Scuffles and the Daengz

Nako's Home


Scuffles and the Daengz


“Nako was in a what!?”

One of the least expected things in Hyewon’s list is getting a call from her “daughter’s” teacher let alone the principal informing her that Nako is involved in…

“a fight!?” 

“That must be wrong!”

“You’re telling me she punched a boy? What? Nako?” 

“Our Nako!?”

Of course, she is bewildered and confused. There is always a first time for everything and by golly this is Hyewon’s first time getting that kind of call. 

It’s not that she has not gotten called to school before, she has and Chaeyeon has – that one time...  It’s not one where their angel is the culprit… but that one time – well she’s the victim and the besties hated that. It’s one of the few days they felt they’ve failed. 

Hyewon is not feeling nostalgic about that right now. It makes her angry – not the shouting kind of angry but the seething kind of angry. 

Right now? she has a shock of a lifetime. She thinks of reasons and found two. She knows in her heart Nako would not be one to start a fight.  

So that leaves her here, the first reason she found is that… someone, once again, hurt her baby just like that time – at which point the culprit better be prepared for either an Angry Mama Bear™ or the Demonic Angel™. 

The second one is that someone tried to hurt a person close to Nako herself. Which as she had already witnessed, Nako is capable of going gungho if those she loves gets hurt. In that case Hyewon won’t interrupt the incoming hail brought forth by an angry murderous Kitsune. 

Who is who is easy to understand, the bear is Chaeyeon, she is the demon and Sakura is the kitsune. 

She honestly hasn’t seen her girlfriend be that kind of angry to know what kind hellish monster she can be – but that also is because she hasn’t told her much about Nako, not on purpose but her clumsiness with words leaves her half a stuttering mess 95% of the time. She's not the kind that can talk about feelings clearly – especially one that involves the bundle of adorableness – Nako. 

“You look like a mess.” Hyewon was told by her co-owner and kinda her boss, Chaewon.  “I think that ends our discussion. So this group MythicSky – I have coordinated with their stylist. Do you have any questions with the concept? Or the storyboard?” 

“Uhm no.”

“You sure?”


“eh.. you look rather dark.”

“Can we just finish this? – I need to hurry up.” 

“To the washroom?” 

Hyewon rolled her eyes, “Please my daughter has an issue with school, you know that call earlier so I need to go, like right now at this moment.” 



“Oh the cute kid, Nako.” Chaewon smirk, “I thought you are just fostering her.”

“I don’t have time to explain, I need to go.” The hamster quickly cleared the papers on the table and shoved them to cat knows where. 

“I’m just joking, Hye. Geez. So who is going to receive hell fire from you?” 

Hyewon glared back at Chaewon who was scanning her with her cheetah-like eyes, except that cheetah is a cub, a harmless sassy cub. 

Hyewon shrugged her off and quickly bolted out of the door leaving a slightly confused Chaewon.  

Chaewon was not that confused though. To her, to see the switch between Hyewon, her stoic business partner to a panicking mother figure has always been hilarious. She’s not the one to judge, let’s be clear on that. In a way she’s similar. If someone ever hurt her precious niece Minjoo – she’ll run there as fast as a cheetah and rip them like a vicious jaguar out for blood. 




Chaeyeon patiently waited for her best friend in front of her office. The message she received from the later did make her nervous at the same time she questioned if Nako really did what they were told she did. 

Did Nako really punch someone? A boy? And why?  

Did someone harass her again at school? 

She’s somewhat amused at the idea that little Nako might have decked someone. Hold it right there, she’s not one to advocate violence. Her imaginations are just going into weird places and now she’s thinking that Hyewon’s weird is getting into her. 

Before it could go to any more weird places, that includes Nako wrestling a bear, Chaeyeon saw Hyewon’s car approach the curb. She waved at her with her free hand. She noticed immediately her friend's mood by the way she drove her car and especially the way she stopped it. 

Her prankster side found it amusing. Her wolfish grin greeted Hyewon as soon as she boarded the passenger seat of the car and put her coffee in the cup holder. 

Hyewon groaned and Chaeyeon can’t help but chuckle at her friend for some reason she can’t figure out.    

“Aren’t you angry?” Hyewon huffed as she started maneuvering her car. “This is Nako, You know she won’t start a fight, if she really punched someone it’s probably in self defense. You know there is history of this already, those kids. They can be cruel – you know that.” 

Chaeyeon can hear the frustration boiling over Hyewon’s word. She can understand that, she knows herself there is a history in Nako’s situation. A lot about Nako, her being a foreigner with unfit biological parents and being raised by two women- who are not even in a relationship, make her an easy target back when she started out schooling in Korea.  

On the other hand Chaeyeon can bet Nako wouldn’t hurt anyone on purpose despite how the image of Nako wrestling a lion-or is that a bear – keep playing on her mind. She will admit though remembering those painful first months of Nako schooling is starting to rile her up. 

In a way this is a child that has for the second time in her life trusted adults, her and Hyewon, to take care and protect her. It’s a reminder how reality did not align to their initial idea of raising a child and still to this day frustrates both of them. It’s the constant feeling of having failed that kid that entrusted herself under their care. 

