chapter 4- me.

Yours Truly
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“Yeah, sure.” Chaewon’s voice kept on ringing inside Wonyoung’s head, distracting her so much to the point that her daydreams would consist of her.



Since that rainy day, Wonyoung has found comfort in Chaewon’s presence. She tells herself that it’s because she wasn’t ready to face Yujin after what happened. Yujin said things and Wonyoung did too and the latter is no way ready for a talk. Of course that’s Wonyoung’s reason.



So even in the car when they were driving to a local tailor for their prom dresses, Wonyoung finds herself imagining dancing with Chaewon. And in her fantasy, they were alone in a ballroom, dancing for each other’s eyes only.



“Are you really not going to talk to me?”



“H-huh?” Wonyoung snapped from her daze, blushing. Her sister staring at her with hopeful eyes.



“Is that a no?” Minjoo had always looked dejected, but not this much. Seeing the small smile drop from her sister’s face, Wonyoung felt guilty, “No, it’s not like that. It’s just.. I don’t know—“



“I didn’t know too.” Minjoo sighed and rested her whole weight on the leather seat of their white Jaguar XJ. “That you liked Yujin, I mean.”






“Well, took me a lot of years to know too,” Wonyoung didn’t mean for that laugh to sound so awkward bit it did.



“If only I knew, I wouldn’t have said ye—“



“—said yes and break her heart?” Clearly, Minjoo never thought that through, judging by the way she visibly flinched, “No, I think it’s better this way. She’s— she must’ve really liked you.”



“Yeah she does, since your last year of middle school.” Minjoo fidgeted with her seatbelt straps. “You’ve been together that long? And I didn’t kn—“



“Nope, we got together this year, after she told me about the scholarship.”



“Ah, yes. Of course she told you first.”



“Yujin just wanted me to know, just in case it could change my mind about her. And well, it did,” Minjoo clutched the buckle, remembering how nervous the younger girl looked like while trying to tell her the news. It was cute, the amount of times she stuttered in a span of three sentences.



“U-unnie, I’ll— I’m g— I got a-a scholarship to SCU. A-and I’m le-leaving next year a-and you are too so this is gonna be my.. last c-chance. I j-just wanna know i-if y-you’ve changed your m-mind.”



“It’s funny. Yujin’s always loud and confident and nothing short of crazy but she was babbling and fidgeting and—“



“Wow, she really does like you,” Wonyoung didn’t bother to look at Minjoo when she said that, not when her heart was beating so fast and she feels uncomfortable.



“You know,” Minjoo started, looking out the window to take in the streets of Gangnam, “I didn’t like her at first because I was preoccupied with someone else.”



“Oh, so you have a lot of secrets,” Wonyoung tried her best to sound cheery. But she was interested, “Who was it?”



Minjoo cracked a smile, “Chaewon.”



The way Minjoo had said that made Wonyoung freeze. Minjoo didn’t miss her sister’s reaction.



“Yeah, it’s a bit surprising, right? I mean not really because it’s Chaewon. Everybody likes Chaewon,” Minjoo’s laughter didn’t seem genuine enough, but Wonyoung doesn’t question it. She hates being questioned too.



“Ladies, we’re here,” Their driver has pulled over the side of one of many fashion stores in Gangnam, the one they usually get their formal dresses from. 예픈 (Yeppun)



Wonyoung doesn’t waste time to open the door and dash out. She’s never felt more uncomfortable with her sister her whole life.



Minjoo followed her into the shop. They were greeted by the women that would usually assist them in picking their clothes. They separated on their quest to find prom dresses. Minjoo seemed to know what she would like to hop into as she glided across the room filled with different cuts, colors and types of dresses. But Wonyoung, she doesn’t even know what she’s supposed to do.



“Anything in mind?” The lady, Jessica, if Wonyoung remembers correctly, asked. “Uh, no, not really. I’m not used to this.”



“Oh it’s your first prom?” Wonyoung nodded, a bit embarrassed. “Okay well, do you know what color you’d like to wear?”



“Not really. I’d usually go with pink but I don’t know.” Jessica hummed, “Well, people say that you shouldn’t wear the same color as your date to prom. It’s supposed to be a color they like.”



Color she likes? 



“Has your room always been this pink?”



“What’s wrong with pink?” Wonyoung took a bite out of Chaewon’s kimbap, speaking with full.



