Expect the Unexpected

Parental Guidance

The room filled with steps from a bunch of people who currently use it. From the steps that match every beat of the song playing to small pitter patter from a toddler and a puppy.

Baby Sori chasing after a long legs maltese whose owner thinks she looks like a model dog. Dressed in her tiger onesie, Sori screams in joy around the huge practice room. Occasionally watch herself in the mirror on one of the wall to catch her breath and runs again.

Seulgi on the side letting her daughter doing her antics with Sooyoung's dog, Haetnim, while she watches Sooyoung doing a rehearsal. Her focus gaze got interrupted when the song finished and Sori's squeal filled the room.

Sori and Haetnim rolling on the floor, the puppy her face when the baby hugs her. Sooyoung who noticed it just laugh and take Haetnim away from Sori to let Sori breath and put on her lap. Seulgi collects her daughter who still giggling and wipe her face from sweat and drools.

"Woah, look at you sweating more than the dancer unnies and aunt Sooyoung." Seulgi opens her onesie and about to change it but Sori almost run again because Haetnim approaching them. "Nuh uh you stinky baby, let's change with clean clothes first."

"Unnie, did you just say your daughter smells?" teased Sooyoung as she rest while giving her own daughter a treat.

"Your daughter stinks too."

"Hey! That's rude, where's your manner!" As if confirming Seulgi's tease, Haetnim climbs on her and her face. "Yeah you stink, don't try to escape from your bath later" grimaced Sooyoung.

Seulgi laughs with newly changed Sori in her arms. After practice (play time for Sori), the baby in her embrace starts to get drowsy. Using her small hands to rub her eyes and snuggling more to her mom's shoulder. Seulgi knows it's a sign before she gets fussy for being sleepy so she takes out her milk bottle and positioned her better in her arms.

Other staff and dancers get ready to go out while Seulgi still feeding her daughter in the sofa of the room. Everyone excuse themselves with 'Director Kang, we'll head home first' and she nods and tells them to be careful. Everyone except Sooyoung, she insists to help bring her bags to the car.

"Thank you, Sooyoung-ah" Seulgi says after safely tucking Sori who already asleep on the baby chair. "Do you want to join for dinner?"

"It's okay, unnie. I don't want to interrupt your family dinner." A pause "Besides, I don't want to suffer alone watching you being lovey dovey with Seungwan unnie" Sooyoung fake eye-rolling and earns a giggle from Seulgi.

"You won't be alone, Yerim will be there too." A teasing smirk formed on her face and Sooyoung rolls her eyes once again then sighs. "Why?" Seulgi can sense her friend kind of stiff when she mentioned her in law name.

"No, unnie it's just that it might be awkward since it's been awhile i met her." Seulgi eyed her suspiciously and raised her eyebrow as if challenging her to elaborate.

Sooyoung eventually agreed to join the dinner by Seulgi bribing her with Seungwan's cooking and Yerim (again). Both women arrived at Kang's with their baby in hand. Sooyoung insisted on buying some beverages and fruits before, knowing how much Seungwan would love it.

Sooyoung won't tell anybody but ever since her impromptu meeting with Yerim in the café she has grown a liking towards the younger girl. The reason? She didn't know, all she knows was the girl always made her feels like a real person instead of a celebrity. That feeling is different from when she's with others, her people always appreciate her as a person but somehow Yerim made it special.

Somehow Seulgi noticed and talk to her about it but Sooyoung always say it's just like she met her best friend. Of course Sooyoung isn't dense, but she knew her place and respect Yerim because some time ago they talked about it.

That was also why they were awkward and couldn't look at each other since Sooyoung and Seulgi arrival. Seungwan glanced to both of them and noticed strange vibes from them. She turned to her wife and just like telepathy Seulgi knew what it means and shrugged. She wanted to addressed the matter but it would be rude to Joohyun who knows nothing.

Joohyun who also joined their dinner and meeting Sooyoung for the first time were having conversation in the living room while waiting for Seungwan to finish. Seulgi use this opportunity to interrogate Yerim in the kitchen. Yerim who was cleaning up the dining table suddenly got her neck hooked with Seulgi's arm startled and jabbed the older's on the ribs.

"What's with you and Sooyoung?"

"I don't know what you're talking about unnie" Not minding her in law's question, Yerim continue wiping the table.

Just like soulmate, Seungwan came with a bowl full of soup and join them. "We have eyes Kim Yerim, we know something is up with you and her."

Yerim clicked her tongue, there is no way she could escape the couple so she chose to tell them. As cliché as it is, they do like each other and know it but the concern from both sides were too evident. Yerim afraid it might affect Sooyoung's career while Sooyoung doesn't care but think it would be troublesome for Yerim if he media caught them. There was too much what ifs that they decided to give time to each other.

"Unnies it's not as easy as you said"

"You can date without public knowing" Seulgi convinced Yerim. "Besides Sooyoung is loved by the public, if anything happen they will support her."

"It's not that easy unnie, have you ever date an idol?"