History has an angry way of reeling its head. 

Like how right now Hyewon once again aggressively steps on the break causing her to almost launch off her seat if not for the seatbelt. 

“Calm down Hye.” She sighed, her friend is at a dangerous level in her anger meter. “Let’s switch, you are clearly too angry to drive.” 

Hyewon wants to protest but before she knows it Chaeyeon unbuckles her seat belt and is pulling her out of her seat.  Chaeyeon was expecting her to protest as she pulled her out of the driver seat, but instead she saw the rare time Hyewon bury her face to her palm – trying to understand her anger. Chaeyen concluded that Hyewon is due for a good slice of cake – to get her battery going. Because right now all this emotion is draining her best friend’s energy. 

The few minutes provided by the stoplight had allowed Hyewon to breath. Chaeyeon virtually high five herself- disaster averted. If there is one thing in the world Chaeyeon would hate to deal with right now, it is a level 5 angry Hyewon. 

“Are you calm now?” Chaeyeon ruffled Hyewon’s hair. 

Hyewon nodded, “How about you?”

“Are you asking if I’m angry? Ofcourse I am – this is Nako we are talking about afterall? ” Chaeyeon focused back on the road as the light changed to green. “It's not just the shouty kind of angry, I’m angry in my own way but also lowkey amused.” 

Hyewon pouted at her words causing her to chuckle once more. 

“You do know you once had a Demon Kang episode and I can’t help remembering how you sulk after it.” Chaeyeon sputtered – half of which she is bullting to tame her annoyed friend. 

“I can’t see why you are still amused. You’re lying.”  

Chaeyeon can’t escape her friend's sharp eyes.  

“You know Nako. She won’t hurt anyone, right? I mean at least without reason. But hearing that she allegedly punched a boy and I don’t know I keep imagining our little Nako wrestling a bear. This is all your fault – you’re weird has gotten into me.” 

“What the hell!? And here I thought you have some good reason – I’m expecting Mama Bear Chaeyeon to come hulking down and this is what I get today!?”  Hyewon crossed her arms. 

Chaeyeon laughed, “I’m sorry –  thinking about it , It is more likely that if Nako did it – it was to protect someone. Saku-chan was also called.” 

“I’m going to be honest with you Chae- I’m totally fine if Nako did it to protect herself. Maybe we should get her into martial arts.” 

This is the fundamental difference between the two of them. Hyewon can and will smack you if it’s needed. After all Hyewon is more of a pragmatist in her approach in life while Chaeyeon still has a tinge of her more idealistic younger self in her.  Now whichever approach will be better for raising Nako is something they yet to settle on. 




There is something infuriating on knowing that a person important to you is getting harassed, the kid who had trusted her. Yes, she’s talking about none-other than her brat of a younger sister. Yes, that adorable mochi filled inside with wasabi- younger sister. 

“You’re telling me for all this time they’ve been hurting my younger sister!?”

Getting called to the principal’s office this is the news she least expected to hear. She's been called before but it’s all because her sister let her sharp tongue lashed out. To be fair to the bread like girl she had it mostly under control for a year now and most of the calls Sakura receives are positive.

Not this time and this time she wants to slice someone with a katana. They’ve summoned upon this table a kitsune willing to hurl lighting unto them. 

For the usually quiet and elegant Sakura, the boom her voice delivered her words is uncharacteristic of her. “Your kid has been bothering my sister for all this time and you have the audacity to be angry!? At us!?” 

Who wouldn’t, when it’s her sister who is the victim here and this woman sitting across her has the audacity to be angry at the kids that protected her precious mochi. 

“Onee-chan.” Hitomi quietly called to her yet even that can’t calm the fire that has filled Sakura’s heart. 

“Miss Miyawaki let’s calm down for a moment. We won’t solve anything if we end up in a shouting match and there are children here.” 

The fire was dosed when the guardian of one of the kids that protected her sister spoke to her more logical side.  She sat beside that kid named Yujin, who she had seen a couple of times but never expected to be related to the gym teacher.

Funnily enough it’s not really much the way she spoke to her logical side but the way she speaks and her fashion choice that dosed the fire. Teacher Choi, or Teacher Yena as the kids call her is right now brushing her fingers to her chin much like a wise old sage but that yellow tracksuit and her slight pout made her look ridiculously close to that of a rubber ducky. 

 “Teacher Yena is correct we won’t solve anything if we let our hot head rule.” 

The principal had once again chimed in to calm the building tension between the adults in the room, when they heard a knock from the door. 

Finally Nako has a representation that will join her in the table, when her guardian arrives together. 

The two beautiful women bowed slightly to the principal and mouthed an apology to them. She can confidently say that both women are objectively beautiful. Hyewon looks like a model afterall and had turned heads of several people – on the other hand her girlfriend, Chaeyeon looks dashing and cool. 

Sakura mentally slaps herself to stop being whipped in this situation. 

