
Me and The Princess

It feels like her world broke into pieces after she heard Seulgi said that. Why Seulgi said that? 

Did she know? How? 

Joohyun make sure she is very careful keeping her profile as low as possible. Even the principle also help her keeping her profile secure from public.

But can she actually trust the school? Why is she starting to have doubt right now? The fact that there is stalker out there and the school hasn't done anything to protect her...

And then the event that occured few weeks ago with the press...This school actually famous but still they are lack with their information security.

"What did you say?" Seulgi shrugged.

"You're beautiful like a princess. That is why I called you that and also you act like a brat princess. It suits you, really" said Seulgi.

When Joohyun notice Kang Seulgi is playing with her, she cannot help but to yell at Seulgi and she is going to smack her face when someone came in to the practice room.

"Ah! You two are here. Why is that I keep on meeting you though it wasn't practice time? Anyways! I was about to tell you the news tomorrow during our practice. But since I met you two here, I shall give you the news right away"

The two girls glance at each other as they are confuse of what other news they will receive. Their guts say it won't be too good...

"I asked my friend as I mentioned yesterday, me and Yuri made the dance choreography. I might not mentioned about her came from SM University didn't I?"

Joohyun widen her eyes. Goes the same for Seulgi actually. What is SM University anyway? The correct question should be who the hell doesn't know SM University? 

RV High School is managed by SM University and many of the alumni proceed their higher education to SM University.

SM University is a very famous for its education quality. Professors from around the world came to teach there.

Alumni from SM University prove themselve how well educated they were during their studies. Some of them managed to be at the top list of the richest people in the world.

But whoever enter that university must be smart and well attitude. Entering that university is not that easy.

They required a very long test and they are many steps to get through. Joohyun wish to enter that university. If she able to do so...

Goes the same for Seulgi though. That place is where her father teach actually.

"Since it will be a very big celebration and your perfomance will be the one many people anticipate, Yuri came up with a suggestion that why don't you guys spend the weekend practicing at SM University? Along with other talented dancers?"

"What?" said both of them together.

"I say you two agree to go, okay? Meet me in the entrance school this weekend and we go there together, okay?"

Mrs. Kim left without hearing what the two girls think about the offer. But obviously. Who would deny that offer? But still given them chance to say yes would be nice.

At least that's what Joohyun thought of. 


"You're ing crazy right?"

"Do we have any other choices?"

"I don't know? Well at least something else other than breaking into the principle office!"

"Ughh I don't know you're such a coward, Lisa"

"I'm not! Hey! Are you doubting your own girlfriend?" Rose rolled her eyes.

"Do you think this is a good idea, Seul?" asked Wendy.

"Thought you're the badass among us" said Seulgi and Wendy rolled her eyes.

Obviously Seulgi finally learn how to become a sarcastic person from her and it suit her well. However, it's annoying actually. 

Anyways! The principle office close at 8pm and currently it's 7.56pm. The sooner they break in to the principle room, the sooner they will catch the stalker and keep the princess safe.

However, some of them are coward. Completely the opposite of their looks. Who else if it's not Lalisa? But anyways, she's here. That's what important.

Before they proceed the plan, they gather together in Seulgi and Wendy's room. Planning the detail of what they are searching there. They split jobs. Wendy and Seulgi will search the teachers file.

While Rose and Lisa will be focusing on the students file. Hopefully they will get something later. Right now, they need to wait for Mrs. Tiffany and Mrs. Taeyeon who seems to be having a little make out inside to get out.

They are hiding in one of the empty room in the hallway. Watching the principle office closely. Sometimes Lisa close Rose eyes so that she didn't get to witness what the two adults are doing inside.

Lisa just being overdramatic. The couple can be cute sometimes.

"They're getting out" said Wendy. 

Minutes later, the two adult get out from the office room and walk away. They don't want to know what the couple doing next. For now their main focus are getting into the office room and find information they need.

Lisa will responsibile on opening the door. She secretly has the skill to open a door with a paperclip. Just like what you always see in movies. Even Rose kind a surprise to know her girlfriend have that skill.

"The more I think, the more I realize how you can get in to the bathroom when I showered. I locked the door everytime but you can get in" said Rose and Lisa grinned happily.

While Seulgi and Wendy glance at each other feeling out of place and awkward at the same time. They wouldn't want to imagine anything about what they were doing inside the bathroom.

Classified information.

Minutes after minutes past but Lisa haven't open the door yet. Making the other feeling a bit anxious. Seulgi approximately said they only have 30 minutes to skim the files inside.