"She did." Seungwan interrupt with a smirk. Seulgi groans, mumbling 'not again' then moved to embrace Seungwan. "Sunmi was nice, wasn't it love?"

"Lee sunmi?!" A shocked plastered on Yerim's face, this was the first time she heard about it.

"Dinner's ready!" Her wife laughs heartily with her  shocked sister in kitchen.

The dinner filled with chatter, adding Sooyoung who joined the dinner for the first time with all five of them. Well, seven with Haetnim and Sori. Yerim and Sooyoung somehow managed to get comfortable and set aside the awkwardness between them. Even though Joohyun met Sooyoung for the first time but she could sense something between Sooyoung and Yerim.

"You guys look good together." One comment and it produced two choked people with blushing faces.

Seulgi just giggled watching all of them. "Oh, they do unnie."

While all of them busy teasing the younger two adults, Seungwan struggling alone with Sori who refused to eat anything and insisted to get down from her high chair. Seungwan always being the soft parent didn't have the heart to be strict and not getting anything to eat for Sori or herself. That role always for Seulgi, she may look soft to others and she is but she also straightforward and strict if she want. Especially when it comes to discipline.

Seulgi silently watch her daughter while still engaging with the conversation suddenly took the spoon from Seungwan and feed Sori who still refuse to eat. She even called her daughter's full name to show that she's serious but Sori still squirming on her seat.

"Do you want to get down?" Instead of an answer Sori began to whine. Seulgi unbuckles the seat and bring Sori to the corner in the kitchen. Seungwan told her not be so hard on her because she knows she's fussy after playing too much.

Sooyoung usually saw strict Seulgi many times at work kinda shocked she has that persona at home on her family. "Is she gonna be okay?"

"Seulgi will be just have a talk with her, it happens all the times don't worry." Joohyun reassure concerned Sooyoung.

Yerim adds, "That little drooler is on the age to rebel, Seulgi unnie will take care of it."

Sori knows she's getting scolded when her mommy put her down on the corner and told her to raise her arms. She hold her sob and pouted while looking at her stern mother, she knows crying won't get her out of the situation.

"Do you love mommy and mama or not?"

"Yesh mommy"

"Why do you refuse to eat?"

"I wanna play wif Haetnim"

"You play enough for the whole day, and it's dinny time. What should we do on dinny time?"

"We eat."

"Who cook the food?"


"And what happen if you don't eat mama's food?"

"Mama sad.."

Sori voice getting small and smaller every time she replied. Her tears started to drop on the last reply. She never want to make her parents sad, her mothers always teach her to make everyone happy not sad. Her raised arms also getting numb and she sobs. Seulgi thinks Sori has learnt her lesson pulled her into her embrace and calmed her down.

"Should we go to mama?" A hum and sniff from Sori is her answer. Seulgi pulled away slightly to to wipe her tears and kiss her face multiple times to show her love.

Seulgi brought her back to the dining table and Sori immediately ask for Seungwan hug. "Sowwy mama" Seungwan melts and kissed her forehead.

"It's okay baby"

"Come on eat you little cheeky, before your scary mommy appears again." Yerim tried to lighten up Sori's mood and took her abandoned food and feed her while she's still on her Mama's lap and Joohyun pats her head.

The dinner ended well with Sori clung on Seungwan, Joohyun and Seulgi doing the dishes, and Yerim and Sooyoung in the living room. Sooyoung wanted to at least wash the dishes to show her gratitude but Seungwan and Seulgi keep saying she's a guest and it was rude to let the guest clean up.

"Let me take you to the car unnie" Yerim offered, using this chance to talk more. Joohyun about to but immediately cut off. "I meant Sooyoung unnie."

"Need a world war 3 for you to take me to my car you brat" Joohyun remarks and get a scoffed from Yerim.

With Sooyoung's bag on her shoulder and Sooyoung on her side holding Haetnim in her arms. It feels like deja vu with their roles switched. They fall into comfortable silence as they walk to Sooyoung's car until Sooyoung breaks it.

"I had fun today."

"I'm glad." A paused. Yerim was contemplating whether to address their issue or not "Unnie, about the other day.."

Sooyoung turned to Yerim, wasn't expecting her to bring that topic randomly but she wait attentively. Letting the younger one to continue. Yerim took a breath and gather her courage, Seulgi's word echoed in her mind.

If anything happen, they will support her

"We both afraid but i think I was more afraid than you."


"I think we can try..."

Sooyoung wasn't understand what she trying to say at first but when the words started to sink in her body goes rigid not believing her own mind deciphering the sentence.

"Wait really?!"

Yerim smiles and peck her cheek then left Sooyoung dumbfounded beside her car. She run off to the house and wave her hand not forgetting to yell at her to be careful on her way home.

Sooyoung got inside her car still not believing everything and then squeal in joy-no pun intended-making Haetnim in her hold slowly waking her up. She kissed her pet and grimaced, remembering the conversation with Seulgi in the afternoon.

"We need to groom you tomorrow" she says but her smile never leaving her face that night.






Wow i finally make joyri together and all five of them in the same scene😭

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