“Let’s start again. A playground fight has been brought to our attention by Teacher Jieun – it’s serious enough to warrant all of you to be called here in my office. I wish for everyone’s cooperation and for us adults to act like adults.” Principal Bae Yeonjong looks around to the parents and guardians that are present.  “It’s brought to our attention that a fight has broken off between Yabuki Nako-ssi and Choi Yujin-sii and Shin Hyungwon-ssi and Park Minkyu-ssi.”

“I don’t care if they are girls they hurt my boy!” Mrs. Shin hollered as the boy Hyungwon looked down to his feet and was seemingly asking the floor to eat him. 

This infuriates Sakura again, this boy has been bothering her sister and now that someone put a stop on it, her mother has the audacity to act like he’s the victim. 

“Is it true? Could you all tell me what happened? ” Principal Bae looks at Yujin, the tall child beside teacher Yena, and Nako. 

“Yes it’s true.” Nako answered. 

Sakura is amazed at the kid’s firmness and willingness to admit what she did. Looking at who raised her for the past five years, it’s no wonder – she had adapted some of Hyewon’s pragmatism and Chaeyeon’s righteousness. Sakura wonders though why both of them look like they just had the shock of the lifetime – both looking at Nako with mouth agape. 

“They’ve been bothering Hii-chan for awhile now. Always asking her to come with them when she doesn’t want to, and he’s been throwing things to her and poking her cheeks.” Nako has now focused her eyes on the Shin boy who looks like he doesn’t want any of it. “Today he drags Hii out of the blue when she won’t come with them. I tried to push him away.” 

Sakura is thankful that Nako and Yujin are there to protect her sister. To her they did nothing wrong, they just defended Hitomi. 

“Still, you punched him!” Mrs Shin exclaimed.  

The guts of this woman to play victim. Sakura gritted her teeth and she was about to say something but Nako retorted back, “I did – because he won’t let go of Hii-chan! He’s hurting Hii! I just want him away from her!” 

Sakura grinned; Go tell her Nako-chan.   

“What a disrespectful child, this is what happens when kids don’t have parents to raise them properly.” Mrs. Shin scoffed.

That’s foul. Sakura is on the edge, Nako has been important to her as much as Hitomi is. Nako after all is Chaeyeon’s precious baby. She was ready to stand and give the woman the strongest slap she can when Chaeyeon slammed the table with her fist. 

“Ma’am I would’ve loved it if you would lay off any talks about Nako-chan’s parents.” 

“And who are you?”

Sakura watches her girlfriend's eyes, there’s anger boiling just below the surface. It’s rare – and she hasn’t seen her girlfriend be angry in this way.

“I am, Ms. Chaeyeon Lee. The social worker assigned to Nako while we make living arrangements for her. Together with Ms. Kang we are raising Nako as her foster parents.” Chaeyeon glanced slightly to Hyewon before continuing, “Speaking in my official capacity, as it is a sensitive topic, I request that you don’t bring it up again.” 

“Well it’s true.” Mrs. Shin snickered, “By the looks of it you’re not doing a good job. She shouldn’t be here if she’s--” 

Sakura saw Chaeyeon’s hand is about to fly but thankfully Hyewon held her immediately before she could even make an action she will regret. Sakura is surprised that it was Hyewon who is calmer in this situation. She was told by Chaeyeon that Hyewon is on the verge of summoning Demon Kang earlier.

Principal Bae Yeonjoong once again diffuses the situation, this time urging Teacher Choi to chime in.  Teacher Choi cutely elbowed the girl beside her urging her to give her side. 

“Yujinie…” Teacher Choi whispered, “How did you get involved in this?”   

“They pushed Nako-unnie, I just protected Nako-unnie.” Yujin pointed to the other kids. 

“Is that why you wrestled them?” Teacher Choi asks the kid in a voice that is in between a commanding teacher and caring guardian, and if Sakura blinks it sounds rather motherly.

Now that she has time to look into it, Sakura found Teacher Choi’s interaction with the girl to be more like mother and child than aunt and niece. She can say if it’s different from how she remembers the gym teacher interaction with Yuri, who she knows is the teacher’s niece. 

“He was about to step on her.” Yujin pointed to the Park boy. “I just – step in, you said to not be… bystanders.” 

“See, it’s clear these boys started it.” Sakura scoffs, “Why are they harassing my sister? Our girls stood their ground. ” 

This again resulted in another round of shouting. 

“They still shouldn’t have attacked my boy!” 

“Then they shouldn't have touched and harassed Hitomi.” Sakura stood up and is now face to face with Mrs. Shin and Mrs. Park.

“Your kids are the one who hurt our boys. Look!!” Mrs. Park pointed to his son.

“I’m sorry about that Mrs. Park.” Teacher Choi calmly replied. “I taught my child to defend those who can’t.” She smiled faintly. “I can’t fault her logic but you’ll be assured I’ll give her a talking about her actions.” 

Mrs. Park scoff, “What do I expect from someone who doesn’t even know the father of her child!?” 

Sakura, Hyewon and Chaeyeon are taken aback a bit. It took them a few seconds before the words registered to their head. Yujin is indeed Teacher Yena’s daughter. 

This moment of realization was taken advantage once again by the opposing woman, “How do you teach responsibility when you can’t even be responsible!?” 

