Chapter - 28

An Innocent Criminal
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As Jieun gradually woke from her slumber, she couldn't shake off the question that lingered in her mind. "What did you say?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity. "I heard you say something. Tell me quickly."


Chanyeol knew he couldn't evade the question any longer. He looked down, nervously fiddling with his fingers. "I... I actually love you," he confessed, his voice laced with vulnerability. "I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't find the words. Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, his nerves palpable in the air.


Silence hung in the car, and Chanyeol's heart sank, fearing that perhaps Jieun didn't reciprocate his feelings. But before he could finish his sentence, Jieun leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you too," she whispered, a radiant smile gracing her face.


Chanyeol's eyes, filled with a mix of anticipation and vulnerability, met hers, and a gentle smile tugged at the corners of his lips. The warmth in his gaze melted away Jieun's apprehensions, and she felt a surge of affection wash over her, radiating from the depths of her being. Without uttering a word, their eyes communicated the unspoken emotions that swirled between them—a love that had blossomed, silently yet powerfully, binding them together. In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still, as if the universe itself held its breath, honouring the beauty of their love.


Chanyeol's eyes sparkled with a newfound sense of clarity and conviction. He took a deep breath, his voice trembling with a mix of emotions as he spoke the words she had longed to hear. "Jieun, I always felt something for you. That feeling is something I can’t explain to you. But I am thankful that I found my darkest times and you are my light. Thank you so much for always being beside me."


His confession hung in the air, a declaration of his unwavering devotion and commitment. Jieun's heart overflowed with a joy so profound that it could fill every inch of their shared universe. Tears welled in her eyes, glistening like stars reflecting the radiance of their love. With a voice filled with tenderness, she whispered, "Chanyeol, I’ll always stay beside you. And I’ll always love you. Yes, a thousand times, yes, I will be yours, now and for all eternity."


In that moment, the world seemed to shimmer with an enchanting luminescence, as if nature itself was celebrating their union. The wind whispered sweet melodies of love, carrying their promises to the farthest corners of the earth. The flowers bl

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For those you have read this story in the beginning itself, I would like to enlighten you all with the knowledge that I have edited the story into a lot more longer chapters than before and made some parts funny. Also, I have added more romantic scenes because Jiyeol deserves it. Thank you <3


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Chapter 1: It's crazy how Chanyeol's life was normal (well, his normal considering he's a famous pro-athlete) and then like his whole world flipped so suddenly and out of nowhere. It gave me goosebumps.. :O
I like the concept of this! It looks interesting :)
745 streak #3
Chapter 32: Such an amazing story! I really enjoyed reading it! ^^
745 streak #4
Chapter 31: Love is like a miracle. It can heal a person. Lovely chapter!
745 streak #5
Chapter 30: This was a very good chapter! I am looking forward to reading the epilogue!
745 streak #6
Chapter 29: True life can be difficult at times, but one must fight! Great chapter!
745 streak #7
Chapter 28: Such a sweet chapter! I am happy that the two confessed their feelings. ^^ The ending was good as well. ^^
745 streak #8
Chapter 27: It's not always easy to lighten up the mood in all situations, but Baekhyun was surely successful in it! ^^

As for Chanyeol, he is a real gentleman, there is no doubt about it!
745 streak #9
Chapter 26: Knowing that your father or mother cheated is always hard *sighs* But I wonder what happens next!
745 streak #10
Chapter 25: Chanyeol and she are just adorable! ^^