Pancake is the key to the heart

Nako's Home

I added some profile in the front page - to help know their age.



Pancake is the key to the heart


“Nako-chan is there anything you want to eat right now?” Hitomi ask while she looks at her bubblegum flavored popsicle that she held high up the sky.

“Me,hmmm...” Nako mulled over taking a small bite of her mint choco ice cream that the bread lover bought for her. Somewhere in her mind she’s thinking that the later will need to answer to her sister for how quick her allowance was depleted.

“Nako-chan.” Hitomi’s ever gentle prodding made her think about it in all seriousness.

Is there anything she is craving right now, at this moment? Is there anything other than ice cream? She took another taste of the cold sweet delicacy that her tongue always finds delicious.

In that humid summer day, with the gentle but foreboding wind the young Nako-chan think deeply, is there anything she wants to eat? Something she’s craving right now? Aside from ice cream of course.

Warm smiles, laughter, and caring eyes.

“I suddenly want pancakes.” Suddenly Nako is craving for the fluffy jiggly pancake with butter melting over mixing with the sweet syrup haphazardly poured over it and top with strawberry. She can’t help but smile – the image fills her heart.

“Pancake?” Hitomi was shock to hear.

“Yeah, soufflé, the one Mama makes.”  Nako proceed to take another taste of her ice cream. The strong mint flavor was somehow washed by a craving for that sweet fluffy goodness.

“Pancake-ah.” Hitomi whispers, her heart is filled and a smile has spread on her lips



Chaeyeon wake up early, this not new for her but it’s a nudge earlier, 30 minutes earlier. She and her roommate Hyewon has settled something’s last night though there are still a lot they need to settle about.

She sleepily walks out of her room, scratching her head and her tummy. Even if she needs to wake up early she could not get used to it. She yawned only for her eyes to land to the busy figure behind the kitchen counter. Her eyes widened like that of a cat that saw the most appalling food on its bowl.  

“My cat, Chaeyeon! Why do you look like you saw a ghost?”  

“Not a ghost but the rarity of it – it might as well be a ghost.” Chaeyeon pulled a seat in front of her friend who mixing a batter. She looks around to see the kind of disaster that is currently unfolding.

“You should have just let me cook it.” Chaeyeon pulled one of the already cooked abominations of a pancake on a plate. The abomination is an exaggeration the pancake just look sad, a bit burnt and flattened in not pleasant way. It looks like a tire that lost air. “I never saw you burn a pancake before.” Chayeon mockingly pick it up.  

Hyewon rolled her eyes, “ I know you are the better cook between us.” Which is a fact Hyewon can’t deny but, “I’m no slouch either.” Because she’s not helpless in the kitchen. In fact she can cook well enough for herself, but being able to cook and making something delicious is not mutually inclusive.

“So what’s this?” Chaeyeon opened her arms wide to emphasize the storm that has occurred on top of the table. Hyewon on regular occasion is a rather organize person. “Why does it look like you forgot to cook? It’s just a pancake.”

Hyewon gritted her teeth. She’s so-so- close at flinging the whisk at her annoying friend.

“Look I just thought I’ll try something fancy. I look up in the internet…“ Hyewon seems to forget what she wants to say next, she scratches the back of her head. “Ugh – the kid seems to be looking forward to it. So.” Her lips quivered.  

Chaeyeon can’t help but smile. A friend like Hyewon is a one a million or even one in a billion, a rarity that she thanks her star that she has met her.

“You look creepy you know.” Hyewon commented.

Chaeyeon let out a laugh worthy of summoning a hell fire. “Honestly if you want that, you could’ve have ask me, I could’ve cook it myself or give you the recipe.”

“Please.” Hyewon glared at her. “You have a tough assignment today. You’ve been whining about it for a week so go eat and take your shower. Leave this to me.” She added all while focusing on gently folding in the meringue mixture to her egg mixture. “Don’t underestimate me I can manage.”

As much as Chaeyeon would want to friend her stomach had made it known that it’s looking for food.

“Just eat it. It’s not that burnt.” Hyewon pointed on her first attempt, “it looks sad though.”

“Ok, I’ll just wash my face.”

Hyewon watch her friend disappear in the wash room. She continued working on the batter, checking her phone if she missed a step again; making sure the whipped cream is folded gently and didn’t deflate.

