
My Secret

Fingers intertwined with each other’s, Seulgi and Taeyong walked in the streets of Hongdae under the glimmering neon lights that seem to make the mood romantic. Taeyong had bought his girlfriend a lollipop and the later was happily enjoying the sweetness of the sugar rock. He noticed that his girl had been in high spirits these few days.



Fall season was coming to an end and winter was about to begin. Weather report had predicted that first now was supposed to be tonight. If you kiss during first snow, your love will last for all eternity. That was a folklore passed on from generations but the only traditional thing that youngsters nowadays believed in. That applied to Seulgi and Taeyong as they strolled through the streets slowly.


“So, how has your week been?” He asked.


“Hmm... not much? Just practice, going home and going to school. You know all that silly~” Seulgi chuckled; he belonged to the same school and entertainment company as her anyway.


“Well, I’ve also been to Joohyun’s house. Did you know she has...”


There she goes again. Taeyong thought. Every time he’d ask, Bae Joohyun would be mentioned. He knows that the outcast was now gaining some positive attention and his girlfriend was one of them.


Taeyong had no particular feeling towards Joohyun. To him, she’s just there. However, he noticed that Seulgi seemed to be easily affected by the girl. Whever she was sad, angry or happy, it would somehow have a link to Joohyun. At first he thought that was just how girls are but now with how much his girlfriend talks about her, the name was now getting on his nerves.


“And then, Joohyun told me-“


“With how much excitement you have when talking about Joohyun, I might start to think that you like her more than me.” He scoffed.


Seulgi didn’t want to take it the wrong way. But her boyfriend was definitely saying it with a tinge of annoyance.


“Are you mad?” Seulgi asked, stopping in her tracks; hand not leaving Taeyong’s and causing him to stop.


“Joohyun is my friend. Why can’t I talk about her? You don’t seem to be mad when I talk about Wendy.” Seulgi reminded.


“It’s different!” He sighed.


“How different? Because Wendy is in another school?” Seulgi fires back.


“Yes.” He deadpans.


“What?” Seulgi was now confused.


“Wendy isn’t a competitor if she can’t even be here to compete in the first place.” Taeyong said. Seulgi scoffed in disbelief and removed her hand from Taeyong’s


“You see my friends as a competitor in our relationship? Even though I showed and told you how much I love you?” Seulgi raised her voice. It was catching the attention of others.


“Enough.” Taeyong said while attempting to grab Seulgi away by the wrist.


“Let go! We are not done.” Seulgi yelled and jerked her arm away.


Taeyong bit his lip and glared at her. He grabbed her wrist again and dragged her with him while she struggled.


He managed to drag her to a secluded corner where he finally shoved her. Seulgi stumbled and fell.


“What the hell?!” Seulgi hissed.


“I should be the one who is mad for being embarrassed by you.” He hissed.


“I have a future Kang Seulgi. You’re threatening my debut; ruining my image.” He growled.


“Are you seriously hearing yourself right now?” Seulgi let out a bitter laugh as she stood up.


“Why did you even date me?” Seulgi exhaled while looking into Taeyong’s eyes.


“You want to know?” He smirked. “I know Irene is close to you. I’m just using you to get close to her.”




Seulgi suddenly hated the name even more. She felt betrayed; played. Seulgi raised her hand and slapped Taeyong across the face.


“You !” He screamed and shoved Seulgi.


Seulgi felt pain shooting up her back when she collided with the wall. Her weak ankle, which was how it was because of the previous sprain, was injured again.


“Woman beater! Everyone, we have a woman beater over here!” Joy yelled and causally walked around, waving her shawl in the air.


“Ya! Who the hell-“


“Hi, I’m Joy~” The latter’s hummed before going back to rally the crowd.




Irene swore she needed a leash on Joy. Irene, disguised as Joohyun, was just causally looking at materials in the craft store when she turned around to see Joy missing. When searching in the store turned up fruitless, Irene went outside to see if she’d have any luck.


It wasn’t hard finding her because she could hear the woman around the corner.


“Woman beater!! We have a woman beater over here!” Irene heard her chant.


Using her petite figure to her advantage, she squeezed through the crowd and saw Joy, now arguing with a man while an other lady was gripping her ankle on the ground.


Upon closer inspection- “Seulgi!” Irene gasped and bulldozed her way towards the latter.


“J-Joohyun...” Seulgi croaked before a gush of relief washed through her. Seulgi let herself be vulnerable and cried in Joohyun’s embrace.




[Seoul Forest Trimage – Irene’s/ Joohyun’s home]


Irene helped the latter into her house. Her sprained ankle and her hard sobbing made her too weak to even walk. Irene had to carry almost all her weight all the way to the 40th floor. A lift ride never seemed so long.


Irene sat Seulgi on the sofa and was about to go get the first aid kit when Seulgi tightened her grip around Irene’s waist.

“Joohyun, don’t go, don’t leave me. I’m scared.” Seulgi begged.


