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Never in his life had Baekhyun witness anyone fight like Kim Jongin. During his seven years in the Royal Military School, he had been with various types of young men from various parts of Joseon, who had mastered all kinds of local and foreign martial arts.

But none of them had been anywhere near Jongin, who was both recklessly barbaric and flauntingly professional at the same time.

When Jongin had executed his plan to attack Gayeon’s guards without waiting for Baekhyun’s approval, Baekhyun had had no choice but to sprint after him. But before he could even reach the clearance where the carriage was, Jongin had been able to get two of the three guard’s unconscious by banging their heads against the wooden carriage wall. And the next moment, the third guard rolled on the ground, groaning in pain as Jongin had slices both his thighs open with one slash of his sword.

Baekhyun stopped dead on his tracks, at the shriek coming from the maid.

“Done, hyung.”

Jongin let out a laugh of content, and turned to Baekhyun. “Those two will wake up soon, so they’ll take this one to a physician.”

But Baekhyun was too distracted to hear him, and had his eyes fixated on the girl glaring at him from a few feet away.

A glare that made him feel worse than ever, her eyes forcing him to realize how much she loathed, him, and what he was doing.

Then again, Baekhyun heard as if his own voice was ringing in his mind. Is there anything left to mend between you and her? You’re almost a murderer to her anyway.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Gayeon asked, tightly gripping Hyunjoo’s hand as the maid clung in fear to her.

“What are you expecting from me that you randomly approach like this and hurt my people?”

Jongin stared at Baekhyun, as the latter remained silent and continued to stare at the girl.

“Is this your way of taking revenge? What makes you think that the late Lord Byun’ should will find peace if his one and only son goes around slaying people like a barbarian?’

“Agassi please…”

Gayeon pulled her arm off Hyunjoo’s and glared back at Baekhyun. “If Lord Byun was actually wrongfully accused, a good son would be doing his best to prove his innocence or at least take better care of his family! But what are you doing here Byun Baekhyun? Aren’t you being just as lowly as the people who schemed against the King and framed your father?”

“Look here you lady,” Jongin finally interrupted Gayeon, as he could not endure his cousin’s silence any longer. “We’re not here to listen to your justice lectures alright? People like you…” he scoffed. “People like you who’ve never ever starved for a day do not understand until it happened to you. You don’t realize what it’s like to lose your family and be dragged to the streets with the rest of your family to have nothing nut scraps to eat and survive on. Your brother did that to his family so stop trying to sound the epitome of justice and fairness.”

“But does that give you the right to kill innocent people?” Gayeon averted his eyes from Jongin and turned back to Baekhyun. “My brother is innocent Baekhyun! He was merely being a loyal subject to the King and fulfilling his duties. But what did you do? You just swore to kill him without any reasoning and started chasing him like a maniac. You almost killed him that night and-”


Her words made his insides clench, spreading an unknown pain other than the pain from his wounds. And Baekhyun finally spoke up, his fist clenching around the dagger he was holding. “Don’t mention that night.”

“First it was my brother…and now your target is me I guess.” Gayeon continued, ignoring him. “If you were not injured that night, I would’ve been killed by you too I guess. So why not do it now? These men and Hyunjoo have nothing to do with you, so let them go and just kill me Byun Baekhyun.”

He stared at her. For the longest while, Baekhyun stared at Gayeon and fought between his thoughts, between the pain every word of her was strangely causing, and the choices Jongin had given him.

Finally he took his eyes off her, and looked at the maid, and gestured towards the two unconscious guards. “Return to the capital when they get back to their senses. Tell Kim Junmyeon that I have his sister, and she will stay with us until I clear my father’s name.”

“You’re NOT taking her!” snapped Hyunjoo, and clung back on her mistress, only to be grabbed aside by Jongin with a warning hiss.

“Tell him not to try anything foolish like sending men or coming here himself in search of her.” Baekhyun continued, as calm as ever. “The moment he enters the area, his sister will be gone somewhere he’ll never reach.”

“Come on now.” Jongin gestured Gayeon to move, and the girl glared back in return, holding back the tears of anger. “Get moving, or I’ll have to teach a lesson to this little friend of yours.”

He had given Hyunjoo’s upper arm a threatening tug, which got Gayeon hesitantly taking her first step towards Baekhyun.

Baekhyun stepped aside and made her follow Jongin who had already taking the lead. He got to the edge of trees and looked back at Hyunjoo. “Tell your master that any rash movement from him would get him regretting it for a lifetime.”

And the three walked away, walking in fast pace until the wails of the young maid died down among the trees.

* * *

The woods were less thickened soon and they could see the village through the tree trunks at the edge of the forest, and Jongin’s village was coming into view, with small lanterns hanging from hay-thatched roofs bathing in moonlight.

