chapter 3- yeah.

Yours Truly
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“Unnie, I.. don’t hate you.” Wonyoung said as she slammed the gate close and leaned against it. She was feeling it again, the feeling she gets whenever Yujin is around. The only problem is Yujin isn’t around to make her feel that way. So why?



In the midst of Wonyoung’s confusion, Chaewon walked away, wearing a huge grin.







Wonyoung is off to school in her mom’s car and with Minjoo. Yes, she’s in a car and with her sister instead of her best friend because Yujin called their house telephone again last night to say that she won’t be going to school. She didn’t properly explain why though.



“Have fun,” Nayeon shouted from the car, Minjoo and Wonyoung waved her goodbye as she drove off to work.



“I don’t remember the last time we went to school together,” Minjoo held on the strap of her sister’s bag, “You’ve been hanging out with Yujin so much.”



“It’s not like you don’t hang out with your friends,” Wonyoung joked, nudging Minjoo to the side of the hallway.



“But I don’t go to school with them!” Minjoo retorted, nudging Wonyoung too, “You went to school with Chaewon unnie just a week ago.”



“That was one time, Wonyoung-ah!” Minjoo playfully slapped the younger’s shoulder, “You go with Yujin, every time.” She pouted, trying her best to look upset.



“Unnie, you’re supposed to be older than me.” The two bursted out laughing, making all eyes in the hallway turn to them, admiring the two beauties enjoying themselves.



Someone tapped Minjoo’s bag, “You guys are loud,” she joked.



“Yah, Hwang Yeji! Why do you care?” Minjoo slapped the girl’s arm, but she was fast enough to dodge.



“Hey, stop that, Yeji. She might trip again or something,” Of course, Yeji and Chaewon were always a package deal.



The two were laughing while Minjoo was whining, “I knew it! You were the ones who started that thread on twitter!”



“Nope, it was Yeji.” Chaewon pointed a finger at her friend, “Hey, but you retweeted it too!”



The trio started to bicker and other students started to talk. That’s the thing about being popular, everyone’s interested in everything you do. 



The bunny girl felt extremely uncomfortable being in the same one meter radius as her sister. “Unnie, I’ll get going,” Wonyoung announced as she glanced at the clock at the end of the hall. 



Minjoo nodded, “Okay, I’ll go too. I gotta pass by the council office for the play approval.”



“Actually, I asked Chaewon to help me talk to Ms. Do about that activity in Philosophy,” Yeji scratched the back of her neck, “I lost the soft copy of it.”



Minjoo just smiled and tapped Yeji’s hair, “Of course you did, “she cooed, “Okay, good luck on that.”



Yeji gave her a grin and a series of enthusiastic nods and Minjoo couldn’t help but laugh and the sound of it reminded her of why everybody loved her sister so much. And to see people’s attention follow her as she walked to the student council office reminded her that everybody loves Im Minjoo.



Wonyoung took her phone from her pocket to check the notifications she failed to see that morning.




good morning, wonyoo!!


have a great day!



@ch_chae1 retweeted

@iminjoo try not to be so clumsy challenge= major fail



Wonyoung tilted her head trying to remember when she started following Chaewon on Twitter. 



Wonyoung glanced at the two seniors still glued at their initial position, busy on their phones. She smiled to herself when she heard them mention something about being clumsy. She wouldn’t admit it but after last night, seeing Chaewon didn’t make her want to strangle her to death. 



She glanced at the school clock once again and realized her class is about to start, but before dashing off, she cleared to get the senior’s attention, “Good morning, Chaewon unnie.”



The said girl stopped messing with Yeji and froze for a millisecond, “y- yeah, you too.”



Wonyoung smiled in content before catching her first class. Chaewon stared at her figure, “So you’re Chaewon unnie, now?”



“Hwang Yeji, shut up.” Yeji laughed before pulling Chaewon to the senior’s faculty.







Time was ticking so slow and Wonyoung was getting bored. She’s trying her best to listen to the lesson on Economics but her imagination just keeps on pulling her out of focus.



“Okay, we’ll end here. Have a nice weekend, everyone.” Wonyoung has never been so happy to hear her teacher’s words.



Wonyoung packed her things back into her bag, checking each item to make sure she doesn’t leave anything behind. She glanced at the chair just a few seats from her then she’s reminded that Yujin isn’t there to walk her home.



“Wonyoung-ah,” Lucy, one of her classmates called, “Chaewon sunbaenim’s looking for you.”



She immediately whipped her head to see the senior’s head poking over the door frame, “Hey you.” Chaewon smiled.



“Unnie?” Wonyoung took her bag and slid it on her shoulders, “What are you doing here?”



“Uh, I walked past your table in the cafeteria and Yujin wasn’t there? So I asked Yeji if she came to school. She said she didn’t.” Chaewon said while she opened the door wide for Wonyoung to exit.



“Okay? But why are you here? You didn’t answer the quest—“



“I was thinking that maybe you n-need someone to walk you h-home again?” Wonyoung didn’t understand why Chaewon was stuttering.



