The Promise

Till Death Do Us Part


Minho’s head hurt like crazy.

He had almost no sleep last night. His insomnia kicked back in and he tried not to depend on his medicine, although he eventually gave in and thanks to that, he could sleep for 2-3 hours.

He knew his trouble of sleeping came back because he fought with his father. Again. For the second time that month. He didn’t often fight with his father before, because he was used to choose to be silent rather than talking back. He didn’t know what changed but suddenly he started to want to fight back.

Just like he expected, his father didn’t take the news of his marriage plan with Taemin well. But this time, he didn’t let his father have his own way. He stubbornly stood on his ground, and clearly told his father that he would marry Taemin, not Son Naeun like his father wanted.

So here he was, at Taemin’s house, to pick up his husband-to-be. They had a tight schedule. They had a meeting with their WOs for the last checking of their wedding invitation so it would be ready to be sent on Monday. They also needed to visit the venue to finalize the design. Before that, Taemin said he had to discuss their marriage prenup privately without their lawyers before it got legalized. And they would close the day with a dinner at the Choi’s Mansion, to announce their marriage plan to the family, formally. There should be the meeting between the two families, traditionally. But Taemin said it might not be a good idea for their parents to meet, and Minho agreed, remembering the hatred his father, even Minhyuk, as well as the rest of the Choi Family, had for Mr. Lee. So they decided to just take care of the wedding by themselves and inform the details to both of the families later.

“I’ll get the documents upstairs,” Taemin said as soon as Minho entered his study room. “Just wait here, okay?”

Minho nodded, letting the small guy left him and closed the door. Minho looked around, feeling dizzy seeing all of the finance books on Taemin’s shelves. He chuckled at the fact of how different their interests were. Minho with his sport and marketing world, while Taemin with his art and finance’s obsession.

After finished looking around, Minho took a seat on a comfortable couch in the middle of the room. He let his head fall on the couch back as he took a deep breath. His head was still hurting. He kept breathing deeply, trying to make it better.

The room was warm. And it smelt nice. Like the smell of baby’s cologne or soap or something like that.

Like Taemin’s scent.

Minho wondered how many hours Taemin spent everyday at this room that his scent plastered up everywhere in this room. But his thoughts slowly drifted off as his lids got heavy and his breath got slower. Till finally, his eyes were closed and he fell into a dream land.


Minho woke with a start and the first thing his eyes caught when he opened his eyes was a thick book with English words on the cover held above him. The book moved, revealing Lee Taemin behind it, wearing his reading glasses. At that time just Minho realized that he had fallen asleep.

On Taemin’s lap.

“You’re awake,” Taemin smiled.

“Sorry,” Minho quickly sat up, embarrassed. His headache was gone but he still felt a little dizzy, due to his sudden move after just waking up. “I fell asleep,” Minho said apologetically. “Oh my God. What time is it?” Minho’s eyes widened noticing the sunlight from the big window. He was sure it was still 10 in the morning when he arrived at Taemin’s house. But the sun was already on the west side right now.

“Hmm…” Taemin took a look at the watch on his hand, “Almost 4.30.”

“4.30? I slept that long? God, I’m so sorry, Taemin,” Minho messed his hair, a little frustrated. They were very busy today and he just fell asleep like that. Even more, he couldn’t believe he was able to sleep that long. Usually, if his insomnia acted up, he couldn’t sleep at all no matter how tired he was. “You should have just woke me up. I messed up our schedule.”

“Nah, it’s okay,” Taemin shook his head as he put his reading glasses and book on the table. “You must be very tired. I know the wedding preparation is insane. And there’s work too…so I think I should just let you sleep.”

“But how about the WO? The invitation? The venue?”

“I’ve called the WO. They’ve sent me the final design of the invitation. It’s all good, no mistake. I’ve sent it to your email too so you can check it for the last time if you want. They can wait till tomorrow morning, 8 a.m., before printing it.”

“Well, it’s okay. I trust you,” Minho said, relieved, that at least one thing from the list could be solved. “And the venue visit?”