She still curious, or rather fascinated, that she accept whatever the hell Chaeyeon planned, fascinated that she’s caring this much.

“Let’s see how it tastes.”

Hyewon was brought down to earth when Chaeyeon emerges back to the table pulling the kinda burnt pancake to close to her. Hyewon threw her a glance before she started filling the piping bag with her batter mix.

“Do you need help?” Chaeyeon ask and Hyewon just ignore her.

Chaeyeon chuckled and started tearing a piece from the pancake. Taking a bite of it and scrutinizing the taste. “It’s not that bad. Burnt part is bitter and it’s a bit bland, there’s something missing. Maybe add a bit of salt.”

“ Yes Ms. Chaeyeon Ramsay.”  Hyewon aggressively tied the piping bag, “Just catdamn eat. A bland pancake won’t kill you.”

Chaeyeon let out a chuckle and pour additional syrup. “Yow it’s not that bad.”

Hyewon rolled her eyes at that but prevented herself for saying anything sarcastic by virtue that there’s a kid sleeping at a makeshift bedroom they hastily put together last night.

Hyewon sighed, when Chaeyeon jumps, she jumps blindly and sometimes rather than being on the cliff to watch her friends foolishness – she will jump with her too. The kind of friendship they have.

Hyewon carefully piped two round fluffy heaping of the batter to the pan satisfied at how they look like the one she watch on the internet. She covers it and this time she noted the time, she’s not gonna let this burn another time.

She sat across the table to Chayeon, finally realizing the kind of mess she made. There are bowls, piping bags, scissors lying around, batter splatters and a neglected cup of coffee. She cover her face with both of her hands. It is a moment Chaeyeon let go on, this is Hyewon’s way of venting. As much as Chaeyeon want to friend she did not instead she finish the remaining pancake of the plate despite it now being too sweet for her tongue.

Hyewon yawned and faced Chayeon once again. “Where is the ki- Nako staying today?”  Hyewon started organizing the mess on the table.

“Oh that. She said she’s fine staying here at home.” Chaeyeon ate the last piece of pancake of her plate and tried reaching out to a neglected cup of coffee.

 Hyewon swatted her hand. Chaeyeon immediately nurses the said hand and look up confuse.

“You’re stupid.” Hyewon facepalmed, “Oh my god, Lee Chaeyeon is an idiot!”

“Wh-what did I do?”

“Are you really serious just leaving her here?” Hyewon pointed down. “And you’re the one who decided to take her in. Are you listening to yourself Lee Chaeyeon?”

Chaeyeon was about to say “but” but she held her tongue in fear of a whisk flying over straight to her face. There is also the fact the one holding the said whisk is an angry Kang Hyewon, and it’s scary when she is angry and ten times scarier when she has a point.

Chaeyeon gulp and admit to her own short sightedness, “I’m sorry. I should’ve thought about it more.”

The good thing about having a Kang Hyewon in your life is that she will at very end prevent you from doing foolish things.

Hyewon sighed, “Think about this more. If you really want to foster her, think about it more. We’re basically going to be her parents.”

Chaeyeon nodded. Hyewon went tor turnaround the pancakes that are currently in the pan, satisfied that this time she didn’t burn the first side. After her short trip she went back to an apologetic but guilty parrot that is Lee Chaeyeon.

“I cancelled some of my morning plans.”

Chaeyeon look up to her.

“If it’s ok to you, I’ll take her to shopping with me, I saw her clothes. Can you even call those clothes? Either way I think they are unfit. I will take her to shop for things that will fit her, also her room.” Hyewon added pointing to the makeshift guest room they have. “You know basic needs and hygiene needs? It will dent my budget but that’s something we need to look into.”

 Chaeyeon is too focused on getting Nako here that she forgot the details.

“Are you listening to me?”

“Yes.” Chaeyeon scratch her head, “About that. We will be getting some assistance it’s not big but it’s something. Also how much do you need?”

“Let’s talk about it later; I’ll pay for it for now.” Hyewon opened her phone and check on her schedule, “I can bring her with me to the studio. What time are you back? You will be late right?”

“I think I’ll be rolling back around midnight.”

“I see.” Hyewon look at the time on her phone, “Shouldn’t you start showering now.”