Sakura looked at Hyewon and Chaeyeon and they all wanted to smack some sense to Mrs. Park for what she said. 

Principal Bae once again called their attention despite Mrs. Park's protest, she was warned that security will her out if she can’t calm down. The conversation continued. To his credit –the original culprit, Shin Hyungwon admitted to his crime and is apologetic in contrast to Park Minkyu who after listening to all the stories joined the commotion for the hell of it, making it bigger than it should be. He unapologetically wants to kick Nako for getting in the way much to the bestfriend’s disgust and Yujin, the righteous child she is, was there to protect her precious unnie. 

 “I – I just want Honda to play with us. She never plays with us. I-I just want to … I just want her to notice me but she’s always with Yabuki and ChoiYul” He looked to Hitomi with his watery eyes, “I-Im sorry. I don’t know what to do so you’ll see me. I’m really sorry.” He stood out and bowed. 

It’s Hitomi’s turn to speak and she took a deep breath, “Please stop pulling my hair and poking my cheeks and don’t hurt Nako-chan, Yul-chan, and Yuu-chan because I don’t want to play with you. The more you do it the more I will avoid  you.”

The boy nodded and smiled and Sakura swore she could see a blush on the said boy's face. Sakura noted there are a lot of things she needed to sit down and discuss with her sister. One to teach her how not to hide things like this from her and also about…uh... crushes. They are at that age now, even if she wants to deny that. 




Yena excused herself and her daughter out of the conversation. It got resolved, well except Mrs. Park’s issue with her daughter. Yena is not someone who can sit in one place for a long time so sitting there doing almost nothing is taking a toll on her sanity - it’s the same for her daughter.   

Speaking of the said daughter, one look at her and Yena can say she needs a change of shirt. Deciding to wrestle someone in a fight might not be the right thing to do but she can’t fault her daughter’s reasoning. She’ll do and have done the same.  

As scrappy as Yujin is, it is still a surprise to get called to the principal’s office.  Yujin did inherit her happy-go-lucky disposition; her high energy personality is always compared to that of a dog – a golden retriever to be exact. To her daughter’s credit the young overgrown 9 year old is far more mature and put together than she is at that age. 

She sighed as she walked out of the door, followed by her puppy-like daughter with her imaginary ears flop down. She knew that Mrs. Park is not satisfied with how the conversation went despite everyone including his own child admitting to what happened. 

Yena scratches the back of her neck as she anticipates what will happen. She is sure she will get cornered by the angry parent. She yawned, there are lots of things she still needs to learn and dealing with a belligerent parent of a known problem child is one of them. 

As she approached the corner she quickly shooed Yujin away and told her to find Yuri as the said niece of hers might’ve decided to sleep under a tree. 

“Excuse me!”  

Yena already expected the harsh approach; she knows that as soon as she turns around she will meet the angry and accusing eyes of that parent. 

“Where do you think you are going!?” The angry monstrosity shouted in Yujin's direction. The child jolted but Yena looked at her and signaled her to quickly go away. 

Of course Yujin had something else in mind – she hid in a corner instead. Yena sighed. She should've known that. Yujin afteall is her child and the brat has inherited a lot of her personality –  subtract a bit of comedic timing and add a pair of charming dimples. 

That’s something she is learning to understand – there are times looking at Yujin – makes her see part of herself but also that the kid definitely has a mind of her own. She couldn’t do anything about what Yujin is doing right now because, well the fuming monstrosity of a woman – is still standing and roaring in front of her and she wants nothing but to get away from there, fast.   

“Ma’am if you want to talk about this again, we can go back or schedule another meeting with the principal and the guidance counselor. I don’t feel that I could address such sensitive matter in a -- ” 

There is a quick pain that hit her cheeks before she could say the word hallway. She brushed her cheeks and tried to process what just happened. 

She’s sure that counts as an assault – everything is pretty much blur to her. She didn’t see her baby running back to where they are nor does she even process the obscenities being thrown to her. Her brain had turned to a goop by shock.  

The woman, Mrs. Park is a fuming mess – as Yena looks at her with wide eyes, “Trying to act responsible now Ms. Choi.” Mrs. Park scoff. “What kind of responsibility someone like you could teach my child?” 

Mrs Park stabs her finger to the teacher’s chest, “ You. Why would I even let someone like you? Teach my boy?” She gritted her teeth, “What could you teach when you don’t even know who the father of your child is!?”

Yena bit her tongue – that was foul no matter how you look at it. She doesn’t even know where this woman learned about it – well yeah she’s not hiding it but she also doesn’t actively talk about it. For cat’s sake, what she’s teaching is GYM – physical education, and she’s sure that whatever decision she made 10 years ago doesn’t say anything about her teaching skills. 

For someone in her position right now, all Yena can do is stare back – with scorn evident in her eye. If glares can make someone spontaneously combust, the said woman would’ve turned to ash right now. Alas, Yena doesn’t have that power. Staring is all she can do, she can’t fight back even though she knows she can put this woman’s head to the floor. 

“You can’t talk now because you know I’m right!” 

