. Miss, please introduce yourself.” Wonyoung playfully nudged Eunbi to speak. 


“A-ah. Hi, my name is Kwon Eunbi. Just like Wonyoung, I also was born in Seoul but moved to Jakarta when I was 5 years old because of my father’s job. Our fathers are good friends and co-workers, so yeah, our families are close with one and another by default. We even live nearby. Okay, that’s all because I think I’ve been blabbering and sharing too much TMI.”


Minju just giggled at that and Hyewon still with her sleepy-poker face. 


“It’s alright, Eunbi-yah. I see, so you two are close with each other since kid because your father and Wonyoung’s are good friends so it’s kinda inevitable for their kids to be friends as well. That’s sweet.


Okay, so my turn alright? My name is Kim Minju. I also live nearby. I was born in Korea, but soon moved to Indonesia because of my father’s job. You see, we all share that one thing in common.” Minju laughed.

"And the grumpy sleepy girl beside me is my best friend. Unlike you two who get to know each other through your parents, me and Hyewon become close since we coincidentally attended the same language and vocal class when we were a kid.


We both struggled with learning Bahasa Indonesia, and we happened to meet each other in one of language course. We become inseparable ever since. And later we also happened to attend the same vocal class since we both like to sing. Tho we dropped the classes now. Too busy with some real stuff in school. Now, Miss grumpy, please introduce yourself to our new friends here.”


“Hi. Sorry with the face. I’m just really sleepy right now so it looks like this. Usually it looks better trust me." Hyewon seriously said while pointing at her face. Eunbi tried her best to not laugh because that probably will look kinda rude but Hyewon can see how Eunbi’s lips slightly twitched.


“It’s not that I’m being unfriendly or anything. So please don’t get the wrong idea. But please just let me to take some more time to be really awake before I can show my smile to you. It’s so hard to fully open my eyes, let alone curve up a smile. But it's nice to meet new Korean friends, really. So I hope we can get along well. Ah, right, my name. I forgot. My name is Kang Hyewon.”


Done with the introduction, the four of them started to work with their group project. Minju and Wonyoung did most of the talk, with Eunbi joining them once in awhile, and Hyewon who only nodded or shook her head when they asked about her opinion.


And just like that, the two bestfriends gained two more friends. It works for both pairs. 


Being the extrovert they are, Wonyoung and Minju get close to each other the fastest. While Eunbi is still kinda awkward with Minju and even more awkward with Hyewon since the latter is too quiet and only speak a word when it’s really necessary. Unlike her bestfriend who is so lively and talkative. 

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Chapter 2: aaawww .. more?
Chapter 2: Hnng..
Chapter 2: this makes me feel so soft and fluffy inside ☺️