“It’s just so.. pink,” Chaewon laughed when Wonyoung did. It was cute seeing the younger throw her head back, her double chin showing.



“Why? Is your room better?”



“Oh, definitely. It’s painted mint, it’s calming.” Chaewon finished the last few bites of her kimbap before Wonyoung could even ask for more.



“Oh, is that your favorite color then? Mint?” Chaewon nodded, she couldn’t talk with that full. She looked around Wonyoung’s bedroom, everything was different shades of pink. From the neon pink beanbag, the baby pink bedsheets to the pastel pink walls.



“I think you need to paint your walls mint too.” Wonyoung cocked her head to one side, asking what Chaewon meant. “Like I said, mint is calming. Pink is such a vibrant color, maybe that’s why you have zero chill.”



Silence filled the room, then it was soon replaced with the sound of a pillow landing on Chaewon’s face and the latter yelping.






“Oh?” Jessica immediately walked through another isle of clothes and Wonyoung followed. Jessica took her to the section filled with the cold colors.



Wonyoung watched as the lady pulled as much as six dresses in different shades of mint. But at the end of the isle, there was a mint colored bouffant dress with lace for sleeves, incased in a glass box.



“I want that.”







They have just finished the last test of the year and the class had mixed emotions. Some were happy the days spent in the hell they call school is over and some were just plainly disappointed with how hard the tests were, but either way, the school year was officially over and the only thing left is that prom. The class didn’t waste time in fleeing the room, probably off to salons or wherever they need to go to get ready. Wonyoung didn’t bother to rush, she has her own pace with things and she keeps it that way.



“Wonyoung?” Now, the girl wishes she could’ve fled the room along with her classmates. “Can we talk?”



She sighed, “Yeah. We should.”



The talk she was expecting consisted of words, a lot of them but when she feels a warm body against her back and arms circling her waist, she forgot all about the talking.



“I’m sorry, Won. I-I didn’t know. I should’ve known. I’m your best friend, I’m supposed to know your feelings better than anyone else.”



Wonyoung tried her best to stand her ground, to express how hurt she was over the news of Yujin leaving and the fact that she was the last to know. But the tears that grazed her shoulder through the fabric of her uniform made every bit of anger and betrayal fade. “It’s okay, Yujin.”



“No, it’s not okay. I hurt you when I promised I would protect you, I kept the scholarship and the interviews a secret when I promised I’d never keep anything from you and I-I’m leaving when I said I would never leave.” Yujin pressed her body against Wonyoung’s as she nuzzled her back. The tears never stopped and so does the clenching of Wonyoung’s heart.



“Hey,” Wonyoung held her friend’s hand, trying to comfort her, “I’m happy that you get to achieve your dreams. And I will never stop you from achieving them, even if it would mean you have to leave.” Wonyoung turned around to cup Yujin’s face. Something Yujin always does when Wonyoung cries.



Wonyoung kissed the streak of tears on Yujin’s cheek, “I love you like that.”







Wonyoung was driven to a beauty shop near their house to get her makeup done right after her conversation with Yujin. They were able to understand each other; Yujin’s scholarship and Wonyoung’s temporary anger. And like nothing happened, they were back to being the best friends that they were.



Now, Wonyoung is checking herself in the mirror, something she normally does, but seeing herself in a dress, a mint one, is new to her and it made her insides tingle. No, they weren’t butterflies, Wonyoung knows. No, she doesn’t.



“Wonnie, you ready?” Minjoo knocked on her door before opening it. “Wow, you’re seriously so pretty.”



Wonyoung blushed. She’s used to hearing Minjoo compliment her, but the shock visible on the older girl’s face was enough to make Wonyoung feel her cheeks burn.



“You’re prettier, unnie.” Minjoo could only chuckle at the comment. She stood beside Wonyoung in front of the mirror, observing how the color of their dresses contrasted a bit.



“You know, I thought you’d go with pink. I was hoping to match with you,” Minjoo grazed her fingers on the fabric of Wonyoung’s dress, noting it’s texture.



“Well, I don’t know. The lady in the shop said I should pick one in a color my date likes.” Wonyoung flattened the fabric over her stomach and fumbled with the part that’s meant to be tied.



Minjoo didn’t hesitate to pull it from her hand and tie it just tight enough for Wonyoung to be able to breathe, “So you’re really going with Chaewon, then?”



Wonyoung tries not to look so shocked, but she was. She hasn’t said anything about Chaewon being her date. “How did you know?”



