The Spanish Inquisition

Love Anew
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A/N: Hi, guys! Here's the next chapter! :)

Yesung heaved out a heavy sigh as soon as the door closed behind Kyuhyun and Hyuna. Then, trying to get over the longing pangs that he felt, he gave himself a little shake to clear his mind and emotions and turned around to get back to work…

…only to be faced with two smirking employees.

“What?” Yesung asked, unnerved Zhoumi’s and Henry’s smirks.

Their smirks just widened. And Zhoumi even added some waggling eyebrows now. “So, that was the ex, huh? Is he really just an ‘ex’, hyung?”

Yesung frowned at him. “Just what exactly are you trying to say, Mi? Of course, he’s just an ex.”

“You two don’t seem to be quite through, though. There’s still something there between you two.” Zhoumi’s eyebrows still hadn’t stopped waggling.

“What?! Of course we’re already through!” Yesung exclaimed. “Where did you even get such an idea?”

“Well, you two just couldn’t seem to keep your eyes off each other,” Henry pointed out.

“Nonsense. We could barely look at each other anymore.” The awkwardness between them had been too much, and they hadn’t even been able to properly look at each other.

“Yeah, you two kept looking around everywhere else, but in the end, your eyes always got drawn back to each other.”

“That’s not true!” Yesung insisted.

…Was it? Was Henry right? 

“Oh, how exciting! Second chance for love and all that romantic stuff now!” Zhoumi sang.

“There will be no second chance,” Yesung said flatly.

“But hyung—”

“I broke up with Kyuhyun when he got so drunk and ended up cheating on me,” Yesung bluntly stated what had happened in their past, wiping away the smirks from his employees’ faces. “Worse, he got the woman pregnant. Hyuna’s his kid from that night. He has his own happy family life now… There can be no second chance,” he reiterated strongly at the end.

The three of them stood in silence for a while.

While Yesung tried to talk in a toneless manner, Zhoumi and Henry clearly heard the pain and bitterness in his voice.

“That’s awful, hyung,” Henry said quietly eventually, looking at his boss sympathetically. He opened his mouth, hesitated for a bit, and then continued, “But you know… your love story doesn’t necessarily have to end as a romantic tragedy. You can still turn it around. Don’t you want a happy ending?”

Well, of course Yesung wanted a happy ending. Who didn’t? But there’s no way that could happen now. He had to be realistic and face the facts. From the moment that Kyuhyun had cheated, their relationship was doomed to be a tragedy.

“It is not happening. There’s no ‘happily ever after’ for me with Kyuhyun now.”

“Don’t be like that, hyung,” Zhoumi tried to encourage him. “Kyuhyun still clearly feels something for you. You could still get Kyuhyun back and—”

“Don’t even think about it,” Yesung already cut off Zhoumi. His employee shouldn’t be considering such an idea. Yesung himself shouldn’t consider such an idea. Zhoumi had to stop talking before Yesung started to hope again that there’s still a chance for him and Kyuhyun. “Kyuhyun may have cheated on me with that woman, but that doesn’t mean that I’m now going to consent to him cheating on his wife and ruining their marriage. I’m not a homewrecker.”

“There is no wife,” Zhoumi butted in before his boss could cut him off again.

Yesung’s eyes were on his employee in a flash.

“What do you mean?” he asked quickly.

Then, he cursed himself in his mind. He sounded too eager and too interested for his own liking! And he wasn’t! He wasn’t interested! At all! (Well… okay, fine, maybe he was a teensy, weensy bit interested about that tidbit… but that didn’t mean anything!)

“Kyuhyun doesn’t have a wife, hyung,” Zhoumi said slower this time.

Yesung was confused. “Yes, he does! After their baby—Hyuna—was born, he married that woman.”

Yesung would know for sure. He had locked himself in his room, ignoring the frantic knocks and phone calls from his friends, for days after their wedding.

Though Yesung had tried to cut off all contact with Kyuhyun right after leaving their apartment, he had still heard from the gossip mill about how Kyuhyun had gotten the woman pregnant. Yesung had been devastated when he had heard that. One of his biggest regrets in his relationship with Kyuhyun had been that he couldn’t give Kyuhyun a child, and it had killed him to know that Kyuhyun was going to have a baby with another person. Worse, the baby was from the night that Kyuhyun had cheated on him. However, Yesung’s devastation about the pregnancy news had still been nothing in comparison to the complete mental and emotional breakdown that he had when he had learned that Kyuhyun had even married that woman. His heart had been shredded to pieces at the knowledge that Kyuhyun was going to have his own happy family life—a happy family life that didn’t include Yesung.

So, yes, Yesung was certain that Kyuhyun had gotten married and had a wife now. Which clearly indicated that Kyuhyun was now off-limits to Yesung. 

Yesung and Kyuhyun could never be together again in that way. And Yesung’s heart broke once again now at this thought.

“Well, we don’t know what happened since then, but he doesn’t have a wife now,” Henry shrugged. “From what Hyuna had told us a while ago, it’s just her and her dad. There’s no wife or mother in the picture now, hyung.”

…Wait, what?

Yesung’s heart was hammering at Henry’s words (and he didn’t even know why his heart was making such a fuss about this news).

Kyuhyun wasn’t with that woman anymore?

Zhoumi waggled his eyebrows again. “So, the coast is clear now for you to go back into the picture, hyung!”