 “Ma’am.” Yena muttered in low tone – bidding her anger underneath it. 

“Don’t try to act like you’re the victim here Ms. Choi. An irresponsible woman like you shouldn’t even be teaching kids-“  

Yena is resigned to accepting her fate of receiving another slap to the face, but her dear beloved puppy of a child won’t let that happen. 

 “You don’t have the right to say that about my Mom!”   


“What a brat – “ 

Fear struck Yena. Yes she’s a scaredy cat – sometimes even afraid of her own shadow – but this is the most amount of fear she ever felt. She quickly embraces her baby in her arms, protecting her from the hands that are about to hit her.  

All Yena could hear at that moment is the pounding of her heart.

“Excuse me. It’s not right to hurt children. If you continue what you are about to do, I would immediately report you for harming a child.” 

It took a while before Yena processed the firm but gentle voice that spoke, awhile for the fear she felt to subside. She looked up to see the parent of one of the kids she’s teaching standing there – holding the arms of the fuming woman.  

“Ms. Lee…” She muttered. 

The angry woman stormed off dragging her little demon while mouthing under her breath that she would withdraw her child from the school.  

“My Duck.” Yena sighed and plopped right onto the floor. She still felt her heart pounding, she stared at the ceiling trying to calm her nerves. Yujin hover over her – gently caressing her cheeks.  “I’m ok. Yujinie – go and find Yul- she might have fallen asleep on a bench somewhere. Go to the lounge after you find her. I’ll meet you there after I talk to Ms. Lee and then we’ll go home.” 

“You sure.”  Yujin playfully pressed Yena’s cheeks making her lips more pronounced much like a duck beak – the yellow tracksuit doesn’t help with that image causing Chaeyeon to try her best to suppress a chuckle. 

Yena nodded, “You’re good pup right, go and look for Yul.” 

The overgrown 3rd grader quickly stood up and ran at full speed, her mother could only shake her head. 

Chaeyeon couldn’t suppress it any longer and let out a hearty laugh.  “Need a hand?”

“Thank you.” Yena looked up to the laughing woman. “Thank you for intervening there, as much as I don’t want to admit it, that scared me.” She laughed nervously. “Are they not done yet?” She eyed the door of the principal’s office. 

Chaeyeon shrugs, “Hyewon can handle that, I need some air.” 

The teacher raised her eyebrows, “You and your partner are doing a fantastic job with Nako but I mostly see her here and rarely you.” 

Chaeyeon failed to understand what Yena meant by partner, “ Ah yeah Hyewon has a lot more space in her schedule than me. Mine is more predictable but it’s harder to ask for leave while she’s pretty much her own boss.” 

Yena opens and closes trying to piece out her scattered thoughts, after that mess small talk is pretty a chore to keep going. Her brain went to her niece, and the two kids that are part of her gym class.  

“I just remember.” She pursed her lips to a smile, “I want to thank your girlfriend, Ms. Kang right? For always taking care of our Yul whenever she goes to visit Nako-chan.”

Chaeyeon choked hearing another person once again think of her and Hyewon – her demon of a bestfriend – as a couple. 

Yena did not notice how Chaeyeon froze, ”I can feel that she has a warm personality underneath that stoic face but I'm not gonna lie – she does scare me when it's PTA.” Yena scratched the back of her nape and turned around to see Chaeyeon gasping. 

“Waah.. Ma’am do you need water? Do you want to go to the clinic? are you ok?” Yena’s mind is in a state of disarray and the gears in her head had yet to turn smoothly.  

“Im ok. Ms. Choi. Just that I want to clarify.” Chaeyeon put her hand on the shorter woman, and stared her down. Yena could feel her heart go into overdrive again – parents are scary. Chaeyeon quickly withdrew her hand after seeing the teacher gulp. 

“M-my bad.” She messes up her hair, “But before any more misunderstandings occur, Hyewon is not my girlfriend. She is my bestfriend.”

Yena cinched her eyes on the waving hand of the taller woman. 

“Ok I know-it's confusing –and uh complicated and there is a really funny story about how we ended up as Nako’s foster parents , but Hyewon and I – we are platonic best buddies who happen to be roommates.” 

“oh.” Yena’s scattered brain matters are slowly coming together, “You’re straight? My bad I should’ve not assumed. ”, yet she came to the wrong conclusion. 

“ T-that’s not it. I’m.“ Chaeyeon is in a state of bewilderment trying to correct the increasing amount of misunderstanding. 

 “Eh.” Poor Yena, her neuron, is still in a state of shock to properly comprehend. 

“Ma’am Listen. Ah-” 


The women turn around to the direction of Sakura. Hyewon, Mrs. Shin and the kids are not far behind. 

“Babe- y’all done?”, Chaeyeon’s eyes lit up and her face softened upon seeing Sakura. 

Yena looks back and forth between Chaeyeon, who in her eyes, looks like she saw her savior. 

“Are you confuse?” Hyewon gently taps the teacher’s shoulder. “Don’t be.” 

“Ms. Kang” Yena smiled. She’s more familiar with her than she is with Chaeyeon. 

“Kang demon, explain it to her!”   

