First Practice

Me and The Princess

"Hmm...Something is missing...Right! At this point you two should have glance at each other. Create eye contact!" said Hyoyeon.

Joohyun wonder if Mrs. Kim can make the move less awkward than it already has. Honestly, she cannot stay focus during the practice and keep making mistakes sometimes.

When Mrs. Kim asked them to position themselve for the opening part, Joohyun feel the need to make some distance between her and Seulgi. 

Seulgi stand behind her and Joohyun need to bend her knees and bend her body. Mrs. Kim said they will get help with some of the back dancer.

They will form a big monster for the opening and closing part. Joohyun watched the choreography before and she should say what she will perfome with Seulgi is truly a masterpiece.

However, she cannot deny how awkward and uncomfortable she was when she watched the choreography. It even more awkward when they practice the move together.

Now Mrs. Kim asked them to make eye contact. Which is not wrong because in this part where Seulgi act like she’s controlling her, they should make eye contact intensely at each other.

Dancing together with Seulgi already hard enough for her. But making eye contact with her...a lot harder than solving mathematic problems in ten seconds.

“Come on you two. Afterwards we will practice the main part of this dance” said Mrs. Choi impatience.

If they both want to finish this dance quickly, they need to do exactly what Mrs. Kim instructed them. 

Joohyun did exactly what Mrs. Kim instructed them to. However, she wasn’t prepared for what happen next. Kang Seulgi staring st her intensely. 

Everyone who see this might feel quiet intimidated. But it’s different for Joohyun. Her heart racing so fast and she froze. Her body and mind froze for split seconds until Mrs. Kim clap her hands together.

“That’s good! Now you two make take a rest before we proceed. Joohyun. Make sure you stretch your back because you will be doing the back bending” said Mrs. Choi.

Joohyun wanted to argue but her mind processing the information a bit too late. She thought her mind is malfunctioning. Turns out it was just her. All because of her unable to control herself.

Joohyun never found herself effected by people too much like Kang Seulgi did to her. This is the first time.

Regaining her self concious back, she immedietly went to her bag and grab her water bottle. Seulgi just stand not too far from her. 

She found herself glancing at Seulgi through the mirror in the practice room. Studying the girl who happen to look very attractive with her sweat cover her body.

Is she gone mad? Or is it because her mind is malfunctioning? Joohyun cannot choose actually.

“Alright! Next we will be doing the back bending. The key is team work. If Joohyun unable to control her balance you’ll fall and you need to hold her back to prevent her from falling. Also to minimalize any back injured. Now. Let’s practice slowly, alright?” Said Mrs. Kim.

Seulgi and Joohyun position themselve facing each other. Nervously waiting for Seulgi’s hand on the back of her neck.

The moment she felt her hand, the vibrating sendation running all over her body. Joohyun wanted to escape that moment.

But she knew she can’t because she is stuck in this room. There is no way out or to back away now.

“Okay! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Why aren’t you bending?” Asked Mrs. Kim.

“What if I fall?” Asked Joohyun.

“You’re doubting yourself. Stop doubting yourself, Joohyun. With your flexibility your body can do anything. Try again” 

Joohyun pressed her lips together. Honestly, she never try this move before and of course she’s worried that she might hurt her back.

Doing this with someone she barely knew...uhmm...well she’s not wrong. They barely knew each other. 

Although Joohyun knew how talented Seulgi is in dancing, still she’s afraid. Seulgi went complete silence during the whole practice. It’s very unlike her.

When she about to position herself back, Seulgi whisper to her ear. Something that melted her heart.

“I’m not gonna let you fall” 

It was simple. Very simple but it actually effected Joohyun a lot. She gulped. Confuse whether she should trust Seulgi or not.

However, why would Joohyun doubting Seulgi? Isn’t the fact that Kang Seulgi saved her twice not just once are enough proofs?

Joohyun said to herself that Seulgi somehow made her feel safe and secure. So...should she trust Seulgi? Let’s see.

“Alright! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and, 8! Great job! We will work to clean that move but overall it’s good. Okay. Let’s proceed”

Seulgi help Joohyun by pushing her back lightly. Preventing her from falling and try her best to keep Joohyun in balance. 

“I got you” said Seulgi after Joohyun get back at her pace.

“Thank you” said Joohyun and she smile lightly.

To think about it, it was actually the first time the two had a warm conversation. Behind the conversation, Joohyun notice there is a slight sincerity hidden behind Seulgi’s determination.

Something she didn’t get to see before. The more she think about it, the more she notice how unpredictable and unreadable Kang Seulgi is. Making her even more curious about her. 


“Let’s end it until here. Great job you two. Next practice we will focus with the opening part and focus more on the details. That’s it for today, you may dismiss” said Hyoyeon.

Joohyun and Seulgi bow to her and thank her for today’s practice. For first practice, they weren’t so bad.

Maybe because they are talented individuals. Born to actually rock the stage. Hyoyeon proud of herself that she managed to put those girls together. She knew they will be great.

All they need to do next is to clean the details. Afterwards, they will start practicing with the back dancers.

