
My Secret

[Paris, France]


Seulgi, under Wendy’s care, both made their way to their shared apartment. The place was not below decent at all, having a living room and two rooms each equppied with a shower and toilet. There was even a space for a kitchen and dining area.


“How do I even pay for this?” Seulgi asked in horror.


Wendy chuckled. “Dad, said you didn’t need to because you’d be repaying by taking care of me.”


Seulgi scoffed. She and Wendy knew who among them was more mother-like. It was definitely not Seulgi.


Seulgi was really thankful that Wendy was going to Paris with her to study in the same collage. She’d honestly be lost if it were not for Wendy motivating her during French and English classes. Wendy had been Seulgi’s outlet for the first few months in the foreign country.


It was not strange that the two Korean friends grew closer to each other. This city was also an open city where the display of physical affection was not judged. Naturally, one of them started to get braver and dared to express more of what they felt for the other. Meanwhile the other party still remained oblivious. It wasn’t until after a student welcoming party that Seulgi was made known to Wendy’s affections to her. Both drunk girls stumbled back to their apartment where they opted to continue drinking in the living room.


“Oh Wan, you’ve got such great sense! I missed soju~” Seulgi hummed in delight while watching her friend do some tricks before opening the bottle. Cups clinked and they both downed the shot with a throaty huff of content.


Alcohol might not be the best if consumed too much. The girls found themselves talking about missing Korean food before Seulgi started to mumble on about Bae Joohyun. This made Wendy unhappy. The Canadian Korean felt an unsettling feeling of jealousy build up in her chest while Seulgi mourned about how Joohyun had cut all contact with her.


Wendy didn’t know what caused her to snap but she did. She threw herself onto Seulgi and stared at her, eyes trembling in hesitation of what she was going to do next.


“W-wendy?!” Seulgi gasped, giving the girl above her a confused look.


“Close your eyes to Joohyun and open your eyes to look at me Seulgi…” With that said, Wendy leaned down and kissed Seulgi on the lips.

Wendy pulled away to check on Seulgi. The latter was more confused than before.


“W-wan… this… this is wrong…” Seulgi uttered.


“Please forget about Joohyun.” Wendy exhaled before going in for another kiss.


“N-No, W-an.” Seulgi stammered, trying to hold Wendy away by the shoulders. She then saw her best friend’s expression soften to a sad one. Seulgi felt a pang in her heart.


“Then… Just close your eyes.” Wendy said as she placed the sleeve of Seulgi’s jacket over her eyes.


“And pretend that I am Bae Joohyun for this once.”


Seulgi’s lips were met with another pair. But she didn’t push her away. The effects of the alcohol came into play and Seulgi was now fantasizing that she was kissing Bae Joohyun again. This temporary escape made her feel good.


“I love you Seulgi…” Wendy whispered in between the make out. That was her mistake because it brough Seulgi back to reality. Seulgi immediately shoved Wendy off of her. And jumped out of the couch.


Seulgi didn’t need to say anything. The fear, disbelief and guilt in her eyes was enough to tell Wendy all she needed to know about how Seulgi felt.

“I’m… I’m sorr-“Wendy tried to say. However, Seulgi had slammed the door to her room before she could finish. Wendy vowed to not do anything like that any more.




[XXX Bar]


Irene was not in her best physical and mental state after Seulgi left for Europe. Moonbyul had to repeatedly appeal for a 6-month leave for Irene because of how much she was deteriorating.


Irene found herself at the bar almost every day, consuming alcohol and trying to drown her sorrows with liquid numbing. The cause of her sorrow was none other than Seulgi leaving. She was consuming it so excessively that Moonbyul was starting to worry about the celebrity’s health and the growing dependence on alcohol.

While the celebrity was semi-conscious on the couch slurring inaudibly, her four friends stood over her and watched.


“We have to do something…” Moonbyul sighed.


“For starters, stop brining her to a bar?” Joy answered sarcastically.


“She’d just drink at home then.” Moonbyul rebutted.


“She’s here because she needs us, Soo.” Amber added.


“And what are we going to do? This is the worst I’ve ever seen her get.” Krystal furrowed her brows.


The four friends sat down away from the drunken mess that was now treating her own coat as a bunny.