“Rescheduled. They have another couple to visit tomorrow, but we can still go earlier, 9 a.m. sharp. We can go there first, and then meeting Kibum Hyung to talk about the suits. The WO said it won’t take too long, they have worked with the venue a lot so they’re very familiar with the area.”

To be honest, Minho didn’t expect this side of Taemin when he had first known him. He thought of him as spoiled, dependent kid who would throw a fit if he couldn’t get the shiniest toy on the display. Surprisingly, Taemin was very organized. And calm. He planned and executed everything well and neatly. At time like this, Minho could see that Taemin was very, very smart, although most of the times he was still very annoying and cocky.

“I hope you’re okay getting up very early on Sunday,” Taemin added in a mocking manner.

Minho rolled his eyes, yet he couldn’t help but smile. After spending a few days closely with Taemin preparing for the wedding, he had started to get used with Taemin’s manner of speaking and teasing attitude. Yes, he was still often ticked by the younger guy’s behavior, but he could take most of it lightly now. Minho started to see the light of this marriage.

“Now,” Taemin started as he took the document from the table in front of them. “We still have time before the dinner. Let’s talk about the prenup.”


“You might want to read this first.”

Minho took the documents from Taemin. His eyes started scanned words over words carefully. His frown got deeper and deeper as he kept reading. He looked at Taemin, perplexed, after finished reading all of it. “What the hell is this?”

“Our prenup agreement?” Taemin asked back, as puzzled as Minho, although clearly, they were confused due to different things.

“Isn’t prenup agreement supposed to be…you know…protecting your wealth or anything if something happens to the marriage? Like divorce? Death?”


“Then…” Minho sighed, “Why are you giving me your company?”

Taemin folded his arms, still didn’t understand by Minho’s frustration. “I’m not giving you my company. I’m giving you, my responsibilities. To run the company. If…my dad’s gone later.”

“Okay, okay,” Minho tried to reason rationally, “But you’re giving me your shares? All of it? Including SHINee Inc’s shares? And this say…’under every situation in the future, including divorce and the death of the marriage partner Mr. Lee Taemin’ Aren’t you supposed to…I don’t know…take everything back after the divorce?”

“Okay, listen,” this time, Taemin acted as Minho was the one who acted illogically, made Minho feel baffled. “First, I’m just making sure, whatever happen to me, you take care of the hard work of my parents. I’m not as capable as you are in running the company, and I don’t want to ruin it. If we get divorce, it will just like I hire you to be my company’s CEO. And for your information, as stated there, I’m giving you my shares only if I’m dead. So, if something happens to me, this will prevent all those greedy people stealing my Dad’s company. Just like SHINee Inc.”

This was the first time Taemin brought up about SHINee Inc. He never mentioned it at all. At all. It wasn’t a secret SHINee Inc. was owned by the Lees. Despite not knowing what really happened because SHINee Inc. was already under his family management when he came back from Japan, hearing the fact that ‘SHINee Inc. was taken’ came out of Taemin’s mouth like this, made Minho feel very embarrassed.

“And,” Taemin continued. “I’m sure you’ve read it, that I have condition.”

“Right,” Minho said. He had read it and it was also confusing for him. “Care to elaborate?”

“Protecting the SHINing Garden and SHINee Inc. That’s my only condition. That means you got the position as the heir of our family’s company as soon as you succeed reviving the SHINing Garden. I’ll help you to be the CEO of SHINee Inc. and by the time you get the position, you need to protect it at all cost. You lose everything the moment you break one of the conditions. Even if I’m not around in the future, if the SHINing Garden is closed, or you step down from the CEO’s position when you’re clearly still capable, or if the SHINee Inc. is sold, bankrupt, or closed down, all of the wealth and shares you get from me will immediately be transferred to Jinki Hyung, and if he refuses, all will be donated to the orphanage I have chosen.”