By the time they finished practice, it’s alread dark outside. They don’t even realize how hard they practiced. Which mean it’s better to take shower before going back to the dorm.

Which actually caught Seulgi’s attention.


Joohyun glance at Seulgi. Look a bit confuse.

“Uhmm you did great today” said Seulgi complimenting her. The princess bite her lips but at the end she smile a little.

“You too” Seulgi nodded with a smile.

However, Joohyun notice the way Seulgi act right now. She keep opening and closing . As if she’s trying to say something but too nervous to even say it.

“Do you have something to say?” Asked Joohyun. Which obviously made Seulgi a bit surprised. 

“Uhm *putting her hand on the back of her neck* it’s dark already and I thought that I would take a shower before going to the dorm” 

Somehow, Joohyun knew where this conversation going. However, though she’s quiet stunned and it might be awkward but considering what happened last time...

It’s best to have someone accompany her in the bathroom. After all, Kim Jennie and Kim Jisoo are pretty busy with whatever they are doing right now.

Probably spying on her? Or still searching for the princess? Ughh...that’s sounds awkward.’s kind a awkward. But does she have a choice? 

“A-alright” said Joohyun nervously.

Seulgi cough awkwardly before she nodded and proceed on gathering her things before follow Joohyun to the bathroom in their dorm building.

Once they arrive in the bathroom, not much students take showers during this hour. They usually take shower around 4 until 5. So basically it’s only them and three other girls. 

First, Joohyun went to the sink and wash her face. Actually she’s trying to avoid Kang Seulgi. Being together in a bathroom she must say really a wrong move.

It’s quiet awkward. Especially when the three other students are freely. Well it doesn’t matter actually. They all are girls anyway.

But Joohyun unable to do that because she might blow up her own secret. Also it’s quiet awkward. 

As she wash her face and getting ready to shower, Seulgi was nowhere to be found. The other three students already left while she was washing her face. She can hear their laughter.

Know that she’s alone-ups. She’s not. Apparently Kang Seulgi already in one of the cubicle. She heard water running from one of the cubicles.

Well then, she should get herself clean as soon as possible. Or else Kim Jennie might searching for her. No. Honestly, she just want to go back quickly because this is so damn awkward. 

Only took her minutes to clean herself. She notice she’s the only one left in the bathroom. But still she doesn’t want to run around although there is only her. 

Before stepping out from the cubicles, she put on her clothes and grab her things. She still has her towel on her hand. Wrap perfectly because she washed her hair. 

Kang Seulgi left already. Great. Now she’s a bit scared. Well the girl never mentioned she will accompany her to her room. 

Oh well why would Joohyun hope Kang Seulgi will walk her too? Perhaps Joohyun gone crazy already. 

Too avoid the stalker that might targeting her right now since last Friday the stalker wasn’t able to catch her. She might need to run to her room.

Yep. She’s afraid actually. 

“Bae Joohyun” 

Joohyun startled when she heard that voice. More like she’s shocked to see Kang Seulgi standing beside the bathroom door. Leaning comfortably on the wall with her wet hair.

She’s wearing her pajamas. Teddy bear. Which is cute and Kang Seulgi look very soft wearing that pajamas.

What is she still doing here? Joohyun thought she already left. Apparently she never left. That fact flutter her.

“What are you still doing here?” Seulgi raise her eyebrow.

“Waiting for you” 

Joohyun just made random assumption in her head. But hearing that came out from Seulgi’s mouth...can’t help but to blush.

Good thing the lights isn’t so bright around here. The school would like to minimize power to help the earth. 

“Come on. I walk you back”


“Do you see anything?”

“Not yet. Hey. I thought you’re with Seulgi” said Lisa.

“That er was nowhere to be found. She told us not to be late but look at her!”

“Hey. Any updates?” Asked Seulgi as join her friends.

“There you are! Where were you?” Asked Wendy.

“Sorry. The practice finished a bit late” 

“Can you guys shut up? We might get caught!” Said Rose.

As they discussed the plan earlier this morning, they agreed to watch over the dormitory hallway for tonight. 

First thing they want to do is to find out the stalker movement. Therefore, perhaps they are able to read the stalker move that might help them to catch the stalker. 

By hiding behind garbage bins on the second floor bridge between dormitory A and B. From where they are right now they are able to see two sides of the first floor. 

“Sorry. So do you see anyone?” Asked Seulgi.

“Not yet. Are you sure the stalker move around this time?” Asked Rose and Seulgi nodded.

“The first move was around this time. Specifically in the girl bathroom and this is the only hallway towards the bathroom” explained Seulgi.

“Last time I heard, the stalker also make a move during daylight” said Lisa.

“Whoever the stalker is crazy”

“And evil” Rose added.

Deep down, Seulgi agreed with Rose. Whoever the stalker, that person is sirely evil.

Maybe playing who find the princess not so evil and dangerous. But attacking people and force people to show their back?

Not also invading other people privacy but also dangering other people as well. What word could fit to describe this situation other than evil and criminal?

“What if the stalker not making any move tonight?” Asked Lisa.

“Then we start again tomorrow. We might also need to keep our eyes open during daylight” said Seulgi.