“Did you find out where Seulgi went?” Amber asked.


“Paris.” Moonbyul answered.


“Does she know?” Joy asked.


Moonbyul shook her head. “She told me to never mention Seulgi in front of her.”


“I can second that. She’d be mad at me when I try to tell her anything related to the girl as well.” Krysatal sighed.


“But she’s just running away from her problems like she always had!” Amber groaned, slightly frustrated about the mindset Irene had towards this issue.


Moonbyul understood where amber was coming from because she was frustrated as well. However, the thing Irene needed now was support and not pestering. The four friends decided that if Irene really wanted to forget about Seulgi, they’d do their best to help her.






[Paris Collage of the arts]


Seulgi’s second year in school was much easier when she had mastered French and English. Her and Wendy were cool now. They sorted it out as soon as the sun rose the next day after that fateful incident.


Wendy was hiding her crush for Seulgi and she did it as best as she can. In fact, she hid it very well. It helped that the latter was a little oblivious but like she said before to Irene – if you really loved and cared for Seulgi, you’d do anything to keep her around. Even if it means reaming as friends.


The only thing keeping Wendy sane was Seulgi’s smile. She’d do that whenever she gets home from school and shares about the exciting things that went on. Seulgi shared the same degree in performing arts as Wendy but as per agreement with SME, Seulgi took another degree in modelling. There was no one time when Seulgi had nothing to share about with Wendy. But at the same time, Wendy would feel a little heartbroken on days where Seulgi comes home tired.


“Why do I even have to come to Uni?” Seulgi would ask. Every time she did, the guilt would eat away at Wendy.


You didn’t have to. I made you. I thought we could restart.


“But look at you. You enjoy it so much now.” Wendy said.


“Not when I have assignments due…” Seulgi grumbled.


“Come one Seul. Do it for your third year. Maybe you’ll get the chance to go to fashion week during the next round of picking!” Wendy hummed and pat the girl on her back.




Moonbyul saw small improvement in Irene as the year passed. The latter somehow found her passion for her craft again after her hiatus and production companies were quick on getting her to star on their dramas.


Whatever Irene touched turned into gold. She was the King Midas of the Korean Entertainment industry and everything she appeared on or endorsed in was blessed with success. Moonbyul sat in the audience during the yearly award shows admiring Irene as she went up to accept the award for best actress of the year. Seeing her success now made the manager very proud and she reminisce the time when Irene started out small.


Irene gave her speech as per usual. The best trait about her was that she never memorizes a script because she wanted her interaction with the fans to be genuine. But what she said next struck Moonbyul’s heart.


“When I started out. I was not the best. I went through hardships before I could become who I am. However other than the friends and fans that stayed loyal and helped me throughout my journey, I owe it all to my manager.”

Holding up the award and looking towards where her manager was sitting in the audience, Irene smiled widely and said.


“I told you I would become successful so you could walk with your shoulders straight.”


Moonbyul would be lying if she didn’t shed tears. She remembered how she had to lower her head to higher ups and get verbally abused. There were even times she had to lower her ego to beg. However, that was all worth it when she saw how much Irene had grown from a girl to a woman.


Moonbyul raised her hands over her head to make a heart, to which Irene acknowledged by doing the same. 


Just then, Moon Byul felt her phone vibrate. It was an email from a MIU MIU executive. 




a/n: Oof let's talk about Irene for PRADA real quick <3 This peasent author who can't even afford to spulge wanted to buy a prada product :""""""") TT

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Yay, new cover photo. I am not by any means a creative person skilled in photoshop haha... just going with whatever tools I have at my disposal :)

Also, Thank you guys for giving this story so much love!


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madaaaat #1
Chapter 33: Thank you for this story otornim, one of my fav seulrene stories ❤️
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 33: beautiful 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 33: reread ❤
forgotme #4
Chapter 33: Done reading it again...😁 hoping for a sequel😂
yourdailyreader #5
Chapter 5: seulgi is whipped
yourdailyreader #6
just found this and im reading this now . 🥳
Chapter 33: so good <33
Zabrinax #8
Chapter 33: This is such a nice storyy, love it
Re-reading this again!
Chapter 33: Done reading this story and I love it💜💜💜💜