Transfer Students

Perfect Mess
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Morning came as the rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations. The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze. The just risen sun seeped through the room as tiny specks of dust seemed to dance in the shaft of morning sunlight that slanted through the small holes of the thick window curtain.

Suddenly, there was a three times light knock on the door. The sleeping figure shifted her sleeping position. Minutes passed, another knock was heard but this time with a loud bang. She covered herself with her blanket and went back to sleep. Keys shuffle from the other side as the door is being unlocked.

“GET UP!” a tall, tanned skin, young lady wearing a school uniform barged in and grabs the blanket pulling it away from the bed as the figure shivered and curled into a human ball.

Groaning she took out something from the wooden toy chest and it turns out to be a nerf super soaker hydro canon, “You won’t get up? Okay then.” She went to the bathroom loaded the gun with water after that she went back and aims it towards her face. “KIM TAEYEON GET UP OR I’LL SHOOT!” The latter ignored her still in her dreamland.

“ONE” She stood up to 5 feet away. “TWO” the figure shifted facing away from her as she covered her head with a pillow, “I warned you.” She pulled the trigger as water travels at the speed of light, aiming it towards the pillow where the head is, then to the back down to the legs. The former imitates an evil laugh, “Rise Kim Taeyeon! RISE FROM THY SLUMBER!”

“KWON YURI YOU’RE SO GONNA GET IT FROM ME!” Soaking wet, she roused up from bed and ran towards her. “COME HERE!” the other girl instantly dropped the toy and ran outside of the room then down to the living room.

“Kim Taeng go shower and dress up! I still have one person to wake.” She went out of the place and shut the door right before taeyeon’s face. She fell on the floor when her nose got hit by the door.

“YAH!” she held it tight as she groans. Maids quickly came to her aid and help her get up but she pushed them away. She gently rubs the side of her nose as she went upstairs getting ready for school.

On the other hand, the young maid smirked witnessing the whole thing, “Serves you right.” She laughed.


School. After 2 months, being trapped in the prison, I mean the study room, sorry about that harabeoji, I finally went back to school thanks to Yuri who woke me up in a not so gentle way. I’m a senior at the Choong Ang High School, a top achiever of academics and arts in the whole school and a three row class president. Using the lessons I have studied, I used it as an advantage to make it through where I am today.

“Stop the car” the car puts to a halt as the security, that’s in the van from behind, also stopped and went out standing into position. As the driver opened the door, I sighed as I went out of the car. There are six body guards in position and two standing near the car, a total of 8 bodyguards are with me in my first day of school.

I scoffed, “Typical mom.” Mom never lets me leave without a bodyguard. The security is tight ever since dad received death threats about our family. I’d prefer much to be killed rather suffer in this world thank you very much.

“Taeyeon sshi, president kim strictly ordered us to be on guard for the whole class. Hope you understand.” I rolled my eyes as I turned to the man speaking, “Don’t tell me you’d follow me around the school for the 8 hours?”

“We can’t that’s why president kim brought my sister along to look after you.” He bowed as he took off his shades and averted his gaze. Behind me, I heard the door from the van opened. Turning around, I saw Hwang Miyoung went out wearing the same uniform as I do carrying a Louis Vuitton backpack.

My mouth went agape when she fla

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ITS MY STORY'S FIRST ANNIVERSARY WOHOO! Should I make a season 2 out of it? If I do make one, what things are needed for improvement? Tell me your thoughts on the comment section :D FOR NEW READERS, Dont skip some chapters because you'll end up getting confused lol.


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163 streak #1
Chapter 41: Great story author-nim!!!
Chapter 41: It finish already...fuhhhh finaly it taeyeon birthday...Happy Birthday King Taeyeon
mocihanbin #3
Sounds great!
Chapter 39: It getting excited..what will happen to them
soaenyyy #5
Chapter 38: Wahhhh author-nim I'm new hear and in 3 days and I'm already here please upload author I'll wait🥺
Chapter 36: What happen to taeyeon in both world...hope notting bad happen
Chapter 35: Why she run or myb she back to her world :(
Chapter 33: Yess fany always with tae
Chapter 32: Excited for next...what happen
Chapter 31: Miss my taeny