“Don’t tell me?!” Hyewon cackled. 

“Ms. Choi, It's a complicated convoluted story that is better told with tea. In case it was not obvious right now, Saku-chan is her girlfriend not me.”

Yena can only mouth an oh, I think I get it – that screams I’m still confused.    

“Ma, can we invite Jinnie and Yul to the café event this weekend?” Nako popped up behind Hyewon, making Yena want to gush over how cute the kid is. 

“Sure, baby.” Hyewon patted Nako’s head – before discussing to Yena the upcoming event at Eunbi’s café and how to get there.  

Nako squeezed in between the adults, “Teacher Choi. Please can they come this Saturday, please.” 

Yena  couldn’t say no, and she knows she can't. if it's not Nako, it’s her daughter who will ask her with a face of a guilt tripping puppy. 

“Sure Yabuki-ssi, I’ll bring Yujinnie with me as for Yul I’ll need to ask her parents first.” 

“I’ll excuse myself now, Ms. Lee thank you for saving me earlier.” Yena finger gun pointed and wink to Chaeyeon much to the kid’s amusement. It ended up in a short bragging session with the two 5th graders that Yena entertained before continuing on her day. 

 “Yul-ssi, Jinie.” Yena arrives at the faculty lounge.

“Mom! Nako messaged me and asked if” Yujin's face lit up – Yena didn’t understand the garbled words of excitement coming out of her daughter’s mouth. 

“Yah-you brat. You’re still suspended for 2 days. We gotta talk about your behavior, ok.” She playfully pinches her child’s cheeks. 


Yena hugs her daughter tight, people can question her decision – throw insults at her – but she will sure kill those who will harm her daughter. She’s her life joy. 




Hitomi has always been an observant child with deep thoughts. A person of few words if you will – it is a trait she shares with her elegant older sister. 

She’s been trying to rack her brain, asking herself  if not telling her sister about the incidences that lead to this is right. Despite being an 11 year old, Hitomi do sometimes have thoughts that exceed that of the number beside her name. 

She doesn’t want to give her sister anymore trouble. She had already done a lot – back in Japan. A child branded with anger issues of an unstable home. Now with her sister, in a calmer environment, in a place foreign to her, she vowed to be better the best way she can. 

She vowed not to cause anymore trouble. That was rather hard and her earlier days in Korea – she did in fact cause trouble with her sharp tongue that rarely speaks but when it does – it spouts poison. She promised since then she wouldn’t do anything that will cause her sister to be once again invited to school to sort out her trouble. 

Here she is now, looking up to her sister's annoyed face. 

I screwed up again. Is her thought -she pouted and sighed. She hates when her sister gets troubled by her. 

“Hii-chan.” Hitomi felt Nako’s hand holding hers, “It’s ok. It’s not your fault.” 

She wants to believe that, more than the words in her head that says it is your fault. She wants to believe her smile and the gentleness of her touch.

But is it not really her fault? Isn’t it hers after all? For not telling her sister her trouble, for not saying a single thing. These things run around HItomi’s mind. These voices that wont shut up, voices that she wishes to banish. 

She felt her sister’s hand on her back, that is enough to bury the concerns … for now. 


She instinctively hid behind her sister when she heard her name called by the boy who caused the commotion. 

Sakura quickly went on guard. She might’ve let Hyewon handle the talks earlier who made it conclude in an agreeable term. It doesn’t however remove how much she loathes this boy for harming her sister. HItomi can feel that in the way Sakura holds her. 

The boy scratched the back of his head. He knew he screwed up. In a move that will make her mother angry, Hyungwon bowed deeply to Sakura and apologized. 

Sakura is still angry. She won’t deny that the kid is more sensible than his mother.

Mrs. Shin is embarrassed at her child’s action and tries to drag him away. She has enough of embarrassment today and her child bowing deeply is not something she wanted to see. 

The kid has a different idea  and it did shock Hitomi to see him run back to her. He took her hand and put a candy on it. 

“I’m really sorry. This is the only thing I can give. D-don’t hate me.” 

Hitomi is shocked to say the least. 

“You’ll still talk to me right?” 

Hitomi did see the sincerity in his eyes. She patted his shoulder and nodded, “I would – but please don’t hurt me or my friend again.” 

The boy nodded and tried to kiss Hitomi’s cheeks but he was stiff armed to the chest by a  furious Nako. 

“Yah Hyungwon-ssi. Don’t you dare be near Tomi again!!!”

“I won’t. I’m really sorry.” And he ran away blushing. 

Nako wanted to run after him. 

“I’m fine. Nako-yah.” Hitomi hugged her best friend. “I’m good. See.” She smiled. 

“B-but.” Nako wanted to ask Hitomi to throw the candy but before she could say it, Hitomi landed a peck to her cheeks. “Nako-chan the café event. Let’s invite Yul and Yujinnie. You haven’t asked them yet.” 

Hitomi always knows what makes Nako calm down. 

Nako scampered to Hyewon’s side and asked her if they could invite Yul and Yujin over to the said event. 

