
Under our Hopeful Gaze
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Thank you so much to those who subscribed, voted, and commented!! I really can’t express my happiness in words, they really motivated me to write! 

This chapter took me a while to write, it's longer than I thought too, but, anyway, enjoy ><


Eunbi gave Minju the silent treatment on their way home. Eunbi was driving so the younger sibling understood if the exchange in conversation were close to none, but the air was noticeably heavy, and Minju was slightly scared.


“Have you eaten?” Eunbi asked, breaking the thick silence as she slipped out of her sneakers. Her back still facing Minju, but she could easily guess the older’s expression.




"I cooked something, it's on the table."


"Unnie..." Minju threaded carefully. Eunbi can get quite scary when she's angry, and she is unquestionably mad even though her voice doesn't show it. "...I'm sorry."


The older sister turned around and let out a heavy sigh. "You know how dangerous that was right? I was really worried. I couldn't even reach you. What if something happened?" Her voice raised with every sentence. Minju flinched.


Minju's head was low, her eyes closed, trying to prevent any tears from escaping her eyes. After a long pause, she felt two pair of arms hugging her close. 


"Please don't do that again..." Eunbi sighed, as she comfortingly the back of Minju's head. "I... don't want to lose you too." 


Minju silently nodded into the crook of her older sister's neck, her hands tightly gripping onto the other's sleeves. Eunbi's scent calms her. 


Eunbi hugged Minju tighter before letting go. She then cupped the younger's head, her thumbs wiping the traces of dried tears on Minju's cheeks.


"Crybaby," Eunbi let out a light laugh.


Minju pouted. She wanted to retort that it was Eunbi's fault for scaring her but she held it in, cause it's technically her fault too.


"Shall we eat?" Eunbi asked, in a lighter tone than before. 


Minju nodded, smiling. 



Minju laid face down her bed, exhaustion started to catch up to her. 


This wasn’t how she thought her day would end when she left her house this morning. The feeling of depression when she stepped inside her class. The happiness and nervousness of sitting beside her idol. The air of hopelessness when she stepped out of the bus. 


Thankfully the convenience store was not a creepy one. The cashier was nice, she lent her phone with no problem. 


Minju felt bad so she bought a small carton of drink. She sat outside, sipping her drink as she waited for Eunbi. Her head was full of thoughts of Chaewon. She examined the piece of paper once again. 


Minju was conflicted. She wants to be happy but she hates the expectation, especially when the probability of it being true is astronomically low. 


Minju sat up on her bed and searched for the paper in her pocket, frowning as she felt the texture over her skin.


Well, might as well just text and ask. Minju would rather get this feeling sorted first, it's better than expecting nothing.


So Minju saved the number, with the initials KCW as the contact name. 


Minju anxiously bit her lips before typing her first message.




That should do. Minju left her phone to charge and decided to call it a day. But, she can't. Usually, she would listen to her idol's ballad songs if she can't sleep. However, after what happened, she didn’t feel like it. Therefore she went for her second course of option.


Minju went to Eunbi’s room. She opened her door. It’s dark, Eunbi was lying on her bed. “Unnie… Can I sleep with you?”


“Sure,” Eunbi said half-awake as she moved nearer to the edge, creating more space for Minju. 


Minju grinned and quickly slipped under Eunbi’s blanket. 


"Can't sleep?" Eunbi asked, her eyes closed. 


"Un," Minju nodded, pouting.


Eunbi slowly moved closer to Minju and let her arm enveloping the younger. Her hand the back of Minju's head in a slow rhythmic pattern. 


Minju beamed in content, as she snuggled closer under her sister's chin. She inhaled Eunbi's relaxing scent again. They share the same detergent but Minju is amazed how different it is every time.


Minjus slept comfortably that night, with Eunbi's arm around her. 



Minju was in a foul mood. This morning just before going off her daily schedule of attending her university, she saw her older sister talking with her girlfriend on the phone. It churned her stomach whenever she heard Eunbi laughs at whatever jokes the owner of the voice behind the phone makes. It wasn’t even that funny anyway, Minju assumed. She wanted to talk more with Eunbi that morning too. 


Her breakfast ended with a bad taste in . Currently, it’s lunch, and Minju still felt the same unpleasant taste in .


“You… siscon,” Yuri deadpanned. Minju quickly shot her down with a loud no while proceeding to cough out her bread, her face beat red. “So, what happened yesterday by the way? Eunbi unnie called me asking where you were. She sounded really worried.” 


Minju’s eyes narrowed. “...I’m not.”


“Not what?” Yuri paused, recalling what she said in the previous few lines. “Oh, yeah yeah sure. Anyway, my question.”


Minju pouted. She took a deep breath to calm herself before answering. “Nothing much… I just got into the wrong bus.” Minju summarized the same story she shared with Eunbi yesterday, but in this version, she included Chaewon. One reason being Yuri is also a fan, and the other is Minju desperately wants someone to relate to. 


Minju wouldn't dare saying she purposefully boarded the wrong bus to follow her favourite idol in the heat of the moment to Eunbi. Minju shuddered, thinking on the what ifs.


“Whoa seriously? That Kim Chaewon?” Yuri nearly shouted, her hand clasped lightly over . Minju enthusiastically nodded, mirroring Yuri’s gesture but with both hands. Suddenly her mood is significantly better, never hurts this much from smiling in a while. “You were really into her back in high school… wow,” Yuri continued. “And her number? Holy– You sure it’s her number?” 


