Blast from the Past

Perfect Mess
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The night was a special kind of blackness, the kind that wants only to hold the stars and help them to shine all the brighter. Upon this Christmas season, amid the cold air, a white s-class Mercedes parked in front of the entrance as one of the main services opens the backdoor of the car, revealing two elegant and classy ladies coming out of the car. The chauffeur handed over the car keys to the valet as he and the other man followed behind the two ladies who just went inside.

“Who would’ve thought Seoul changed a lot over the past 5 years.” The girl wearing a green long sleeve dress remarked. The latter beside her just hummed in response.

They arrived 5 minutes late as one of the restaurant staff bowed and proceeds in showing them the way to their table. When the staff was about to knock on the door, the lady wearing a beautiful burgundy long dress motioned the staff to halt and leave them be. The staff complied as he went back to his post.

The former hesitates for a moment as she looks so nervous to face the person behind this door. The young latter pats her on her shoulder and asked, “Are you going to open it or not?”

“Give me a sec” she mustered up her courage and took a deep breath, “Mr. Yang you open it.” She said while crossing her arms.

“Bwoya, you’re acting as if there’s a monster behind that door.” She jokingly pushed the former as Mr. Yang proceeds to knock on the door before opening it. The latter wore a big smile and greeted them, “Unniee sorry we’re late, we got stuck in traffic.”

“Finally you’re here!” Jessica exclaimed.

The former, composed herself as she smiled towards Jessica then to the person beside her, “Annyeong Taeyeon ah. Long time no see.” Taeyeon who’s still in a state of shock stood up from her seat and slowly approached the two figures. The two looked at each other as Taeyeon stood in front of them.


“Well, I didn’t quite expect you’d transfer to our school but judging by the fact that Tiffany is your ‘young master’, part of me understands why you were there.”

“Mhm I see so what are you trying to say?” At that moment, I feel like my mind went completely black and my vision disappeared. The next thing happened, I am hugging two tall strangers and my eyes are completely wet. It’s like I just cried. I suddenly realize I'm still hugging them and quickly detached myself as I turned away while wiping the tears off my face.

“Here,” A familiar voice spoke from behind.

Slowly, I turn around and saw a handkerchief being offered to me, “I’m okay,” I looked up and saw the person Jessica was referring to earlier, “Oh?” I paused, “Kwon Yuri?” then I look to the person beside her, “Im Yoona?” They looked at each other and their faces clearly show how puzzled they are.

“Unnie are you really okay?” Yoona asked after approaching me.

Jessica steps into between the conversations and asks us to take our seats, “Before we go to the main topic of our discussion, Taeyeon this is Kwon Yuri and Im Yoona from this world.” I scanned yuri intensely from the way she talks to the way she acts. I can’t tell if they’re the same or different. As for Yoona, I can straightly tell she’s the same as my Yoona.

“Nice to finally meet you two, I’m guessing you already know who I am so I hope we’ll get along in the future.” I smiled and offered a handshake to yuri then to Yoona.

“Yoona ah gwenchana?” Jessica asked in full concern.

“I’m okay.” She looks at me, “So you don’t have an idea who we are?” she asked.

“I know who you guys are but your other personal information?” I shook my head. Yoona nods and sighed. I can feel the tension is getting higher in this room. I was about to speak up when Yuri, who’s sitting in front of me, broke the silence first.

“Just because we’re not the ones you knew doesn’t mean we can’t be friends right? Please, treat us just as how you treat them too.”

“Why not?” I said with a half-smile, “Tell me about yourselves.”

“This will be a very long story. Are you up for it?”

“We’re already here so why not?” the door suddenly open as four waiters entered and politely placed the first meal course an amuse-bouche specifically chosen by the chef, Caprese bites with basil vinaigrette and excused themselves after serving them with White sangria.

“We can’t completely have wine tonight, we’re all underage and Yoona is 16,” Jessica said reading our minds or at least mine.

“Can’t we just skip to the main course? I’m hungry,” said the youngest among us. Typical Yoona.

“Yoona, Taeyeon, and I have been friends ever since we were kids. We used to live in a small village named Guryong village. I’m guessing that place is already gone?” she turns to Jessica as she nods, “Life after we got separated, went downhill. My parents died, my brother is in prison right now and the reason why we’re here is that they’ll let him out tomorrow after seven years.”

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ITS MY STORY'S FIRST ANNIVERSARY WOHOO! Should I make a season 2 out of it? If I do make one, what things are needed for improvement? Tell me your thoughts on the comment section :D FOR NEW READERS, Dont skip some chapters because you'll end up getting confused lol.


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163 streak #1
Chapter 41: Great story author-nim!!!
Chapter 41: It finish already...fuhhhh finaly it taeyeon birthday...Happy Birthday King Taeyeon
mocihanbin #3
Sounds great!
Chapter 39: It getting excited..what will happen to them
soaenyyy #5
Chapter 38: Wahhhh author-nim I'm new hear and in 3 days and I'm already here please upload author I'll wait🥺
Chapter 36: What happen to taeyeon in both world...hope notting bad happen
Chapter 35: Why she run or myb she back to her world :(
Chapter 33: Yess fany always with tae
Chapter 32: Excited for next...what happen
Chapter 31: Miss my taeny