“Just a guess,” Minjoo tapped on the perfect ribbon she tied hanging just above Wonyoung’s , “Chaewon’s really fond of you. It’s not surprising that she's your date."



The bitterness in Minjoo’s words didn’t come unnoticed by Wonyoung, “Are you.. upset?”



Minjoo bit her lip, “No. I’m just— I never expected Chaewon to be fond of anyone—“



“Yah, Chaewon-ah! Where are you going? We’re going to that barbecue place Chaeyeon told us about!” Yeji shouted at the running figure. Chaewon halted, “You said Yujin didn’t come to school.”



“Yeah? What about it?” Yeji cocked her head to the side while Minjoo and Chaeyeon just watched them, “I’m gonna check on Wonyoung.”



“Oh? Are you sick?” Minjoo touched Chaewon’s forhead, “Yah, you have a fever!”



“Yeah, got rained on yesterday.” Chaewon shrugged as they continued to walk through the crowded hall. “But I’m pretty sure you had your umbrella with you..” Minjo trailed off.



“Ah, yeah. I shared it with Wonyoung.”



“I don’t really know why I feel upset.”



“Huh?” Wonyoung turned around after fising herself for the nth time, “D-do you still like h—“



“No! I have Yujin and I really like her too. It’s just that she never actually said if she liked me or not.” Minjoo walked over to Wonyoung’s bed and sat on the edge, “When I told her I liked her on sophomore year, she just hugged me, but she never said anything.”



So she told Chaewon.



“Oh, so is it about closure?” Wonyoung sat beside her sister, taking her hands in hers, “Yeah. I guess so.”



“But you’re friends. I mean, if there’s anything you want to say, that should be easy, right?” Minjoo thought about what Wonyoung said for a few minutes, then smiled. “Well, I gotta get that closure before we part ways for college.”



Oh, yeah. They’re leaving.



“Girls? Can I come in?” The wooden door muffled their mom’s voice, but they heard her clearly, “Yeah.”



When Nayeon entered the room, she was holding two small bouquets of flowers. One was an arrangement of white roses and the other was pink. “What are these for?” They both took the ones meant for them.



“Oh well, just a little something for my princesses. This is could probably be the first and last time you’ll go to prom together.” Nayeon sat beside Wonyoung and their backs.



“You guys look so beautiful.” Nayeon’s voice sounded like she was about to cry. “I can’t believe I didn’t want to have you at first.” And she finally broke.



Wonyoung and Minjoo immediately huddled to comfort Nayeon, “I’m so sorry for not wanting to have you. I was just scared for your mom, you know she doesn’t have the best health.” Nayeon sniffled.



“And the , I didn’t want to have someone else’s kids. Then there was a procedure and then there’s the labor and I was so scared I’d lose Mina and if I lose her, I’d lose you too. I’m so sorry, my babies.”



Wonyoung and Minjoo couldn’t help bit tear up, too. They knew about the struggles of same couples to have kids, they’re smart enough to know that. And they also know about their mom’s battle with a heart disease and how risky it was for her to have them.



“But,” Nayeon wiped her tears away, “know that I love you with all of my heart and soul and everything else in me.” The three cracked up, it was such a beautiful moment.



“Well,” Nayeon wiped her daughters’ tears away, “stop crying. Your mom’s gonna kill me.” Then tears were quickly replaced by laughter once again. And Wonyoung realizes, family is the most precious gift she has ever received.



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Chapter 6: Awww i miss jangchae now😭
RE READING. One of the few good stories on this site.
Chapter 1: the letter is sooo cute 😩 ! i love it already
szamumin #4
Chapter 6: The story was well-written author, re-reading this for the 3rd time now. Thank you for this wonderful fic, take care! (:
snsdsoshigg #5
Chapter 6: re-read. this is still so cute 🥺
snsdsoshigg #6
Chapter 6: this is my first time reading a jangchae au, i was just trying to find some jinjoo aus. this is so cute, no regrets reading it!
ironmans_boo #7
This is very cute🥺🥺😭💖 wish to see more jangchae fics from you since theres little to no jangchae authors out there💖 thank you for this masterpiece!💖
Chapter 6: This is really good I love this. Glad I discovered this!
285 streak #10
(╥﹏╥) Aside from that it's JANGCHAE, the story was written well! more jangchae stories juseyo and thank you for this story as well ^ω^