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Baekhyun never knew how he made his way out of the jungle, but when he stepped (or rather crawled) out of the thicket of trees, darkness was falling on the small village he had entered.

He sat under the nearest tree, leaned against its protruding roots and closed his eyes.

The pain in his abdomen was still as fresh as when Junmyeon’s sword had pierced through him, but the pain in his head, with the faint visions of Gayeon was far worse.

The Kim siblings were taking turns in torturing him, one by trying to kill him and the other by trying to save him, but out of the two, Baekhyun knew that Gayeon was doing a better job.

His headache seemed to triple when he recalled how she had been asking in whispers to survive, and how she had wiped the sweat off until his fever went down.

Baekhyun felt dizzy.

And a dull ache started forming in his chest, way above the stab wound on his stomach.


“Is this the one who almost killed that nobleman?”

Baekhyun was forced to open his eyes, to find an old man bending over him with squinted eyes. “You’re the one aren’t you?”

“Who?” Baekhyun managed to mutter a question.

“I treated a noble guy last night. He was almost dead when he was brought to me.” The old man explained, eyeing the bandages on Baekhyun’s middle as his robes hung loose and untied. “But I can see that he had given a good fight. Your injuries seem far worse than his.”

Baekhyun ignored him, closing his eyes again.

“Get up young man!” the aged male gave him a not-so-gentle nudge, forcing him to open his eyes again. “Looks like I have to treat you as well. Otherwise you will soon be dying from an infection on your wounds. Now get up!”

* * *

The journey to the capital took much longer than a usual one, as the carriage had to be driven quite slowly, given Junmyeon’s severely injured state. He and Gayeon sat next to each other inside the carriage, and Hyunjoo sat on the seat opposite, facing Junmyeon watching him with utmost concern all the way to the capital.

The maid had chosen to walk beside the carriage with the guards, but Gayeon had insisted upon her joining them in the carriage. So there she sat, pursing her lips and fiddling with her fingers, her eyes shifting between Junmyeon’s face and injured torso.

Junmyeon wished he had anywhere else to be.

For a reason he could not pinpoint, he found it unable to look straight into the maid’s eyes. The easiest was to close them and pretend to sleep.

But the thought of sleeping brought back the memories of how he woke up that morning.

Junmyeon cursed under his breath. Never had he felt this much uneasy with any woman, not even with the prettiest Gisaeng in the city. But now he was here, struggling to forget just one embrace from his sister’s handmaiden.

That ordinary girl he had known since she was seven or eight.

Junmyeon cursed to himself again.


The carriage came to a stop, and Gayeon gently patted on his thigh, thinking he was fast asleep. “Oppa, we’re here.”

Junmyeon pretended to be asleep until he heard Hyunjoo step out from the carriage, and opened his eyes, faking a yawn. “Are we home?”

“Uncle’s house.” Gayeon replied rather hesitantly.

Her words brought back the memory of the burnt down Kim’s mansion, and Junmyeon found his blood racing in uncontrollable rage. He stepped out fast, ignoring the piercing pains. “Summon Lord Choi Minho.” He ordered the nearest guard. “Tell him I have urgent business to discuss with him.”

“But oppa,” Gayeon interrupted. “You need a physician first.”

“Then call one in. I will get treated while talking with Minho.” Junmyeon started his way into the mansion. Gayeon hurried behind him, ready to offer help if he found it hard to walk. “What business do you have with Lord Choi?”

“Your marriage.” He stated bluntly.


Gayeon came to an abrupt stop. “My marriage?”

“I have to find you a husband. Soon.”

“Who said I want one?”

Junmyeon stopped as well, and turned around. The act made him wince in pain.

“Next time Byun will not fail in killing me.” He said with a gentle shake of his head. Gayeon could not help but glare at how emotionless he sounded about his own death. “Oppa…you-”

“Both you and omma need a guardian if I’m not here anymore. So you need to get married.”