“Yes Ma’am.”, Chaeyeon saluted and quickly snatch Hyewon’s unattended coffee and one shot it. The coffee is still in the hotter side of lukewarm.  She looks at Hyewon with a wolfish grin, “I’ll be going now!” And she runs away as fast as she could.

“Damn you Lee Chayeon!”

Chaeyeon masterfully evaded a flying wisk. She’s sure they are going to get a noise complaint. What can she do, when it give her fuzzies teasing an annoyed Hyewon in the morning.

Chaeyeon let the water hit her face for awhile savoring the feeling, it’s calming. The thing about taking showers is that it let you think. She threw a glance at the door, or more like to the one behind it. They are still 25 in Korea, internationally Hyewon is 25 and she is 24.Now that she had an evening to think of the thing she drag her friend into, she’s not going to lie she feel guilty.

It maybe surprising to some but not to Chaeyeon the level of commitment Hyewon gives to this whack out plan that now set their life to different course all together. People have always harshly judge the later, saying she looks like she doesn’t give a about the world. That she hates people and couldn’t careless, that she has an air of superiority around her. They are wrong - because behind the seemingly stoic wall is the warmest, friendliest and softest person and also probably the stupidest one she know. Stupid enough to agree to her plan, stupid enough to be her support.

Chaeyeon sighed; it will be a lot going forwards. Becoming parent, fostering a child is a hard task. She’s willing to do her best and she knows Hyewon will too. They are partners, aliens from different spaceship, but found a place on Earth.

Chaeyeon is about done showering when she suddenly heard a crash.  It was so loud she got worried so she grab her towel and run out of the bathroom still wet with towel thrown over.

“What happened!? Are you ok!?”

“Yes I’m ok, I just drop something.” Hyewon’s head pop up from behind the counter.

“Are you sure? Need help.” Chaeyeon worriedly ask.

“Yeah I am”, Hyewon paused for a moment. “Can you atleast wear something before walking out. You know there’s a kid here.” She pointed out to the close door of the guest room. “And we don’t want to set a bad example.”

Chaeyeon laugh – being roommates for so long they’ve gotten used walking in bare minimum. Her laugh was cut short when the door of the guest room creaked open. Her face change from triumphant to scared, she immediately scuffled over to her room.

“Nako-chan.” Hyewon observe the child walk out of the room, rubbing her eyes. “Wait there for a bit I’ll just take out the pancakes.” Hyewon quickly turns around and ignores the mixing bowls scattered on the floor. She took out her second batch of pancake from her new batter and piped in a new pair.

Nako yawned, she observe the woman who was introduce to her last night. She has a soft face and her eyes are like that of a deer’s. Nako is glad the loud noise is not what she thinks it is. She hates loud noise, loud noise is scary – they are nightmares to her young mind.  

“Sorry about that, I kinda trip when I’m trying to bring them to the sink.” Hyewon look to the kitchen utensils scattered over the floor.

Nako like that she’s talking to her as a person not as a kid who doesn’t know anything. She’s seven soon, she counted on her hand. She might not know a lot but she can understand now. She’s not stupid, she is not…

Nako suddenly flinch when she saw Hyewon’s hand going near her shoulder.

“Oh I’m sorry about that.” Hyewon can’t shake of her uneasiness upon seeing a scar and a patched of healing bruise just below the child’s shoulder.

“This shirt is too big for you.” Hyewon pulled the collar of Nako’s shirt over her shoulder once the fear in her eyes disappeared.   The shirt really is big for the kid, it’s an adult size shirt and it almost looks like a dress.

“Let’s get you clean ok.”

“I-ill do it.” Nako blurted in Japanese.

“Sure.” Hyewon nodded and stood up then she felt hand pull her shirt.

“Can you tell me where things are?” Nako asked in a mix of Japanese and Korean.

Thanks anime and Hyewon can understand, though anime is not the only reason.

“Get your clothes and I’ll get you a towel.”  

Nako quickly went back to her room, looking for a suitable pair of shirt from her duffle bag. They are big and she’s somewhat upset. She wants to look good and presentable to these people, to cover her scars, and all she can find is a light blue shirt that somewhat fit but has some holes. She likes it but… she instead took out a red one that is too big for her that doesn’t have holes.

“Nako?” Hyewon gently knocks on the door of the guest room.

“Hai.” Nako opened the door after taking the clothes she needed.

“Let’s go.” Hyewon look around the room, before conversing back to Nako in Japanese. “We’ll get your room some decoration later.”  