Irene’s heart broke when she saw Seulgi so desperate. She sat back down beside her and pulled her close to her chest.


“What else did he do to you?” Irene asked, rage bubbling inside her.


“H-h-he said… He s-said he d-dated me b-beca- cause he wanted to g-get close to Irene!” Seulgi cried, gasping for air as she tried to articulate her sentences.


“Calm down. You need to breathe, Seulgi.” Irene said as she the latter’s back.


“I-I hate her! I hate Irene! I hate Irene Bae!” Seulgi yelled into Irene’s chest.


Irene had no choice but to take the hits. As hurt as she was feeling now, she needed to be the Joohyun that Seulgi needed. They sat there in silence, Seulgi listening to Irene’s calming heartbeat that ultimately put her to sleep. The actress’s phone dinged; it was an update from Joy. She apologised for not being able to deal with him because the latter bolted when he saw Amber with her Barbell Brigade crew.


It’s okay, he’s a school mate and SM trainee after all. I will make sure he pays one way or another. Irene hit the send button and clutched her phone tightly in her hands.


It was 12 midnight when Seulgi stirred awake. When she did, she woke Irene up as well.


“Slept well?” Irene asked, earning a cute nod from the groggy girl.


“Good, let me go get water for us.” Irene said but Seulgi was still not letting her go.


Irene shifted herself to face Seulgi and cupped her hands on her cheeks. No words needed to be exchanged. Seulgi felt the reassurance from her gentle touch and let Irene go. She came back with the water and also bandages.


Being a trainee herself before she debuted, Irene knew how to handle such injuries. She iced Seulgi’s ankle for a few minutes to bring the sweeling down before skilfully wrapping her ankle.


“Stay here until you heal.” Irene looked up when she was done. “I’ll explain to your parents for you if you need me to.”


Seulgi looked at Joohyun and gave her a weak smile. Seulgi then shifted herself closer to the window, staring out towards the city lights and processing the thoughts from this whole ordeal.


Irene frowned. She sat cross-legged facing Seulgi's side and watched as the latter swapped between pouts, frowns, brow furrows and nose srunches.


“I should’ve known he didn’t really love me when he always flirts with the other girls.” Seulgi sighed.


Irene just sat still and listened.


“I feel like I have been loving people blindly. Irene… Taeyong… Even in school. I know people hang out with me to be popular.”


“Taeyong and I. We were out today because we wanted to wait for first snow. But clearly it didn’t work out. Do you think it is god telling me something?”


Seulgi asked and turned towards Irene.


“Is he telling me I don't deserve love?” Seulgi asked.


Irene parted her lips. She wanted to deny but she didn’t know how to say it.


Seulgi took a deep breath and exhaled, shifting her gaze towards the city night lights.


“Wow…” Seulgi gasped in awe when she was met with the sight of snow. Irene had such a great view of all four seasons from her house; Seulgi was envious.


“Looks like I’m missing out on this year.” Seulgi chuckled bitterly to herself.


Irene didn’t know what came over her. She stood up and straddled Seulgi, supporting the most of her weight with her own legs.


“J-Joohyun?!” Seulgi blurted.


“Who says you are missing out? A kiss on the day of first snow will let love last an eternity right?” Irene asked as he gazed at Seulgi’s brown orbes.




“Don’t say that no one loves you. Because the person who’d always loved you is just right in front of you.”


Irene knew she shouldn't be doing this. The persona as Seulgi's Bae Joohyun was temporary. Joy already warned her. But, putting her troubles and regretful consequence aside, Bae Joohyun pressed her lips against Seulgi’s, expecting her to struggle but Seulgi did not. Instead, her hands slid around Irene’s back and she reciprocated by moving along with Irene’s rhythm.


Seulgi had never felt such a burning sensation before. Not even when kissing Taeyong. She didn’t know why her sensitivity was so heightened but she did not dislike it either. Instead, she wanted more. Disappointment showed on Seulgi’s face when Irene pulled away from their make out session.

“W-we need to go to bed. We have school tomorrow.” Irene excused.


“R-right…” Seulgi answered.


Seulgi tugged on Irene’s shirt just as she was about to walk into her room.


“I... I dont want to sleep alone.” Seulgi said.

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Yay, new cover photo. I am not by any means a creative person skilled in photoshop haha... just going with whatever tools I have at my disposal :)

Also, Thank you guys for giving this story so much love!


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madaaaat #1
Chapter 33: Thank you for this story otornim, one of my fav seulrene stories ❤️
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 33: beautiful 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 33: reread ❤
forgotme #4
Chapter 33: Done reading it again...😁 hoping for a sequel😂
yourdailyreader #5
Chapter 5: seulgi is whipped
yourdailyreader #6
just found this and im reading this now . 🥳
Chapter 33: so good <33
Zabrinax #8
Chapter 33: This is such a nice storyy, love it
Re-reading this again!
Chapter 33: Done reading this story and I love it💜💜💜💜