#7: -Tigress- (JUDGED)

Summer Breeze Mini-Contest [WINNERS ANNOUNCED]

Username: -Tigress-

Story Title: Cruel Magic

Group: Seventeen

Prompt#: 32

Genre: fantasy/angst/romance

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Chapter 21: AHHHHHHH thank you for your feedback :((((

but yes congrats to the winners and awesome job to the authors who participated hihi -throws confetti-

thank you DGNA_Forever nim for hosting this ♥
Chapter 21: Woohoo, congrats to the winners!!! And thanks for holding this mini ♡
Chapter 21: woot woot, congrats to the winner!!
also happy that this was a great turnout!
hope to participate in another one in the future~ lol
and great job to everyone that participated!!!
Chapter 21: Thank you so much for loving my story.... congratulation to the winner. It was a very fun experience to participant in this contest. May we meet in different contest again....😄😘
Chapter 20: somehow i missed the update on this, but good luck in judging and have a lot of fun reading!!
can't wait for the results and glad to know this one had a good turn out!!
IM SO SORRY I MEANT TO FINISH THAT OTHER ONE OMG the deadline snuck up on me. I'm so sorry
Username: Moncherri
story title: Under the rain
Story link:https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1492990/under-the-rain
Group: NCT
Prompt#: 36
Genre: Teenage love/ First love/ romance
Chapter 3: AHHHHHH I'm trying my best to finish it huhu but hyg!!

Username: rumourhasit12
Story Title: So Why
Story Link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1491905
Group: ATEEZ
Prompt#: 3
Genre: Fantasy / Magical Realism