The Dreaded Truth

Till Death Do Us Part

Silence enveloped Minho’s office, despite the presence of Kibum. It was unusual, because the two best friends normally bickered talked so much together. But Minho was too deep in his thought, remembering the event last night. He was by Taemin’s side the whole night and ended up falling asleep there, having forgotten his own sleeping trouble. Luckily, he woke up before Taemin because it would be awkward if Taemin found out.

But that wasn’t important.

Minho was worried, and he was bothered by the fact that he was worried. But it’s normal, isn’t it? Minho told himself. Taemin had become his husband, his family. It was normal he felt he needed to protect him. No matter what, he had promised to take care of Taemin the moment he took Taemin’s hand from his father’s.

For Minho, it was such a shocking revelation. The Taemin he knew so far was an over-confident, selfish brat. What did drive that cocky guy to a painful sleep like that? This was an eye-opener for Minho that he didn’t really know the guy he married.

Should he ask? Should he pretend not to know?

The documents begging to be looked were completely ignored because Minho kept debating in his mind. The same fate applied to Kibum, but Kibum himself seemed lost in thought as well. Only when Kibum’s phone rang that the two friends became aware of their surroundings.

Kibum only took a peek for a second before he rejected the call, earning a curious look from Minho.

“It’s my father and I don’t want to talk to him right now,” Kibum explained even without Minho asking.

“Since when you want to talk to him anyway?” Minho scoffed.

Kibum chuckled, “Lately the feeling intensify.”

“Why? Did something happen?”

Kibum only shrugged, and Minho didn’t push further. Minho always let Kibum decide whether he wanted to tell him or not, and Minho knew Kibum was well-aware that he could always talk to Minho whenever.

“Anyway, why are you here?” new topic from Kibum meant he really didn’t want to talk about whatever problem he had with his father.

Minho raised one of his eyebrow and told the obvious, “Because it’s my office?”

“I mean,” Kibum rolled his eyes, “You just had your wedding yesterday. Why are you already here? Not having your…I don’t know…honeymoon break? You know, enjoying the newlywed phase…”

“Seriously?” Minho sneered. “What’s there to enjoy?”

“And,” Minho added, “Taemin and I agree that we’re too busy. I have the joint meeting with the commissioners coming, which means I need to come fast with a plan to save the SHINing Garden. And I need to start working at SHINIng Group soon as well. Taemin also goes back and forth to the Bluish Pastry & Café and SHINing Group. So we’re busy. Like…super busy.”

Kibum could only nodded, “Ah, so Taemin goes to the SHINing today?”

“No, I think he’s supposed to come to the café today.”

“But why didn’t you come with him? You live together, right?”

“Well…” Minho started to remember yesterday night again. “He seemed very tired, so I let him to sleep in.”

Hearing this, Kibum looked at Minho skeptically, “You sound very…husband-y.”

Minho rolled his eyes, Kibum and his self-made vocabulary.

“He is my husband.”

“Okay,” Kibum still gave Minho the look.


“Yeah, whatever.”

When Kibum opened his mouth, Minho thought he was going to again, so he didn’t expect Kibum called him softly instead.



“Do you know...” Kibum trailed off his words, made Minho stopped looking at his documents and gave Kibum his full attention.

“Nevermind,” Kibum shrugged.

“What is it?” Minho asked. This time, Minho pushed him, because Kibum did want to tell him, but it seemed he couldn’t, for whatever reason. “You know you can always tell me anything, right?”

Kibum sighed. He was silent for a moment, before starting to speak again. “Do you know Yagi Arisa?”

“The model Yagi Arisa? The only child of Yagi Family?” Minho asked. “Isn’t her family like…very powerful in Japan?”

“Yes, that’s her,” Kibum sighed again, this time in frustration. “She is coming to Seoul.”


“Dad wants to set me up with her.”

“Doesn’t he know—”

“You know it doesn’t matter,” Kibum cut off Minho. “My preference never matters to him. His power and reputation always matter more.”

This time, Minho was the one who sighed. In sadness. “So…what will you do?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to, but he already threatened me. You know he can destroy my company just in one flick.”

“Okay, let’s not rush it. We can think of something,” Minho assured Kibum who looked more distraught every second.

“I already think of something…” Kibum said. “Like…bringing down my Dad. But I don’t think I can do it alone.”

“I’m always ready to help you,” Minho said with no hesitation.

“Thank you,” Kibum smiled. “And I think of…I don’t know…getting help from Taemin as well.”

“What kind of help?” Minho’s frowned.

“His brain. Jinki Hyung said he’s a genius.”

Minho instantly remembered Taemin’s books and the way he talked and thought. “Well, I think he is.”

“But the question is…” Kibum looked at Minho seriously, asking the question Minho didn’t know the answer of as well.

“Can he be trusted?”


That day Kibum actually wasn’t in the mood of running into Jinki, because he just had too much in his mind. But when he walked past the café, it was just so tempting to stop by, to at least take a quick look of the older guy. And like a fool he was, Kibum entered the café. He ordered an Americano with extra shot, because he needed caffeine so much to clear his mind. After contemplating for awhile, whether he should leave or stay, Kibum decided to take an empty seat facing the outside.

He breathed harshly when his phone received a message from his father PA. It was an attachment file, and it turned out to be what he expected. A file about Yagi Arisa. Her like and dislike. Her interest, her past, and every information Kibum needed to charm the beautiful girl whom unfortunately didn’t fit Kibum’s preference.

