The Thin Line Between Love & Hate
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Tiffany slyly watches Taeyeon as they sat across from each other. She noticed Taeyeon giving her glances every now and then, so if she was caught, the blonde couldn't say anything about it. Her earphones blaring the voice of Jennifer Hudson in her ears as she kept her eyes on Taeyeon, while also trying to not make it so obvious.  Tiffany knew the girl was stressed about something. What exactly? She didn't know. She didn't know if she would ever know because the blonde never tells her anything...because she hates her. Sometimes Tiffany wishes she could hear Taeyeon's thoughts, then maybe she'd understand what's really the issue between them.  "Okay, everybody let's go back to work!" Their choreographer, Yujin, bursts through the door full of energy, with Hyoyeon, Sunny and Yuri behind her, "Where are the others?" "They went to get something to eat." Tiffany speaks up as she takes out her earphones, stretching before she gets up.  Yujin sighs, "Gosh, well we're gonna have to start without them. I have to be somewhere in exactly two hours and I can't be late." She goes to the laptop on a near table to find the song they're working on today. "I think we should wait on the maknaes." Taeyeon finally speaks up. "There's no point in beginning without them, we'll have to start all over and the formations will be a mess." Tiffany slightly smiles, "That's actually a really good reason." She's internally suprised at herself for agreeing with Taeyeon, "We should just wait a few more minutes." Taeyeon's eye twitches, "Actually, I changed my mind. Let's start." She takes off her headphones and begins to stretch, irritating Tiffany in the process. They could just never get along. Tiffany hated when it was like this, Taeyeon always got what she wanted. "Alright, good work today girls!" Yujin claps as she rushes to her collect her things two hours later, "See you next week." She barely turns around to wave, speed walking out of the room, amusing the girls. Hyoyeon rushes right behind her, "I've gotta go too, I've gotta blind date!" She happily announces, grabbing her things, "I'll tell you guys about it tomorrow." And with that she's gone. Sooyoung, still packing her things away, "So what's everyone else doing tonight?" "Nothing at all really," Tiffany shrugs, "Probably gonna be me and my wine and my tv." "Same here," Taeyeon joins in, "Minus the wine." Yoona jumps up, "Why don't we have a girls night out? Drinks on Sooyoung-unnie." "Hey!" Sooyoung pouts, "I didn't agree to paying for everyone." "But you brought the topic to the table, so it's all on you Unnie." Yoona micheviously grins. Sooyoung glares at the younger girl before letting it go, "Fine, I'll pay. What does everyone say?" "I'm in!" Tiffany smiles, grabbing her bag, ready to go home and get ready. Taeyeon nods, "So am I." "Actually," Their manager pops into the room, "Taeyeon and Tiffany can't join you girls tonight. They've got something to do for me instead." "What the hell are you talking about Oppa?" Taeyeon snaps, clearly pissed that he's managed to upset her for the umpteenth time in one day. The other girls realize that the short girl was about to blow a fuse and decided to take their leave, as quietly and unnoticed as they possibly could. Tiffany sighs, trying to be as calm as she could, "What do you need us to do Oppa?" She bites her lip trying not to spout anything negative at the man because she's pretty sure Taeyeon will have that covered. "Nothing really," He shrugs. "I want you two to do something together. Just the two of you. You need to bond." Tiffany couldn't believe her ears. There's no way their manager had just cancelled their plans with their members just so that only the two of them could hang out when they already live together. It's like she'd never escape Taeyeon at this point. She continues to hold back, whether to take the high road or to let Taeyeon handle it, she's just glad she does. "You've got to be out of your ing mind," Taeyeon says lowly, voice trembling. Tiffany could see where this was heading. "You're saying we can't go out with our members, our ing best friends, because you want us to have a heart to heart? You want us to paint each other's toes too? Do each other's makeup? Or maybe you want us to play ing dress-up!" She unleashes it all on the older man standing less than 3 feet away from her. Their manager sighs, "I don't care what you two do as long as you do it together and spend some time-" "I don't want to spend any ing time with her!" Taeyeon blurts out. "Do you not get that? I would rather take every one of my toenails off one by one, stick them
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Chapter 18: Can taeny just break the news to the member
Chapter 16: ☹️☹️☹️
Skye1234 #3
Chapter 17: Thank you for the update.
Bellove #4
Chapter 17: Heyyy , can u do more ..new taeny story again...
U r great author...
1131 streak #5
Chapter 17: crowdfunding is frustrating at times but, do what you need to do
multistory #7
Chapter 17: Take all the time you need... Will be waiting for your epic return
multistory #8
Chapter 17: Take all the time you need... Will be waiting for your epic return
TaeNysmith22 #9
Chapter 17: if u ever know the author named nerdcanread, you can ask her/him regards to crowdfunding.
Can u do it to your next story? Hehe