Baekhyun came to an abrupt stop at the first sight of a lantern.

The halting of his footsteps made Gayeon turn back, and Jongin stopped soon as well. “Why hyung?”

He stood still.

For the first time in his life, he was dreading the new place he was about to enter.

For someone who had loved people and crowded places so much, even the village felt overwhelming, with people who will outcast him and his family as traitors, and label him as a criminal.

And they will question about Gayeon.

They will ask what a beautiful young lady like her, dressed in the finest silk, was doing with two haggard looking men like them, looking so out of place.

“The place is full of runaway slaves and their families.”

As if he read through every thought in Baekhyun’s head, Jongin said reassuringly. “No one will ask what crime you committed. No one will ask what a noble lady is doing with you. We’re all here with flaws hyung. So no one will care.”

And his words got Baekhyun walking again, trudging through the leaves, with Gayeon following him.


Once they had entered the village, Jongin’s words somewhat seemed to be wrong, and almost everyone passing by took interest in the three of them.

But not suspiciously or accusingly, and solely finding them fascinating and interesting.


A cheerful male voice rang through the street as they walked towards a line of small shops lit with lanterns, and a plump and aged shop keeper jumped out of his farming equipment store to wave madly at Jongin.

Jongin returned his gesture with a grin. “Why are you still open at this time huh?”

“Waiting for you.” The man rushed towards him, to be followed by a several other shop keepers and passersby, and soon to have the three young people surrounded by almost a dozen of men and women. “About an hour or two ago, a woman with a child walked up to my shop and asked for the whereabouts of your house.” The man explained. “At first I didn’t want to actually share your information, you know why… no stranger comes here with good intentions.” He waved his hand in a matter-of-fact manner. “But then she said she’s your mother’s sister. And heavens…she actually did resemble your mother a hell lot! So I told her the way to your place. It’s alright isn’t it Jonginnie?”

“Thanks ahjussi.” Jongin smile and patted his plump shoulder. “She is my aunt. And this is her son, my cousin hyung.”

“And who is this beautiful lady?” an elderly woman asked, staring at Gayeon in awe. Baekhyun’s arm moved instantly as the crowd’s attention moved onto Gayeon, and pulled her behind him.

Gayeon looked at the hand gripping her wrist, and keeping her right behind himself.

Strange enough, above the hatred she was currently having towards this man for turning her life into a living hell, and making her get voluntarily kidnapped by him, Gayeon felt herself safe with him.

She felt like he was almost protecting her.

“Oh, her.” Jongin let out a hollow laugh, stalling time to create a good lie to cover up the kidnapping. “She’s… um… my hyung’s wife.”


Gayeon felt Baekhyun’s hand drop hers.


“Newly wedded. These two.” Now on track, Jongin continued feeding his lie. “That’s why she’s quite shy to talk with y’all. But I promise she’ll be sooo nice with time.” He flashed a sideways grin at Gayeon. “My hyung’s business went bankrupt so he had to leave the capital. That’s how he ended up deciding to live with us here.”

“I see.” The plump shopkeeper nodded in understanding. “Hard times for merchants. I understand.”

Baekhyun tried to force a smile.

“So will you guys let us pass now?” Jongin raised his voice, so the crowd started parting to make way for them. “These two have been travelling for so long that they need rest. And they would like to be alone too, you know…” he gave the closest man a mischievous wink. “Newly wedded things.”


* * *

Once they arrived at the small cottage which had a huge line of trees lining the backyard and marking the edge of the forest behind,

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Chapter 24: I seriously loved this story. The characters are just amazing!! I loved jongin ,he is just so chill and kyungsoo was just a thing to laugh at . After lot of hardships baekhyun and gayeon got together. Thank you for the story ❤️
Chapter 24: I’m so in love with them in this story… I loved the plot, I can’t accept that it already ended 😭😭😭💙 Thank you for writing!!
Chapter 24: Finished reading it!❣️ Finally everyone is happy, junmyeon is so smart! Jongin also managed to get a real job, I hope the villagers would be fine without him. Gayeon and baekhyun are finally together without any worries! I hope kyungsoo is happy too! Thanks for writing this!
Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Everything is worth it in the end! Good job byun
Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Aw kyungsoo is so lonely and innocent :( I hope he will find someone for him soon
Also good luck to baek!
Chapter 16: Lmao master kyungsoo is so easy to fool 🤣
Chapter 15: Sjsjxbxbajajz they kissed!! But the ending :(
Chapter 3: Oh god I felt so sad when he started crying :'(
Khahani #9
Chapter 24: All the hardships worth at the end
Merryqueen #10
Chapter 24: Aww it's end😭
Author nim can you please make season 2. It will be very good to see this two marry and having a child please if you can consider writing season 2 thank you