“Is that Yagi Arisa?”

Not only Jinki’s voice startled Kibum, his question made him taken aback as well.


“Sorry, didn’t mean to surprise you,” Jinki smiled sheepishly. “And sorry, the picture is so big that I can’t help but look. I swear I didn’t mean to pry or anything.”

Kibum shook his head, signaling it was okay. “But…you know her?”

“Mm-hm,” Jinki took a seat in front of Kibum. “She’s very famous in Japan. I lived there as well, didn’t I?”

“Ah, right,” Kibum questioned himself in his mind that why he always acted stupid around Jinki.

“And,” Jinki added, “She modelled for the company I worked before.”


“Yes,” Jinki said cheerfully, and asked still with the same cheerful tone, “Is she your girlfriend?”

“What? No,” Kibum quickly denied.

“Sorry, I just think like that because you have her photo. Or are you her fan?”

The light, unbothered way Jinki spoke kind of irking Kibum. So, without much thinking, Kibum said, “Our family want to set us up.”

Jinki blinked for a moment, but then an excited smile appeared on his face, “Really? Wow, it’s very cool.”

“Really, Hyung? You think it’s cool?” Kibum snapped, but Jinki seemed didn’t get the hint that Kibum was annoyed.

“Well, she’s very famous and pretty. And she was very kind. Like, really kind. The people in the company I worked before thought she would be…you know…a little bit arrogant or anything because she is famous and comes from a very important family, but no. She treated everyone kindly.”

Kibum was glad Jinki stopped there, because he didn’t know how he must control his expression if Jinki talked further.

I just thought…between us…

Jinki seemed like he was ready to blabber again, but Kibum was glad he changed his mind as soon as he saw Taemin came. Although, just in a second, Kibum didn’t know if he really should be glad or not, because without any words, Jinki just left Kibum there to chase Taemin.

“Why are you only coming now? And why didn’t you answer my call?” Kibum couldn’t help but hear how Jinki bombarded Taemin with questions.

“I slept in. I just woke up,” Taemin answered.

“It happened again, didn’t it?” Jinki grabbed Taemin’s arm to stop him from walking.

“I’m fine, Hyung,” Taemin said softly, as if tried to assure Jinki.

“You should have just taken a day off,” Jinki scolded.

“I’m already here, am I not?” Taemin said. “I’m fine. Really.”


“Look, it seems Seung Woo needs my help,” Taemin cut Jinki off and quickly escaped.

Kibum noticed how Jinki’s shoulder moved up and down because of his big sigh. Jinki took one last look at Taemin before going back to Kibum’s table.

“Seriously that kid,” Jinki muttered under his breath, but Kibum could still hear it.

“Everything’s fine?” Kibum tried to sound calm, although he felt a storm started to stir inside. In his heart, to be exact.

“Yes. Just Taemin being stubborn as usual,” Jinki said as he sat. “He’s always like that. Overworking himself. Lacking some sleep. And then he will fall sick. And not telling anyone, saying nothing to be worried. Seriously, how can I not worry if he keeps acting like that?”

Silence followed Jinki’s outburst, made him bit his lips shyly, realizing he vented out his mind to Kibum who didn’t respond anything. “Sorry,” he apologized quietly.

Kibum wanted to answer. Anything. Just to make it less weird. But his mind couldn’t really process the whole things just happened. The storm screamed, messing up his judgment, that Kibum just blurted out the question he had been dying to ask since yesterday.

“Hyung, you like Taemin, don’t you?”

For a moment, Jinki just froze. His eyes widened and he didn’t answer.

No, take it back, Kibum. Take it back. It doesn’t matter. Take it back, Kibum told himself.


But before Kibum could turn it back, Jinki finally spoke the truth Kibum dreaded to hear.

“Yes. I like Taemin.”





I...did put an Ontae tag somewhere...didn't I?




I said I'm not done with my hiatus but I just keep updating TT

I'm waiting for my exam date and I'm just too nervous that I can study no more and ending up running here.

Ugh, I should have studied...


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I wonder if I should lock the story because there will be some more TW chapters later at the end


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Chapter 16: aaaaah just realised this story got updated!! the way some scenes in this story randomly crossed my mind every now and then i thought its been abandoned ㅠㅠ please continue updating it, i really love 2min dynamic in this how kind minho is and how complex taemin is my loves~~ onkey just make it even more fun ! also really love how you make the garden so significant it needs to be protected ㅠㅠ can't wait to read more on the 2min cohabitation lol they can't help but to fall for each other can they ?? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 16: update please! i hope you hve a time to finish this.. the story is good and i am always waiting for your update...
Chapter 16: Finally we got the update .... please I need 2min moment
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 16: Lots of interesting information in this update- the back stories and different perspectives help you understand some of the decisions even if you don't agree with them or like them...
Chapter 16: Ahhh thank you for the update! This is one of my most anticipated 2min fics so I'm always happy to get an update no matter how long it takes.
This bonus chapter answered so many questions and gave more context to some plot lines in the previous chapters. I can't wait for your next update :)
Chapter 16: Thank you so much for the update! Wow this is getting really interesting, can’t wait for the next chapter !
Shinee2020 #8
Chapter 16: yeah update! :)
970 streak #9
Chapter 16: I'm so glad you updated!
Thanks for the back stories.
choimno #10
Chapter 14: How I miss this 2Min story