
Parental Guidance

Seungwan regrets her decision as soon as she seated in the boarding room. Seulgi offered to fly together to Japan at first but Seungwan refused reasoning that Seulgi will only waste her time and money by flying from Osaka to Seoul and going back to Japan to Sapporo for their first family trip abroad.

It's not that hard since Sori is sleeping ever since she arrived at the airport but dragging two suitcases, one sling bag and another bag full of Sori's needs plus a baby with only two hands is so hard. She can breathe a little after checking in  and waits for her flight. She takes her phone out and calls Seulgi only to gets no answer. Seungwan gets a video call from Seulgi after a couple of minutes then answer it with a pout.

"Hey, what's wrong. I thought you're happy we finally have a vacation?" Seulgi asks with a hint of worry after seeing her wife's pout and frown.

"I'm happy with vacation but not with walking alone with full baggage in the middle of airport" Seulgi only chuckles after hearing her protest. Seungwan watches her wife and her surroundings. Her wife sits beside the window with fast moving views beside her. "Are you still on the train right now?"

"Yeah, it's just around an hour until i arrive in Sapporo. I'll wait for you two in the airport" Seungwan wants to answer but Seulgi hears her flight calls and she tells her to get ready. "Go ahead, don't worry too much I'll see you later baby. I love you"

Thankfully the flight goes smooth, Sori wakes up not long after they take off. She adjust in her seat without much fussing in Seungwan's hold. Despite Seungwan's worry, Sori did really well in her first flight. Seungwan needs to thank the flight attendant for checking her and her daughter from time to time. Occasionally tell her to call them if she wants to eat or go to the toilet  and promise her to take care of Sori if she did.

Two hours goes by and she's glad Sori didn't cause much scenes other than making the flight attendants squealing over her. Seungwan goes to claims her baggages with Sori in front of her safely tucked in her carriage. Another game of waiting and she finally can see her wife waving her arm right when she's out of the arrival gate. Seulgi greets them and brings all the baggages including her own with the cart and they walk together to find taxi to reach their hotel.

Seungwan lost in her sleep when her head touch the pillow in their hotel room. Seulgi smiles softly and put Sori down next to her unconscious wife knowing her wife probably didn't get much sleep since last night preparing their belongings and other things for today's flight. She pulls the comforter up to Seungwan's chest then gone to find Sori's milk and proceed to feed her daughter before getting her daughter and herself to sleep. They huddle together in the king sized bed with Sori in the middle. Their first day in Sapporo basically just sleeping and exploring their suite room.

Enjoying the breeze as they walk through the path at Historical Village of Hokkaido. They enjoy sightseeing the town area where various official buildings and shophouses are lined up. Seulgi doesn't want to admit it but she enjoys it a little more since the place was featured in one of the anime she watched recently, 'Golden Kamuy'.

She excitedly explains everything to Seungwan from the old Sanmasu Kawamoto soba shop to the old Uragawa government office building with western-styled architecture. Seungwan especially awestruck by the peach colored building used as government office before. Seulgi grins seeing her wife wide eyed examining the building. Seulgi takes a few steps back and start taking photos of Seungwan with the building as a background. The view is pretty, Seungwan is pretty.

The outfit Seungwan chose for the day somehow match with everything around her, plain white flowy dress and cream colored sun hat. Who would think this woman already in her thirties and married with one child. All of her thoughts seems transferred into her photos because Seungwan is so gorgeous.

"Beautiful" Seulgi says to herself.

Seungwan hear it and turns around to see her wife beside Sori's stroller.

"I think you forget you have a daughter"


Seulgi look inside the stroller to see Sori munching her shoe and her favourite pororo blanket almost dropped to the ground. Sori seems bored to stay seated in her stroller. Just like other 8 months old baby she is curious and can't stay still, she wants to crawl out of her stroller be free. She tries to chomp her shoe probably to entertain herself.

Seulgi grimace and takes the shoe away. "Hey, this is not food." She scolds her daughter and Sori mumbles something with her drooled mouth. "What did you say?"


"Say it again, baby"

"Ma" this time Sori says it louder and her hands reach forward to her mom who still shock with her development.

Seulgi picks Sori up into her arms, too happy to be the first one to hear her daughter's first word and kisses her cheeks multiple times.

Seungwan who is aware of the commotion goes to them gets curious and asks the same thing to Sori and when Sori says it for the third time that day Seungwan almost wants to cry. Her daughter has grown so much. It feels like yesterday they went home together when Sori still couldn't even open her eyes.

"Love, i love you so much but people are looking at us. Please don't cry"

"How can i not, Seul" Seungwan says, her voice cracks in the middle to hold back her sobs.

Sori always like it everytime both of her parents are around her. She squeals and squirms in Seulgi's hold, her mood is at it's peak and she reaches Seungwan's face to hold her mom's cheeks as if telling her to not cry and smile. Big smile that looks exactly like Seulgi's blossoms on her small face and Seungwan copy it.

"Let's find some place to eat and play, shall we?" Seulgi suggest after watching the wholesome view in front of her.

Seulgi thinks this the happiest day in her life, well one of the happiest day in her life. The day is now listed along with the day she was married to Seungwan and when Sori was born.




Hi, like usual i didn't check this and just post it right after i write it lmao if you found any typo or weird sentences blame my one braincell. Suggestions are appreciated, if you have anything just let me know.

P.S: I think we all knew what happened last week with Irene and it makes me sad but she apologized for it and hopefully she learns. I just want to say that I'm so proud of her for being brave to admit her wrongdoing. Some of you might be upset, it's okay if you want to step back but i just hope you remember every good things she has done to everyone. Everyone make mistake, that's how you grow and learn

P.P.S : i made new account for wenseul socmed au on twitter and that is @seuldywrites

Good night💗💛💙💚💜


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Shameless promotion i made a new twitter for wenseul purpose @seuldywrites 🥺👉👈


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