Epilogue - 2

An Innocent Criminal
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Chanyeol's success in his football career continued to soar to new heights, leaving a trail of remarkable achievements in his wake. His passion and dedication to the sport had paid off, and he had become a renowned figure in the football world.


As Jieun watched Chanyeol on the television screen, her heart swelled with pride. He had overcome countless obstacles and proved his worth on the field. The commentator's voice filled the room, narrating Chanyeol's remarkable journey.


"And there goes Chanyeol, the unstoppable force on the football pitch. With his lightning-fast speed and precise footwork, he has become a true icon in the sport. His determination and relentless pursuit of excellence have earned him numerous accolades and titles."


Jieun smiled, her eyes shining with admiration, as the camera panned to Chanyeol receiving an award for Best Player of the Year. His tall figure stood proudly, his face radiating a mix of humility and triumph. The room erupted in applause as his fellow teammates and fans acknowledged his exceptional talent.


Through years of hard work, Chanyeol had become an inspiration to aspiring footballers and fans alike. His skills and contributions to the game had made him a household name, recognized both nationally and internationally. Jieun couldn't help but marvel at how far he had come since their tumultuous past.


Beside her, Taeyeon nudged Jieun, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "I guess his career is really kicking off, huh?" he quipped, unable to resist a playful jab at Chanyeol's success. Jieun chuckled and playfully rolled her eyes, knowing that Taeyeon's teasing was rooted in a genuine admiration for accomplishments.


As the TV screen displayed Chanyeol's celebratory dance after scoring a crucial goal, Jieun felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the unwavering support she had given him throughout their journey together. From the early days of uncertainty to the turbulent times when their love was tested, she had stood by his side, providing strength and encouragement.


Their love story had intertwined with Chanyeol's rise in the football world, and Jieun couldn't have been prouder of the man he had become. She knew that his success was not just his alone but a testament to their shared resilience and unwavering belief in each other.


With each passing achievement, Chanyeol continued to break barriers and set new records. His determination and love for the game had propelled him to unimaginable heights. And as Jieun sat there, basking in the glow of his success, she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy and fulfilment, knowing that they had weathered the storm and come out stronger together.


Their love story was not just about overcoming obstacles and finding happiness—it was also about witnessing each other's growth and celebrating each other's achievements. Jieun knew that no matter where life took them, they would always be each other's biggest cheerleaders, supporting and encouraging one another every step of the way.


Jieun couldn't wait to congratulate him personally as she patiently waited for his arrival after Taeyeon left the place.


Chanyeol stepped through the front door, his body still buzzing with the exhilaration of victory. The crowd's cheers echoed in his ears as he relished the triumph on the field. He had played his heart out, and the victory w

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For those you have read this story in the beginning itself, I would like to enlighten you all with the knowledge that I have edited the story into a lot more longer chapters than before and made some parts funny. Also, I have added more romantic scenes because Jiyeol deserves it. Thank you <3


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Chapter 1: It's crazy how Chanyeol's life was normal (well, his normal considering he's a famous pro-athlete) and then like his whole world flipped so suddenly and out of nowhere. It gave me goosebumps.. :O
I like the concept of this! It looks interesting :)
736 streak #3
Chapter 32: Such an amazing story! I really enjoyed reading it! ^^
736 streak #4
Chapter 31: Love is like a miracle. It can heal a person. Lovely chapter!
736 streak #5
Chapter 30: This was a very good chapter! I am looking forward to reading the epilogue!
736 streak #6
Chapter 29: True life can be difficult at times, but one must fight! Great chapter!
736 streak #7
Chapter 28: Such a sweet chapter! I am happy that the two confessed their feelings. ^^ The ending was good as well. ^^
736 streak #8
Chapter 27: It's not always easy to lighten up the mood in all situations, but Baekhyun was surely successful in it! ^^

As for Chanyeol, he is a real gentleman, there is no doubt about it!
736 streak #9
Chapter 26: Knowing that your father or mother cheated is always hard *sighs* But I wonder what happens next!
736 streak #10
Chapter 25: Chanyeol and she are just adorable! ^^