“I can go home with Minjoo unnie,” Wonyoung walked past Chaewon— she wasn’t trying to be rude.



“Drama has a meeting today. The play was approved, so..” Chaewon turned around but her eyes were anywhere but Wonyoung. The younger girl stooped her head to the senior’s eye level, trying to catch what she was thinking.



“Y-yah! What are you doing?” Chaewon moved back, startled at the proximity that Wonyoung initiated. 



“Don’t you have anything to do? I wouldn’t want to bother y—“



“You’re not bothering anything!” Wonyoung was surprised. She didn’t know the senior’s voice could reach higher decibels. What’s more surprising is to see Chaewon seem embarrassed. She wanted to laugh, but she held it in.



“Okay then,” Wonyoung linked her arm to the senior’s, “let’s go.”



Chaewon stared at the arm linked with hers, “Y-yeah, let’s go.”







“I just realized,” Wonyoung was already about to enter the gate when she remembered, “we don’t have each other’s numbers.”



“Oh, you want my number now?” Chaewon teased, “What? No, not like that!”



In the midst of Wonyoung’s bumbling, she missed the twitch of Chaewon’s eyes. When the younger girl realized that she’s being too loud, she breathed in and out to calm herself down. She didn’t even know why she was panicking at the first place.



“Just give me your number before I change my mind.” Wonyoung pushed her phone into Chaewon’s hands.



“Okay, okay,” Chaewon also gave her phone to Wonyoung for the girl to encode her number too. Chaewon punched the numbers in and took that chance to put a contact name for herself. 



“Here you go. Let me know if you need someone to walk you home, ‘kay?” Chaewon gave Wonyoung a cheeky smile and the latter knew she did something to again.



“Good night, Wonyoung!” Chaewon started sprinting away from the Im’s house after taking her phone back while Wonyoung checked her list of contacts to see Chaewon’s.



Charming <3



“Wha— Yah, unnie!” Chaewon just laughed loud enough for Wonyoung to hear even if she was already three houses away. No, she didn’t care if other people heard.


Wonyoung smiled to herself, “stupid unnie,” she muttered.






The second time Wonyoung saw Chaewon inside their house, it was a Saturday and she was there to pick Minjoo up for what they call a Saturdate. 



Of course.



“Wanna come with?” Chaewon was waiting for Minjoo on the couch while Wonyoung was sitting on the carpeted floor, brushing their dog’s golden coat.



“What?” Wonyoung didn’t bother to look at Chaewon. “I asked if you wanted to come with us.”



“Nope. I don’t wanna crash your date.” 



“No, it’s fine. We’re coming with Yeji, Chaeyeon, Sakura and Yena.” Chaewon looked at the back of Wonyoung’s head, “You know Yena, right?”



“Yep, we’re friends. I mean,” Ray started to shake off the fur that was accumulated from all the brushing Wonyoung did and she had to back away to avoid sniffing it, “she’s Yujin’s friend.”



“Just Yujin’s friend?” Chaewon placed her elbows on her lap and leaned on it, “What’s that supposed to mean?”



Wonyoung shrugged, “I don’t know. It’s just that, they’re Yujin’s friends and I’m her friend too so I guess that makes them my friends too?”



“So you’re saying that y—“



“Yujin’s the only friend I made. She’s been there since day one and I didn’t think I needed anyone else, so I didn’t make any friends.” Wonyoung leaned her back against the base of the couch. Ray seemed to be hungry, he already ran off.



Wonyoung sighed, “Don’t get me wrong, I like being around them. They’re loud and funny and really supportive. It’s just that they don’t get me the way Yujin does, you know what I mean?”



“Yeah, totally,” Chaewon shuffled on the couch to slide herself down to the floor to accompany Wonyoung, “Although Yeji’s the one there anywhere I go, she doesn’t get me the way your sister does. And she knows that.”



“Is that why you like Minjoo unnie?” Wonyoung finally looked back at Chaewon, eyes glinting with something Chaewon wasn’t sure what.



“Well, yeah. I mean, who wouldn’t like that? That’s why you like Yujin too, right?” Wonyoung was bewildered yet she didn’t bother to deny it. She doesn’t know why she didn’t try to, but she didn’t. She just nodded then faced the closed screen of their television, “Everyone likes unnie. I bet it’s hard to compete with all the admirers.”



“Yeah, it is. The amount of people who like her is equivalent to the population of the school. It’s crazy,” Chaewon joked and Wonyoung finally cracked, giggling.



“You know, I’ve always wondered why you’re so timid.” Wonyoung whipped her head, face scrunching at what the senior said, “I mean, you’re pretty, smart, talented and you’re such a sweetheart. A lot of people like you and I don’t understand why you’re always so shy and... dejected, even.”



“I think you’re mistaking me for the wrong Im. You’re basically describing unnie.”



“No, I’m talking about you.” Chaewon emphasized on the word ‘you’ by leaning into Wonyoung, closing the gap between their faces until there was only few centimeters left.