As you guys know, this whole school consist of hundred of students which mean they need to skim every files inside the office room. Which obviously required more than just 30 minutes.

"Ya. Are you done, yet?" asked Wendy impatient.

"Patient will you? *CLICK HAH!" said Lisa proudly. 

The three of them let out a big sigh. Feeling a bit relieve that they are able to break in because honestly they are quite doubting Lisa for awhile.

Lisa open the door widely and let the other come inside first. She smile proudly. Seulgi pat her shoulder and say,

"Good job, Lisa" 

However, Lisa sense the way Seulgi said it actually mean she wasn't expecting Lisa to open the door with her skills.

Meaning, they actually doubting her.


"This section is for the students file" said Wendy while pointing at the right side of the office room.


"You have been hanging out here lately" said Joohyun.

"Oh well, I got bored and coming here to see Kim Jennie is a lot fun" said Jisoo teasing Kim Jennie who just rolled her eyes. 

While Joohyun is busy packing her things for this weekend, the two Kim's are watching her closely. Kim Jennie watching Joohyun very closely. She still suspicious of Bae Joohyun.

Knowing that she will go to SM University with Kang Seulgi wasn't such a big deal for Bae Joohyun. In fact that completely weird in Jennie's eye. Well for you who has been reading the story since the beginning know how much Kang Seulgi's presence actually bother Joohyun a lot.

Just like when Kim Jisoo dated with Seori and it bothers her a lot. Wait...did Kim Jennie just admit that?

"You're going with Kang Seulgi to SM University this weekends and you aren't bother with that fact?" asked Jennie trying to confirm.

"Correction. I go there with Mrs. Kim and Kang Seulgi. So basically it's the three of us" said Joohyun stating that she will not go there with Kang Seulgi only.

Jennie scoffs.

"I know miss smartass. But still. You will spend one night with Kang Seulgi. Aren't you bother with that?" asked Jennie.

Now it's getting more interesting and Kim Jisoo smile playfully. Excited to hear Joohyun answer. That's a tricky question actually and what Joohyun say next will determine if she really like Seulgi or not.

Just for their own assumption and prediction. 

Alright alright. Why is Kim Jennie so obsessed with Joohyun love story? Because she had never seen that girl dated anyone before! Not even once and not even laying one eye to anyone!

Sometimes Jennie wonder if Joohyun was born with specific disorder that made her unable to love someone else. Crazy and random thought but still it might be true.

"It does, actually. But what choice do I have?" said Joohyun sounded careless about it.

Jennie widen her eyes and rush towards Joohyun. 

"Oh my god, Jennie you shocked me!"

"Did I hear it wrong? Did you? Did you just said yes?!" 

Joohyun can't seem to understand Jennie. Why her answer become such a big deal for her? It's true. Going to spend one night everyweekend with Kang Seulgi does bother her.

Even when Kang Seulgi not here physically, her mind is still full of Kang Seulgi. She's being honest right now but still doesn't know the reason why she's thinking of Kang Seulgi everyday.

"Oh my god. I was right! You like her, don't you?!"

"What it has to do with me liking her? You're crazy!" 

"Maybe Jennie have a point?" Joohyun glare at Jisoo and Jisoo make sure to zip her lips while the two best friends arguing with each other. She mouthed sorry before looking else where.

"First I thought you will deny and I would think you actually had no feeling to her. But since you said yes...well then what possible reason would explain your answer other than you have feeling for Seulgi?" 

The princess sigh since she doesn't want to talk about this. Kang Seulgi has been bothering her mind lately and the least thing she want to think of righ tnow is her feeling to Kang Seulgi.

Because first of all there is no way she like her. They are friends after all. Maybe? Joohyun haven't got the chance to ask that. But for what Joohyun know is that she has no feeling towards Kang Seulgi.

Perhaps...not yet.

"I don't. Okay? It's bothering me because I never spend one night with anybody else beside you and Yeri. That's all"

"Oh, Bae Joohyun. Excuse and excuse. Kang Seulgi is a pretty young woman. Me and Seulgi are no different! So, there is no excuse saying you had no experience sleeping together with a stranger that actually has the same gender as you. Unless you have feeling for Seulgi"



The three of them divert their attention to the door. Who would knock at this hour? And who would come here? Other than the three of them, no one ever been to Joohyun and Jennie room.

So? Who? 

"Who is it?" yelled Jennie.

But no answer. Is it a prank? Who would knock their door at this hour and gave no answer? Joohyun nudge Jisoo to approache the door since among the three of them, Jisoo is the most likely to not be afraid of going to a ghost house.