“Mine.” Nako reach out to Hyewon’s hand, they are warm and comforting. It makes her feel safe.

Hyewon smiled to her. “Yes yours. This one too, I found it on my closet. I think it will fit you better”.  She gave Nako one of her crop tops.  

She guides the child to the bathroom and pointed her to things she needs to remember. She set up the shower as well as the soap. She’s thankful for Chaeyeon’s habit of taking toothbrush packets from hotels as she can give one of those to Nako as temporary toothbrush.

“Are you fine on your own now?”

Nako nodded.

“Ok, just call me if you need anything.”

Hyewon went back to the kitchen to take out the last batch of pancake, only to see Chaeyeon doing that.

“You’re so gentle with her.”Chaeyeon bring in the third pair of pancakes alongside her coffee to the table.

“That surprises you?” Hyewon started plating, putting in yoghurt to hers with some blueberries and banana on top with syrup drizzle over.

“No.” It’s not really that much of surprise; Hyewon has the personality that takes care of other despite how her face looks otherwise for most people. Witnessing it though – that’s a bit of a different perspective. “I wish I could summon that gentleness in my work.”

“You’re good at your work. It suits you. ” Hyewon hummed while she prepares the last one to come out of the pan and started stacking them on top of strawberry flavored syrup. “It’s just that your work has made you jaded. I would to – it’s hard to turn on gentleness – after you just face the scum of the earth. If it’s me I’ve probably punch them. Yet you still manage to be caring, that’s admirable.”

Social work is hard, social work that deals with children feel’s like torture sometime. Hyewon knows that.

“Eat another helping; you’ll have another of those cases today aren’t you?”

“And you?”

“I only have 2 shoot this afternoon in the studio. I’m probably done by six.”  Hyewon started putting strawberries on top of the pancakes she’s preparing.

“We still have that choco syrup right?” Chaeyeon stood up to fetch the choco syrup, “I hope she likes it.”

Hyewon chuckled, “We’re really acting like her parents.”

She brought over the plated pancakes to their dining table. Chaeyeon took out yoghurt drink and milk out of their fridge that now looks barren.

“We need to do grocery.”

“We also need to take language-” Hyewon replied but before she could finish it Nako opened the door of the bathroom walking out of it like a penguin.

The lilac crop top looks infinitely better to Nako than the five times oversize t-shirt that she is wearing earlier. It looks like a proper t-shirt in her small body. The women invited her over to join them for breakfast. 

The small dining table looks fuller for Chaeyeon and Hyewon. They don’t really eat breakfast and if they do it’s rare they eat together. They have different schedule where as Chaeyeon needs to wake up early and consistently almost the same time, Hyewon wakes up much later with occasional sprinkle of a 2am day.

The photographer and the social worker have no reason make breakfast on a regular day but today they did. It maybe because Hyewon felt she wants to try something new and Chaeyeon was out of necessity still they welcome the change and their little penguin climbing up on her chair with eyes filled with wonder.

Yeah, they went extra mile with the pancakes. Let’s call it a celebratory pancake and they won’t have those pancakes any other way. Chaeyeon drizzle over the choco syrup. Nako’s eyes sparkle enough to melt the adult’s heart.

Nako can’t believe what was in front of her eyes. She never in almost seven years on earth thinks she’ll get a chance to see let alone eat pancakes as fluffy and as fancy as this, strawberry top, drizzle with choco on top of strawberry syrup – to her it’s heaven. She took a bite savoring every bit of it.

Nako’s heart is full and overflowing, it’s not just because it’s the most delicious pancake she had tasted in her life but also because it’s warm and comforting.  She has new shirt that fits and delicious filling meal and most importantly the eyes of those who promise to be her guardian are caring. They are not scary, not angry. She can feel the warmth in their eyes.   

In the short time she was here on earth, she had learned not to trust, to be afraid of people who are suppose to take care of her. She’s afraid and didn’t know if she can trust again but her heart is hopeful. One more bite and the floodgates of her eyes opened.

Nako thinks big girls shouldn’t cry. They get hurt if they do– but she’s crying and maybe its ok, it’s ok now. The hands patting her head are not heavy, she doesn’t feel like they will hurt her, the way she was hurt before. Maybe this time she can, she can trust them.

