The Thin Line Between Love & Hate
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Taeyeon woke up to the sounds of footsteps rushing past her door in the direction of the bathroom. Few seconds later, she hears the sounds of wretching. What a perfect way to start my morning, she thought to herself.

She rolls over to her nightstand where her phone was charging and checks the time. It was only a little after eight, which by Taeyeon's standards, was far too early to be awake. She turns her phone down, turns over and groans into her pillow. She could hear Tiffany still emptying her stomach in the bathroom down the hall and then finally the toilet flushing. 

Taeyeon rolls on her other side away from her pillow, "Tiffany?" She calls for the other girl as she hears her footsteps about to pass her door again. "Are you alright?"

The brunette stumbles into her room, hair covering most of her face, "What?" She mumbles, eyes half closed. She looked even paler than Taeyeon after getting rid of everything just a few moments ago.

The blonde jumps out of bed, "You're not alright, like at all," She takes the brunette by the hand and leads her out of the room. "Let's get you back to bed."

They get back to Tiffany's room and Taeyeon guides her to her bed, pushing the covers back for the brunette to get under. Once she makes sure the girl is comfortable she turns towards the door, "I'm gonna get you some water. I'll be right back."

On her way down, she decides to get a cold towel and the trash can out of the bathroom. She doesn't think she took too long, but seeing as though the brunette was already asleep by the time she got back she thinks may have taken a while. She nudges the girl awake and gets her to sit up so she can drink some of the water.

After a few sips, Tiffany sets the glass down, "Why are you helping me?" She whispers, her regular speaking voice felt a little too loud to use right now.

Taeyeon clears before she answers, "Because that's what friends do...right?" She places the towel on the girl's forehead and slightly pushes her back to lie down. She sets the trash can beside the bed. "I brought the trash can out of the bathroom in case you feel like throwing up again, just remember to lean on this side if you do." She looks around to make sure she isn't forgetting anything. "Don't forget you have water on your nightstand, try and get some more sleep."

Tiffany nods, "Thank you, Taeyeon." She hesitates on what she's about to say next. "I really appreciate you doing this."

"No problem," The blonde smiles and moves towards the door. "Just shout my name if you need anything." She closes the door behind her.

She decides to make herself some breakfast while the girl catches up on her sleep. She looks around and notices that the house is a bit messy and needs some cleaning. She makes a mental note to start cleaning up after she eats her breakfast. Tiffany wasn't feeling well and she couldn't let her recover and come out of her room to see such a filthy house. She also wanted to do it because it would earn her some friendship points with the brunette, but she tried not to think about that part too much. 

Three Hours Later

The blonde had spent three whole hours cleaning up, trying to do it exactly the way Tiffany does. She didn't realize it was this much work. It isn't something she wants to do in the near future. Cleaning is definitely not for her and she decides then and there that it's Tiffany's forte, she'll take the cooking. 

Finally finished with her tidying up, sh

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Chapter 18: Can taeny just break the news to the member
Chapter 16: ☹️☹️☹️
Skye1234 #3
Chapter 17: Thank you for the update.
Bellove #4
Chapter 17: Heyyy , can u do more ..new taeny story again...
U r great author...
1131 streak #5
Chapter 17: crowdfunding is frustrating at times but, do what you need to do
multistory #7
Chapter 17: Take all the time you need... Will be waiting for your epic return
multistory #8
Chapter 17: Take all the time you need... Will be waiting for your epic return
TaeNysmith22 #9
Chapter 17: if u ever know the author named nerdcanread, you can ask her/him regards to crowdfunding.
Can u do it to your next story? Hehe