“...I don’t know. I tried texting last night. It wasn’t read yet.”


“What if it’s her?” Yuri asked excitedly. 


Minju paused before replying, “I really don’t think it’s her...” 


Minju shouldn’t dwell too much on false expectations, is what she keeps repeating to herself. If it’s highly unexpected, then it must not be true.


“I mean, those initials and that handwriting. I’m definitely sure of it!”


“But why though...” 


“Minju please, have more confidence!” Unlike her, Yuri is a complete optimist. Their personality is different in that regard, which is why Minju is glad they’re friends. She makes up for what Minju lacks. “Oh, speak of the devil. Isn’t that her?” Yuri pointed.


Minju swiftly glanced over her shoulder and sure enough, she saw Chaewon in a distance, just beside the cafeteria counter. She’s not alone though.


“Hitomi’s with her,” Yuri mentioned. 


If Minju remembers correctly, Hitomi is well acquainted with her friend as they’re both from the performing arts major. 


“They look close,” Minju said as she saw Chaewon’s arm dangling over Hitomi’s shoulders. 


A little too close. 


“I heard they’re childhood friends.” 


Minju frowned. The foul taste returned to again. She shook her head. She doesn’t even know Chaewon anyway, and vice versa. She shouldn’t feel this way. 


“Oh, Hitomi is looking at us. Hiichan~!” Yuri energetically waved her arms at the aforementioned person. Since when they were this close? Minju pouted. Hitomi waved back, making Chaewon facing them as well. 


Minju and Chaewon locked their eyes for the first time that day.


Chaewon turned her head away, in haste, Minju might add. At least that was how it seemed to her. She then pulled Hitomi away, leaving the cafeteria. Despite how uncomfortable Minju was with their proximity, she can’t help but be intrigued by the singer’s flustered act.


Snap out of it Minju. She doesn’t know you.


That’s right. 


Minju let out a sigh.


“Honestly, I thought Chaewon sunbaenim would be under Performing Arts as well,” Yuri began, as she carried on eating her lunch. 


“What major is she?” Minju asked, for the sake of continuing their conversation, and not because she’s curious. Nope, not one bit.




Minju hummed, the image of Chaewon in a formal office attire crossed her mind. “That’s hot.” 


“I know right.” 


The two went on with their small talks here and there, topics on school works and how they’re doing in their respective courses. Yuri's been killing it apparently. She kept mentioning how her vocal technique improved considerably and Minju is absolutely happy for her. She knows how much Yuri loves singing. She attended various auditions when they were in high school, and she managed to land on an agency. Minju smiled as she remembered the joy in Yuri’s tear-filled eyes when she received the green light from her current company.


However, popularity is a different matter. The young singer is still a trainee, but Minju knows she’s working harder than anyone. People who passionately reach for their dreams, Minju felt a tinge of jealousy clouded her thoughts. Nevertheless, she wishes her adorable friend the utmost best. 


Minju huffed in an attempt to encourage herself. She should do better as well.


“Kim Minju… sunbaenim,” an unknown voice was heard beside Minju. She saw Yuri’s mouth gaped in surprise before turning to face the new intruder.




Minju does not recognize her.


“Ahn Yujin.”


“Oh,” nevermind, Minju definitely heard that name. She doesn’t know her personally though, but she heard there was a freshman that was famous for being the star athlete in their university. Not only that, but Yuri has also been mentioning how talented the girl is. The talent show exhibiting her vocals and dances were phenomenal, Yuri once said. 


There were also rumours on how entertainment agencies have been eying on her since then. No wonder her friend is now gaping at the sight. Minju just realised this but her university sure attracts a handful of celebrity names.


The cafeteria went noticeably quiet. There were still noises in the background but to Minju, it was deafeningly quiet for a cafeteria during this peak hour. 


Minju felt eyes were on them, Yujin’s appearance made the audience head turn. The table beside them for one was observing the scene as if they had popcorns in front of them. That person with duck lips especially, she didn’t even make an effort to hide it. 


Minju didn’t like the attention, she’d rather be one of the audience.


“Um...” Minju quickly focused her attention back to the fr

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Chapter 5: I can't believe there's no next chapter, I'm gonna start crying
undrcovragnt #2
Chapter 5: brooo don't leave us hanging huhu
Chapter 3: 2kim!!!
Kailoverexol #4
Chapter 5: Fluff↑↑↑

2kim ↑↑↑

Author kkrthy nim ↑↑↑

2kim teasing each other ↑↑↑

Minjoo’s state breaking my heart (  ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ _ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀  )

So I can’t wait Author nimmmm~~
Kailoverexol #5
Chapter 4: Every chapter is beautifully sad a bit
2kim moments ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )
Kailoverexol #6
Chapter 3: Soooo much UwU
Thanxxxxxx kkrathy chan~
Kailoverexol #7
Chapter 1: UwU
Chapter 5: ahh this chapter is full of fluff even with little chaewon internal struggle
i just hope for the next chapter won't be some paparazzi invading minjoo privacy with their date news being the headline
Chapter 5: Great chapter, i really like it when 2kim tease each other. That's how chaewon falling in love to minjoo. I'm curious if anyone recognized chaewon during tbeir amusement park date. I afraid the angst will be coming soon. Can't wait for next chapter
crunchous #10
Chapter 5: so that's how chaewon fell for minjoo.. i agree with you the teasing part is one of my favorite too! they're so cute uwu and amusement park date!!!!!

thank you for this chapter author nim