All of them nodded and proceed on waiting for the stalker. However, that night wasn’t their lucky night. Because the stalker never make any move that night.


“The prime minister requested an audience with you, Your Highness” 

“I have free time this evening, right? Schedule the audience for this evening”

“Yes, Your Highness”

But before his private secretary left, he stood by the door and the King notice him. However, he still keep his eye on the paper he shluld sign.

“What is it, Mark?”

“Princess Joohyun called two days ago, sir” 

The King nodded and Mark, his private secretary bow before he left the room. It’s been what? One month? 

Yes. One month precisely after he sent his oldest daughter to school. Few weeks he heard unpleasant news from the school.

But seems like they can handle the problem pretty well. Also his daughter seems pretty happy there.

He remember his old day as a teenager. It was so fun. But maybe it will be a lot more fun if his father able to stop the press on invading his private life.

That is the reason why he is so protective over his daughters private life. He would like them to experience the life of being an ordinary people. 

Away from the hungry press and annoying rumors going on. He think he made the right decision. Because his daughters might able to prepare themselve before being introduce to the world.

He cannot describe how proud he is with his daughters. Especially Joohyun. His oldest. The one who will replace him one day.

Maybe he should call her. Ask how she is doing briefly because he knew his daughter wouldn’t want to be disturb during her education.

Reminds him of how ambitious he was during his teenange life. Joohyun resemble him a lot. More than he could imagine. While Yeri resemble his rebellious behavior. 

The more he think of them, the more he realize he spend less time with her daughters lately. Joohyun is busy with her school.

Meanwhile his rebellious daughter busy with her school too. However, Yerim still managed to keep this house very much busy stopping her from burning the whole place.

A smile appear on his face before he gets up and was about to approach the door when suddenly his head went dizzy and his vision went blurry. Then he went unconcious. Making the whole palace went into panic mode.


“She’s a ing liar!”

“Language Jennie!”

“I don’t care! What I care is thatyou have feeling for Kang Seulgi but you won’t admit it to us”

“I agree with Jennie. She’s smart sometimes”


Joohyun sigh shaking her head. Cannot believe how her friends keep on cornering her. 

It appears they have been spying on her since last night. Not actually following her around. But they were waiting for her infront of her room! 

Obviously they saw her with Seulgi and they caught her red handed. She can feel the awkwardness between her and Seulgi.

The letter even excuse herself as soon as possible. Like Joohyun said before. Kang Seulgi is a coward. 

Perhaps not a coward but she just didn’t know how to describe the situation. Anyways! That’s not the problem.

The problem is that Kim Jisoo and Kim Jennie cannot stop bothering her. Joohyun gave them the answer last night that she and Seulgi are just...friends. Maybe.

Well...they are in good terms now and are partners for school performance. So...basically they are friends...right? Ah! Why is this so complicated?

“Be honest now, Bae Joohyun!” Jennie command her.

“I am! We are friends and she was just being nice, okay?”

“Seulgi wouldn’t say that if you are friends!” Said Jennie.

“Well then what would she say?”

“Yo! Let’s go back to the dorm!” Said Jisoo.

“What’s the difference?” 

Jennie groaned. Jennie didn’t know her best friend is so damn pathetic when it’s about love.

Perhaps she might need private lesson with Joohyun later regarding this topic. In the mean time, she would like to trigger Joohyun.

She want Joohyun to admit her feeling to Seulgi. However, it might not easy because of how hard headed her best friend is.

“Ughh...never mind. But tell me. How many times Seulgi walk you to the dorm?”

Instead of answering, Joohyun decided to ignore Jennie and her curiousity because she doesn't want to think about it. Kang Seulgi has been bothering her mind lately and she cannot deny that.

However, there is more important things for her to think of. For instance, the deadline for her chemistry project. Which she really need Kim Jennie to focus right now rather than minding her private love story...

Wait...Did Joohyun say her private love story?

"Bae Joohyun. Are you seriously going to-"

"Jennie I need you to look at the equation. I counted many times but doesn't seem to be fit"

Jennie groaned frustratedly but before she could yell at Joohyun, someone came approach them.

"Hi, everyone. Mind if I take Joohyun?" said Mrs. Tiffany.




"What?!" Joohyun yelled and without waiting any longer, she run towards the school building.

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Patient guys^^ You make me impatient as well! This is my way to tease you all. Relax! Soon, you'll get Seulrene


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
please update 😭😭😭
JhengChoding1 #2
Chapter 30: NOOOOOOO! 😭 thought it's alrdy complete. never had my smile drop so fast when I saw that it was the last chapter 😭
reveluv316 815 streak #3
Chapter 30: i wonder who you are refering to in the sneak peek
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
Chapter 30: finally 😭❤❤, thank u so much author nim for update🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 29: I’m enjoying this very much, thank you :)
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
Chapter 29: Thank you so much author nim for update❤ of course I always love your hard work ❤
Chapter 28: Welcome back!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 28: Welcome back author nim ❤❤
Multistan12 #9
Chapter 28: welcome back author!! thank you for the update 💙
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #10
update please author nim🥺🥺🥺