For the first time in her memory she felt welcomed, she felt at home. In a table with these two crackhead of best friends who love to tease and annoy each other – there is home. In a table that is so unconventional and whack, she felt she had a family. This is more home than the table she remembers – the one that people think represents what a family should look like.

“N-Nako-chan are you ok?”

“Is it not tasty? Don’t force yourself to eat it if it tastes bad.”

“I’ll cook something else.”

 “D-don’t cry. Did we hurt you? Are you hurt? Are you ok?”

Nako shook her head. She’s not hurt just overwhelmed. “It’s delicious. It’s the best.”

She’s not lying it’s the best pancake she tasted in her life and its not just the pancake, their warm smiles, laughter, their caring eyes, the worried voice, and the gentle hands that are wiping her tears, it’s all carve in her memory. That memeory of 5 years ago when she met them. 

In years to come, she would learn that her Chaeyeon Mom is a better cook than her Mama Hyewon. That objectively her pancakes are more delicious but that pancake that her Mama wakes up early to try and make that day. It has a special place in heart. It was five years ago and to this day the best pancake she ever had.




“Chaen, its fine. Don’t rush back. Stay where you are or since you are close to Kkura’s place, take her offer and stay there.” Hyewon instructed Chaeyeon over the phone – the former calling to advice the later that she can’t get home on time. “It’s dangerous.”

“Yeah Chaeyeon, don’t be hard headed. There’s a typhoon stay with Kkura for now.” Eunbi shouted over from her place in couch.

“See my princess said so, follow her.” Hyewon chuckled.

A category 4 typhoon is about to pass by, the wind is already strong and it’s not advisable to brave the storm just to get home.


Two consecutive thunders boomed. It was so loud that even the calm Hyewon freak out a little. Most importantly the she quickly turn her head to Nako who is washing the dishes.

The girl froze. Loud sounds are still her enemy.

“Nako are you ok?” Hyewon went over to the girl, who is spook by the loud sound, “I’ll take over. Go to Eunbi unnie, I’ll finish that honey.”  

Nako shook her head, “I’m good. I’m a big girl.” She grinned.

Hyewon let out a sigh of relief, she ruffled the kids head.  

“What’s it Hye?” Eunbi ask Hyewon who is heading to her direction, the younger sat beside her and put her head over her shoulder.

“Nako is afraid of loud noises.” She whispered.

“Like thunders?”

“Specially thunders, my princess.”

“It’s a trauma. We are trying to make it less so but I don’t think it will fully go.”

Eunbi can feel how much the younger love Nako. She too has fallen for the charm of the younger girl. She’s so adorable, cute and reliable and most importantly she’s the gem to Hyewon’s heart.

She held girlfriend’s hand as she drifts off to a nap. She kisses her temple and let her relax. This place is now her home and this is her family – soon enough it will be official.  

It was deep in the night and everyone is asleep. Hyewon and Eunbi is deep in slumber in Hyewon’s room and Nako in the old guest room that for the last five years had become her own room.

Another loud thunder boomed. The winds are strong and crazy and despite their place being relatively safe it was and still is scary, more so for the now 12 year old Nako. She woke up and the sound of thunder creep to her veins.  She hunkers down in a corner, as flashes of things she hate come back. It’s the pain of yesterday that doesn’t want to go away yet.

“Nako-chan. Baby.”

Nako heard the gentle voice of her mama. She wants to go to her, to run to her yet her body won’t abide by what her brain wants to do.

“Come here.” Hyewon found her in the corner beside her study table, “Everything will be fine.” She gave her a hug yet her body trembles – sometimes it’s hard to escape.

Hyewon hunkered down with her in that corner calming her down. Making sure for each thunder roaring outside the window that little girl know someone is there with her.

“Hye?” her lover called out to her. She gently opened the door to see the mother-daughter in the corner.  

Eunbi help Hyewon carry the scared Nako to their room. “It’s ok, you’re safe you’re with us.”

Hyewon hates it that even today, thunders put the kid in this state of fear, trembling and scared. She hates that she can’t help her daughter to fight her demon. She hates it that she can only watch as they float over her head.

She hums to try quenched the sobs that have fielded the room. She caresses the girls back until her breathing evened. Nako has fallen asleep in Hyewon’s arm.  

“I hate … why?” Hyewon sighed. She couldn’t put to words her thought.

“You hate that you can’t fight for her?” Eunbi chimed.