Minho massaged his temple, dizzy by the long explanation from Taemin. Moreover, he had so much questions in his head but he didn’t know which one he should ask. He thought they were just getting married for the sake of Taemin’s father, then suddenly he got a company to be handled and mission to be completed.

“So?” Taemin pressed, asking for Minho’s agreement.

Minho looked at him and only sighed.

“Minho, answer me!” Taemin whined, made Minho want to laugh amidst this weird situation because the haughty Taemin was whining like a little kid?

“Just…why the garden? The SHINee Inc?” Minho asked the first think he could think of.

“The SHINee Inc. may be only a money source for other people, but it was my parents’ hanging rope. They built it for my future. They built it to raise me when they’re still on their lowest point,” Taemin replied, his eyes stared at nowhere. Clearly sad. Minho’s heart clenched. And it was worse when Taemin finally looked at him. He was smiling, but it was very heart-broken. “And the SHINing garden may be a mere visitor attraction for other people, but it was, it is, a token of love from my father to my mother.”

There was this strong urge to hug the petite, sad figure beside him, but Minho held himself back. They weren’t that close for him to do that, so Minho could only pathetically whisper, “It must be very precious for your family.”

Nodding, with a little happier smile on his face—much to Minho’s liking—Taemin started to tell, “My father built it for my mother. My mother was…she had a mild depression and anxiety problem. Then one day it got worse and she started to get scared to go outside, except the company. She loved to see the fallen snow, the blooming flowers, the blinding sunlight and the brown leaves, but she couldn’t anymore. So…Dad…he built the garden so Mom could see what she loved without going outside. But then suddenly…the light was gone and only the coldness left.”

This time, without much thinking, Minho enveloped Taemin’s small hand in his. Taemin was startled that he looked at Minho, and his gaze met with Minho’s warm stare. “You don’t need to do this. I’ll protect the garden no matter what. I promise.”

Taemin smiled, widely, slowly untangle the knot that tightly clutched Minho's heart, “I know, Minho. I trust you.”

“Thank you,” Taemin whispered.

At that time, Minho started to be convinced that he might really be able to be Taemin’s family when his father was gone.


Awkward was an understatement. The dinner was super tense. His stepmother refused to speak from the moment Taemin came. Minhyuk kept sending dagger through his glare to Taemin, which the latter responded with a very cheerful smile. So Hee was having her head down the whole time, and only answered when being asked. His father acted like he wasn’t bothered though he was clearly angry, and kept hinting how horrible this marriage idea was. The only decent one, much to Minho’s surprise, was his grandmother. She threw Taemin proper questions about his life and work, and actually talked about how the preparation of marriage went.

“So, it’s final the marriage will be held at the Empire Hotel?” Minho’s grandmother casually asked.

“Yes, Grandmother. We’ll finalize the decoration design tomorrow,” Minho answered as politely as possible. He actually never really talked with his grandmother.

“You can always use the wedding hall we have at our hotel. Why go there?”

This was completely unexpected. Minho didn’t know his grandmother was this supportive. Was it because of Taemin’s presence? But it was impossible, because the rest of family was indifferent, still explicitly showing their dislike towards Taemin.

“That’s very kind of you but we’d like to have a garden party,” Taemin said sweetly. You want to have a garden party, Minho corrected in his head, remembering all of the wedding plans Taemin chose had one thing in common: a garden party.

“Actually, I always wished to have a wedding at the SHINing Garden, but looking at the condition right now…it’s such a pity, isn’t it?” the kind tone Taemin used was very contradictive with the sharp words he uttered. Immediately, the table fell into a heavy silence. Minho knew he shouldn’t be, but it was funny how Taemin always seemed to say the right words that made his family lost theirs.

Minho cleared his throat to break the silence, and said, “We will send the detail of the wedding schedule by next week.”

“Great,” his grandmother replied, and thankfully, she started to lead the small talk again for the rest of the dinner.

Minho was just glad that there was no blood shed until the dinner was finished.


