
Burning Love
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A/N: Hi, guys! Here's the next chapter! It's a bit short. Because it was only supposed to be the first part/scene in the next chapter, but it became longer than I expected, so I'm just making it a chapter on its own. xD

It had taken a while for Yesung shake Kyuhyun from the stupor that followed Yesung’s offer to bring Kyuhyun to the dragon realm. And when he finally succeeded, Kyuhyun—well, Kyuhyun basically went insane.

“What?! Go with you?! Go with you to the dragon realm?! Have you gone insane?!” Kyuhyun was asking about Yesung’s sanity, but with the way that he was shouting, flailing his arms around, and pacing around his living room like a mad man, it was more of Kyuhyun being the one insane instead. 

Yesung just stayed silent as his rider continued his rant.

“I can’t just go with you! I don’t really even know you! And what if ieverything you’ve ever told me was just some made up story from your twisted imagination?! What if you’re really a psycho?! I would be nuts to just run off to who-knows-where with a potential psycho!”

Yesung had to interrupt at that point. “I am not a lunatic. You said that you wanted better proof to convince you of dragons’ existence. What better proof is there than for you to see the dragon realm in all of its glory? And you can meet my fellow dragons.”

Yeah, and that just made Kyuhyun feel sooo much better. As if he wanted nothing more than to be surrounded by gigantic fire-breathing lizards! (Even though Yesung would protest that dragons are not lizards.) But wait—why was he even considering being surrounded by dragons? He won’t be surrounded by whatsoever mythical creatures because dragons didn’t exist.

“First off, there’s nothing to go to because the ‘dragon realm’ doesn’t exist—”

“The point of going is to prove to you that it exists!”

But Kyuhyun just continued as though Yesung hadn’t interrupted. “—Second, I’m not going to be traversing anywhere with a potential lunatic—”

“I am not a lunatic!” Yesung insisted. ‘Though you might be’, the dragon added in his thoughts. He had the sense not voice this out to Kyuhyun right now, though.

“And most importantly, I can’t just leave! I have a life here! Responsibilities!”

Yesung raised his eyebrow. “Responsibilities? You spend most of your time just holed up in this apartment. Playing your ‘video games’, I assume.”

Kyuhyun glared at him. “Video games are very important, I’ll have you know! Besides, I wasn’t just talking about my games! I’m attending university! I have classes to show up to and requirements to submit! And what about my family and friends, huh? You might not have anything tying you down from going after your crazy delusions, but like I said, I have a life here.”

Yesung did not reply right away. He scanned Kyuhyun up and down, studying his rider. Then, suddenly, he locked his eyes with Kyuhyun’s, the dragon’s gaze intense and probing. “And how much do you actually enjoy that ‘life’?”

Kyuhyun’s mouth opened, but no words came out.

And Yesung knew then that his words had struck home. 

“Quite a lot,” Kyuhyun managed to say after a while, though his tone was off. “My life is quite enjoyable, thank you.”

“Do you even find any fulfillment in your current life?”

Because Yesung had not been exaggerating at all when he had said earlier that Kyuhyun was just cooped up most of the time in his apartment. He had been following and observing his rider all week, and the only time that Kyuhyun really left his apartment was to go to the university. Then, when Kyuhyun was at the university, he seemed to Yesung as though his heart wasn’t really in it. Through some of the classrooms’ windows, Yesung had observed that Kyuhyun often had a bored expression during his classes. And when on breaks between his classes, Kyuhyun did not really interact with his peers. Kyuhyun kept mostly to himself, playing with his PSP. 

As Yesung had observed hi

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401 streak #1
Chapter 7: Babe! Where's the nasty surprise? T^T
401 streak #2
I just noticed the tags : mpreg (?)

Who's gonna be the one? (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪

Eniwei, are you still here? Not gonna update this? (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
401 streak #3
Chapter 7: reread this, I miss my Sungie as a dragon >___<
Chapter 7: Oh boy Kyuhyun's in for a ride. HAHAHA
Will wait for updates <3
Chapter 6: Kinda feeling sorry for Kyu's neighbors because they had to put up with KyuSung telling for days at ungodly hours lmao
Chapter 5: Yeah no, you're not going back, Kyu
Chapter 1: Sounds like them alright HAHAGAHA
vpurple #9
Chapter 7: i love this story so much already!! i hope you come back to it soon! thank you for writing!! <3
vpurple #10
Chapter 7: i love this story so much already!! i hope you come back to it soon! thank you for writing!! <3