Hyewon nodded, “I wish I could be better support for her.” Tears started filling her eyes, she puff her cheeks and kiss the temple of the girl in her arms. She positions the child in between her and Eunbi.

“Sometimes I think we failed her.” Hyewon gritted her teeth, frustrated at her own perceived failing.

Eunbi patted her head from across the bed. “Hyewon-ah. You and Chaeyeon have done well enough.”

“You think so?”

“You’ve done much better than a lot of parents so far, a lot better than many people, better what the system will give her. Beyond the necessities, Hye – you two gave her one of the best emotional support a child can get. A lot people don’t have that. You gave her the warmth and love when no one else was stepping for her and I know she’s thankful for that. There are many who won’t do what you and Chaeyeon did. ”

Eunbi lean closer to Hyewon and look straight into her eye’s that are full of doubts. Is there anything she can do to quench those silent tears. She kisses them away and that small gesture made Hyewon’s heart to fill up making her smile.  

“Look there’s not many people in world who would agree to their bestfriend, who one day showed up with a child she wants to foster. Who do that and actively participate in raising a child that’s not even their blood?” Eunbi said in a rather amaze tone, one that Hyewon is very familiar with.

She’s truly amaze, its one story of which parts she had heard out of order. Hyewon is not one to talk about it – she goes in her own stride, in her own pace.  Still is amazing and amusing, two bestfriend deciding together to raise a child that’s not related to them by blood. It’s the very definition of altruism, isn’t it?

“Who would do that?” Hyewon snickered, “A fool.”

“I know such fool.”

“Yeah, the one you fall for.”

“Suit yourself, Kang Hyewon.”

“Am I wrong?”

“No. You’re not wrong. I really fall for that fool. In my defense she’s cute though and has a heart of gold.”

Eunbi look at the face of the woman she fall in love with. She felt this pride swelling in her heart that to all the people in the world this foolish girl was hers. My love.

 “I love you Kang Hyewon.” Eunbi leaned over and planted her lips to the younger; it’s a sweet, a bit tempting, heartwarming and quite awkward with Nako wedge in between them. It made them giggle.

“Me too. I love you my princes.” Now that Hyewon has time to look at her lover in the faint light entering their room – she will not have it any other way. “Nako will be ours, soon… officially... I know me and Chaeyeon will be able to make an arrangement that will work for all of us.” Hyewon kissed Eunbi’s hand specially her ring finger.

“Let’s sleep.” Eunbi fix her position in bed, snuggling closer to the sleeping child.

With silence now filling the room, the winds that ravages outside the window is heard a lot more. That’s summer in Korea for you. It’s just not the sound of the raging storm outside that is amplified so is everything in the room, including the cute grumble of the sleeping child beside her.

“mmm…pancake.mama’s pancake. ” 

She giggled and kisses the child’s temple. Yeah she’ll make that pancake again.


Chaeyeon is still sleepy when she opened her eyes, yet she knows she will not be able to go back to sleep. She yawned turn around and immediately a smile has spread on face. It’s a heartwarming feeling to wake up and watch the sleeping face of the one you love. She brushes away the stray hairs off her lovers face, she giggled to herself.

It’s a wonderful start of the morning despite the rain and gust of wind still heard from the outside.  

Chaeyeon heard clanking noises coming from the kitchen. It reminded her once again she is not at her home but at Sakura’s.  The storm had made her stay here.

She steps out of the room yawning on her way to the kitchen.  She knows exactly who is making the sound. It is Hitomi – who is trying to get the mixing bowls ready.

Chayeon grinned, “Tomi-yah wait for me there.”

The kid nodded. Hitomi rarely says a word – to the point you probably can count them. She’s an adorable child much like her Nako. Her mochi face looks like an annoyed bored cat when she is focusing on something and it’s as equally adorable like. What more is her face when she let out a rare bashful smile with all her teeth showing and eyes missing? That’s enough to stop a heart beating for overdosing in too much sweetness.

“I’m really curious, why you suddenly want to learn how to make pancakes?”



The young girl nodded.

“She said she wants soufflé pancake.” The girl look up to Chaeyeon with hopeful eyes, “I want to make it for her.” She then averted her gaze from the adult.

Chaeyeon swears she saw a blush from the younger girl’s cheeks. In all honesty this is Chaeyeon denying that Hitomi might have a growing crush on her baby Nako.  They’re still babies, right? If only you knew Chaeyeon.