It was a surprise seeing So Hee was leaning against the wall, waiting for him, when Minho came out of the restroom. The house was huge, his parents and grandparents maybe were already back to their rooms, but Minho didn’t want to get into any unnecessary trouble by being caught conversing with So Hee, because he was perfectly aware that his family knew his secret relationship with So Hee before. That was why Minho pretended not to see her and planned to just go back to the dining hall quickly, where Taemin was waiting for him to send him back home.

“Oppa,” So Hee grabbed his arm to stop him.

“It’s late, you should go back to your room,” Minho shrugged away from her grip coldly.

“Please, we should talk,” So Hee pleaded.

“There’s nothing to be talked,” Minho walked away, but stopped right away when So Hee said, “Don’t marry Lee Taemin.”

Minho snickered in disbelief. He turned around to face the woman he used to love, “I don’t think you have the right to say that.”

“No, Oppa, please,” So Hee approached the cold Minho carefully. “You can be with anyone…you deserve someone better…not him. Someone who’s truly, sincerely, want to be with you.”

“So Hee,” Minho took a deep breath, making sure himself that he could talk calmly, “I’m marrying him and that’s final.”

“Why? Why do you agree to marry him? So suddenly?”

“Maybe because…he actually see me as a person? Not just a Choi, or an illegitimate son? That he actually try hard to convince me to marry him. That he truly makes an effort to be with me,” Minho was aware his words hurt So Hee, but for the first time, he didn’t care. She was the one who left him and now suddenly she acted like she cared for Minho.

“Oppa,” So Hee desperately said. “You need to listen to me. You have to trust me. Lee Taemin, he—”

“Hyung, there you are!”

Taemin’s loud voice surprised both Minho and So Hee. Taemin was quick on Minho’s side, tugging his sleeves to get his attention, acting cute. It only made Minho secretly rolled his eyes. This guy was having so much fun acting like they were a lovely couple. He had been doing it a lot since the dinner earlier. And what was with the ‘Hyung’? As if Taemin called Minho ‘Hyung’ before. Even knowing their ages, Taemin kept going ‘Minho, Minho, Minho’.

“What took you so long? I waited for you alone there,” Taemin pouted. He pouted. Lee Taemin just literally pouted at Minho. This adorable, fake act was too much for Minho.

“Sorry,” Minho mumbled half-heartedly. “Should we go home now?”

“Of course!” Taemin proceeded to move his hand from Minho’s sleeve to Minho’s palm. But suddenly he stopped, “Wait, I think I forget my phone at the dining hall, Hyung.”

Minho didn’t answer. He just looked at Taemin as if asking, so what do you want me to do?

“Be a gentleman and go get it,” Taemin whispered impatiently.

Taking a very deep breath, Minho faked a smile, “Don’t worry. Hyung will get it for you.”

It was amazing for Minho that Taemin was able to make him believe that this marriage was a good idea, only to prove it otherwise the next second.


As soon as Minho’s back couldn’t be seen anymore, Taemin turned to So Hee. He approached her in slow steps as he started to speak in a light, cheery tone, “You’re Shim So Hee-ssi, right?”

“Yes,” the pretty girl answered him coldly.

“Aren’t you the same age as Minhyuk? One year younger than me, right?”

Once again, all So Hee could say only a short ‘yes’.

“You must have been very close with Minhyuk,” Taemin exclaimed casually. “You hang out a lot with him? At…high school, maybe?”

So Hee froze but it was exactly the response Taemin waited.

“You must have heard about me before, haven’t you? What did they say? Lee Taemin is very easy? Very weak?”

“I didn’t…” So Hee’s voice was strangled.

“You must know that I’m a bit possessive of my belonging. So,” Taemin paused to pat away the imaginary dust from So Hee’s shoulders, “Don’t mess with me.”

With that, Taemin turned around and left the poor, shaking girl alone.


I’m tired, now what is this again? Taemin internally rolled his eyes when he saw Minho’s father was walking towards his direction.

He had spent all night humoring Minho’s family and he had just finished with So Hee. He only wanted to go home and fall into a deep slumber because he had another busy day tomorrow, yet now he needed to face Minho’s father again.