For a short moment watching her gym teacher boast made her forget the things that lurk inside her head.  It was enough to make her laugh  and enjoy the company of her best friend. 

She walks hand in hand with Nako till they arrive at the car park. They waited for the adults to finish their conversation and after the unending goodbye and teasing - she and her sister are ready to go.

Hitomi struggled to secure her seatbelt. Sakura is quick to help her - but it didn't take that long for Hitomi to notice the seriousness in her older sister's face. It made her gulp and scared. Sakura ruffling her hair didn’t put those feelings at bay.

Both of them are the quiet kind of people that rarely speaks and also very rarely do they talk about emotion.  Hitomi wonders if that is genetic, it’s a word she recently learned. It’s that one thing common between them that tells her that they are indeed blood related. Despite her quiet nature something in her wants her to speak up, ask and seek assurance, but she’s lost and scared.

Hitomi balled her fist to her chest looking outside in silence, trying to comprehend the conflicting feelings in her heart. Waiting for her sister to scold her - waiting for the blame to fall down - in which she is willing to accept every bit of the fault. 

“Why didn’t you tell me?” 

Sakura’s voice is trembling, not in anger - but of worry that is knocking so close to the surface. 

“Don’t you  trust me Hitomi?” 

Hitomi tried to think of it, she hugs herself as she tries to comprehend what she can't, “It’s not that, Onee-chan… I-” 

trust you, trailed off her lips while her emotion slowly, slowly engulfs her being. 

“Then what is it?” Sakura asked, harsher than she intended it to be, because anger and worry are sometimes indistinguishable in words. 

“It’s…” Hitomi’s tears fall down, “I don’t want to burden you. I- I always cause trouble to everyone. to mom and to you.”

Sakura’s heart sank. She regretted the way she asked. Her inexperience showed itself in her clumsy words. No matter how much she thinks that her sister is a mochi cheek baby, Hitomi is no longer a baby. She is a growing child - a sharp one - one who needs guidance but has enough capacity to take in the world. One who tries to protect herself from the world that upto very recently has been harsh to her. 

Hitomi saw her older sister slam her head to the steering after pulling the car to the side. 

Sakura is overwhelmed by emotion. She unbuckled her seatbelt and made her way to the scared and confused child in the backseat. 

“Hitomi, you are not - never a burden to me. understood.” Sakura said firmly, she wipes her sister's tears with her thumb, gently caressing the soft round cheeks that constantly made her think that the sharp tongue child is a baby. 

Hitomi shook her head. “but I am...”

“No you are not. look.”  Sakura hugs the crying child tightly - the world has been harsh to little Hitomi. “Hitomi. No matter what mom told you back then. it’s not true. To me you are not a burden. Hitomi is not a burden. Remember that.” She inhaled the sweet smell of peach - of the scent her sister has paid much attention lately, a reminder of how much her sister grew - but also a reminder of the vulnerable child in her arm. 

Hitomi is her responsibility now, but to Sakura it doesn’t mean the younger is a burden in fact, “Hitomi you are my angel.” The angel that saves the cherry blossom from pits of darkness , the angel that made her make a vow to break the cycle that perpetuates her family. 

“Hitomi, listen to me. I’m the one who should be thankful, you save me. Look at your Oneechan- you save me- you are my angel.”  

Hitomi saw in her sister’s eyes the sincerity that pooled onto her big brown orbs. 

demon child. demon child…

the screams of the past that never let her rest slowly fades and the rings of 

my angel 

started to chime. 

“You are not a burden to your onee-chan, ok. understood.” Sakura gently held Hitomi’s hand, “No matter what happened before, what is important is that we will face our tomorrow together. No matter how hard, together. Together Hiichan.” 

More than anything else Sakura wanted to assure the younger of the future, she stuck her pinky out for a promise urging the younger to do the same. “Promise me, from now on you’ll - tell me things like this. No more hiding. ok. We can’ t face the future together if we hide things from each other. ” 

Hitomi chuckled at how operator-like her sister sounded. The normally articulate Sakura struggles when personal emotion starts to get involved with words. There is nothing Hitomi wants right now but to see the older - her savior - to be smiling. To her there is nothing more beautiful than her Onee-chan smiling, except probably Nako. She wants to keep that one to herself for now. 

Hitomi curled her pinky linking it to that of her older sister. Signing her end of the promise. 

Sakura is happy and relieved - she tried to hide it.  Afraid to look uncool. She messes up the younger’s hair and makes sure to give the younger’s cheek and nose a gentle pinch before making her way back to the driver’s seat. 

Hitomi watches the lean back of the older, a back asking to be her support. No matter how lean it is - it is enough for little HItomi. Enough that the place that is foreign to her starts to feel very much like the mythical home that people most often talk about. It is home to her - because she is here, Sakura is here for her. It is a home made of two. 

Sakura looked ahead to the words on the signs written in an alphabet that is still foreign to her eyes. This is the place she brought her sister after the incident in Tochigi.  This is where they escaped - literally and figuratively- to South Korea - in hopes of re-starting their life for the better.  





Nako doesn’t agree with her punishment, both her and Yujin got that 2 days of suspension. Though none of it will go to their record. She’s salty about it. 

