Chapter 5

πŸ”₯Fire and FangsπŸ”₯
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"Have you heard of the nine-tails?" Aylin asked closing a book that was in her hands as she stared at the window across from her.

Chanyeol looked at her for a moment and thought about it. When words decided to leave his mouth, he had this feeling inside him that was not so sweet, but bitter. "I thought that was a myth."

A not-so-innocent smile spread across her face as she began to explain her knowledge. "The legend goes way back, a thousand years ago to be exact. At that time they were the strongest and no enemy could stand up to them, and trust me they had many. The leadership was passed from generation to generation, and it usually would be given to the eldest son in the family. "

She turned towards the boy standing only a few feet from her. He was still following her and listening patiently. "If there was no son then it would be given to the eldest cousin in the family, the point is that the male always had to be a leader. Females were respected and protected, they were the healers and some were warriors as well. It was said that they were stronger than men and much more useful for them, there was not a wound they couldn't heal. All in all, they all lived in harmony until one day that harmony turned into a nightmare. One of them let in the enemy."

Aylin said and paused for a minute. She let the knowledge sink in before she continued. It was a lot of information to be told. She sighed turned away from him and walked to the desk that was closest to the bookshelf and slowly ran her fingertips through the spine per book finding her the next one to read.

With his curiosity filling his head, Chanyeol could only ask one question that was accurate for this situation. "How did that happen?"

"It was said that one of the females fell in love, now that wouldn't be the problem, but she fell in love with the wrong person. He belonged to the Shadows. ​​​​​​The very same enemies you guys are fighting right now, but here's the catch. She gave birth and that creature was something else. You couldn't destroy itΒ easily and the strength it had can't be compared to anything you have seen or experienced. The pack at that time thought about ways how to destroy it or at least lock it up because it was a threat to all of them, and one of them came up with a plan. That plan required a sacrifice."

Chanyeol held his breath, holding it in as he continued to listen.

"A sacrifice of a person who was very close to him and that was his own mother. It was a difficult choice to make but they had no other option. At first, it was supposed to be a secret but soon enough they found out so they hid the creature's mother. His father declared war and the fight began soon. Many of the pack members got killed but so did the members of the opposite side. Finally, they found her and killed her." Aylin found the book she was looking for and grabbed it from the shelf.

"Her son was very close to his mother and at the time of her killing he became weak, so they locked him up. To this day nobody knows where he is, or if he is alive. Nobody dares to ask and that's why many think it's just a myth but it's not. The enemies you guys are fighting are connected to him and his father. His father promised that he will destroy everyone in his path and he will have no mercy. Sadly he has allies." She sighed.

Aylin stopped for a moment and opened the book and skimmed through it like a fast reading skill and turned the page.

Chanyeol let out the breath he had been holding and slowly began to breathe as a normal human would. Inhaling and exhaling. He didn't want to ask his next question but did anyways. "Who?"

"Nine-tails." She replied not looking away from the book and turned the page again.

"You mean?" He blinked a few times with his heart racing.

"Yes, the ones we are talking about, the very one you met that night... but it doesn't mean that she is a part of it, otherwise you would be dead. I fear there is more to the story.. as for the pendant.. after the battle was over it was ordered to give all of the females a pendant, each is different and has a different meaning, it was given to them according to their personality. The one you have is love and healing."

She shut the bo

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Chapter 3: ahh the end ! I wanted to know the legend tonight but don't have enough energy to read the following chapter tonight due to a flu given by my generous son ! will be patient in my sleep, it's easy that way :p
Chapter 2: Are the monsters the same as Chul ? I wonder what is their goal for now, they kind of implied that they didn't people who were innocent despite being rude to the hybrids.

Are they wizards like "Xiumin"?

Her necklace is very particular and interact in a mysterious way.
I hope they will encounter again in the next chapter!
Chapter 1: It starts right into action! A lot of mysteries! The description of Chul made me think of doctor Jekyll and mister Hide even if I don't know what is he doing as a monster yet ^^.

So the unknown hurted man as the capacity to boost her power or maybe the fact they are together provoke that effect.

I like it so far. Will read more when I will finish cleaning the house!
I like very much when there is a whole presentation of the story and characters. The fact to add their affiliated stone and signification put us in the universe even before starting reading the first chapter. Great job.
Chapter 24: The ending was lovely! Jooeun is so lucky to have Chanyeol, they are such a sweet couple. πŸ₯°
And finally there is no war or hate between hybrids and nine tails. Jooeun is an amazing leader, I am sure she will do lot of good work.
I am sad that this story is over, it was fun to read, I especially liked Jooeun how caring, sweet and nice she was.
Thank you for writing this story πŸ˜„πŸ₯°
Chapter 23: Finally Jooeun woke up! And Chanyeol being protective of her was very sweet :)
We got answers to all of the questions, thankfully the battle ended well, Adolphus is destroyed and Jooeun can live with Chanyeol in peace.