
Love Anew
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A/N: Wow, a lot of interest and subscribers for this story from just the first chapter o.o Thank you so much for your interest and support! <3 I’ll also do my best with this story.

Here’s the second chapter! Enjoy! :)

In a food plaza in the heart of the city, one man was having a panic attack.

It was a bright, sunny day. Since it was an outdoor kind of food plaza, sunshine and open air filled the place. There were lots of food stalls, and in the seating area, there were plastic chairs and tables where people can sit and enjoy their meals. The people there all seemed to be having fun, eating delicious food and chatting with each other.

All except Cho Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun had been spending a rare day off from work with his four-year-old daughter, Hyuna. They had spent most of the day walking around the city and visiting various shops. Then, Hyuna had gotten hungry, so Kyuhyun had brought her to a food plaza. After finding a table for them and telling Hyuna to sit there and wait for him, Kyuhyun had gone to buy food for them. It had taken him a while since there were many people and the lines were long. 

Then, with a tray overflowing with food, he had returned to their table… only to find that his daughter was no longer there.

For a second, Kyuhyun had thought that he went to the wrong table. But then, he had seen their bags on one of the chairs there, so that meant that he was at the right table. The bags were still there…. but his daughter was gone.

Kyuhyun’s blood turned cold.

He set the food tray down on the table. His head turned left and right, trying to spot his daughter, but his daughter was nowhere nearby. His worry started to increase.

Kyuhyun started walking around the food plaza, searching for his daughter, calling out for her. “Hyuna! Hyuna!”

He went around the food plaza. Twice. But there was still no sign of Hyuna. Kyuhyun was on the verge of having a heart attack.

Panicked and not really able to think quite clearly, he called the one person left to him on whom he could (somewhat) rely on: his older sister.

“What?” Ahra snapped irritably when the call connected. “I’m at work, Kyu. You know that I don’t like it when you call me at work, so—”

“Hyuna’s missing!”

“What?! What do you mean she’s missing?!”

“Precisely that! I can’t find her anywhere!”

“Where are you?”

“At a food plaza. I left Hyuna at a table, and then—”

“You just left her on her own?! Kyuhyun!”

“I went to buy us some food! Look, noona—this isn’t the time for you to at me! You can do that later! Help me out first!”

Kyuhyun’s nerves were already being pushed to a breaking point with his worry over his missing daughter. He became more irritated when his sister started scolding him for leaving his daughter alone. Okay, so it hadn’t been the brightest idea to leave Hyuna alone at the table. But what else was he supposed to do? He was a single father now. It was just him and Hyuna—there was no one else for him to leave his daughter with.

Ahra groaned. “, , ! Ugh! I can’t leave work right now! My devil boss will kill me… Uhm, let’s see, you keep looking around there. Contact security, and ask around if anyone’s seen her. I’ll meet up with you as soon as I’m off work. If she’s still missing then, I’ll help you look, okay?”

However, Ahra’s shift at work wouldn’t be done for hours. Both brother and sister hoped that the little girl would be found long before then.

Kyuhyun ended the call and followed his sister’s advice. He found some security guards in the area, who said that they’ll inform the management and look around the plaza for the child. Kyuhyun had also asked some people, but so far, none of them had seen a child who matched Hyuna’s description.

Soon, word had gotten around the plaza that there was a missing child, and a curious crowd was gathered around the frantic father as

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Samoan #1
Chapter 8: Seems like all the stories with the best plots and good writing are the abandoned ones
401 streak #2
Chapter 8: I'm #cough

Here #cough

Again #cough

401 streak #3
Chapter 8: Let me be your daily (monthly, yearly?) reminder that we're still here, waiting ヘ⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ω⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠)
401 streak #4
Chapter 8: So, it's only 2 months after my last comment? Why do I feel like it's 2 years already? ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

Eniwei, I read your story (agaaaaaiin~) I need the update hikz... Well, just gonna sit here and wait (again) you're so cruel for letting me here with a huge of hole in my heart (╥﹏╥)
401 streak #5
Chapter 8: Don't mind me, I'm just gonna be here waiting for your update #crying silently
zah1102 #6
Chapter 8: Still waiting for you to update this beautiful story authornim 💙
Lunayaa #7
Chapter 8: OMG you should continue this!!!!!!
401 streak #8
Chapter 8: still waiting for this masterpiece <3
Liza_Blessedx2 #9
Chapter 8: Love this sooooooo much ....please please please please update!!! my kyusung heart needs it .
kim_jia12 #10
Chapter 8: Author-nim~ I'm waiting for you to continue this story~.. I'm rooting for you and this one.. We miss youuuuuu!! 🤗🤗🤗