“Sir,” Taemin politely greeted the old man. “You’re not resting yet?”

“Cut the act, Lee,” Minho’s father snapped. “I know you have something up your sleeve.”

Taemin exaggerated his blinking, to show that he didn’t understand. “I’m sorry, Sir? What do you mean?”

Mr. Choi approached him. He was lot taller than Taemin, maybe around Minho’s height, so it was easy for him to tower over Taemin, to intimidate him with his presence, but it wasn’t enough to intimidate the clever guy.

“Just know you bark at the wrong tree,” Mr. Choi hissed. “I hope you don’t forget what happen years ago. Don’t keep making trouble for you father, Lee Taemin.”

Taemin looked up and stared at Mr. Choi confidently, “Thank you for the concern. Don’t worry, wise person always learn from his experience, Sir. Or…should I start to call you ‘Father’?”

His calm answer stirred Mr. Choi’s anger, but it seemed that the old man wasn’t as skilled as Taemin in hiding his emotion.

“Don’t you think you can get into the family by this, Lee.”

“I think you misunderstand, Sir,” Taemin shook his head innocently. “I’m not trying to get into the family. I’m bringing Minho into my family.”

Noticing Minho from afar, before Mr. Choi could say anything, Taemin quickly said, “That’s my Minho. I think it’s time for me to go home.”

“Thank you for the lovely dinner,” was the last thing Taemin said before he left. He met Minho in the middle of the hallway and quickly dragged the confused man to his car. He was so damn exhausted acting tough that he didn’t want to run into anyone again that night.

When they finally got in the car, Taemin quickly put on his seatbelt, eager to go home. But instead of taking off, Minho didn’t move. Taemin turned to Minho, only to find the taller man was staring at him.


“What did you talk about with my father?” Minho asked him curiously.

“Nothing,” Taemin shrugged. “I just said the dinner was lovely.”

“And I asked him if I should start calling him ‘Father’,” Taemin added nonchalantly.

“You said that?”


“Why are you so obsessed with provoking people?” Minho questioned him, but not in a negative underlying tone. Instead, he talked as if it was funny.

“I’m not. People are obsessed with provoking me to provoke them,” Taemin rolled his eyes.

Minho still stared at him, with those big eyes. There was amusement in there. And his smile seemed contagious because it made Taemin couldn’t help but smile too, no matter how foul his mood was right now.

“Just drive,” Taemin finally said, couldn’t stand those beautiful eyes on him.

“Yes, Sir.”



Don't worry, Taemin is so not a damsel in distress.

I can't believe this story is very slow, I hope you can bear with it :")

And with my slow update too :')


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I wonder if I should lock the story because there will be some more TW chapters later at the end


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Chapter 16: aaaaah just realised this story got updated!! the way some scenes in this story randomly crossed my mind every now and then i thought its been abandoned ㅠㅠ please continue updating it, i really love 2min dynamic in this how kind minho is and how complex taemin is my loves~~ onkey just make it even more fun ! also really love how you make the garden so significant it needs to be protected ㅠㅠ can't wait to read more on the 2min cohabitation lol they can't help but to fall for each other can they ?? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 16: update please! i hope you hve a time to finish this.. the story is good and i am always waiting for your update...
Chapter 16: Finally we got the update .... please I need 2min moment
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 16: Lots of interesting information in this update- the back stories and different perspectives help you understand some of the decisions even if you don't agree with them or like them...
Chapter 16: Ahhh thank you for the update! This is one of my most anticipated 2min fics so I'm always happy to get an update no matter how long it takes.
This bonus chapter answered so many questions and gave more context to some plot lines in the previous chapters. I can't wait for your next update :)
Chapter 16: Thank you so much for the update! Wow this is getting really interesting, can’t wait for the next chapter !
Shinee2020 #8
Chapter 16: yeah update! :)
970 streak #9
Chapter 16: I'm so glad you updated!
Thanks for the back stories.
choimno #10
Chapter 14: How I miss this 2Min story