On My Best Behavior

The Fall
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The meeting started out as normal. Well, as normal as the men around him allowed it to be. There were numbers and figures that were passed on from one man's lips to another. And understanding were evident in their eyes.

Leetuk had remained quiet, preferring the conversation to skip him completely. He made himself as small as possible, hiding in the small shadows that the dim light could provide. He hadn't taken a bit out of any of the expensive looking dishes laid before him, nor took a sip of any of the glistening beverages.

He doesn't trust them. Any of them.

"You're awfully quiet," the man just on the other side commented, flashing him a dirty smirk. He took a sip of his alcohol, twirling the liquid as if it was a hypnotizing coin. "Aren't you supposed to convince us?" His tone was mocking.

Leetuk's lips remained sealed.

The man beside him leaned closer, and Leetuk's body grew rigid as he could feel the man's breath on his face. "Dolled up nicely too," he commented, before having the gal to smell him. He took a deep breath just on Leetuk's neck, greedily in the air around the area. He leaned up and smirked, as if satisfied with whatever it is he managed to smell.

Leetuk's eyes were wide, and he was unable to hide the fear in them. He felt like a rabbit trapped with a pack of wolves, and that every minute pass is a minute closer to his death. "I'm sure, it'll be a mutual benefit--to deal with the, uhm...project," words have eluded him, his mind came to a halt.

It amused the men for some reason. And they exchanged a soft chuckle. Suddenly, Leetuk felt a warm hand on his thigh, caressing it softly. "It's more to your benefit actually," the man beside him said. "Your company is leeching of ours." He then grinned, victory flashing in his eyes despite the words saying otherwise.

Leetuk took a sip of his water and forced his hand not to push the man's hand away, fully knowing the implication he'll be giving. How impol

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Mira_9 #1
Chapter 2: this story is so good and i can't wait for an update
Chapter 6: I wish I can save you form all of that...

I'll wait for an update, authornim
Chapter 5: My gosh! No, no!
Chapter 4: What the heck! No way! I don't want to believe their manager is like this
Chapter 3: The heck is he plotting?
Chapter 1: Oh no!
Mira_9 #7
Please update
Mira_9 #8
Please update soon
Busra69 #9
Chapter 6: When will the new episode come