The two best friend been there and it was . Not gonna do it again the second time. First, Jennie felt like she will lost her ear due to Joohyun dolphin scream and second Joohyun felt she will die after getting scared plenty times by the ghost and Jennie's scream.

Conclusion, both of them are when it comes to scary things.

Jisoo pointed at herself with widen eyes. Surprise that the two best friends putting their hope on her. Jennie nodded firmly and pull her from her sit then push her towards the door.

"Geez! What if it's a monster? You actually let me die first!" said Jisoo.

"At least we know it's a monster then we can run away" said Jennie and Jisoo widen her eyes cannot believe what she just heard.

"You willing to sacrifice me?!!!!" 

"Just open the door, Jisoo!" said Jennie annoyed.

Despite feeling hurt and annoyed at the same time, Jisoo roll her eyes and open the door only to see nothing there. But someone left something on the floor.

A box...for Joohyun without name of the sender. 

"Ya. Someone sent this for you" said Jisoo while picking up the box. 

Joohyun furrowing her eyebrow, confuse. No one from the palace would send her something. Not even her father. Because it's best to minimalize mobility from the palace in order to keep her profile as lowkey as possible.

Other than Jennie, she has no other friends outside of this school. Yeri wouldn't send her anything. Even a simple mail. Sometimes Joohyun cannot believe that girl but what can she do?

So the question still remain unanswer.

"Who would send that? As far as I know, the school prohibited parents to send things for their children. This surely not a mail" said Jennie. 

Joohyun took the box and it's light not heavy. So...why use a box to send it? 

"Do you have any name pop in your mind?" asked Jennie and Joohyun shook her head.

"Well? Aren't you going to open it? 

Something tell her nothing good will come out from this box. However, she must open it to know what's inside this box. Wait. Could this be from the stalker?

That thought cross her mind suddenly. She took the nearest sharp object she could find on her desk and open the box with it. However, when Joohyun thought something inside this box may not come out good, it's true. 

But she never thought it will be damn worse...A lot worse than she thought before.

Which made her scream...


"Did you get anything?" asked Seulgi to Wendy.

"No. Nothing! Even the principal is clean. Mrs. Taeyeon too and Mr. Choi too" 

Seulgi sigh. Maybe she was wrong? Maybe the school has nothing to do with this? Or maybe the school try to act like they did nothing but they actually did.

Or...maybe she miss something?

So far they have been searching for 20 minutes now. In 10 minutes they must go before someone see them in here. 

"Guys. I think we should leave now. We have ten more minutes" said Seulgi.

Seeing files on the ground completely random, Seulgi knew they might need more time to organize the whole file and that is why she asked them it's time to wrap things.

However, they might need more time in that room because,

"I think I got something. Seulgi! Wendy! Come here! Rose!" said Lisa calling her friends.

The three girls approache Lisa who are now holding a student file. A very familiar student that might be the culprit. 

"Sulli. Choi Sulli. Choi Sooyoung? Ring a bell?" said Lisa while giving the file to Wendy who obviously know more about the royal family including cases that involve the royal family.

Lisa may not read the whole book about the royal family but she monitor the royal family through the news. She remember exactly an accident that involve the royal family like five years ago.

The accident that made a civilian died in a protest against the royal family. For not being able to fix the low rate in employees wages. Wendy remember that year.

Everyone says it was the worst year of the King's leadership. Protest done everywhere around South Korea. People who hate the royal family came down to the palace and did a protest.

However, it didn't went well. Military came down to dismissed the crowd. But the crowd went crazy and the military need to make a move. They dismissed the crowd forcefully.

But then one of the civilian push one of the militar, challenge him, and BANG.

She died.

And apparently...


"Choi Sooyoung. The victim who died after being shot by the militar. Sulli is her daughter?"


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Patient guys^^ You make me impatient as well! This is my way to tease you all. Relax! Soon, you'll get Seulrene


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
please update 😭😭😭
JhengChoding1 #2
Chapter 30: NOOOOOOO! 😭 thought it's alrdy complete. never had my smile drop so fast when I saw that it was the last chapter 😭
reveluv316 805 streak #3
Chapter 30: i wonder who you are refering to in the sneak peek
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Chapter 30: finally 😭❤❤, thank u so much author nim for update🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 29: I’m enjoying this very much, thank you :)
Oct_13_wen_03 #6
Chapter 29: Thank you so much author nim for update❤ of course I always love your hard work ❤
Chapter 28: Welcome back!
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
Chapter 28: Welcome back author nim ❤❤
Multistan12 #9
Chapter 28: welcome back author!! thank you for the update 💙
Oct_13_wen_03 #10
update please author nim🥺🥺🥺