“I. Will. Not.”

Junmyeon stared at his sister, unable to believe the sharp refusal coming from her as she was never such a stubborn girl. “And why not Kim Gayeon?”


Gayeon stopped. She didn’t know why she was refusing marriage so adamantly, but all she knew was she did not want a husband he was going to find for her.

“I… well oppa, you know very well that Lord Choi Minho is the biggest player in town.” She continued, pleased with herself for finding such a good excuse. “Omma would never want me t marry such a man.”

“Of course I know he’s the worst of womanizers.” Junmyeon shrugged. “But it’s not Minho I’m talking about. It’s Lord Do Kyungsoo, Minho’s cousin who lives somewhere in the North.”


“A scholar.” Junmyeon cut her off in a reassuring manner. “A bookworm like me, as Minho puts it. His family is respectable, with enough wealth for you to live comfortably. And the man is a decent one, unlike that rogue we almost married you off to.”

Gayeon had no words in objection, not when her potential husband was compared to Byun Baekhyun.

Anyone would be better than him. She thought, seeing the bandages under Junmyeon’s collar.



Their mother came wailing from inside the mansion, and wrapped her arms around her son, making Junmyeon groan aloud in pain. “Oh my god…omma his chest!” Gayeon wrenched the mother and son apart. “There’s a large cut omma.”

“Oh my goodness…” the lady gasped and burst into another series of sobs, clutching Junmyeon by the shoulders this time. “Stop chasing after that murderer! I don’t care if my house is burnt down to ashes or I don’t care if anything happens to me either! But I want my children to be safe! You’re not allowed to chase that monster again Junmyeon!”

“Fine…” Junmyeon nodded, taking his mother’s hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “I can’t promise to stop looking for him, but I promise to be more careful next time.”


“My Lord,”

A male voice from behind made the three of them turn around, and a tall and handsome young nobleman was standing at the gateway to the mansion. “You’re early Minho.” Junmyeon gave him an acknowledging smile.

“I was nearby.” He walked into the front yard, and greeted the two ladies with a bow. “Heard you were severely injured. I think his majesty might pay you a visit himself, this evening.”

Junmyeon nodded.

“Is it that exile?”


“You want me to interrogate Minister Wong’s kid?”

“Is he back in the capital?” Junmyeon asked with widened eyes.

“Not yet.” Minho shook his head. “But the thing is, that Wong is too powerful of a minister when it comes to legal affairs. He’ll get his son out of interrogation in no time.”

Junmyeon hummed in reply.

“So what was the reason for summoning me so urgently, Lord Kim?”

Junmyeon looked at Gayeon who was now glaring at both him and Minho. “I remember you tel

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Chapter 24: I seriously loved this story. The characters are just amazing!! I loved jongin ,he is just so chill and kyungsoo was just a thing to laugh at . After lot of hardships baekhyun and gayeon got together. Thank you for the story ❤️
Chapter 24: I’m so in love with them in this story… I loved the plot, I can’t accept that it already ended 😭😭😭💙 Thank you for writing!!
Chapter 24: Finished reading it!❣️ Finally everyone is happy, junmyeon is so smart! Jongin also managed to get a real job, I hope the villagers would be fine without him. Gayeon and baekhyun are finally together without any worries! I hope kyungsoo is happy too! Thanks for writing this!
Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Everything is worth it in the end! Good job byun
Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Aw kyungsoo is so lonely and innocent :( I hope he will find someone for him soon
Also good luck to baek!
Chapter 16: Lmao master kyungsoo is so easy to fool 🤣
Chapter 15: Sjsjxbxbajajz they kissed!! But the ending :(
Chapter 3: Oh god I felt so sad when he started crying :'(
Khahani #9
Chapter 24: All the hardships worth at the end
Merryqueen #10
Chapter 24: Aww it's end😭
Author nim can you please make season 2. It will be very good to see this two marry and having a child please if you can consider writing season 2 thank you