“How do you know if I really am talented?” Wonyoung didn’t back down, keeping eye contact, “I just know. And I also know you want to audition for theater.”



Wonyoung pulled away, surprised at the information. hung slightly open, “N-no I don’t. Why would I want to audition when Minjoo unnie is definitely better tha—“



“It doesn’t matter who’s better. The club can have both of you and they’d be more than happy to.” Chaewon stood up only to sit back on the couch again, “Audition’s still ongoing. It stops mid year.”



Wonyoung fiddled with the comb she used on Ray, feeling nervous all of a sudden.



“Minjoo’s taking so long. I’ll go tell her to hurry up.” Chaewon grabbed her phone and rose from the leather couch. Wonyoung only nodded, still finding the floor more interesting than anything else at the moment.



“You should really audition for theater.” Was the last thing Chaewon said before running up the stairs, calling for Minjoo.



Wonyoung was left wondering why she kept fidgeting all the while Chaewon was talking about the auditions. She didn’t seem to understand why the older girl’s words sounded so.. determined and disappointed at the same time, something she’s definitely not used to hearing. That’s when she realizes, there are things Chaewon say that just doesn’t sit right with her. Maybe that’s why the older girl has zero problems in pressing her buttons. But something about the way she spoke made Wonyoung feel nervous. What’s worse is that she didn’t know why. So when she receives a message from Yujin asking if she wanted to buy ice cream with her, she doesn’t hesitate to run to her room to get changed.







“I left my bag!” 



It was Monday, the most dreaded day of the week and Wonyoung was walking around the halls with her friends. Yujin was back from the dead— Yena’s words. She said she had an interview with her mom, that’s why she wasn’t able to go to school that day. Wonyoung is not one to question people, not when she hates being questioned too, so she settled for that reason. She’s just glad that Yujin wasn’t sick or anything.



So now, the girl is back in all her loud glory and she apparently forgot to get her bag after training. She dashed to the field, not minding that her friends were calling for her, asking if she needed someone to accompany her. When Yujin disappeared from their sight, they just guess that she doesn’t.



“What do you think she was interviewed for?” Nako asked, fiddling with her newly done nails.



Now that they brought it up, Wonyoung couldn’t help but think what could possibly be the reason a high schooler is being interviewed. More so, Yujin.



“Ah! I think I know.” Wonyoung quipped, “I remember something about going to a psychologist yearly to get her IQ. Her mom insists.”



“She has IQ?” Yena seemed genuinely baffled, even scratching her head while her lips were curled up like a duck. They all laughed at the question and even more at the sight of Yena.



“Of course she has! Everybody has an IQ. Or maybe you don’t—“



“Yah, Lee Chaeryeong!” 



The duck-like girl chased Chaeryeong around a small circular path, trapping their laughing friends in their mess.



“Chaeryeong-ah!” The duo stopped running around and they all whipped their heads to the girl’s direction.



“Oh, Sakura unnie!” The girl ran to give the older a hug to which Sakura reciprocated, even patting the junior’s back.



“Chaeyeon asked me to tell you that you can go home first. The evaluation for their dances is taking too long.” Chaeryeong detached herself from the older girl to look at her with a pout.



“It’s okay. I’ll take her home, don’t worry.” Chaeryeong nodded and adjusted her bag, “Take unnie to our house, not yours, okay? You’re too young to get married.”



“Yah!” Sakura had a look of disbelief, but her lips formed a smile, “I’m going to wait for Chaeyeon to finish so I can’t offer you a ride but I can walk you to the gate instead.”



Sakura offered her arm for the younger Lee to take and link onto. They started walking away, taking their time to chat.



The others remained standing in the middle of the hall, looking at the two figure. Yuna was so engrossed, she finds the relationship between Chaeryeong and Sakura adorable. “Sakura unnie’s totally going to marry Chaeyeon unnie.”



They started laughing again at what the youngest of them said. It’s true, they’re really cute. Wonyoung thinks it’s cool that the cold Miyawaki Sakura crumbles when she’s around Lee Chaeyeon and of course Chaeryeong too.


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Chapter 6: Awww i miss jangchae now😭
RE READING. One of the few good stories on this site.
Chapter 1: the letter is sooo cute 😩 ! i love it already
szamumin #4
Chapter 6: The story was well-written author, re-reading this for the 3rd time now. Thank you for this wonderful fic, take care! (:
snsdsoshigg #5
Chapter 6: re-read. this is still so cute 🥺
snsdsoshigg #6
Chapter 6: this is my first time reading a jangchae au, i was just trying to find some jinjoo aus. this is so cute, no regrets reading it!
ironmans_boo #7
This is very cute🥺🥺😭💖 wish to see more jangchae fics from you since theres little to no jangchae authors out there💖 thank you for this masterpiece!💖
Chapter 6: This is really good I love this. Glad I discovered this!
279 streak #10
(╥﹏╥) Aside from that it's JANGCHAE, the story was written well! more jangchae stories juseyo and thank you for this story as well ^ω^