She looks up to her Mama Hyewon, who managed to not go demon mode and instead used her great socializing skill to calm down the parent of the culprit.

Hyewon poked her cheeks and smiled a toothy grin.  

“I still don’t agree with violence - Nako. So for the next two days you will sit with me for some lectures.” Chaeyeon declared as she changed the car gears. 

As much as Nako pouts - Hyewon does acknowledge the need for it, “It’s for your own good, honey.”

Chaeyeon choked, causing the car to rock.

“Aya.. Chaeyeon, be careful driving. If my car got dent I’ll deck you. ” 

“And here I thought you are agreeing with my philosophy.” 

Hyewon rolled her eyes, “I agree that Nako needs lectures, and who better to teach her other than the one who is working in a related field and can you concentrate on driving, we are veering off.”

“Mom - eyes on the road.”  Nako cheekily chimed - much to the relief of the adults. 

Hyewon chuckles to herself at the cuteness that is beside her. She ruffled Nako’shair and checked her arms. Hyewon is not gonna lie - the scratches prick her heart and is causing her anger meter to start ticking upwards again. 

“We're going to need to disinfect this later.”  

“Mama, they are my battle scars.” The young girl flexes her arm as a show of strength much to Hyewon’s amusement and Chaeyeon’s agony - it's hard not to laugh at that. 

Hyewon started tickling the kid, while Chaeyeon tried her best to hold her laughter. She sure is jealous at the tickling party happening at the backseat. “Careful there at the back. Seat Belt, please.” She reminded them. 

Nako snuggled closer to Hyewon, “Mom, are you angry at me for punching them. I know it's bad but-” 

“We are not angry at you - Nakoya.” Hyewon combed the young girl’s hair, “Quite the contrary I'm somewhat proud.” 

“Yah Hyewon-ah. Still not right to punch them.” Chaeyeon huff - she looks up to the mirror that reflects the backseat and sees Nako’s pleading eyes. “I mean - I don't agree with it but -” She made a gesture that was quickly caught by Hyewon. 

“Yeah but sometimes it’s what’s needed.” Hyewon grinned, “There are situations where, as much as you learn today Nako-chan. That a quick punch or kick is better.” 

“Hyewon!” Chayeon groaned. 

“Wah Chaeyeon-ah. You know well - that’s what’s needed. There are situations that call for it. If all things work perfectly then yes in black and white world violence is bad. In a system where our world works sometimes to save oneself or those we love it’s necessary and sometimes called for. Right Nako-chan.” Hyewon winked at Nako, causing the youngest to giggle. 

Hyewon might sound like she is joking but she’s serious. Chaeyeon conceded on that, and the pragmatist won this round. “You know why I’m against it right? In Nako’s  case especially.” 

“I know and I’m with you on that.”  Chaeyeon and  Hyewon both want what is best for Nako, and that includes making sure that Nako fully breaks from the cycle of violence in her life. 

Nako has tuned out of the conversation, humming comfortably in Hyewon’s embrace. Her eyes are knocking close to dreamland - almost, until she catches the tail end of another conversation between the adults. 

“Sakura is asking if we are open for an impromptu dinner get together tonight. Hitomi’s request.” 

“Sakuchan really can’t say no to Hitomi. ” Chaeyeon smiled, “Should we drop by the market and buy ingredients?” 

“Yes!” Nako shot out of her seat, “Let’s go get Hii-chan the best food tonight!” 

“Yes Ma’am.” Chaeyeon giggled, “How about some, Nabe. Motsunabe.” 

“Nabe? Can you cook a good Nabe!? ” Hyewon teased. 

“Wow - Hyewon-ah the no.1 patreon of Chaeyeon’s Homemade Resto has no trust in Chef Lee. That’s not allowed - I’ll show you I can cook one fine motsunabe that you’ll even dream about it.” 

Hyewon laughed, “Ok let me message Eun first.” 

Nako is smiling ear to ear, her eyes sparkled - when she felt the car changed direction and is now heading towards the grocery store. Today might not have started well for her but it sure ended on a high note. 





Note: Sorry this chapter took awhile. I have done most of this after the last one - but my work have left me little time to finish it. Abit of roller coaster here - we get to know Yena and bit of Chaewon. ^-^  

PS: If you are wiz-author, the kangbifam [with me] are hosting a oneshot contest - info on twitter @/kangbiph

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Chapter 3: well...this fic is such a fluffy and really wholesome one i love it <3
Chapter 3: Pure uwu and a little savageness wouldn't hurt
Chapter 3: NO long no see UnU so cute
reigngrey #4
Chapter 3: Unfortunately in real world these situations happened. forutnately, there are people who understands to learn from the lessons of the past. its hard sometimes but we have to move on be a better person hopefully
1761 streak #5
Chapter 3: aww cute update!
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update author-nim >< This is just pure cuteness >< 🥰
violentsushi #7
Chapter 1: omgosh, hiichan is so cute.
Chapter 2: So cute >< my heart... ><
1761 streak #9
Chapter 2: uwu ^^
GraceV13 #10
Chapter 1: So Cute ?