“If its soufflé, I think I know exactly which one she is talking about.” This is the one place Hyewon has beaten her. The battle of pancakes, yes objectively – even to Hyewon - Chaeyeon’s pancakes taste better. But Chaeyeon knows she will not be able to beat the feeling associated with the first pancake.

“What do we need?”

“Let’s see – what we have.” Chaeyeon check the fridge and the pantry for ingredients.  “So we still have enough eggs, milk, sugar, get me flour Hitomi, do we have some vanilla?”

After they gathered or rather raided Sakura’s stash of ingredients the work on making the pancake commence. Chaeyeon is patiently teaching the young Hitomi, the pancake based on the recipe Hyewon discovered from the internet 5 years ago.

Sakura, who just woke up thought the two are heart meltingly cute. She has not seen Hitomi actively participate in cooking other than if its egg related. She admits that she has seemingly lack of patience teaching her own sister than when she is teaching flower arrangement to strangers.

Chaeyeon saw her and invited her over, telling her what they are cooking and cackling about it. They maybe both a better cook than Hyewon, not that Hyewon is a bad cook, but they sure they will never beat her pancake in Nako’s heart. Chaeyeon herself has conceded that. Still they want to help Hitomi make one that she can proudly give to Nako.

As it is weekend, which Chaeyeon is rather thankful for, Hitomi decided to go with her to her place. Sakura is sad that she can’t go with them as she needs to man her shop even if it’s weekend. There are a lot of things she needs to check in the flower shop.

Chaeyeon watches Hitomi in the backseat of her car, anxiously holding the pancake she made. It made her chuckle; it reminds her of the same anxious child who was also in the backseat of her car five years ago. She misses that kid, what’s with getting sent to far place for a seminar for two days and getting a typhoon prevent you from getting back immediately. Thankfully it’s only a drizzle of rain now that the typhoon has passed by overnight.

Chaeyeon stand in front of her door ready to pin the entry number, and once again she has an anxious nervous kid in tow. She opened the door carefully and she was immediately welcomed by a running Nako.


“Chaeyeon-ah have you had breakfast?” Eunbi ask Chaeyeon who is currently pampering Nako.  That kid definitely missed her.

 “Chaen. Too bad you’re not here earlier, we made ourselves pancakes and Nako helped.” Hyewon smugly teased from her seat.   

“PANCAKE!” Hitomi exclaimed. She was trying to hide by the walkway waiting for the right time to hopefully surprise Nako.

“You already had a pancake.” She drops to her knees and tried to wipe the tears starting to pool on her eyes.

Nako run to her and hold her chubby cheeks almost squeezing them in the process, “Mama made them for me. I was craving because you remind me about it. ” She said with eyes so innocent it didn’t hear the heart shattering in front of her.

“b-but…” Hitomi pick up the container. “I made some for you.” Tears started flowing down her cheeks.

Nako kisses the tears on her cheeks away and if there is a visual representation of heart jumping of its cage. Hitomi is sure that her heart will look like a jet pilot ejecting its way out of the cockpit. She froze, and blinks and questions reality.

Nako chuckled and took the container off Hitomi’s hand. “Let’s eat this together then.”

Hitomi nodded.

The adults on the other hand have their hearts turn into melted butter on top of a warm pancake despite the initial confusion of what just happened.

That day – Nako has new favorite pancake, the one Hitomi made. It just might have jump ahead of her Chaeyeon moms pancake, but that’s something she will never admit to her mom about. It will be her little secret.


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Chapter 3: well...this fic is such a fluffy and really wholesome one i love it <3
Chapter 3: Pure uwu and a little savageness wouldn't hurt
Chapter 3: NO long no see UnU so cute
reigngrey #4
Chapter 3: Unfortunately in real world these situations happened. forutnately, there are people who understands to learn from the lessons of the past. its hard sometimes but we have to move on be a better person hopefully
1761 streak #5
Chapter 3: aww cute update!
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update author-nim >< This is just pure cuteness >< 🥰
violentsushi #7
Chapter 1: omgosh, hiichan is so cute.
Chapter 2: So cute >< my heart... ><
1761 streak #9
Chapter 2: uwu ^^
GraceV13 #10
Chapter 1: So Cute ?