Mostly bear’s

Kill em with Jealousy
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She felt something vibrating against her stomach. She tried to ignore it but it kept buzzing and buzzing. Finally, the bear was finally able to push herself off her pillow and grabbed her phone. She checked for important messages like her manager telling her they’ll have rehearsal later. It was already one in the afternoon. She didn’t realized she had immediately crash on her bed after an exhausting shoot last night. She can’t hear her members crashing anything inside the dorm concluding they must’ve gone out or has a separate schedule. She decided against sleeping in and succumbing to her appetite. She’s craving for something Thai. So she did.










Wendy had to remind herself to change her annoying ringtone. When she decided to sleep in that morning, she flicked on the do not disturb feature so she won’t be receiving any calls. Since the only important appointment she had that day was rehearsals in the afternoon, she drifted off to a nice long sleep. So when her ringtone blared with a vengeance, she knew that whoever was calling her was too eager it deactivate the damn feature.




“Hello,” she answered in a raspy voice, not bothering to look at the caller id. She didn’t hear anything on the opposite line. “Hello? Who’s this?” she said again, her voice lace with sleep.



“Y-Your favorite dongsaeng,” the other line said. She’s maybe operating with only a quarter of her mind at the moment but she surely knows this isn’t Joy.



“Try again,” Wendy said as sleep slowly begins to leave her.



“South Korea’s It girl,” the girl confidently said. Wendy finally came out of dreamland and recognized the voice from the other line.



“There’s too many of you. Really, who are you?” Wendy asked still playing along. She can feel the other’s temper even from her phone.



“Unnie come on, I just want to eat! You promised lunch was on you!” The other line scolded. Wendy only hummed. “Answer the question first. Who are you in my life?” Wendy smirked and waited for the other girl’s response.



“Fine,” she huffed from the other line.




“I’m… your pretty girlfriend,” and Wendy bursted out laughing, hearing the line spouting out cursed words thrown at her.




“I mean I’m only expecting for like I’m kitty or something but as usual, Kim Jennie exceeds expectations,” Wendy even clapped her hands.



“Shut up, are you taking me out or what?” Wendy can imagine Jennie rolling her eyes at the moment. “Oh, aggressive, rawr,” Wendy sleepily teased.



“Unnie!” Jennie was being cranky again.



“Fine, wait a bit. I’m just gonna get ready. Where do you wanna eat?”



“Hmmm, something Thai, I guess?”










Seulgi didn’t know she’d be hiding under a bar stool in a Thai restaurant where everyone can clearly still see her.



‘So, it’s true, I didn’t dream it up?’ she thought as she sees Wendy in a corner, chatting with her very surprising new friend, Kim Jennie.



‘There must be something wrong with the universe.’



She was almost convinced what she saw yesterday was a hallucination. She must’ve been so hungry her mind was so creative that she imagine Jennie almost wrestling her bestfriend for a hug. So her mind wasn’t that creative at all then, if what she’s seeing is actually true.



Here she was, ready to order a big plate of pad Thai and some soup she can’t pronounce while sipping a refreshing drink when she saw her bestfriend and Jennie enter the restaurant. So like the adult that she is, she spewed her juice all over the counter and frantically hid behind the chair. She didn’t notice the odd looks the staff gave her. Thankfully, it was only her and the other two and didn’t notice Seulgi when they entered. She was contemplating for a take-out instead while planning on creeping towards a back exit if there was any or use that giant cardboard cut-out of Lisa as a cover when she heard Wendy say her name.






‘Shiitake mushrooms’



“Seul, what are you doing?” Wendy asked as she eyed her bestfriend who was crawling on the floor, already reaching out to cardboard cut out of Lisa. Seulgi can see the confusion in Wendy’s eyes and amusement in Jennie’s.



“Wan-ah!” She stood up from where she was and strutted to their table to save her dignity. “And Jennie! What a surprise!” she said as she awkwardly hovered above them. Jennie decided to erase the weird scene in her mind in the fact that Seulgi was reaching out to Lisa’s cardboard standee like her life depended on it. She looked at Wendy like, “Is she okay?” while raising a brow. Wendy nodded hoping her bestfriend would not be weird again infront of Jennie. “She’s just hungry. These things get to her sometimes,” Wendy mouthed.



“Uhm, why don’t you join us unnie? Wendy unnie’s treating me,” Jennie politely said to her with an awkward smile. “Yeah, just tell the waiter to put your food here Seul,” Wendy said and Seulgi nodded clearly trapped. She’s not going anywhere at the moment. She tried to poke Jennie’s arm for a desperate attempt of calling this a dream.



“Oh god, you’re real,” Seulgi blurted out. Jennie blinked. Jennie decided to forget that as well.



Wendy finally pulled her aside when Jennie excused herself to the restroom. “Seul, you okay? It’s not like I’m not thrilled to see you here but what were you doing earlier and why are you being weird all of a sudden?” Wendy asked.

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O_rul82_ #1
I always come back to this one, just to see if there is an update 🥲
Still checking up on this fic if in case you drop an update authornim. Please don’t give up on this, i love this au so much 🤧
Id3993 #3
What is that mean of quote in the poster? Jennie Kim, chapter 21? Is that a hint for this ship sailing?
Here I expect you will update 3 chapter soon!!
danedanedane #4
cptncat #5
Chapter 18: hihintayin ko kung kaninong black jeep sasakyan ni mareng wendy dito
dear author nim if you're going to jump off the timeline and straight to WYH era from LW era I wouldn't mind but I'm expecting jendy already married and have at least 2 kids 😭😭😭
I miss jendy 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 18: can we go back in time when Jendy Agenda was ruling over wr?
Wendy243 #9
Chapter 18: God I love this story😤
Congratulations on becoming an MD, author! I hope one day you'll get to finish this beautiful story. Stay safe and hydrated!