Yesung gave them a half-hearted glare. Zhoumi just wasn’t going to quit about this, was he? “I’m not going back into the picture, okay?”

Wife or no wife, Yesung couldn’t possibly start something again with Kyuhyun.

…Could he?

Wait, why was he even asking that?! Of course, he couldn’t! He just couldn’t!

“When you and Kyuhyun get back together again, I’m totally going to say ‘I told you so’, hyung,” Zhoumi giggled. The Chinese employee seemed so certain about the second chance for Yesung and Kyuhyun’s relationship. Yesung opened his mouth to protest some more, but Zhoumi already continued on with a smirk, “And make sure that you invite me and Henry to your wedding, okay?”

Yesung started spluttering and choking on his saliva. This conversation was getting more and more detached from reality with each passing second.

“Wedding?! Kyuhyun and I are over! We’re not getting married!” 

Such an idea was totally insane! Henry and especially Zhoumi were totally insane! Why did Yesung even hire insane people to work in his café? 

The day seemed to be full of craziness for Yesung. First, he had to deal with the craziness of seeing Kyuhyun and Hyuna again. The chance of seeing them again had been so miniscule, yet it happened—how crazy was that? Then, Yesung had to deal with the craziness of his two employees who seemed so sure that he and Kyuhyun would get back together again.

However, as if these instances of insanity weren’t enough, the day still had one more instance of craziness in store for Yesung to deal with. And without a doubt, it was, by far, the most insane instance of the day.

When Yesung got back to his apartment that evening, Ryeowook, as Yesung had feared expected, was already waiting by his front door.

The younger man was tapping his foot on the ground, and he had an impatient expression on his face.

“You kept me waiting for a long time, hyung!” Ryeowook accused when Yesung walked up to him.

Yesung raised his eyebrows. It was only seven in the evening, and this was the usual time that he got back home. It wasn’t like he was terribly late or anything. “You know that this is the usual time that I finish at the café.”

“Well, yes, but still! Do you have any idea how much my curiosity has been burning all day long?” Ryeowook had been restless since Yesung’s phone call to him earlier that day. Since he had gotten the shock of a lifetime upon hearing that Yesung had Kyuhyun’s daughter with him.

“Curiosity killed the cat, Wookie.”

“I might kill you if you don’t satisfy my curiosity soon, hyung!” Ryeowook glared. He’d seriously had more than enough with all this evasion! He was getting to the bottom of what was going on with Yesung and Kyuhyun now if it was the last thing that he did!

Yesung just rolled his eyes at his dongsaeng’s threat and unlocked his front door.

Without even waiting for an invitation, Ryeowook zoomed right into Yesung’s apartment. He went inside even before Yesung—you know, the one who actually owned and lived in that apartment. Yesung could only sigh at his dongsaeng.

As Yesung took off his boots and hung up his coat on its hook, Ryeowook disappeared into his living room. By the time that Yesung had followed him, Ryeowook was already sitting on his couch, the younger man’s back stiff and straight and his hands clasped tightly together on his lap. A very serious and determined expression was on Ryeowook’s face.

Yesung sighed again in resignation. There was no escaping Ryeowook now. He sat down as well.

And Yesung’s subjection to his own personal version of the Spanish Inquisition began.

Ryeowook started questioning him and pestering for every small detail, and Yesung couldn’t help but feel that he would have rather experienced the thumbscrews from the actual Spanish Inquisition instead. Thumbscrews might have been less torturous than Ryeowook’s interrogation.

“What’s going on, Yesung hyung? Why was Hyuna at your café earlier? How do you know Hyuna? Have you and Kyuhyun been talking to each other again? Since when? How did that even happen? I thought that you said that you wanted nothing to do with him anymore? Are you guys, like, friends again or something? Or is there something more there again? Do you want something more with Kyuhyun again? And why am I the last person to know about this?! You guys need to keep me informed about something like this! Were you and Kyu deliberately keeping this a secret from me? Why—?”

“Ryeowook, slow down!” Yesung i

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Samoan #1
Chapter 8: Seems like all the stories with the best plots and good writing are the abandoned ones
401 streak #2
Chapter 8: I'm #cough

Here #cough

Again #cough

401 streak #3
Chapter 8: Let me be your daily (monthly, yearly?) reminder that we're still here, waiting ヘ⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ω⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠)
401 streak #4
Chapter 8: So, it's only 2 months after my last comment? Why do I feel like it's 2 years already? ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

Eniwei, I read your story (agaaaaaiin~) I need the update hikz... Well, just gonna sit here and wait (again) you're so cruel for letting me here with a huge of hole in my heart (╥﹏╥)
401 streak #5
Chapter 8: Don't mind me, I'm just gonna be here waiting for your update #crying silently
zah1102 #6
Chapter 8: Still waiting for you to update this beautiful story authornim 💙
Lunayaa #7
Chapter 8: OMG you should continue this!!!!!!
401 streak #8
Chapter 8: still waiting for this masterpiece <3
Liza_Blessedx2 #9
Chapter 8: Love this sooooooo much ....please please please please update!!! my kyusung heart needs it .
kim_jia12 #10
Chapter 8: Author-nim~ I'm waiting for you to continue this story~.. I'm rooting for you and this one.. We miss youuuuuu!! 🤗🤗🤗